41 research outputs found

    First report of Tomato leaf curl Sinaloa virus infecting tomato crops in Panama

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    In April 2011 and September 2012, virus-like symptoms were observed in open field- and greenhouse-grown tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum) in Chiriqu\ued, the westernmost province of Panama. Samples from symptom-bearing plants (127 in all) were collected and tested for the presence of begomoviruses by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays with sets of degenerated primers designed to amplify parts of the DNA-A and DNA-B components (Rojas et al., 1993; Table 1). Products of the expected sizes, obtained with both DNA-A- and DNA-B-specific primers for 49 samples, suggested infection with New World bipartite begomoviruses. This corresponds to an incidence of 26% (8 plants) in open field, and 43% (41 plants) in greenhouse crops. Primers specific for ten tomato-infecting begomoviruses found in Central America (Engel et al., 1998; Nakhla et al., 2005; Table 1) were used to typify the PCR-positive samples

    Competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n inicial

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    100 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto de investigaci?n se dio gracias a los aportes de diferentes te?ricos, e investigadores que permitieron reconocer la importancia de las competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n. Esta propuesta, se desarroll? con ni?@s de nivel transici?n del Colegio Musical La Divina Infancia trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa y empleando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico as? como la Investigaci?n - Acci?n; logrando la caracterizaci?n de discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en dicha instituci?n. A trav?s de este proceso, se realizaron actividades l?dico-pedag?gicas creadas en base a las necesidades de los ni?os y ni?as; despertando en ellos un gran inter?s, permitiendo as? la participaci?n din?mica y constante de los infantes, facilitando la interacci?n y socializaci?n, creando v?nculos y espacios que permitieran el reconocimiento del otro. De igual manera, se ejecutaron talleres empleando t?cnicas e instrumentos esenciales a la investigaci?n cualitativa, como lo es la observaci?n, la entrevista, Diario de Campo, revisiones documentales e interacci?n con los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa, especialmente con los responsables de fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas en los ni?os y ni?as, como lo son los docentes y padres de familia, concientiz?ndolos de la importancia de formar seres humanos con valores ?ticos y morales, los cuales aprendan a convivir en paz y armon?a. El proyecto pretende ofrecer distintas alternativas pedag?gicas para el desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n preescolar, como un trabajo conjunto entre escuela y familia, impactando con hechos reales y demostrando que si es posible una educaci?n de calidad.ABSTRACT. The project of research was carried out through the contributions of the different theorists, Pedagogues and researchers that allowed to recognize the importance of the citizenship skills in the Education. This purpose was developed with children of preschool level of the Musical School La Divina Infancia through a process of Formative Research and using the qualitative methodology of ethnographic section as the Research - Action; achieving the characterization of speeches and pedagogical practices that circulate in the above mentioned institution. Through this process, ludic - pedagogical activities were realized which were created on base of the needs of the children; evoking in them a great interest, thus allowing the dynamic and constant participation of the infants, facilitating the interaction and socialization, creating links and spaces which permit the recognition of the other one.INTRODUCCION 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 17 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 17 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 19 2. OBJETIVOS 20 2.1OBJETIVO GENERAL 20 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 20 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 21 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 24 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 24 4.2 MARCO TEORICO 27 4.2.1 Competencias ciudadanas 27 4.2.2 Grupos competencias ciudadanas 28 Pluralidad, identidad y valoraci?n de diferencias 30 4.2.3 Desde el preescolar, pluralidad, identidad y valoraci?n de diferencias 30 Pluralidad en el preescolar. 31 Identidad en el preescolar. 32 Valoraci?n de las diferencias en el preescolar 33 4.3 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 35 4.4 MARCO LEGAL 43 4.4.1 A nivel internacional 44 4.4.2 A nivel nacional 45 4.4.3 A nivel institucional 49 5. METODOLOG?A 52 5.1 ESTRUCTURA METODOLOGICA 52 5.1.2Descripci?n fase I. Caracterizaci?n de los discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en la instituci?n educativa de ni?os menores de 7 a?os. 53 5.1.3 Descripci?n fase II. Intervenci?n: los sentidos pedag?gicos de los proyectos de intervenci?n. 57 5.2 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 59 5.2.1 Validez. 60 5.2.2 Confiabilidad 63 5.3 EVALUACI?N Y SEGUIMIENTO 63 5.3.1 Fase 1.Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de siete a?os 64 5.3.2 Fase 2.Los sentidos pedag?gicos de los proyectos de intervenci?n. 68 6. EL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCION PEDAGOGICA 73 6.1 ESQUEMA GENERAL 73 6.2 ACTIVIDADES INTEGRADORAS DEL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCION 74 6.2.1 Actividades para directivos y docentes. 74 6.2.2 Actividades para padres de familia. 76 6.2.3 Actividades integradoras para ni?os. 77 6.3EXPERIENCIA PEDAGOGICA 79 CONCLUSIONES 83 RECOMENDACIONES 86 REFERENCIAS 87 ANEXOS 9

