622 research outputs found


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    Analisis Kondisi Lingkungan Internal dan Eksternal Potensi Daya Tarik Wisata Di Kabupaten Ende

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor lingkungn internal dan eksternal pada Potensi daya tarik wisata di Kabupaten Ende. Analisis data yang digunkan adalah IFAS dan EFAS. Data kuantitatif diolah dengan menggunakan tabulasi perhitungan pembobotan, rating atau skor tehadap indikator-indikator  internal dan eksternal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi lingkungan internal dilihat dari faktor kekuatan dan kelemahan berada pada posisi sedang dengan total skor 2,34. Faktor peluang dan ancaman berdasarkan hasil analsis lingkungan eksternal berada pada posisi sedang dengan total skor 2,44 yang mengartikan dalam tahap tumbuh dan berkembang.&nbsp

    Energy and Development: A Systems Engineering Approach for Planning Electricity Supply

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    Cerita Rakyat Lio Flores

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    The food environment of students on a financial assistance programme at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein

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    The research study was undertaken to determine the food that students on the financial assistance program at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, could buy on campus. Students on this program can buy food from six food outlets on campus from their daily allowance. The types of foods sold were mostly sugar-containing products. The availability of healthy food choices should be promoted in an environment where food assistance programs are offered to students.Objectives: Enrolment at institutions of higher learning is associated not only with poor eating habits, but also food insecurity. This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to determine the food environment for students on the financial assistanceprogramme at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. Study population and sample: Six food outlets providing food for students on the food assistance programme.Methods: All food items sold at the specified outlets were recorded using a store audit form.Results: The food outlets allocated to the recipients were two take-away food outlets, three cafeterias and one tuck shop. Of the food items sold at these outlets, only 1% was classified as dairy. Sugar-containing products represented 29.2% of the food items sold, followed by starches (19.3%) and protein-containing foods (18.6%).Conclusion: The quality and diversity of foods available on campuses should be considered when implementing food assistance programs.Keywords: financial assistance, food environment, university student

    Body satisfaction of female staff members working in primary schools in Mangaung, Bloemfontein

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    Background: The role of psychosocial determinants of overweight and obesity is receiving attention in South African literature. South Africans tend to exhibit an inaccurate perception of their body weight. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine levels of body satisfaction in female staff members working in primary schools in Mangaung, Bloemfontein. Setting: Mangaung is a peri-urban area in Bloemfontein in the Free State province of South Africa. Methods: Female staff members over the age of 18 years were invited to participate in the study. Anthropometric measurements of weight and height were measured using standardised techniques to calculate body mass index (BMI). Waist circumference (WC) was measured as an indicator of risk for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Weight satisfaction was measured using a structured, self-administered body satisfaction questionnaire. Results: The majority of the staff members (71.3%) were classified as obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2); similarly a majority of them were at a high risk of NCDs according to WC. A little over a third (34.8%) of the women perceived themselves to have a normal weight. The majority of the women who had no concern with their body image were obese (59.1%) and only 8.7% of the women in this study were markedly concerned with their body image. Of the 60.9% of women who reported having attempted to lose weight, 38.6% reported using exercise and 30.0% used water as a weight loss method. Conclusion: Women’s awareness of a healthy weight should be promoted if efforts to achieve weight loss are to be effective

