18 research outputs found

    University collaboration with business in curriculum development

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    The relevance of the research is that university and business collaboration is the main implementation tool of the third university mission. University-business collaboration (UBC) has risen to one of the top priorities for many higher education institutions, with its importance mirroring attention from scholars and policy makers worldwide. In the face of increasing global competition, business was challenged to seek new methods for creating their competitive advantage and at the same time, the decreasing budgets of higher education institutions were pressured to find new streams of financing. In both cases, collaboration in different forms is an important method for achieving their objectives. Ten types of UBC are related quite directly to the missions of the university and the needs of business but one of them curriculum development and delivery is very important. Using this form for UBC, could help to develop human resources relevant to modern society. The main instruments and activities in this form of collaboration as identified by business is too little used. The research aim was to identify the activities of university and leisure organizations used for collaboration in curriculum development. The objectives of the research: to determine the forms of UBC, to identify the activities used for universities and leisure organizations collaboration in curriculum development. Analysis of recent research and publications. UBC became the subject of education and management sciences. Recently, much attention has been paid to UBC collaboration practices (M. Ilyas, G. Dutrenit, D. Golder-Buckley, V. Garousi, K. Petersen) especially a lot of research on practices was done about universities collaboration in R&D and commercialisation of R&D. P. D'Este and M. Perkmann explored the factors of UBC, the types were identified by T. Davey, T. Baaken, V. Galan Muros, A. Meerman, T. Barnes, A. Gibbons and the levels of UBC were represented by B.N. Ponomariov, P.C. Boardman, T. Davey. The benefits of UBC to research quality have been studied by researchers M. Crespo and H. Dridi, as a collaborative factor for learning improvement by researchers K. Ramakrishnan, N.M. Yasin, A. Draghici, as a quality factor UBC was analysed by M. Perkmann, Z. King, S. Pavelin. The main researchers who analysed the UBC in curriculum development was the T. Davey, A. Healy, C. Plewa, T. Baaken. An overview of the study of this object shows that it was mostly analysed in vocational training and in last ten years‘ period the publications is growing in UBC. Research methodology. The paper seeks to represent the collaboration forms, which was used by university with the business organizations from leisure industry. As well, it seeks to identify the activities of business collaboration in curriculum design, development and evaluation. Methods applied for the research was scientific literature review, a questionnaire survey for business organization leaders and mathematical statistics. Conclusion. The results of business organizations show the positive impact for increasing the university collaboration as a hole but in study programs, curriculum development shows that it is needed more business engagement. With the business engagement into curriculum academics, expect to be given the opportunity to transfer theoretical ideas into practical projects and to implement research in the real world. At the same time, the business engage in the curriculum development mostly through giving guest‘s lectures and consultations, place for practice, or organizing the different events with the academics

