443 research outputs found

    Polymorfizmy DNA u vybraných skupín Rómov

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    Clinical researches in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

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    Az Idiopáthiás Inflammatorikus Myopathiák (IIM) ritka betegségek, melyek közös jellegzetessége a proximális végtagizmok szimmetrikus gyengesége, amit változatos extramuscularis- és bőrtünetek kísérhetnek. Ritka betegségek lévén, mind az etiológia, mind a pathogenezis, mind a kórlefolyás tekintetében számos megválaszolatlan kérdés van még. Munkám során először vizsgáltam nagyobb betegcsoporton a dohányzás hatását, a vascularis eltéréseket, illetve a terhesség kimenetelét IIM betegek esetében. Négy független európai felnőttkori IIM-ben szenvedő betegcsoport megfigyelése során kimutattuk, hogy az anti-Jo1 autoantitestek kialakulásának rizikója magasabb olyan IIM betegeknél, akik vagy dohányoznak és / vagy hordozzák a HLA-DRB1*03 allélt. Valószínű, hogy a dohányzás és a HLA-DRB1*03 allél hordozása együttesen az IIM-ák megjelenésének rizikóját is fokozza. IIM betegeinken végzett non-invazív vascularis vizsgálataim igazolták, hogy myositisben – különösen dermatomyositisben - megfigyelhető az érfal rugalmasságának csökkenése, melynek hátterében a betegségek pathomechanizumusa mellett a krónikus gyulladás, az endothel dysfunctio, valamint a társuló cardiovascularis betegségek és a tradícionális cardiovascularis rizikófaktorok is állhatnak. Mindezek alapján IIM betegek esetében is fontos hangsúlyt fektetnünk a primer és szekunder prevencióra. A terhességek kimenetelének vizsgálata során kimutattuk, hogy az aktív anyai betegség mellett a polymyositis, az anti-Jo-1 pozitivitás és ízületi érintettség jelenthet fokozott rizikót a magzati szövődmények kialakulása szempontjából.Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies (IIM) are rare diseases commonly characterized by symmetric proximal muscle weakness that can be accompanied by various extramuscular and skin symptoms. There are many opportunities in IIMs research, as there are still unanswered questions also regarding etiology, pathogenesis and disease course. In rare diseases, we can successfully investigate the characteristics of a larger patient group, as we did first in these following themes. During the observation of four independent European adult IIM patient group smoking appears to be associated with increased risk for possession of anti-Jo-1 in HLA-DRB1*03 positive IIM cases. We hypothesise that an interaction between HLA-DRB1*03 and smoking may prime the development of anti-Jo-1 antibodies. Later, with non-invasive vascular measurements I can descirbe several vascular changes reflecting increased vascular stiffness in myositis patients compared to helathy controls. Vascular changes were more impressive in dermatomyositis which findings can be explained with the differences in pathomechanism. Beside the myositis, chronic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, associated cardiovascular diseases and traditional cardiovascular risk factors may also impact vascular stiffness. These findings reflect the importance of primary and secondary prevention also in IIM. There is also few data about the interaction between myositis and pregnancy. Working in an international collaboration we have shown that beside active maternal disease, polymyositis, anti-Jo-1 positivity and joint involvement may represent an increased risk for fetal complications during myositis patients’pregnancy.d

    Oscillator models of the solar cycle: Towards the development of inversion methods

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    This article reviews some of the leading results obtained in solar dynamo physics by using temporal oscillator models as a tool to interpret observational data and dynamo model predictions. We discuss how solar observational data such as the sunspot number is used to infer the leading quantities responsible for the solar variability during the last few centuries. Moreover, we discuss the advantages and difficulties of using inversion methods (or backward methods) over forward methods to interpret the solar dynamo data. We argue that this approach could help us to have a better insight about the leading physical processes responsible for solar dynamo, in a similar manner as helioseismology has helped to achieve a better insight on the thermodynamic structure and flow dynamics in the Sun's interior.Comment: 28 pages; 16 figures, ISSI Workshop 11-15 November 2013 - The Solar Cycle, http://www.issibern.ch/program/workshops.htm

    Usporedba morfoloških odlika vimena ovaca pasmina Improved Valachian, Tsigai i Lacaune te njihovih križanaca

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    Morphological udder traits are very important for dairy animals. During this experiment, mor¬phological udder traits were subjectively assessed with the use of linear scores from selected ewes (381 ewes) belonging to nine genotypes based on the basis of Improved Valachian, Tsigai and Lacaune breeds (7 udder traits; using a scale of 9 points; 1275 statements for each trait) during the milking period from 2002 to 2008. Linear udder traits were: udder depth, cistern depth, teat position, teat size, udder cleft, udder attachment and udder shape. Collected data were processed with restricted methodology and maximal probability using a MIXED procedure from the SAS statistical package. During the research, all traits were influenced by the ewe genotype (P<0.001), furthermore, parity and stage of lactation had its effect as well. In most cases, crosses with 25 to 75 % share of dairy breeds, such as Lacaune and East Friesian, had larger udder cisterns than purebred Tsigai ewes and Improved Valachian breed. In¬convenient teat placement was found in the purebred Lacaune ewes, which, also, had the largest udders and cisterns among studied genotypes. Tsigai crossbreds and Improved Valachian breed, together with specialized dairy breeds had larger udders than purebred ewes (Tsigai and Improved Valachian breeds), but with negative placement of teat for milking. Compliances were statistically significant (P<0.001) due to influences on parameters for determining the size of udder (udder depth, cistern depth, teat size and udder attachment). In conclusion, udder depth, teat position and teat size may be used as suitable characteristics for marker selection, to improve milking ability of listed breeds.Zbog svojih specifičnih morfoloških odlika, vime je vrlo bitno u mliječnih životinja. Ovim istraživanjem je provedeno linearno ocjenjivanje vimena (linear scoring) ovaca različitih genotipova nastalih na temelju poboljšane Valachian pasmine te cigaja i Lacaune pasmine (ukupno 381 ovca; 7 ocjenjivanih morfoloških odlika vimena; raspon ocjena od 1 do 9; 1275 podataka za svako svojstvo). Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom razdoblja mužnje ovaca od 2002. do 2008. godine. Ocjenjivane odlike vimena su: dubina vimena, visina cisterne, položaj sisa, veličina sisa, visina intermamarnog žlijeba vimena, vezanost vimena i oblik vimena. Prikupljeni podaci su statistički obrađeni primjenom procedure MIXED statističkog paketa SAS. Tijekom istraživanja, sve istraživane odlike bile su pod utjecajem genotipa (P<0.001), kao i pod značajnim utjecajem redoslijeda i stadija laktacije. U većini slučajeva, genotipovi u kojima je udio krvi mliječnih pasmina (poput Lacaune i istočnofrizijske ovce) činio od 25 do 75 %, imali su veća vimena od čistokrvnih cigaja ovaca i poboljšane Valachian pasmine. Nepovoljan položaj sisa utvrđen je u čistokrvnih Lacaune ovaca koje su imale i najveća vimena i najviše cisterne. Križanke cigaja x poboljšana Valachian pasmina, zajedno sa specijaliziranim mliječnim pasminama, imale su veće vime od čistokrvnih ovaca (cigaja i poboljšana Valachian), ali s nepovoljnim položajem sisa za mužnju. Zaključno, dubina vimena, položaj i veličina sisa mogu se koristiti kao važni pokazatelji prikladnosti ovčjeg vimena strojnoj mužnji

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