5,056 research outputs found

    Poisson bivectors and Poisson brackets on affine derived stacks

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    Let Spec(A) be an affine derived stack. We give two proofs of the existence of a canonical map from the moduli space of shifted Poisson structures (in the sense of Pantev-To\"en-Vaqui\'e-Vezzosi, see http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.3209 ) on Spec(A) to the moduli space of homotopy (shifted) Poisson algebra structures on A. The first makes use of a more general description of the Poisson operad and of its cofibrant models, while the second in more computational and involves an explicit resolution of the Poisson operad.Comment: 23 pages. Revised argument in section 3, results unchange

    Culture, Power and Identity the Case of Ang Hien Hoo, Malang

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    This paper discusses the intricate relations between culture and identity in a web of larger power structures of politics and the market by looking at the ways in which the Indonesian Chinese attach themselves to a local performing arts tradition. The paper focuses on the history of the wayang orang amateur club called Ang Hien Hoo in Malang, East Java, which emerged from a Chinese diaspora burial association, to attract national limelight in the 1950s and 1960s. In this paper, I see this amateur club as a site, not only for cultural assimilation, but also as a meeting space for the diverse migrant Chinese population residing at a host country. The space is used to negotiate their position as citizens responsible to promote and to become patrons of local traditional performing arts. The paper examines how this amateur club was swept by the Cold War politics and national political turmoil of 1965, and how it fought to survive under the pressures of the global capitalist era. What emerges from the findings is the contradictory fact that the identification of the Chinese with the Javanese traditional performing arts is affirmed precisely as it is marked by Chineseness. Thus, despite the cultural blending, the Chinese Indonesian\u27s patronage of local traditional art continuously reproduces the double bind of making home in the culture not seen as their own

    In Memoriam Benedict Anderson Kunming, Yunnan, 26 August 1936 – Batu, East Java, 13 December 2015

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    The derived moduli stack of shifted symplectic structures

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    We introduce and study the derived moduli stack Symp(X,n)\mathrm{Symp}(X,n) of nn-shifted symplectic structures on a given derived stack XX, as introduced by [PTVV] (IHES Vol. 117, 2013). In particular, under reasonable assumptions on XX, we prove that Symp(X,n)\mathrm{Symp}(X, n) carries a canonical shifted quadratic form. This generalizes a classical result of Fricke and Habermann, which was established in the CC^{\infty}-setting, to the broader context of derived algebraic geometry, thus proving a conjecture stated by Vezzosi.Comment: 17 page

    Formality criteria for algebras over operads

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    We study some formality criteria for differential graded algebras over differential graded operads. This unifies and generalizes other known approaches like the ones by Manetti and Kaledin. In particular, we construct general operadic Kaledin classes and show that they provide obstructions to formality. Moreover, we show that an algebra A is formal if and only if its operadic cohomology spectral sequence degenerates at E2E_2.Comment: 17 page


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kegiatan yang bersifat aplikatif yang dilaksanakan guna mengupayakan suatu keterampilan kependidikan yang diperoleh pada saat kuliah agar dikembangkan mahasiswa di lapangan. Kegiatan ini diharap dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dan praktik persekolahan. Tujuan dari praktik pengalaman lapangan ini diantaranya untuk mencetak calon-calon tenaga pendidik dan pengajar yang profesional di bidangnya. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Berbah yang beralamat di Tanjungtirto, Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, DIY. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan mulai 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 12 September 2015. Adapun program-program yang dilaksanakan berorientasi pada bidang akademik, baik yang sudah direncanakan maupun program yang tidak direncanakan sejak awal atau program insidental. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan yang dilakukan di SMP N 1 Berbah meliputi kegiatan praktik mengajar di kelas dan praktik persekolahan. Untuk program PPL individu yaitu meliputi kegiatan persiapan, kegiatan mengajar teori dan praktek mengajar bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL adalah pengetahuan terpadu dengan mengaplikasikan teori dan praktek disekolah. Selain harus mampu melaksanakan praktek mengajar dan mengelola administrasi kelengkapan guru, mahasiswa juga dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi personal maupun sosial. Pengalaman yang diperoleh tersebut sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru. Program PPL individu di SMP N 1 Berbah telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, lancar dan tidak ditemui kendala yang berat. Semua ini tercapai tidak lain karena adanya bimbingan serta arahan guru bahas Indonesia SMP Negeri 1 Berbah, ibu Pangestining Wiharti, S.Pd dan juga semua warga sekolah yang turut mensukseskan program PPL


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    Introduction: Aging process has made elderly people finding some difficulties in performing daily activities independently. Many elderly are difficult to adapt to the aging process, feeling alone, frustrated, depressed and loss of confidence that affects their quality of life. This study aimed to prove the effect of reminiscence affirmative therapy for improving quality of life in elderly. Methods: This study used Quasy-experimental study in an institutionalized sample of elderly. The Population was 45 elderly. Sample size was 24 enrolled by means of simple random sampling technique. Independent variable was reminiscence affirmative while dependent variable was quality of life. The experimental group received six session of group reminiscence affirmative therapy, while the control group participated in standard activities in the nursing home. Data were analyzed by Paired t test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-whitney test. Result: Result showed that p value was 0.006 (p<0.05) meaning that reminiscence affirmative therapy significantly improve the quality of life in elderly. Discussion and Conclusion: Reminiscence Affirmative is an activity to remember or recall therapeutic memories of elderly and self-reinforcing of positive values that could improve self-esteem and life satisfaction in elderly people, so as to improve their quality of life. Keywords: reminiscence, affirmative, elderly, quality of lif