47 research outputs found

    Re-emergence of genotype G9 during a five-and-a-half-year period in Turkish children with rotavirus diarrhea.

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    This study was done to understand the dynamics of rotavirus genotype distribution in Turkish children. Samples were collected from January 2006 through August 2011 from children at a hospital in Ankara. Rotavirus was detected in 28 % (241/889) of the samples. Genotype G9P[8] was predominant (28 %), followed by G1P[8] (16.3 %) and G2P[8] (15.9 %). G9 was absent in the samples from 2006 and 2007 and then re-emerged in 2008 and increased gradually. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Turkish G9 rotaviruses of the present study formed a sublineage with strains from Italy and Ethiopia, possibly indicating spread of a clone in these countrie

    Serotyping Rotavirus by PCR Method and Electropherotyping by PAGE Between 0-5 Years Old Children

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    Rotavirus tüm dünyada 0-5 yaş arası çocuklarda akut gastroenteritin en önemli etkenidir. Bu çalışmada hastanemize başvuran akut gastroenteritli 0-5 yaş arasındaki çocuklarda rotavirus enfeksiyonlarının prevalansının belirlenmesi ve bölgemizde yaygın olan rotavirus serotip ve elektroferotiplerin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Nisan 2009 ile Şubat 2010 tarihleri arasında gastroenterit ile hastanemize başvuran 0-5 yaş arasındaki 251 hastanın gaita örnekleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Antijen pozitifliği ELISA ile saptanmış ve pozitif örneklerden fenol-kloroform-izoamil-alkol methodu ile dsRNA’lar izole edilmiştir. İzolatlar PAGE ile elektroferotiplendirilmiştir. Rotavirus G ve P serotipleri RT-PZR ve Nested PZR ile belirlenmiştir. Çalışmaya alınan örneklerin 53’ü (%21.1) ELISA pozitif bulunmuştur. Bunların 31’inde (%58.5) G tipleri ve 24’ünde (%45.3) P tipleri saptanmıştır. Çalışmamızda G tiplerini G1(%16.1), G2(%12.9), G3(%38.7), G4(%25.8) ve G9 (%6.5) serotipleri, P tiplerini de P[8]( %87.5), P[6] (%8.3) ve P[9] (%4.2) serotipleri oluşturmuştur. Rotavirus G/P(%34) kombinasyonlarından en sık G3P[8] serotipi (%38.9) saptanmıştır. Dört farklı elektroferotip gözlenmiş ve E (%43.4) tipi sıklığı; E1(%43.5), E2(%43.5), E3(%4.3) ve E5(%8.7) olarak saptanmıştır. Çalışmamızın sonucunda, bölgemizde G1-4 ve G9 tiplerinin yaygınlını koruduğu, ancak belirgin şekilde G1’den G3 ve G4’e geçiş olduğu ve G9’un azaldığı gözlenmiştir. Daha önce yaygın olarak görülen G1P[8]‘in yerini G3P[8]’in aldığı saptanmıştır. Önceki çalışmalarda tüm E tipleri görülebilmesine rağmen çalışmamızda 4 E tipi tespit edilmiştir. Globalleşmenin bir sonucu olarak önceki dönemlerde rastlanan sıklıklarda sapmalar olduğu gösterilmiştir.Rotavirus is the major cause of gastroenteritis between 0-5 years old children worldwide. To determine the prevalance of rotavirus infection between 0-5 years old children attended our hospital with acute gastroenteritis and to confirm the prevalent serotypes and electropherotypes in our region was aimed in this study. This study is conducted with the stool speciments of 251 children between 0-5 years old, attended our hospital from April 2009 to February 2010. Rotavirus antigen was detected by ELISA and dsRNA was extracted from the positive samples using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol method. Isolates were electropherotyped by PAGE. Serotypes G and P were determined by RT-PCR and Nested PCR. Fifty-three of the collected samples (21.1%) were ELISA positive. In 31(58.5%) and in 24(45.3%) of the samples G and P types were detected respectively. Serotypes G1(16.1%), G2(12.9%), G3(38.7%), G4(25.8%) and G9(6.5%) constituted G types and P[8]( 87.5%), P[6](8.3%) and P[9](4.2%) types constituted P types. The most predominant serotype was G3P[8](38.9%) among the identified G/P(34%) combinations. Four different electropherotypes were observed (43.4%) and the prevalance of E types were detected as; E1(43.5%), E2(43.5%), E3(4.3%) and E5(8.7%). In conclusion, it was observed that G1-4 and G9 types are stil prevalent in our region, but there is a transition from the prevalance of G1 to G3 and G4, also a decrease in G9 prevalance. Instead of previously circulated G1P[8], G3P[8] was detected as the predominant combination. Althougt all E types were visible in previous studies, only four E types were detected in our study. As a result of globalisation a diversion in the previously observed ratio was presented

    Detection of Antigens Leading Protective Immunity Against Campylobacter jejuni And Investigation of Potantional Application Area.