    Співробітництво університету зі студією бізнесу і розвитку

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    The relevance of the research is that university and business collaboration is the main implementation tool of the third university mission. University-business collaboration (UBC) has risen to one of the top priorities for many higher education institutions, with its importance mirroring attention from scholars and policy makers worldwide. In the face of increasing global competition, business was challenged to seek new methods for creating their competitive advantage and at the same time, the decreasing budgets of higher education institutions were pressured to find new streams of financing. In both cases, collaboration in different forms is an important method for achieving their objectives. Ten types of UBC are related quite directly to the missions of the university and the needs of business but one of them curriculum development and delivery is very important. Using this form for UBC, could help to develop human resources relevant to modern society. The main instruments and activities in this form of collaboration as identified by business is too little used. The research aim was to identify the activities of university and leisure organizations used for collaboration in curriculum development. The objectives of the research: to determine the forms of UBC, to identify the activities used for universities and leisure organizations collaboration in curriculum development. Analysis of recent research and publications. UBC became the subject of education and management sciences. Recently, much attention has been paid to UBC collaboration practices (M. Ilyas, G. Dutrenit, D. Golder-Buckley, V. Garousi, K. Petersen) especially a lot of research on practices was done about universities collaboration in R&D and commercialisation of R&D. P. D'Este and M. Perkmann explored the factors of UBC, the types were identified by T. Davey, T. Baaken, V. Galan Muros, A. Meerman, T. Barnes, A. Gibbons and the levels of UBC were represented by B.N. Ponomariov, P.C. Boardman, T. Davey. The benefits of UBC to research quality have been studied by researchers M. Crespo and H. Dridi, as a collaborative factor for learning improvement by researchers K. Ramakrishnan, N.M. Yasin, A. Draghici, as a quality factor UBC was analysed by M. Perkmann, Z. King, S. Pavelin. The main researchers who analysed the UBC in curriculum development was the T. Davey, A. Healy, C. Plewa, T. Baaken. An overview of the study of this object shows that it was mostly analysed in vocational training and in last ten years’ period the publications is growing in UBC. Research methodology. The paper seeks to represent the collaboration forms, which was used by university with the business organizations from leisure industry. As well, it seeks to identify the activities of business collaboration in curriculum design, development and evaluation. Methods applied for the research was scientific literature review, a questionnaire survey for business organization leaders and mathematical statistics.Conclusion. The results of business organizations show the positive impact for increasing the university collaboration as a hole but in study programs, curriculum development shows that it is needed more business engagement. With the business engagement into curriculum academics, expect to be given the opportunity to transfer theoretical ideas into practical projects and to implement research in the real world. At the same time, the business engage in the curriculum development mostly through giving guest’s lectures and consultations, place for practice, or organizing the different events with the academicsАктуальность исследования отражает тот факт, что сотрудничество между университетом и бизнесом рассматривается как важный способ реализации третьей миссии университета. Университеты вынуждены искать новые возможности для финансирования, сокращения государственного финансирования и поддержки со стороны структурных фондов, а также быстрого роста деловой конкуренции, компании вынуждены искать новые методы для поддержания конкурентного преимущества. В обоих случаях различные формы сотрудничества являются важным способом достижения своих целей. Десять типов UBC напрямую связаны с миссиями университетов и бизнес-потребностями, но один из них очень важен - улучшение содержания исследования, которое анализируется с помощью разработки, внедрения и оценки содержания исследования. Такая форма сотрудничества между университетом и бизнесом может помочь в развитии человеческих ресурсов, связанных с развитием современного общества. Однако участие бизнеса в нем ограничено, а деятельность по привлечению внимания очень ограничена и не используется. Цель исследования – определить формы деятельности, в которой участвуют представители бизнеса в целях улучшения содержания учебного процесса. Задачи исследования: определить формы сотрудничества между университетом, деловыми кругами и представителями бизнеса в области проектирования, внедрения и оценки содержания исследования. Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. С образованием третьей университетской миссии сотрудничество между университетами и бизнесом широко анализировалось не только в области управления, но и в области естественно-научного образования. Университетское деловое сотрудничество как объект анализировалось в рамках совместных практик, как частных, так и общественных (M. Ilyas, G. Dutrenit, D. Golder-Buckley, V. Garousi, K. Petersen). P. D'Este и M. Perkmann определили факторы, влияющие на сотрудничество между университетами и бизнесом, а также определение типов сотрудничества, преимуществ сотрудничества (T. Davey, T. Baaken, V. Galan Muros, A. Meerman, T. Barnes, A. Gibbons, M. Crespo and H. Dridi) и определить уровни сотрудничества между университетами и деловым сотрудничеством (B.N. Ponomariov, P.C. Boardman, T. Davey). Основные ученые проанализировали сотрудничество между университетом и бизнесом в улучшении содержания исследований T. Davey, A. Healy, C. Plewa, T. Baaken. Обзор изучения этого объекта показывает, что он был в основном проанализирован в профессиональной подготовке. Методология исследования. Отдельные количественные исследования направлены на выявление существующих форм университетского и делового сотрудничества и определение того, какой бизнес участвует в разработке содержания исследования (разработка, внедрение и оценка). Для исследования были применены следующие методы: анализ научной литературы, анкетирование с исследованием данных, которые были обработаны математическим анализом. Выводы. Результаты опроса показали, что бизнес-организации все более активно участвуют в университетской деятельности через различные виды сотрудничества, но их участие в разработке учебного сотрудничества по-прежнему недостаточное и ограниченое небольшим числом мероприятий. Представители бизнеса в основном участвуют в развитии с гостевыми лекциями и консультациями, которые проводятся во время практики или написания окончательной (дипломной) работы, а также помогают организовать мероприятия в университетеАктуальність вивчення відображає той факт, що співробітництво між університетом і бізнесом розглядається як важливий спосіб реалізцаії третьої місії університету. Університети покликані шукати нові можливості для фінансування, скорочення державного фінансування і підтримки зі сторони структурних фондів, а також швидкого зростання ділової конкуренції, компанії покликані шукати нові методи для підтримки конкурентних переваг. В обох випадках різні форми співробітництва є важливим способом досягення своїх цілей. Десять типів UBC напряму пов’язані з місіями університетів і бізнес-потребами, проте один з них є достатньо важливим - покращенння змісту дослідження, що аналізується за допомогою розробки, упровадження та оцінки змісту дослідження. Така форма співробітництва між університетом і бізнесом може допомогти у розвитку людських ресурсів, пов’язаних з розвитком сучасного суспільства. Проте участь бізнесу в ній обмежена, діяльність щодо залучення уваги також досить обмежена і не використовується. Мета дослідження - визначити форми діяльності, у якій приймають участь представники бізнесу з метою покращення змісту навчального процесу. Завдання дослідження: визначити форми співробітництва між університетом, діловими колами та представниками бізнесу у сфері проектування, упровадження та оцінки змісту дослідження. Аналіз останніх досліджень та публікацій. З утворенням третьої університетської місії співробітництво між університетами і бізнесом широко аналізувалася не тільки у сфері управління, але й у сфері природничо-наукової освіти. Університетське ділове співробітництво як об’єкт аналізувалося у рамках сумісних практик, як приватних, так і суспільних (M. Ilyas, G. Dutrenit, D. Golder-Buckley, V. Garousi, K. Petersen). P. D'Este и M. Perkmann визначили фактори, які впливають на співробітництво між університетами і бізнесом, а також визначення типів співробітництва та переваг співробітництва (T. Davey, T. Baaken, V. Galan Muros, A. Meerman, T. Barnes, A. Gibbons, M. Crespo and H. Dridi) та визначити рівні співробітництва між університетами та діловим співробітництвом (B.N. Ponomariov, P.C. Boardman, T. Davey). Провідні вчені проаналізували співробітництво між університетом та бізнесом у покращенні змісту досліджень T. Davey, A. Healy, C. Plewa, T. Baaken. Огляд вивчення цього об’єкта свідчить, що він був в основному проаналізований у професійній підготовці. Методологія дослідження. Окремі кількісні дослідження направлені на виявлення істотних форм університетського та ділового співробітництва та виявлення того, який бізнес приймає участь у розробці змісту дослідження (розробка, упровадження та оцінка). У дослідженні були застосовані наступні методи: аналіз наукової літератури, анкетування з дослідженням даних, які були оброблені математичним аналізом. Висновки.Результати опитування показали, що бізнес-організації приймають все більш активну участь в університетській діЯльсноті чеерз різні виді с півпраці, проте їх участь у розробці навчального співробітництва обмежується ще недостанім і обмеженим числом заходів. Представники бізнесу в основному приймають участь у розвитку лекцій у якості гостей та консультацій, які проводяться під час практики чи написання в підсумковому вигляді дипломної роботи, а також допомагають організувати заходи в університеті.Ключові слова: університетське ділове співробітництво, форми співробітництва, розвиток навчального процесу, ділове співробітництво в дослідженн

