17 research outputs found

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, datasummary of 50 countries for 2010-2015 : Device-associated module

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    Q3Artículo original1495-1504Background: We report the results of International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) sur-veillance study from January 2010-December 2015 in 703 intensive care units (ICUs) in Latin America,Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and Western Pacific.Methods:During the 6-year study period, using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Health-care Safety Network (CDC-NHSN) definitions for device-associated health care-associated infection (DA-HAI), we collected prospective data from 861,284 patients hospitalized in INICC hospital ICUs for an aggregateof 3,506,562 days.Results:Although device use in INICC ICUs was similar to that reported from CDC-NHSN ICUs, DA-HAIrates were higher in the INICC ICUs: in the INICC medical-surgical ICUs, the pooled rate of central line-associated bloodstream infection, 4.1 per 1,000 central line-days, was nearly 5-fold higher than the 0.8per 1,000 central line-days reported from comparable US ICUs, the overall rate of ventilator-associatedpneumonia was also higher, 13.1 versus 0.9 per 1,000 ventilator-days, as was the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection, 5.07 versus 1.7 per 1,000 catheter-days. From blood cultures samples,frequencies of resistance ofPseudomonasisolates to amikacin (29.87% vs 10%) and to imipenem (44.3%vs 26.1%), and ofKlebsiella pneumoniaeisolates to ceftazidime (73.2% vs 28.8%) and to imipenem (43.27%vs 12.8%) were also higher in the INICC ICUs compared with CDC-NHSN ICUs.Conclusions:Although DA-HAIs in INICC ICU patients continue to be higher than the rates reported inCDC-NSHN ICUs representing the developed world, we have observed a significant trend toward the re-duction of DA-HAI rates in INICC ICUs as shown in each international report. It is INICC’s main goal tocontinue facilitating education, training, and basic and cost-effective tools and resources, such as stan-dardized forms and an online platform, to tackle this problem effectively and systematically

    Prevalencia de lupus eritomatoso sistémico en pacientes que visitaron el Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital Dr. Salvador B. Gautier durante el período enero 1998 - enero 2001

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    El Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico (LES) es una de las enfermedades mas frecuentes que afecta el tejido conectivo. El termino "lupus" proviene del latin y significa lobo, fue asignado por la semejanza a las lesiones de la piel que produce esta enfermedad con la mordedura de este animal; "eritematoso" debido a la presencia de erupciones o enrojecimiento de la piel causadas por la misma y "sistemico" por la afección a diversos órganos del cuerpo. El LES es una enfermedad autoinmune es decir, basada en un trastorno de la respuesta inmunitaria normal, donde el organismo no es capaz de reconocer sus propios componentes y reacciona contra ellos generando autoanticuerpos que producen daño vascular y/o tisular. Esta patología es de etiología desconocida, probablemente multifactorial donde acttian factores geneticos y agentes del medio externo, como medicamentos y factores ambientales; se presenta con mas frecuencia en mujeres de raza negra en la edad fertil. Actualmente no existe una cura para el LES sino que se utilizan medicamentos inmunosupresores para deprimir la respuesta inmunitaria, y para controlar las afecciones que produce. El pronostico de vida de un paciente con LES es aproximadamente de 10 años luego del diagnostico de la enfermedad. El diseño de esta investigacion fue retrospectivo-descriptivo, donde se determino la prevalencia de Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico (LES) en pacientes de ambos sexos y de todas las edades que acudieron al departamento de Medicina Interna del hospital Dr. Salvador B. Gautier, durante el período enero 1998-enero 2001. Se seleccionaron los sujetos a estudiar mediante la revision de los expedientes clínicos, utilizando coma criteria de inclusion que presentaran el diagnóstico de LES. En una población de 8,810 expedientes se obtuvieron 23 casos que presentaron LES, representando una prevalencia de 26/10,000 habitantes, donde se determinó que el genera mas predispuesto a la enfermedad es el femenino, de raza negra en su edad fertil

    The Trypanosoma cruzi nucleolus: a morphometrical analysis of cultured epimastigotes in the exponential and stationary phases

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    Our group is interested in rRNA and ribosome biogenesis in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. Epimastigotes represent an extracellular replicative stage of T. cruzi and can be cultured in axenic media. The growth curve of epimastigotes allows assessment of potential differences in the nucleoli of cells undergoing growth-rate transitions. To establish cellular parameters for studying ribosome biogenesis in T. cruzi, a morphometric analysis of the nucleoli of cultured cells in the exponential and stationary phases was conducted. Electron micrograph-based measurements of nuclear sections from independent cells demonstrated that the nucleolar area is over twofold higher in exponentially growing cells, as compared with epimastigotes in the stationary phase. The granular component of the nucleoli of actively growing cells was the main structural element. Cycloheximide moderately reduced the apparent size of the nucleoli without an apparent disruption of their architecture. Our results provide a firm basis for the establishment of an experimental model to study the organization of the nucleolus during the growth and development of T. cruzi

    Parasiticidal effect of synthetic bovine lactoferrin peptides on the enteric parasite <em>Giardia intestinalis</em>

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    Giardia intestinalis is the most common infectious protozoan parasite in children. Despite the effectiveness of some drugs, the disease remains a major worldwide problem. Consequently, the search for new treatments is important for disease eradication. Biological molecules with antimicrobial properties represent a promising alternative to combat pathogens. Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) is a key component of the innate host defense system, and its peptides have exhibited strong antimicrobial activity. Based on these properties, we evaluated the parasiticidal activity of these peptides on G. intestinalis. Trophozoites were incubated with different peptide concentrations for different periods of time, and the growth or viability was determined by carboxyfluorescein-succinimidyl-diacetate-ester (CFDA) and propidium iodide (PI) staining. Endocytosis of peptides was investigated by confocal microscopy, damage was analyzed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and the type of programmed cell death was analyzed by flow cytometry. Our results showed that the LF peptides had giardicidal activity. The LF peptides interacted with G. intestinalis and exposure to LF peptides correlated with an increase in the granularity and vacuolization of the cytoplasm. Additionally, the formation of pores, extensive membrane disruption, and programmed cell death was observed in trophozoites treated with LF peptides. Our results demonstrate that LF peptides exhibit potent in vitro antigiardial activity

    Parasiticidal effect of synthetic bovine Lactoferrin peptides on the enteric parasite Giardia intestinalis

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    Giardia intestinalis is the most common infectious protozoan parasite in children. Despite the effectiveness of some drugs, the disease remains a major worldwide problem. Consequently, the search for new treatments is important for disease eradication. Biological molecules with antimicrobial properties represent a promising alternative to combat pathogens. Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) is a key component of the innate host defense system, and its peptides have exhibited strong antimicrobial activity. Based on these properties, we evaluated the parasiticidal activity of these peptides on G. intestinalis. Trophozoites were incubated with different peptide concentrations for different periods of time, and the growth or viability was determined by carboxyfluorescein-succinimidyl-diacetate-ester (CFDA) and propidium iodide (PI) staining. Endocytosis of peptides was investigated by confocal microscopy, damage was analyzed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and the type of programmed cell death was analyzed by flow cytometry. Our results showed that the LFpeptides had giardicidal activity. The LFpeptides interacted with G. intestinalis and exposure to LFpeptides correlated with an increase in the granularity and vacuolization of the cytoplasm. Additionally, the formation of pores, extensive membrane disruption, and programmed cell death was observed in trophozoites treated with LFpeptides. Our results demonstrate that LFpeptides exhibit potent in vitro antigiardial activity.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author