    Beyond word frequency: Bursts, lulls, and scaling in the temporal distributions of words

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    Background: Zipf's discovery that word frequency distributions obey a power law established parallels between biological and physical processes, and language, laying the groundwork for a complex systems perspective on human communication. More recent research has also identified scaling regularities in the dynamics underlying the successive occurrences of events, suggesting the possibility of similar findings for language as well. Methodology/Principal Findings: By considering frequent words in USENET discussion groups and in disparate databases where the language has different levels of formality, here we show that the distributions of distances between successive occurrences of the same word display bursty deviations from a Poisson process and are well characterized by a stretched exponential (Weibull) scaling. The extent of this deviation depends strongly on semantic type -- a measure of the logicality of each word -- and less strongly on frequency. We develop a generative model of this behavior that fully determines the dynamics of word usage. Conclusions/Significance: Recurrence patterns of words are well described by a stretched exponential distribution of recurrence times, an empirical scaling that cannot be anticipated from Zipf's law. Because the use of words provides a uniquely precise and powerful lens on human thought and activity, our findings also have implications for other overt manifestations of collective human dynamics

    Zipf's Law in Short-Time Timbral Codings of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals

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    Timbre is a key perceptual feature that allows discrimination between different sounds. Timbral sensations are highly dependent on the temporal evolution of the power spectrum of an audio signal. In order to quantitatively characterize such sensations, the shape of the power spectrum has to be encoded in a way that preserves certain physical and perceptual properties. Therefore, it is common practice to encode short-time power spectra using psychoacoustical frequency scales. In this paper, we study and characterize the statistical properties of such encodings, here called timbral code-words. In particular, we report on rank-frequency distributions of timbral code-words extracted from 740 hours of audio coming from disparate sources such as speech, music, and environmental sounds. Analogously to text corpora, we find a heavy-tailed Zipfian distribution with exponent close to one. Importantly, this distribution is found independently of different encoding decisions and regardless of the audio source. Further analysis on the intrinsic characteristics of most and least frequent code-words reveals that the most frequent code-words tend to have a more homogeneous structure. We also find that speech and music databases have specific, distinctive code-words while, in the case of the environmental sounds, this database-specific code-words are not present. Finally, we find that a Yule-Simon process with memory provides a reasonable quantitative approximation for our data, suggesting the existence of a common simple generative mechanism for all considered sound sources

    A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis

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    Cuantificaci?n de biomasa y aporte al suelo en Guadua angustifolia kunt, en ?La Hacienda la Guaira? municipio de Alvarado Tolima

