2,304 research outputs found

    Electrodynamic induction flowmeter

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    Device determines velocity and electrical conductivity of a moving fluid of high electrical resistance by imposing a transverse electro-quasistatic field on the fluid. Position changes of charge accumulations induced within the fluid by the field are sensed by relative movement between fluid and sensor

    Saccades influence the visibility of targets in rapid stimulus sequences: the roles of mislocalization, retinal distance and remapping

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    Briefly presented targets around the time of a saccade are mislocalized towards the saccadic landing point. This has been taken as evidence for a remapping mechanism that accompanies each eye movement, helping maintain visual stability across large retinal shifts. Previous studies have shown that spatial mislocalization is greatly diminished when trains of brief stimuli are presented at a high frequency rate, which might help to explain why mislocalization is rarely perceived in everyday viewing. Studies in the laboratory have shown that mislocalization can reduce metacontrast masking by causing target stimuli in a masking sequence to be perceived as shifted in space towards the saccadic target and thus more easily discriminated. We investigated the influence of saccades on target discrimination when target and masks were presented in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), as well as with forward masking and with backward masking. In a series of experiments, we found that performance was influenced by the retinal displacement caused by the saccade itself but that an additional component of un-masking occurred even when the retinal location of target and mask was matched. These results speak in favor of a remapping mechanism that begins before the eyes start moving and continues well beyond saccadic termination

    Pre-saccadic perception: separate time courses for enhancement and spatial pooling at the saccade target

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    We interact with complex scenes using eye movements to select targets of interest. Studies have shown that the future target of a saccadic eye movement is processed differently by the visual system. A number of effects have been reported, including a benefit for perceptual performance at the target (“enhancement”), reduced influences of backward masking (“unmasking”), reduced crowding (“un-crowding”) and spatial compression towards the saccade target. We investigated the time course of these effects by measuring orientation discrimination for targets that were spatially crowded or temporally masked. In four experiments, we varied the target-flanker distance, the presence of forward/backward masks, the orientation of the flankers and whether participants made a saccade. Masking and randomizing flanker orientation reduced performance in both fixation and saccade trials. We found a small improvement in performance on saccade trials, compared to fixation trials, with a time course that was consistent with a general enhancement at the saccade target. In addition, a decrement in performance (reporting the average flanker orientation, rather than the target) was found in the time bins nearest saccade onset when random oriented flankers were used, consistent with spatial pooling around the saccade target. We did not find strong evidence for un-crowding. Overall, our pattern of results was consistent with both an early, general enhancement at the saccade target and a later, peri-saccadic compression/pooling towards the saccade target

    Functional analysis of embolism induced by air injection in Acer rubrum and Salix nigra.

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    The goal of this study was to assess the effect of induced embolism with air injection treatments on the function of xylem in Acer rubrum L. and Salix nigra Marsh. Measurements made on mature trees of A. rubrum showed that pneumatic pressurization treatments that created a pressure gradient of 5.5 MPa across pit membranes (ΔP pit) had no effect on stomatal conductance or on branch-level sap flow. The same air injection treatments made on 3-year-old potted A. rubrum plants also had no effect on whole plant transpiration. A separate study made on mature A. rubrum trees showed that 3.0 and 5.5 MPa of ΔP pit values resulted in an immediate 100% loss in hydraulic conductance (PLC) in petioles. However, the observed change in PLC was short lived, and significant hydraulic recovery occurred within 5-10 min post air-pressurization treatments. Similar experiments conducted on S. nigra plants exposed to ΔP pit of 3 MPa resulted in a rapid decline in whole plant transpiration followed by leaf wilting and eventual plant death, showing that this species lacks the ability to recover from induced embolism. A survey that measured the effect of air-pressurization treatments on seven other species showed that some species are very sensitive to induction of embolism resulting in leaf wilting and branch death while others show minimal to no effect despite that in each case, the applied ΔP pit of 5.5 MPa significantly exceeded any native stress that these plants would experience naturally

    Fooling the eyes: the influence of a sound-induced visual motion illusion on eye movements

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    The question of whether perceptual illusions influence eye movements is critical for the long-standing debate regarding the separation between action and perception. To test the role of auditory context on a visual illusion and on eye movements, we took advantage of the fact that the presence of an auditory cue can successfully modulate illusory motion perception of an otherwise static flickering object (sound-induced visual motion effect). We found that illusory motion perception modulated by an auditory context consistently affected saccadic eye movements. Specifically, the landing positions of saccades performed towards flickering static bars in the periphery were biased in the direction of illusory motion. Moreover, the magnitude of this bias was strongly correlated with the effect size of the perceptual illusion. These results show that both an audio-visual and a purely visual illusion can significantly affect visuo-motor behavior. Our findings are consistent with arguments for a tight link between perception and action in localization tasks

    Opinions on Divorce in Georgia between Different Demographic Groups

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    Divorce has always been a divisive topic; indeed, divorce rates differ wildly among members of different demographic groups. What of their opinions, though? What are the differences in opinions on divorce in Georgia between separate different demographic groups? My research suggests that the different lines of thought are drawn largely on religious and ethnic lines, rather than such factors as gender, age or annual household income

    Dual Personality in Handwriting

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    Placenta previa

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    Estimating Suspended Solids and Phosphorus Loading in Urban Stormwater Systems Using High-Frequency, Continuous Data

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    The introduction of pavement, buildings, and other impervious surfaces to urban landscapes greatly influences the quantity and quality of urban stormwater runoff. In this study, we designed and implemented modern stormwater monitoring technologies to establish a “smart” stormwater sensor network within the Northwest Field Canal (NWFC), an urban water conveyance located in Logan, Utah, USA. This network was designed to collect flow and water quality data at high frequencies and simultaneously at multiple locations. The observatory’s innovative method of inter-site communication and changing sampling frequencies during storm events was able to capture short duration events at the upstream and downstream ends of the NWFC and at multiple outfalls in the canal simultaneously without human intervention. We then investigated statistical regression models between turbidity and TSS so as to predict TSS at high frequencies. Finally, the addition of the high-frequency discharge data in the calibration procedure for a stormwater simulation model developed using the Environmental Protection Agency’s Stormwater Management Model did little to improve model performance at the downstream end of the canal, but did provide important insight into the overall contribution of discharge from individual stormwater outfalls to the NWFC. The results of this study inform water professionals on how to build and operate automated monitoring systems and how to create high-frequency estimates of TSS and TP loads in urban water systems
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