126 research outputs found

    Balanced costs: Inland copper smelting location and fuel in South Australia 1848-76: Were they so naive?

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    Because it takes more than one ton of coal to smelt a similar quantity of minerals, and because coal is weight for weight less valuable than the mineral, it makes good logistical and economic sense to transport the mineral to the coal rather than vice versa. Yet in the 19th century at the Burra Burra mines, common sense appears to have been turned on its head. Not only was the smelter erected by the Patent Copper Company (later called the English & Australian Copper Company) located in South Australia, where at the time there were no proven coal deposits, but it was situated at Kooringa 160km inland from the main Port of Adelaide, and adjacent to the Burra Burra mines, thus making the decision seemingly even more illogical from an economic point of view. The paper sets out to examine the reasoning behind the decision to locate at the site.

    Linking Redox Processes and Black Shale Resource Potential

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    Black shales, such as the Mississippian (~330 Ma) Bowland Shale Formation, are targets for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration in the UK and in equivalents across Europe. Despite this interest, global decarbonisation, by definition, will either require; (1) complete replacement of natural gas with renewables and nuclear power generation, or; (2) moderate to limited natural gas use globally or locally, for example as a ‘bridge fuel’, as a source for hydrogen via steam reformation, or coupled to carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Any of these scenarios will increase the demand for transition metals such as V, Co and Ni, key elements used for energy storage and as catalysts in steam reformation. Black shales in general can host ore-grade enrichments in these metals, although the exact resource potential of UK Mississippian black shales remains unresolved. We integrate comprehensive sedimentological and geochemical data from three sections through the Bowland Shale in the Craven Basin (Lancashire, UK) to explore the links between controls on hydrocarbon and metal prospectivity. The Bowland Shale at these sites is a highly heterogeneous and complex ~120 m thick succession comprising carbonate-rich, siliceous and siliciclastic, argillaceous mudstones. These sedimentary facies developed in response to a combination of high-frequency (~111 kyr) sea level changes, fault activity at the basin margins and linkage with the nearby prograding Pendle delta system. Palaeoredox proxies such as Fe-speciation, redox-sensitive trace elements and S isotope analysis from extracted pyrite (δ34Spy) demonstrate intervals associated with metal enrichment were deposited under anoxic and at least intermittently euxinic (sulphidic) bottom water conditions. Trace element enrichment ‘V scores’ (sum of V+Mo+Se+Ni+Zn in ppm) indicate the greatest enrichments in these key transition metals and non-metals are associated with deposition under strongly sulphidic conditions during marine transgressions. V scores in these intervals are often >400 ppm and sometimes >1000 ppm. These bulk enrichments are comparable to stratiform low-grade ores such as the Upper Mudstone Member of the Devonian Popovich Formation (Nevada, USA). Hosts for these metals likely include solid sulphides such as pyrite, organic matter and possibly phosphates or carbonates. Critically, a process of switching between ferruginous and euxinic conditions in anoxic porewaters, termed ‘redox oscillation’, is recognised by a distinctive redox-sensitive trace element enrichment pattern, particularly competition between V and Ni metalation. Redox oscillation operated during periods of reduced sea level, where an increased supply of reactive Fe to the basin promoted development of intermittently ferruginous conditions in bottom waters and early diagenetic porewaters. Therefore the distribution of many redox-sensitive elements through the Bowland Shale is predictable. If these elements can be efficiently extracted from the mineral or organic hosts, UK Mississippian black shales may represent a significant resource. This work also improves understanding of the potential for co-extraction of metals during hydraulic fracturing, or during remediation of waste water. Future work will seek to understand which minerals or organic compounds host these redox-sensitive trace elements

