113 research outputs found

    Effect of magnetite nanoparticles on heavy metals behavior in contaminated soils

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    The extraction and processing of minerals produce significant environmental impacts that last long after mining operations have ended. Abandoned mines provide obvious sources of contamination by metals and arsenic in surrounding areas. These areas typically support sparse vegetation, so weather events, typical of Mediterranean environments such as heavy rains, can drag metals and metalloids, in a more or less available form for vegetation, as in solution and suspension to accumulate in lower lands. In this study, the area affected by a copper mine, abandoned early last century in the Sierra de Madrid, was sampled. Soil properties such as pH, EC, total OM and texture were analyzed. Furthermore, the BCR (Bureau Community of Reference) fractionation of metals was carried out in order to evaluate the weathering of the starting materials and the selective movement of different fractions along the slope . Metals and arsenic were detected beyond the mine limits, in areas where water flows in a preferential way. Results showed high concentrations and readily extractable Cu and As, which may suggest potential bioavailability for organisms and may create an environmental risk and potential human exposure what results in a health risk for the population

    Lifestyles of dental students

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    Objetivo: Identificar y describir los estilos de vida de estudiantes universitarios de una Facultad de Odontología de la ciudad de Cali. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación descriptiva transversal, en la que se contó con la participación de un total de 205 estudiantes seleccionados aleatoriamente. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Estilos de Vida de Jóvenes Universitarios; evalúa ocho dimensiones del estilo de vida: actividad física, tiempo de ocio, alimentación, consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y drogas ilegales, sueño, habilidades interpersonales, afrontamiento y estado emocional percibido. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética; se clasificó sin riesgo según la Resolución 8430/93-Ministerio de Salud. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y el modelo de regresión multinivel para caracterizar los estilos de vida. Resultados: La práctica más saludable de los estudiantes de odontología fue actividad física (indicador = 30,8%). Las prácticas más riesgosas fueron: habilidades interpersonales (indicador = 73,5%), sueño (indicador = 72,2%) y consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y drogas ilegales (indicador = 70,6%). Se evidencia una diferencia significativa entre los semestres de estudio y las dimensiones del Cuestionario de Estilos de Vida en Jóvenes Universitarios (p < 0,05), excepto en la dimensión de afrontamiento (p = 0,931). Conclusiones: Las mujeres presentan prácticas de actividad física más saludables que los hombres, sin embargo, presentan prácticas más riesgosas en el consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y drogas ilegales y la alimentación. Estudiantes de mayor edad presentan un tiempo de ocio más saludable. Estudiantes que trabajan/estudian y que están casados presentan prácticas de alimentación y de estado emocional saludables, estos últimos presentan mejores hábitos saludables en el consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y drogas ilegales y en el sueño.Objective: To identify and describe the lifestyles of university students of a dental school in the city of Cali. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study, in which a total of 205 students, randomly selected, participated. The Questionnaire Lifestyle of University Students was used to assess eight lifestyle dimensions: physical activity, leisure time, diet, alcohol consumption, cigarettes and illegal drugs use, hours of sleep, interpersonal skills, coping, and perceived emotional state. The research was approved by the ethics committee and it was classified no risk according to resolution 8430/93 from the Health-Ministry. Descriptive statistics and multilevel regression model were used to characterize lifestyles. Results: The healthiest practice of dental students was physical activity (indicator = 30.8%). Riskier practices were: interpersonal skills (indicator = 73.5%), hours of sleep (indicator = 72.2%) and consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs (indicator = 70.6%). A significant difference between the semesters studied and dimensions of the Questionnaire Lifestyle of University Students (p < 0.05) was evident, except in the coping dimension (p = 0.931). Conclusions: Women have healthier physical activity practices than men; however, they have riskier practices in the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs, and diet. Older students have a healthier leisure time. Students who work and study and who are married, have healthy diet and emotional state practices, the latter have better health habits in the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs and time of sleep

    Perfil del consumidor de bebidas alcohólicas de la población de estrato 2 del Área Metropolitana De Centro Occidente AMCO

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    CD-T 658.834 E18;228 p.El trabajo se presenta en cinco capítulos. El primero concierne las características sociodemográficas de las personas encuestadas. El segundo capítulo muestra las motivaciones del consumidor al consumir bebidas alcohólicas. El tercer capítulo presenta los lugares, ocasiones y periodicidad de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. En el cuarto se precisa el gasto mensual en la compra de bebidas alcohólicas. Y en el último, el efecto de las campañas publicitarias de bebidas alcohólicas en los consumidores.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Influencia del refuerzo escolar como estrategia didáctica para mejorar el rendimiento del aprendizaje en el alumnado del Complejo Educativo Cantón Las Pozas San Lorenzo Departamento de Ahuachapán

