94 research outputs found

    Modeling sea level changes and geodetic variations by glacial isostasy: the improved SELEN code

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    We describe the basic features of SELEN, an open source Fortran 90 program for the numerical solution of the so-called "Sea Level Equation" for a spherical, layered, non-rotating Earth with Maxwell viscoelastic rheology. The Sea Level Equation was introduced in the 70s to model the sea level variations in response to the melting of late-Pleistocene ice-sheets, but it can be also employed for predictions of geodetic quantities such as vertical and horizontal surface displacements and gravity variations on a global and a regional scale. SELEN (acronym of SEa Level EquatioN solver) is particularly oriented to scientists at their first approach to the glacial isostatic adjustment problem and, according to our experience, it can be successfully used in teaching. The current release (2.9) considerably improves the previous versions of the code in terms of computational efficiency, portability and versatility. In this paper we describe the essentials of the theory behind the Sea Level Equation, the purposes of SELEN and its implementation, and we provide practical guidelines for the use of the program. Various examples showing how SELEN can be configured to solve geodynamical problems involving past and present sea level changes and current geodetic variations are also presented and discussed

    SELEN 4 (SELEN version 4.0): a Fortran program for solving the gravitationally and topographically self-consistent sea-level equation in glacial isostatic adjustment modeling

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    Abstract. We present SELEN4 (SealEveL EquatioN solver), an open-source program written in Fortran 90 that simulates the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) process in response to the melting of the Late Pleistocene ice sheets. Using a pseudo-spectral approach complemented by a spatial discretization on an icosahedron-based spherical geodesic grid, SELEN4 solves a generalized sea-level equation (SLE) for a spherically symmetric Earth with linear viscoelastic rheology, taking the migration of the shorelines and the rotational feedback on sea level into account. The approach is gravitationally and topographically self-consistent, since it considers the gravitational interactions between the solid Earth, the cryosphere, and the oceans, and it accounts for the evolution of the Earth's topography in response to changes in sea level. The SELEN4 program can be employed to study a broad range of geophysical effects of GIA, including past relative sea-level variations induced by the melting of the Late Pleistocene ice sheets, the time evolution of paleogeography and of the ocean function since the Last Glacial Maximum, the history of the Earth's rotational variations, present-day geodetic signals observed by Global Navigation Satellite Systems, and gravity field variations detected by satellite gravity missions like GRACE (the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment). The "GIA fingerprints" constitute a standard output of SELEN4. Along with the source code, we provide a supplementary document with a full account of the theory, some numerical results obtained from a standard run, and a user guide. Originally, the SELEN program was conceived by Giorgio Spada (GS) in 2005 as a tool for students eager to learn about GIA, and it has been the first SLE solver made available to the community

    Glacial isostatic adjustment in the northern adriatic region: estimates of the contribution from the Alpine ice sheet

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    The present-day sea-level variations and vertical movements in the northern Adriatic Sea and in the highly vulnerable Venetian Lagoon result from a number of simultaneously operating contributions. These include Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), the global, long-term process arising from interactions between the cryosphere, the solid Earth and the oceans in response to the melting of continental ice sheets. Although the GIA contribution in northern Adriatic Sea has been the subject of various investigations so far, significant uncertainties still exist, especially related to the extent and chronology of the Wurm Alpine ice sheet and to the rheological profile of the mantle. Here, taking advantage of the recent publication of updated deglaciation chronologies for the far field late-Pleistocene ice sheets and for the near-field alpine ice complex, we produce up-to-date estimates of the present-day rates of GIA-induced relative sea-level variations and vertical displacements in the Venetian Lagoon and in the northern Adriatic Sea, which are compared with GNSS and tide-gauge observations. From high-resolution numerical simulations, we find that GIA is responsible for a complex pattern of geodetic signals across the Po plain and the northern Adriatic Sea. The modeled GIA rates are of the order of fractions of mm yr(-1), generally small - but not negligible - compared to the signals observed at local tide gauges and at GNSS sites in the Po plain and facing the Venetian Lagoon. Our results indicate that, while GIA represents a relatively small component among those responsible for present-day land movements and relative sea-level variations in the northern Adriatic Sea, its contribution needs to be taken into account for a correct interpretation of the observed geodetic variations

    Relationship between the moment of inertia and the k2k_2 Love number of fluid extra-solar planets

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    Context: Tidal and rotational deformation of fluid giant extra-solar planets may impact their transit light curves, making the k2k_2 Love number observable in the upcoming years. Studying the sensitivity of k2k_2 to mass concentration at depth is thus expected to provide new constraints on the internal structure of gaseous extra-solar planets. Aims: We investigate the link between the mean polar moment of inertia NN of a fluid, stably layered extra-solar planet and its k2k_2 Love number, aiming at obtaining analytical relationships valid, at least, for some particular ranges of the model parameters. We also seek a general, approximate relationship useful to constrain NN once observations of k2k_2 will become available. Methods: For two-layer fluid extra-solar planets, we explore the relationship between NN and k2k_2 by analytical methods, for particular values of the model parameters. We also explore approximate relationships valid over all the possible range of two-layer models. More complex planetary structures are investigated by the semi-analytical propagator technique. Results: A unique relationship between NN and k2k_2 cannot be established. However, our numerical experiments show that a `rule of thumb' can be inferred, valid for complex, randomly layered stable planetary structures. The rule robustly defines the upper limit to the values of NN for a given k2k_2, and agrees with analytical results for a polytrope of index one and with a realistic non-rotating model of the tidal equilibrium of Jupiter.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Post-seismic stress relaxation with a linear transient rheology