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    TEZ10410Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2015.Kaynakça (s. 98-109) var.xiv, 110 s. : res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ; 29 cm.Campylobacter jejuni özellikle kanatlılarda gastrointestinal sistemde kolonize olan Gram negatif spiral şekilli ve hareketli bir mikroorganizmadır. Kanatlılardaki enfeksiyonları et tutulumunu azaltarak ciddi ekonomik kayıplara yol açabilmektedir. İnsanlara sıklıkla enfekte kanatlı ürünlerinin tüketilmesi ile bulaşırlar ve non-spesifik basit semptomlardan dizanteriye kadar değişen intestinal semptomlara yol açarlar. Kanatlılarda kolonizasyonun yaş ile ilişkili olarak arttığı, ilk 2-5 hafta kolonizasyonun gerçekleşmediği gösterilmiş ve koruyucu immunitede yumurtadaki maternal IgY ‘nin rolü olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Bu bulgu koruyucu immun cevabı indükleyen C. Jejuni antijenlerinin kanatlılarda ve insanlarda aşı çalışmaları ile serolojik tanı kitlerinde kullanılabileceğini akla getirmiştir. Çalışmamızda; bölgesel suşlardan elde edilen membran antijenleri ile tavuk yumurtalarındaki anti-C. jejuni-IgY reaktivitelerinin tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Endüstriyel tip et tavukçuluğu yapan işletmelerdeki I. III, V haftalık piliçler ile kesimhanede işlem gören tavukların doku örneklerinden izole edilen C. Jejuni suşlarının membran proteinleri ekstrakte edilmiş ve SDS-PAGE ile separe edildikten sonra nitroselüloz membranlarda immobilize edilmiştir. Daha sonra endüstriyel tip ve ev tipi yumurta tavukçuluğu yapan işletmelerden alınan 100 yumurtadan IgY ekstrakte edilmiş ve bunlarla reaktif membran proteinleri immunblot yöntemi ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada doku örneklerinin %17.5’inde C. jejuni kolonizasyonu görülmüş, bu suşların membranlarında 8-120 kDA arasında değişen çok sayıda protein bulunduğu ve 36 ve 60 kDa büyüklüğündekilerin suşların tamamında major protein bantları olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yumurta ekstraktlarının %68’inde DS-PAGE ve ELISA yöntemleri ile ölçülebilir ve kullanılabilir düzeyde IgY tespit edilmiştir. İmmunblotting yöntemi ile 30 (%44.1) yumurta ekstraktında 36 ve 60 kDa’luk proteinlerle (%93.3-100) reaktif olan IgY varlığı tespit edilmiştir. Bölgemizde endüstriyel tip et tavukçuluğunun yapıldığı işletmelerde C. Jejuni enfeksiyonlarının insidansı. %17.5 ile beklenenden yüksek oranda görülmüştür. Endüstriyel ve ev tipi yumurta tavukçuluğu yapılan kümeslerdeki yumurtalarda sırasıyla %14 ve %46 oranında anti-C.jejuni IgY olduğu ve bunların 36 ve 60 kDa’luk proteinlerle immün-reaktif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu antijenlerin aşı çalışmaları ve serolojik tanı kiti geliştirilmesinde hedef antijenler olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.Campylobacter jejuni, is a Gram negative, spiral shaped and motile microorganism that colonize especially on the gastrointestinal tract of the poultry. Their infections in poultry lead to serious economic losses by decreasing meat involvement. Transmission to human commonly occurs by the consumption of infected poultry products and they cause gastrointestinal symptoms ranging from simple non-specific symptoms to dysentery. It has been shown that colonization in poultry increase in relation with the age and the non-colonization occurs in the first 2-5 weeks so it is thought that there may be the role of maternal IgY for protective immunity in eggs. This finding has brought to mind that C. Jejuni antigens inducing protective immune responses may be used in vaccine studies and serologic diagnostic kits for human and poultry. Determining the reactivity of anti-C. jejuni IgY, obtained from local chicken eggs with the membrane antigens isolated from the local strain was aimed in our study. Membrane proteins of C. jejuni strains that isolated from tissue samples of I. III and V weeks old chicks and the chickens treated in the slaughterhouse of regional industrial type enterprises engaged in meat poultry, were extracted and after separating antigens according to their molecular weight by SDS-PAGE, immobilized to nitrocellulose membranes. Then IgY were extracted from 100 eggs taken randomly from domestic and industrial type enterprises engaged in egg poultry in the region and membrane proteins reacting with these antibodies were investigated by immunoblotting method. In this study, C. jejuni colonization in 17.5% of tissue samples was observed, numerous proteins ranging from 8 to 120kdA on cell mebrane of these strains were showed and also 36 and 60 kDa sized proteins were determined as the major protein bands in all these strains. Measurable and usable level of IgY in 68% of the egg extracts was determined by SDS-PAGE and ELISA methods. Presence of reactive IgY with 36 and 60 kDa weight proteins (93.3-100%) in 30 (44.1%) of egg extracts were detected by immunblotting method. Infection of C. jejuni with the incidence of 17.5% were found to be higher than expected in enterprises engaged in industrial type of meat poultry in our region. Anti-C. jejuni IgY antibodies were determined in 14% and 46% respectively in the eggs obtained from the industrial and domestic enterprices engaged in egg poultry and these antibodies identified immune reactive with 36 and 60 kDa proteins. It is determined that these antigens, can be use as target antigens for the vaccine studies and serologic diagnostic kit development

