25 research outputs found

    Slow oscillations in neural networks with facilitating synapses

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    The synchronous oscillatory activity characterizing many neurons in a network is often considered to be a mechanism for representing, binding, conveying, and organizing information. A number of models have been proposed to explain high-frequency oscillations, but the mechanisms that underlie slow oscillations are still unclear. Here, we show by means of analytical solutions and simulations that facilitating excitatory (E f) synapses onto interneurons in a neural network play a fundamental role, not only in shaping the frequency of slow oscillations, but also in determining the form of the up and down states observed in electrophysiological measurements. Short time constants and strong E f synapse-connectivity were found to induce rapid alternations between up and down states, whereas long time constants and weak E f synapse connectivity prolonged the time between up states and increased the up state duration. These results suggest a novel role for facilitating excitatory synapses onto interneurons in controlling the form and frequency of slow oscillations in neuronal circuit

    Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity Orchestrates the Response of Pyramidal Cells and Interneurons to Population Bursts

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    The synaptic drive from neuronal populations varies considerably over short time scales. Such changes in the pre-synaptic rate trigger many temporal processes absent under steady-state conditions. This paper examines the differential impact of pyramidal cell population bursts on post-synaptic pyramidal cells receiving depressing synapses, and on a class of interneuron that receives facilitating synapses. In experiment a significant shift of the order of one hundred milliseconds is seen between the response of these two cell classes to the same population burst. It is demonstrated here that such a temporal differentiation of the response can be explained by the synaptic and membrane properties without recourse to elaborate cortical wiring schemes. Experimental data is first used to construct models of the two types of dynamic synaptic response. A population-based approach is then followed to examine analytically the temporal synaptic filtering effects of the population burst for the two post-synaptic targets. The peak-to-peak delays seen in experiment can be captured by the model for experimentally realistic parameter ranges. It is further shown that the temporal separation of the response is communicated in the outgoing action potentials of the two post-synaptic cells: pyramidal cells fire at the beginning of the burst and the class of interneuron receiving facilitating synapses fires at the end of the burst. The functional role of such delays in the temporal organisation of activity in the cortical microcircuit is discusse

    Slow oscillations in neural networks with facilitating synapses

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    The synchronous oscillatory activity characterizing many neurons in a network is often considered to be a mechanism for representing, binding, conveying, and organizing information. A number of models have been proposed to explain high-frequency oscillations, but the mechanisms that underlie slow oscillations are still unclear. Here, we show by means of analytical solutions and simulations that facilitating excitatory (E(f)) synapses onto interneurons in a neural network play a fundamental role, not only in shaping the frequency of slow oscillations, but also in determining the form of the up and down states observed in electrophysiological measurements. Short time constants and strong E(f) synapse-connectivity were found to induce rapid alternations between up and down states, whereas long time constants and weak E(f) synapse connectivity prolonged the time between up states and increased the up state duration. These results suggest a novel role for facilitating excitatory synapses onto interneurons in controlling the form and frequency of slow oscillations in neuronal circuits

    Subthreshold Cross-Correlations between Cortical Neurons: A reference model with static synapses

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    The structure of cross-correlations between subthreshold potentials of neocortical neurons was recently examined. Characteristic features included broad widths and significant peak advances. It was suggested that dynamic synapses shape these cross-correlations. Here a reference model is developed comprising leaky integrators with static synapses. The forms of the subthreshold correlations are derived analytically for two di#erent forms of synaptic input: steady drive and populations bursts. For the latter case the model captures the widths seen in experiment. However, the model could not account for the peak advance. It is concluded that models with static synapses lack the necessary biological details for describing cortical dynamics. Keywords: Neocortex, Microcircuit, Correlations, Subthreshold 1

    Wild barley (<i>Hordeum spontaneum</i>).

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    <p>(A) Wild barley field in Yakum Park (32° 14′ 50.28″ N, 34° 50′ 33″ E. March 18, 2013). It grows here with other species such as <i>Galium aparine</i>, <i>Chrysanthemum coronarium</i>, <i>Notobasis syriaca</i>, and <i>Anthemis</i> sp. (B) Same field, showing wild barley at three ripening stages – green, green-yellow and yellow.</p