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    82 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo ?Cuantificaci?n de Biomasa y aporte al suelo en Guadua angustifolia Kunth, hace parte del proyecto ?Cadena Productiva de la Guadua en el Tolima? financiado por la Corporaci?n Aut?noma Regional del Tolima CORTOLIMA, en marco convenio #034 con la Universidad del Tolima. El objetivo general es cuantificar la biomasa de los diferentes componentes de la guadua, el trabajo se centra en la determinaci?n de funciones alom?tricas para estimar la biomasa y en cuantificar los aportes al suelo por parte de la especie. El trabajo de campo se realiz? con base en el muestreo destructivo de 36 culmos de guadua, dividi?ndose en 18 culmos maduros, 9 culmos viches y 9 renuevos, distribuidos homog?neamente en 3 rodales, ?sea 12 culmos por rodal. Los sitios de muestreo est?n localizados en el bosque seco tropical (bs-T) al norte del departamento del Tolima en la poblaci?n de Alvarado espec?ficamente en la hacienda la Guaira. En lo fundamental, se determino que el aporte de biomasa de la especie oscila ente 11,5 y 29,88 ton/ha/a?o, este aporte se ajusta a los estipulados para la especie y siendo un aporte significativo teniendo en cuenta que la especie no es propia del tipo de bosque en estudio bs-T. La hojarasca fina aportada al suelo es de 12.6144 ton/ha/a?o en promedio, se determino que el aporte de hojarasca es mayor en temporada de lluvias y que este comportamiento es propio de bosques secos tropicales bs-T. La biomasa como peso seco de la especie estudiada se distribuye en: porcentajes as?: la cepa presenta el 14.05%, la basa el 30.72%, la sobre basa 9.84%, el varill?n 4.09%, las hojas 9,09%, las ramas13.12%, las ra?ces mayores 13,56% y las ra?ces menores 5.53%. Estos valores no presentan mayor variaci?n a pesar de las diferencias de altura total (HT) y di?metro a la altura del pecho (DAP) y se ajustan a los porcentajes estipulados para la especie. El contenido de materia org?nica y carbono org?nico m?s altos corresponde al rodal m?s antiguo en plantaci?n y los contenidos m?s bajos al rodal mas reciente, se determino que los porcentajes de materia org?nica encontrados est?n por encima de los valores t?picos para el bosque seco tropical bs-T, este resultado se le puede adjudicar a la presencia de la especie guadua angustifolia Kunth. Si bien los resultados logran el prop?sito, el estudio no cubre todas las condiciones de plantaci?n para la especie guadua angustifolia Kunth en el bosque seco tropical y en especial de la regi?n del Tolima. Por lo cual queda un amplio campo de investigaci?n. Igualmente, en los estudios siguientes deber? aumentarse el tama?o de la muestra e incluirse la medici?n de nuevas variables. Palabras clave: Biomasa, bosque seco tropical bs-T, Guadua angustifolia Kunth, hojarasca fina, muestreo destructivo.The present work ?Quantification of Biomass and contributes to ground in Guadua angustifolia Kunth, is part of the project ?Productive Chain of Guadua in the Tolima? financed by the Regional Independent Corporation of Tolima CORTOLIMA, in frame agreement #034 with the University of Tolima. The general mission is to quantify the biomass of the different components from Guadua, the work is centered in the determination of alometric functions to consider the biomass and in quantifying the contributions to the ground on the part of the species. The work of field was made with base in the destructive sampling of 36 culmos of Guadua, dividing in 18 mature culmos, 9 culmos viches and 9 sprouts, distributed in 3 rodales, homogenous bony 12 culmos by rodal. The sampling sites are located in the tropical dry forest (bs-T) to the north of the department of the Tolima in the population of Alvarado specifically in the property the Guaira. In the fundamental thing, I determine myself that the contribution of biomass of the species oscillates 29.88 being 11.5 and ton/ha/a?o, this contribution adjusts to the stipulated ones for the species and being a significant contribution considering that the species is not own of the type of forest in study bs-T. Hojarasca fine contributed to the ground is of 12,6144 ton/ha/a?o in average, I determine that the contribution of hojarasca is greater in season of rains and that this behavior is own of tropical dry forests bs-T. The biomass as dry weight of the studied species is distributed in: percentage thus: the stock presents/displays the 14,05%, the base the 30,72%, on base 9,84%, varill?n 4,09%, leaves 9.09%, ramas13,12%, greater roots 13.56% and smaller roots 5,53%. These values do not present/display greater variation in spite of the total altitude differences (HT) and diameter to the height of the chest (DAP) and they adjust to the percentage stipulated for the species. The content of organic matter and organic carbon more stops corresponds to the oldest rodal in plantation and the lowest contents to the recent rodal but, I determine myself that the found percentage of organic matter are over the typical values for the tropical dry forest bs-T, this result is possible to be adjudged to the presence of the species guadua to him angustifolia Kunth. Although the results obtain the intention, the study does not cover all the conditions of plantation for the species guadua angustifolia Kunth in the tropical dry forest and special with the region of the Tolima. Thus it is left an ample field of investigation. Also, in the following studies the measurement of new variables will have to be increased the sample size and to be included. Key words: Biomass, tropical dry forest bs-T, Guadua angustifolia Kunth, hojarasca fine, destructive sampling

    Begomoviruses Infecting Tomato Crops in Panama

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    The key regions in Panama involved in open field- and greenhouse-grown commercial tomato production, including the Chiriqu\ued, Veraguas, Herrera, Los Santos, Cocl\ue9 and Panama Oeste provinces, were surveyed for the incidence and distribution of begomoviruses in the growing seasons of 2011 and 2012. The surveys took place in 14 of the 51 districts of the above-mentioned provinces and comprised all relevant tomato production areas of the provinces. A total of 28 tomato plots were surveyed. The exact location of each plot was geo-referenced using a hand-held Global Positioning System unit. In total, 319 individual tomato plants (181 in 2011 and 138 in 2012) were sampled. Plants displayed diverse combinations of virus-like symptoms of different severity, including necrosis, yellowing, mosaic, mottling, rolling, curling, distortion and puckering of leaves, reduced leaf size, and stunted growth. DNA was extracted from each plant for a subsequent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, using two sets of degenerate primers able to detect members of the genus Begomovirus. The samples displaying a positive reaction were subsequently analysed with specific primer pairs to identify the affecting begomoviruses. A total of 42.3% of all collected samples showed a positive signal to PCRs. Three begomovirus species were detected with the species-specific set of primers; in particular, in the samples obtained in 2011, Potato yellow mosaic Panama virus (PYMPV), Tomato leaf curl Sinaloa virus (ToLCSiV) and Tomato yellow mottle virus (TYMoV) were detected, while in the 2012 samples, only PYMPV and ToLCSiV were found. To our knowledge, this is the first reported incidence of ToLCSiV and TYMoV in Panamanian tomato crops