    Benefits of business and university collaboration in curriculum development

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    The relevance of the research In the face of increasing global competition, business was challenged to seek new methods for creating their competitive advantage and at the same time the decreasing budgets of higher education institutions were pressured to find new streams of financing. In both cases, collaboration is seen as an important method for achieving their objectives but universities of today have as well to find the appropriate balance between teaching, basic and applied research, and entrepreneurship. Ten types of university-business collaboration are related quite directly to the missions of the university and the needs of business. Curriculum development and delivery is one of that ten, which aim is to develop human resources to modern society. A summary of benefits was identified in the academic literature as arising from UBC in relation to curriculum design and delivery for multiple stakeholders including academics, students, university administration, business and community. Overall, UBC may take various forms that are influenced by different factors but even if all stakeholders seeks the main purpose of this process they may get different benefits. The research aim was to identify the benefits of universities and business organizations in curriculum development. The objectives of the research: to determine the instruments and activities used for universities and business organizations collaboration, to identify universities and business organizations benefits from collaboration to the various stakeholder groups. Analysis of recent research and publications. UBC became the subject of education and management sciences. P. D'Este and M. Perkmann explored the factors of UBC, the types were identified by T. Davey, T. Baaken, V. Galan Muros, A. Meerman, T. Barnes, A. Gibbons and the levels of UBC were represented by B.N. Ponomariov, P.C. Boardman, T. Davey, R. Laužackas. The benefits of UBC to research [...]Lietuvos sporto universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Open educational resources provided via internet for lifelong learning