    Incidental chest radiographic findings in adult patients with acute cough

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    PURPOSE Imaging may produce unexpected or incidental findings with consequences for patients and ordering of future investigations. Chest radiography in patients with acute cough is among the most common reasons for imaging in primary care, but data on associated incidental findings are lacking. We set out to describe the type and prevalence of incidental chest radiography findings in primary care patients with acute cough. METHODS We report on data from a cross-sectional study in 16 European primary care networks on 3,105 patients with acute cough, all of whom were undergoing chest radiography as part of a research study workup. Apart from assessment for specified signs of pneumonia and acute bronchitis, local radiologists were asked to evaluate any additional finding on the radiographs. For the 2,823 participants with good-quality chest radiographs, these findings were categorized according to clinical relevance based on previous research evidence and analyzed for type and prevalence by network, sex, age, and smoking status. RESULTS Incidental findings were reported in 19% of all participants, and ranged from 0% to 25% by primary care network, with the network being an independent contributor (P < .001). Of all participants 3% had clinically relevant incidental findings. Suspected nodules and shadows were reported in 1.8%. Incidental findings were more common is older participants and smokers (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS Clinically relevant incidental findings on chest radiographs in primary care adult patients with acute cough are uncommon, and prevalence varies by setting

    'It would be easier if she’d died’: young people with parents with dementia articulating inadmissible stories

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    In the U.K. context where the emphasis is (quite rightly) on living well with dementia, on positivity and enabling approaches, it can be difficult for researchers to investigate and report negative experiences. Failing to re-present perceptions and experiences as they are lived, however, does a serious disservice to the research endeavor and can prevent policy and service development and positive change. In this article, we present some stories told by participants in an Alzheimer’s Society (United Kingdom) Funded project uniquely investigating the perceptions and experiences of children and young people who have a parent with dementia. Sometimes the stories were not easy to hear, especially when they challenged dominant master narratives around dementia. We discuss our view that when the young people we spoke with told us how things were for them, we were ethically bound to respect and disseminate their accounts

    Miniaturized Protein Microarray with Internal Calibration as Point-of-Care Device for Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis

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    Neonatal sepsis is still a leading cause of death among newborns. Therefore a protein-microarray for point-of-care testing that simultaneously quantifies the sepsis associated serum proteins IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF alpha, S-100, PCT, E-Selectin, CRP and Neopterin has been developed. The chip works with only a 4 μL patient serum sample and hence minimizes excessive blood withdrawal from newborns. The 4 μL patient samples are diluted with 36 μL assay buffer and distributed to four slides for repetitive measurements. Streptavidin coated magnetic particles that act as distinct stirring detection components are added, not only to stir the sample, but also to detect antibody antigen binding events. We demonstrate that the test is complete within 2.5 h using a single step assay. S-100 conjugated to BSA is spotted in increasing concentrations to create an internal calibration. The presented low volume protein-chip fulfills the requirements of point-of-care testing for accurate and repeatable (CV < 14%) quantification of serum proteins for the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis

    The ventilation of buildings and other mitigating measures for COVID-19: a focus on wintertime.

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    The year 2020 has seen the emergence of a global pandemic as a result of the disease COVID-19. This report reviews knowledge of the transmission of COVID-19 indoors, examines the evidence for mitigating measures, and considers the implications for wintertime with a focus on ventilation.This work was undertaken as a contribution to the Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) initiative, coordinated by the Royal Society

    Implementation of a diabetes prevention programme in a multi-ethnic community in primary care in England: An evaluation using constructs from the RE-AIM Framework

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    To implement a diabetes prevention programme in primary care METHODS: The programme was implemented for 12 months in two neighbouring towns, served by eight general practices. Practices requested a referral pathway involving an external administrator running electronic searches and sending postal invitations. If interested, people called and booked a place on the programme. Practices were also provided with resources to refer people directly. Six Educators were trained to deliver the programme. The RE-AIM constructs "Adoption", "Reach" and "Uptake" were assessed. All practices engaged in the searches and postal invitations. Overall, 3.9 % of those aged ≥ 25 years had an HbA1c level indicative of non-diabetic hyperglycaemia (NDH) and were invited. Overall uptake (attended as percentage of invited) was 16 % (practice range 10.5-26.6 %) and was highest in two practices where the invitation was followed by a telephone call. Four people were referred directly by their practice. Groups at risk of being excluded were the Bengali population and those unable to attend because of issues such as health, mobility and frailty. Comprehensive electronic searches meant everyone previously diagnosed with NDH was invited to attend. Follow-up telephone call improved uptake and providing practices with resources to make these calls themselves would likely increase uptake further
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