17 research outputs found

    Giving the Environment a Voice? Access to Justice for NGOs in the EU post the Aarhus Convention

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    I denna uppsats kommer jag att titta pĂ„ hur miljöorganisationers talerĂ€tt har förĂ€ndrats i EU efter det att EU ratificerade Århuskonventionen. Århuskonventionen ger individer och miljöorganisationer talerĂ€tt gĂ€llande tillgĂ„ng till information, rĂ€tt att delta i beslutsprocesser, men ocksĂ„ gentemot privatpersoner eller myndigheter som strider mot den nationella miljölagstiftningen. EU har införlivat konventionen genom direktiv och förordningar. Även EU-domstolen har spelat en viktig roll i att skapa ny rĂ€ttspraxis dĂ€r miljörĂ€ttsorganisationer tillgĂ„ng till rĂ€ttslig prövning i miljöfrĂ„gor pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„ har vidgats. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller miljöorganisationers talerĂ€tt pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„, har situationen inte förĂ€ndrats mycket sedan innan Århuskonventionen. Det Ă€r fortfarande praktiskt taget omöjligt för en miljöorganisation för att uppfylla kravet pĂ„ individualisering i miljöfrĂ„gor. Om talerĂ€tten som Århuskonventionen ger miljöorganisationer införlivas fullt ut pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„ och i medlemsstaterna, skulle det kanske finnas en reell möjlighet för allmĂ€nheten att se till sĂ„ att miljölagstiftningen följs och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kunna skydda vĂ„r miljö. DĂ„ skulle man kanske till och med kunna sĂ€ga att miljön har fĂ„tt en röst.In this thesis I will look at how access to justice for NGOs has changed in the EU after the Union became a party to the Aarhus Convention. The Aarhus Convention gives individuals and environmental NGOs access to justice regarding access to environmental information, public participation in decision-making, but also in regard to private persons or public authorities in breach of national environmental law. EU has implemented the Convention through directives and regulations and the ECJ has played an important role as gap filler in recent case law. NGOs have in these cases been given wider access to justice in environmental matters at national level. But when it comes to access to justice at EU level, the legal situation has not changed much from before the Aarhus Convention. It is still practically impossible for an NGO to be directly and individually concerned in environmental matters. If the provisions on access to justice in the Aarhus Convention would be fully implemented at EU level and in its Member States, there would perhaps be a real possibility for the public to be involved in enforcing environmental law and protecting the environment. Then one could perhaps even say that the environment has been given a voice

    Ungdomars deltagande i den fysiska planeringen

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    Syftet med den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r att öka förstĂ„elsen för hur och varför ungdomar kan delta i den fysiska planeringen. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga mĂ„l Ă€r att undersöka vilka planeringsmetoder och modeller det finns för att inkludera ungdomar i planeringen av vĂ„ra offentliga miljöer. Detta görs genom en litteraturstudie och genom att studera och delta i workshopen ”Gör (om)rĂ„det”, som gav mig en möjlighet att inhĂ€mta information och praktisk erfarenhet kring hur olika planeringsmetoder för ungdomars inflytande anvĂ€nds i praktiken.Ungdomar tillbringar mycket av sin lediga tid pĂ„ vĂ„ra offentliga platser, pĂ„ grund av att de Ă€r utestĂ€ngda frĂ„n mĂ„nga kommersiella nöjesevenemang dĂ„ de flesta evenemang har höga intrĂ€desavgifter eller Ă„ldersgrĂ€nser. Ungdomar Ă€r en heterogen grupp mĂ€nniskor med olika genus, med skilda intressen, frĂ„n olika kulturer och socioekonomiska förhĂ„llanden. Ungdomar har expertkunskaper om sin egen livssituation, sin omgivning och sina egna framtidsvisioner som vuxna inte har tillgĂ„ng till. För att förstĂ„ hur andra upplever verkligheten och för att kunna ha möjlighet att inkludera ungdomars kunskaper i planeringsarbetet krĂ€vs ett stort engagemang och kunskaper om olika metoder och modeller som Ă€r utformade för att ungdomar och medborgare ska kunna göra sina röster hörda i samhĂ€llet. Viljan att möta mĂ€nniskor och ompröva sina egna kunskaper och Ă„sikter Ă€r en av grundförutsĂ€ttningar för att skapa inkluderande planeringsprocesser

    Att motivera klienter

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    Motivation hos klienter upplevs vara en viktig faktor för en lyckad intervention. Syftet med studien var dÀrför att undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter upplever att de motiverar sina klienter. Vald metod var fokusgrupp varpÄ tvÄ grupper sammanstÀlldes med fyra respektive fem yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter per grupp. Resultatet visar att arbetsterapeuterna motiverar sina klienter genom att skapa förtroende, se till klientens intressen, viljor och vÀrderingar, ge valmöjligheter, förtydliga och förklara samt göra klienten till en aktiv deltagare i mÄlformuleringen. Det framkom Àven att klienten och omgivningen pÄverkar arbetsterapeutens motivationsarbete. Resultatet visar att deltagarna motiverar sina klienter pÄ ett sÀtt vilket liknar det som beskrivs i den forskning författarna tagit del av kring hur arbetsterapeuter motiverar sina klienter. Det har blivit tydligt att tid spelar roll vid motivationsarbetet med klienten och att tiden Àr oerhört viktig för en lyckad intervention. För att erhÄlla den tid som krÀvs för att motivera klienter till tÀnkta interventioner tros det vara viktigt att pÄtala att det finns evidens för arbetsterapeuters sÀtt att motivera