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    Leidinys išleistas anglų ir rusų kalbomisEdukologijos tyrimų institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The use of video conference opportunities at non-governmental sports organizations

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    Today the analysis of the well-established sports organizations refers to organizations in which a number of business processes have integrated the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Properly chosen they may increase the administrative challenges of individual performance and also including decisionmaking in organized meetings. As one of the most effective tools for such meetings we can distinguish the video conference tools (Langford, Robertson, 2011). Analysing the ICT and also including the video conference tools importance in sports organizations we shouldn’t talk about the functional capacity of The use of video conference opportunities at non -governmental sports organizations the technology but especially talk about the user. It is because in today’s advanced technology and high circulation of information the command and use depends on the users beliefs. The user has to belief that the use of the new technology will be easy, will cost a little effort and will increase efficiency (Davis, 1989). Expressed thoughts allowed raising the problem question – what are the factors that leads to sports organization members’ decision to use video conference? The object of the research is the use of video conference opportunities. The aim of the research is to reveal the opportunities of the use of video conference at non-governmental sports organization – Lithuanian Swimming Federation (LSF). The quantitative research was chosen to analyse the decision to use the video conference in the organization by the members of executive committee of LSF. Quantitative research was based on questionnaire survey and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Survey instrument – the questionnaire was adapted according the Mosbeh and Soliman (2008) identified nine factors: (perceived usefulness, perceived easy of use, compatibility, computer self-efficacy, personal innovativeness, supervisor pressure, self image, technical support, top management support). Aiming to asses each factor, the respondents were asked to evaluate questions on a five point Likert Scale (where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 – strongly agree). After the nine factors averages were analysed according to the statements attributed to them, the aim was to find out what are the factors that lead to executive committee members of LSF decision to use video conference. The members of executive committee of LSF will use the video conference because of its easy use (perceived usefulness – 3,58 points) also because of the users who feel innovative and can independently use the tool functions (personal innovativeness – 3,51 points; computer self-efficacy – 3,46 points). The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool was non technical support and the lack of top management support (technical support – 2,27points, top management support factor – 2.5 points). The research showed that determination of using video conference mostly influenced the members of executive committee of Lithuanian Swimming Federation are perceived usefulness, the members propensity to take interest in the latest technology, tool innovativeness and computer self-efficacy. The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool were non technical support and the lack of top management support. So we can assume that providing better technical support will help to reduce the organizations material resources as well as promoting the use of effective time employees during working hours

    The Facebook phenomenon for collaborative learning for university studies

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    This article defines the shift in the concept and conditions of collaborative learning for university studies using the social networking tool Facebook and discusses the collaborative learning effect in terms of using Open Educational Resources (OER), creating learning artefacts and new generic competence development. In order to evaluate students’ learning through collaboration in Facebook, qualitative research method and survey of generic competencies based on the Tuning project framework (2003) were used. The data was collected through focus group interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The qualitative research method was chosen because it provides information of how students collaborate and what experience they gained during the activities. First, Facebook online groups have been identified at three different levels at VMU. The Facebook first level group was the social networking of Vytautas Magnus University’s students and academic staff. The second level group was created for the department dealing with social sciences, and is called “Department of Social Science”. The third level group is “Education Service Management” within the Department of Education. The research was done at the third level group with the students of the “Education Service Management” study programme. As research results show, Facebook as a social network has been changing communication between students, by facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge.The research analyses Facebook in the context of undergraduate university studies, based upon the experience of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) for using Facebook for university studies. It could be concluded that learning is about developing capabilities to think and to act. Learners using social networking tools for collaborative learning, act, provide feedback and peer-review, asses and rate information. Openness is based on the idea that knowledge is disseminated and shared freely for the benefit of society as a whole. University students collaborate online and learn by using and exchanging OER, as well as developing them as the artefacts of online collaborative learning. They influence task design by creating “educational resources” themselves