    Simultaneous multiple cranial nerve neuropathies and intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in diabetes mellitus

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    Asymmetrical, simultaneous multiple cranial nerve palsies and mild signs of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients may cause difficulties in diagnosis as they are relatively rare. A case of a 55-year-old diabetic woman who developed simultaneous right VII and left III, IV, VI cranial nerve palsies with spared pupils is presented here. We also discuss the role of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in the management of this condition and suggest that simultaneous multiple cranial palsies may have a good response to IVIG treatment

    Startle responses after different stimulus modalities differ in stroke

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    Objectives. - The auditory startle reaction (ASR) and startle reflex to somatosensory inputs (SSS) are stereotypical responses to sudden and unexpected stimuli, which are generated in the caudal brainstem reticular formation. Changes of ASR are relatively well known in stroke. Here, we aimed to investigate central pathways of SSS and plasticity changes of SSS circuits in different stages and localizations of stroke, by comparing with ASR

    Relationship between smoking history and functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Kronik obstrüktif akciǧer hastalarinda sigara öyküsü ve fonksiyonel kapasite arasindaki ilişki

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    Purpose: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a health problem characterized by airflow limitation with resultant effects on respiratory system and other body systems. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between smoking history and functional capacity in patients with COPD. Materials and methods: Twenty-one patients with clinically stable COPD participated in this study. Patients' demographics, physical and physiological characteristics, duration from the diagnosis, and smoking history were recorded. Pulmonary function test and six-minute walk test (6MWT) were performed. Oxygen saturation using pulse oximeter and dyspnea and fatigue perception using modified Borg Scale were recorded before and after the 6MWT. Results: The mean age of the COPD patients was 59.4±8.8 years. The mean smoking history was 41.6±20.5 pack-years. Eight patients (38.1%) were current smokers. The mean forced expiratory volume in one second was 40.1±13.2% and the mean 6MWT distance was 477.0±104.4 m. Smoking history was significantly related with 6MWT distance (r=-0.47) and fatigue perception during exercise (r=0.52) (p<0.05). Conclusion: Prolonged smoking affects functional capacity and fatigue perception during exercise in patients with COPD. Smoking cessation should be a priority in the management of the patients with COPD

    Molecular epidemiological characteristics of Brucella spp. isolated from human and animal brucellosis

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    WOS: 000466333800022Brucellosis is the most common zoonotic disease in the Mediterranean region where Turkey is located. Therefore, particularly in this region, it is crucial to follow molecular surveillance methods for the control and eradication of this disease agent, which threatens both human and animal life. We have conducted a molecular-based surveillance study for detecting the origin of the possible reservoir in human brucellosis and transmission of Brucella spp. between humans and ruminants. For the detection of clonal relationships, we isolated Brucella spp. from human and ruminants diagnosed with brucellosis and evaluated them by PFGE and MLVA methods. We found 10 subclusters in PFGE and 22 subclusters in MLVA-16. Human and ruminant isolates were found to co-exist in MLVA-16-m1 and PFGE-a8, a9, a10 subcluster by both methods. In conclusion, the results revealed that these subcluster isolates that co-exist some ruminant and human isolates can be more effective in infecting humans.Cukurova University Scientific Research FundCukurova University [TF2013D2]This research was financially supported by Cukurova University Scientific Research Fund (Project no: TF2013D2)