2 research outputs found

    CPEB4 Increases Expression of PFKFB3 to Induce Glycolysis and Activate Mouse and Human Hepatic Stellate Cells, Promoting Liver Fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We investigated mechanisms of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation, which contributes to liver fibrogenesis. We aimed to determine whether activated HSCs increase glycolysis, which is regulated by 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 (PFKFB3), and whether this pathway might serve as a therapeutic target. METHODS: We performed studies with primary mouse HSCs, human LX2 HSCs, human cirrhotic liver tissues, rats and mice with liver fibrosis (due to bile duct ligation [BDL] or administration of carbon tetrachlo- ride), and CPEB4-knockout mice. Glycolysis was inhibited in cells and mice by administration of a small molecule antagonist of PFKFB3 (3-[3-pyridinyl]-1-[4-pyridinyl]-2- propen-1-one [3PO]). Cells were transfected with small interfering RNAs that knock down PFKFB3 or CPEB4. RESULTS: Up-regulation of PFKFB3 protein and increased glycolysis were early and sustained events during HSC activation and accompanied by increased expression of markers of fibrogenesis; incubation of HSCs with 3PO or knockdown of PFKFB3 reduced their activation and prolif- eration. Mice with liver fibrosis after BDL had increased hepatic PFKFB3; injection of 3PO immediately after the surgery prevented HSC activation and reduced the severity of liver fibrosis compared with mice given vehicle. Levels of PFKFB3 protein were increased in fibrotic liver tissues from patients compared with non-fibrotic liver. Up-regulation of PFKFB3 in activated HSCs did not occur via increased transcription, but instead via binding of CPEB4 to cyto- plasmic polyadenylation elements within the 3'-untranslated regions of PFKFB3 messenger RNA. Knockdown of CPEB4 in LX2 HSCs prevented PFKFB3 overexpression and cell acti- vation. Livers from CPEB4-knockout had decreased PFKFB3 and fibrosis after BDL or administration of carbon tetra- chloride compared with wild-type mice. CONCLUSIONS: Fibrotic liver tissues from patients and rodents (mice and rats) have increased levels of PFKFB3 and glycolysis, which are essential for activation of HSCs. Increased expression of PFKFB3 is mediated by binding of CPEB4 to its untranslated messenger RNA. Inhibition or knockdown of CPEB4 or PFKFB3 prevents HSC activation and fibrogenesis in livers of mice

    Implicaci贸 de l鈥檃ngiog猫nesi en la patofisiologia de la hipertensi贸 portal

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    Antecedents: La s铆ndrome de la hipertensi贸 portal 茅s la m茅s greu complicaci贸 de les malalties cr貌niques del fetge. Estudis anteriors del nostre grup en models experimentals de hipertensi贸 portal van demostrar l鈥檈xist猫ncia d鈥檜n proc茅s actiu d鈥檃ngiog猫nesi estimulada per VEGF a nivell del territori espl脿ncnic, i la implicaci贸 d麓aquesta neovascularitzaci贸 en la formaci贸 de vasos col鈥aterals portosist猫mics i en l鈥檈stabliment de la circulaci贸 hiperdin脿mica espl脿ncnica. Objectiu: Determinar els mecanismes reguladors de l麓angiog猫nesi en la hipertensi贸 portal, i avaluar experimentalment noves estrat猫gies terap猫utiques per el tractament d麓aquesta malaltia. Metodologia: Estudi 1: Es realitza el bloqueig de les vies de senyalitzaci贸 de VEGF i PDGF, per separat o de manera combinada, en rates amb hipertensi贸 portal, i se鈥檔 determina l鈥檈fecte sobre les alteracions en la circulaci贸 espl脿ncnica. Estudi 2: Es busca aprofundir en el coneixement dels efectes dels agents antiangiog猫nics en les alteracions associades a la hipertensi贸 portal, determinant l鈥檈fecte de Sorafenib, un inhibidor multikinasa amb efectes antiangiog猫nics, en rates amb hipertensi贸 portal i cirrosi. Estudi 3: Es prova de determinar, que a m茅s de la congesti贸, hi hauria altres mecanismes implicats en l鈥檈splenomeg脿lia associada a la hipertensi贸 portal, i que el bloqueig de la via de mTOR, mitjan莽ant Rapamicina, seria efectiu per reduir l鈥檈splenomeg脿lia. Resultats: Estudi 1: S鈥檃ssoleix una reversi贸 dels canvis en la circulaci贸 espl脿ncnica m茅s important quan bloquegem les vies de VEGF i PDGF alhora que amb el bloqueig de cadascuna d鈥檈lles per separat. Estudi 2: El tractament amb Sorafenib produeix una millora en l鈥檋emodin脿mica dels animals amb hipertensi贸 portal, no nom茅s a nivell espl脿ncnic, sin贸 tamb茅 hep脿tic i intestinal, reduint la inflamaci贸 i la fibrosi. Estudi 3: Els resultats posen en relleu la participaci贸 de l鈥檃ngiog猫nesi, la fibrog猫nesi o la inflamaci贸 en l鈥檈splenomeg脿lia associada a la hipertensi贸 portal i la reducci贸 de la mida de la melsa mitjan莽ant la inhibici贸 de mTOR