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    We performed an analysis of post-seismic stress relaxation, taking into account generalized linear rheologies. We compared the stress field (and its derived functions) obtained with a classical Maxwell rheology with that obtained with a transient Burgers body. From a set of synthetic case studies, we have revealed quantitative and qualitative differences both in relaxation times and in local stress values when a transient rheology is introduced. As a practical application, we modeled the time evolution of the Coulomb failure function following the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, and we show that a transient rheology can lead to non-monotonic time dependence

    Palaeo-Shoreline Configuration of the Adventure Plateau (Sicilian Channel) at the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The Adventure Plateau, located in the NW sector of the Sicilian Channel, experienced several episodes of exposure/erosion and subsequent drowning, with the most recent occurring after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Unlike other parts of the Sicilian Channel, the Adventure Plateau is relatively tectonically stable and is therefore best suitable for reconstructing its coastal configuration before the post-LGM marine transgression. Here, we use high-resolution seismic data to identify and map the palaeo-coastline at the LGM on the basis of the internal architecture of the prograding wedges (i.e., the location of the subaqueous clinoform rollover point) and the erosional markers such as the subaerial unconformities and the wave ravinement surfaces. These data, which show an extreme variability in the palaeo-morphology of the coastal margins of the Adventure Plateau, have been complemented with vintage seismic profiles in order to entirely cover its perimeter. The mapped LGM coastline has then been compared to predictions from glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modeling, which considers the horizontal migration of the shorelines in response to sea level rise and to Earth's rotational and deformational effects associated with deglaciation. The two shorelines (i.e., the coastline derived from the marine data interpretation and the one derived from the GIA model) are in good agreement at 21 kyears BP, although some discrepancies occur in the southern part of the plateau, where the seabed slope is extremely gentle, which makes the clinoform rollover points and the buried erosional unconformities difficult to detect. After 20 kyears BP, an acceleration in the rate of the sea level rise occurred. The results of this study indicate the importance of comparing experimental data with model predictions in order to refine and calibrate boundary parameters and to gain a better picture of the evolution of sea level rise over various time scales

    Impact of Sumatra earthquake on CMB topography and core ellipticity

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    Characterization of the global impact of 2004 Sumatra earthquake event through the investigation of its effects on core-mantle boundary (CMB) shape and on the elliptical part of the gravity field (J2

    Did the September 2010 (Darfield) earthquake trigger the February 2011 (Christchurch) event?

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    We have investigated the possible cause-and-effect relationship due to stress transfer between two earthquakes that occurred near Christchurch, New Zealand, in September 2010 and in February 2011. The Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) event took place along a previously unrecognized fault. The Mw 6.3 Christchurch earthquake, generated by a thrust fault, occurred approximately five months later, 6 km south-east of Christchurch's city center. We have first measured the surface displacement field to retrieve the geometries of the two seismic sources and the slip distribution. In order to assess whether the first earthquake increased the likelihood of occurrence of a second earthquake, we compute the Coulomb Failure Function (CFF). We find that the maximum CFF increase over the second fault plane is reached exactly around the hypocenter of the second earthquake. In this respect, we may conclude that the Darfield earthquake contributed to promote the rupture of the Christchurch fault

    Effects of transient water mass redistribution associated with a tsunami wave on Earth's pole path

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    We have quantified the effects of a water mass redistribution associated with the propagation of a tsunami wave on the Earths pole path and on the Length-Of-Day (LOD) and applied our modeling results to the tsunami following the 2004 giant Sumatra earthquake. We compared the result of our simulations on the instantaneous rotational axis variations with the preliminary instrumental evidence on the pole path perturbation (which has not been confirmed) registered just after the occurrence of the earthquake. The detected perturbation in the pole path showed a step-like discontinuity that cannot be attributed to the effect of a seismic dislocation. Our results show that the tsunami induced instantaneous rotational pole perturbation is indeed characterized by a step-like discontinuity compatible with the observations but its magnitude is almost one hundred times smaller than the detected one. The LOD variation induced by the water mass redistribution turns out to be not significant because the total effect is smaller than current measurements uncertainties

    Sensitivity analysis of polar orbiter motion to lunar viscoelastic tidal deformation

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    We investigate the impact of viscoelastic tidal deformation of the Moon on the motion of a polar orbiter. The dissipative effects in the Moon’s interior, i.e., tidal phase lags, are modeled as Fourier series sampled at given frequencies associated with linear combinations of Delaunay arguments, the fundamental parameters describing the lunar motion around the Earth and the Sun. We implement the tidal model to evaluate the temporal lunar gravity field and the induced perturbation on the orbiter. We validate the numerical scheme via a frequency analysis of the perturbed orbital motion. We show that, in the case of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at a low altitude of less than 200 km, the main lunar tides and hence the potential Love numbers around the monthly and some multiple frequencies are dynamically separable. The omission of those effects in practice introduces a position error at the level of a few decimeters within 10 days