    MotsÀttningen mellan styrning och innovationsförmÄga - en multipel fallstudie

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att pÄvisa hur innovativa företag arbetar med motsÀttningen mellan behovet av styrning kontra behovet av innovationsförmÄga. UtifrÄn empirin har vi funnit belÀgg som stödjer vÄrt antagande om att det finns en motsÀttning mellan behovet av styrning kontra behovet av innovationsförmÄga. Företagen handskas generellt med motsÀttningen genom att i stor utstrÀckning anvÀnda sig av styrformer som anses vara mer lösa i kombination med nyckelpersoner som driver innovationsprocessen

    Compiling an Interpreted Processing Language : Improving Performance in a Large Telecommunication System

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    In this report we evaluate different techniques for increasing the performance of an interpreted processing language in a telecommunication system, called Billing Gateway R8. We have implemented a prototype in which we first translate the language into C++ code, and then compile it using a C++ compiler. In our prototype we experienced a threefold increase in processing throughput, compared to the original system, when running on a Symmetric Multi Processor with four CPU:s that were under full load. The prototype also showed better scalability than Billing Gateway R8, due to less use of dynamic memory management

    Privacy and Information Sharing on Social Networking Sites

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    Social networking sites are becoming more and more widely used, increasing their importance as vehicles for communication and collaboration. Due to this, a significant amount of information is shared on these sites, with considerable potential implications for the area of personal privacy. There have been reports that the users of these sites do not understand the potential harms of information-sharing. In our study, we examine individuals’ perceptions of privacy as they relate to these sites as well as how these perceptions differ between genders, age groups and geographical backgrounds. Using quantitative methods by surveying 240 individuals we find that they are, indeed, highly concerned about their privacy, both on the Internet and on SNS. Furthermore, even if they share a significant amount of information on these sites, they are both aware of and make use of the privacy settings available to them. However, we find that the terms and agreements and privacy policies pertaining to these sites are not important factors influencing the decision of whether or not to get involved in them. Our findings make us conclude that individuals are performing cost and benefit analyses related to their level of participation and information-sharing, in line with the social exchange theory. Our study also confirms that the phenomenon of information disclosure on SNS is to some extent associated with the user’s gender and age, as has been suggested in previous studies. However, we find differences concerning the specific characteristics of privacy awareness and privacy protection on SNS as compared to previous studies. Finally, we examine these areas with respect to geographical backgrounds, and discover differences not previously reported

    Compiling an Interpreted Processing Language : Improving Performance in a Large Telecommunication System

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    In this report we evaluate different techniques for increasing the performance of an interpreted processing language in a telecommunication system, called Billing Gateway R8. We have implemented a prototype in which we first translate the language into C++ code, and then compile it using a C++ compiler. In our prototype we experienced a threefold increase in processing throughput, compared to the original system, when running on a Symmetric Multi Processor with four CPU:s that were under full load. The prototype also showed better scalability than Billing Gateway R8, due to less use of dynamic memory management

    Mental health and self-image among deaf and hard of hearing children.

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    Mental health and self-image among deaf and hard of hearing children (ages 11-18 years) in southern Sweden was investigated. The children (N = 111) attended special schools for the deaf (n = 28), special schools for the hard of hearing (n = 23), and regular schools where hard of hearing children were mainstreamed (n = 60). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997) was used to screen mental health and the "I Think I Am" questionnaire Ouvinen-Birgerstam (1982, 1984) to measure self-esteem. The study shows that hard of hearing children seem to do as well, as a group, as other children in Swedish society. Mean SDQ and ITIA scores indicated that the mainstreamed students and the students in special schools for the hard of hearing had higher levels of rated mental health and self-image than the students in schools for the deaf

    Improving Multiprocessor Performance of a Large Telecommunication System by Replacing Interpretation with Compilation

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    In this report we consider different techniques for increasing the multiprocessor performance of an interpreted processing language in a large real-time telecommunication system, called Billing Gateway. We have implemented a prototype in which we first translate the language into C++ code, and then compile it using a C++ compiler. In our prototype we experienced a more than fourfold increase in throughput, compared to the original system, when running on an SMP with eight CPUs. The prototype also showed better scalability tha

    Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being among Hearing-Impaired: Does it Relates?

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    This paper explores the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being among hearing-impaired students. Emotional intelligence consists of five dimensions namely intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management and general mood. A total of 130 hearing-impaired students were chosen as participants via simple random sampling at four polytechnics in Malaysia. The Bar-On Emotional Quotient: Short (EQ-i: S) and Ryff‘s Psychological Well-Being instruments were utilised to measure emotional intelligence and psychological well-being. It was found that in general, hearing impaired students have moderate emotional intelligence level and psychological well-being. Results also found that intrapersonal, interpersonal and adaptability dimensions correlated significantly with psychological well-being. No correlations were found between stress management and general mood dimensions with psychological well-being. Though limited by their ability to speak and to hear, emotional intelligence among hearing-impaired students does play a role in enhancing their individual capability to learn and to experience positive psychological well-being in life