    Pemanfaatan TIK Sebagai Media Pembelajaran dan Sumber Belajar oleh Guru TIK

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    Information and computer technology (ICT) is currently being used in all fields, including education. One of the uses of ICT in the field of education is for learning media and learning resources that can be used by teachers. This study aims to determine the extent to which the competence or ability of teachers, especially in ICT subjects, in utilizing ICT both as a medium of learning and a learning resource. The use of ICT is carried out to make it easier for teachers to implement the learning process. The research method used is descriptive with a survey form. The data collection tools used were questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is quantitative-descriptive to process questionnaire data and qualitative-descriptive to process interview data. Based on the data obtained, the use of ICT as a Learning Media and Learning Resources by Equivalent High School teachers in East Bunguran District, Natuna Regency is at a percentage above 80% with a high category. This shows that the teacher's ability to use ICT is very good. The learning media is majority often used are presentation processing applications and projectors. Meanwhile, the most widely used learning resource is the Internet.Information and computer technology (ICT) is currently being used in all fields, including education. One of the uses of ICT in the field of education is for learning media and learning resources that can be used by teachers. This study aims to determine the extent to which the competence or ability of teachers, especially in ICT subjects, in utilizing ICT both as a medium of learning and a learning resource. The use of ICT is carried out to make it easier for teachers to carry out the learning process. The research method used is descriptive with a survey form. The data collection tools used were questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive to process questionnaire data and qualitative descriptive to process interview data. Based on the data obtained, the use of ICT as a Learning Media and Learning Resources by Equivalent High School teachers in East Bunguran District, Natuna Regency is at a percentage above 80% with a high category. This shows that the teacher's ability to use ICT is very good. The learning media most often used are presentation processing applications and projectors. Meanwhile, the most widely used learning resource is the internet

    The effects of a blend of croscarmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose on the brittle fracture tendency of paracetamol tablets

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    Background: Capping and lamination are major problems encountered in tablet production and they are indicators of the brittle fracture tendency of a tablet formulation.Objective: The study aimed at determining the effect of a blend of two super-disintegrants on the brittle fracture tendency of paracetamol tablet.Methods: Batches of paracetamol granules and tablets (B1-B5) were prepared by wet granulation using a blend of croscarmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) at different ratios. The formulated granules’ pre- and post-compression parameters such as weight uniformity, dimensions, friability, crushing strength disintegration time, brittle fracture index (BFI) and dissolution studies were evaluated.Results: Granules of the different batches of the formulations exhibited excellent flow properties. All of the formulated tablets met official compendial specifications for tablets except batch B4 tablets with tablet friability value of 1.35 %. The BFI of the paracetamol tablets with MCC alone (B5) had the lowest value (0.420), closely followed by the B3 tablets value (0.421) with 2 parts MCC and 1 part croscarmellose sodium. The highest BFI value of 0.582 was obtained from the B1 batch of tablets containing equal parts of the superdisintegrants.Conclusion: The blend of superdisintegrants adversely affected the brittle fracture tendency of the paracetamol tablets by increasing the BFI of the tablets though to a lesser degree. The choice of two or more superdisintegrants in the formulation of fast disintegrating tablets should be undertaken with a careful study to avoid producing tablets that are prone to capping or lamination during tablet-die ejection.Keywords: Superdisintegrants, Blend, Tablets properties, BF


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    Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) merupakan salah satu Unit Pelayanan Teknis dari Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) yang menangani pelestarian cagar budaya. BPCB memiliki tugas untuk melindungi, mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan cagar budaya. Penelitian tersebut meneliti tentang bagaimana peranan Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Existensinya sebagai Rumah Tuo di desa Rantau Panjang di Kabupaten Merangin provinsi Jambi. Penelitian tersebut memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana peranan, kebijakan serta perkembangan yang dilakukan BPCB Provinsi Jambi dalam pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Existensinya sebagai Rumah Tuo di desa Rantau Panjang Kabupaten Merangin. Ada tiga cara yang dilakukan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dengan pegawai BPCB Provinsi Jambi dan juru kunci Rumah Tuo dan warga di sekitar Perumahan Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang Kabupaten Merangin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif. Sesuai dengan Permendikbud No.52 tahun 2012 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja BPCB memiliki fungsi melaksanakan penyelamatan, pengamanan, zonasi, pemeliharaan, pemugaran, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, dokumentasi dan publikasi, kemitraan, fasilitasi tenaga teknis dan urusan ketatausahaan BPCB. Upaya pelestarian dari BPCB tersebut dilakukan terhadap pelestarian Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang Kabupaten Merangin. Hasil peneliian menunjukkah bahwa BPCB Provinsi Jambi sudah mulai melestarikan Cagar Budaya Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang. Kendala yang dihadapi BPCB dalam pelestarian cagar budaya Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang adalah sulitnya akses menuju Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang, sarana pendukung dan pendanaan, serta daya tarik yang kurang. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan pemerintah Provinsi Jambi supaya lebih peduli dengan peninggalan situs bersejarah di Provinsi Jambi khususnya Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang di Kabupaten Merangin
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