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    El presente estudio trata acerca de las diferentes estrategias didácticas que están encaminadas a resolver las dificultades de aprendizaje que presenta el estudiantado en el año escolar. Tomando como referencia el refuerzo escolar o refuerzo educativo enmarcando que para ello es necesario el apoyo del padre y madre de familia, el profesorado y la motivación del estudiantad

    A simplified subjective video quality assessment method based on signal detection theory

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    Proceedings of: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2012). Krakow, Poland, May 7-9, 2012.A simplified protocol and associated metrics based on Signal Detection Theory (SDT) for subjective Video Quality Assessment (VQA) is proposed with the aim of filling the gap existing between the lack of discrimination abilities of objective quality estimates, specially when perceptually motivated processing methods are involved and the costly normative subjective quality tests. The proposed protocol employs a reduced number of assessors and provides a quality ranking of the methods being evaluated. It is intended for providing the rapid experimental turn around necessary for developing algorithms. We have validated our proposal performing the test on a well-known result for the video coding community: namely, that the inclusion of an in-loop deblocking filter provides a quality enhancement. The results obtained corroborate this fact. A software interface to design and administrate the test is also made publicly available.This work has been partially supported by the regional project CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5304 (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - UC3M) and by National Grant TEC2011-26807 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Publicad

    Low-complexity motion-based saliency map estimation for perceptual video coding

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    Proceeding of: 2nd National Conference on Telecommunications (CONATEL), Arequipa, 17-20 May 2011In this paper, a low-complexity motion-based saliency map estimation method for perceptual video coding is proposed. The method employs a camera motion compensated vector map computed by means of a hierarchical motion estimation (HME) procedure and a Restricted Affine Transformation (RAT)-based modeling of the camera motion. To allow for a computationally efficient solution, the number of layers of the HME has been restricted and the potential unreliable motion vectors due to homogeneous regions have been detected and specially managed by means of a smooth block detector. Special care has been taken of the smoothness of the resulting compensated camera motion vector map to avoid unpleasant artifacts in the perceptually-coded sequence, by including a final post-processing based on morphological filtering. The proposed saliency map has been both visually and subjectively assessed showing quality improvements when used as a part of the H.264/AVC standard codec at medium-to-low bitrates.Regional project CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5570 from Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid / University Carlos III MadridPublicad

    Aplicación de estrategias didácticas inclusivas por parte del docente en el proceso de formación académica y su incidencia en el desarrollo de competencias personales y sociales en los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad durante el año 2020

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    Las estrategias didácticas inclusivas por parte del docente se han vuelto una de las formas más eficaces para optimizar las practicas pedagógicas, permitiendo que el docente pueda acercarse a cada uno de sus estudiantes atendiendo sus necesidades, de esta forma lograr el desarrollo de las competencias sociales y personales. En consecución de este planteamiento se desarrolló una investigación que permitió conocer cada una de estas estrategias, bajo un método de análisis documental, es decir un proceso que parte de la selección de diferentes fuentes de información relacionadas al tema de investigación del cual se realizó dicho análisis, partiendo de sus fundamentos científicos y analíticos. Por lo tanto se retoma la importancia de llevar a cabo una educación inclusiva, que garantice logros educativos e institucionales, además del desarrollo de las competencias básicas que conlleva la educación, permitiendo mejorar la enseñanza de las instituciones educativas, al mismo tiempo se identifican diferentes estrategias didácticas inclusivas virtuales las cuales permiten elevar su uso y efectividad al momento de adoptar tecnología y virtualización, siendo así una excelente opción ante la situación de la pandemia actual de Covid-19, teniéndola oportunidad de llevar a cabo una educación inclusiva, innovadora y de calidad, mediante la utilización delos recursos tecnológicos que permitan que la población estudiantil pueda tener una formación integral y exitosa, no importando el tipo de discapacidad que este tenga. Logrando así establecer un enfoque de atención a la diversidad demostrando el papel importante que tiene el docente para la atención de personas con discapacida

    Randomised multicentre clinical trial to evaluate voriconazole pre-emptive genotyping strategy in patients with risk of aspergillosis: vorigenipharm study protocol.

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    Introduction Invasive aspergillosis is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with haematological diseases. At present, voriconazole is the first-line treatment for invasive fungal disease. The pharmacokinetic interindividual variability of voriconazole depends on genetic factors. CYP450 is involved in 70%–75% of total metabolism of voriconazole, mainly CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, with the remaining 25%–30% of metabolism conducted by monooxygenase flavins. CYP2C19 single nucleotide polymorphisms could explain 50%–55% of variability in voriconazole metabolism. Materials and methods The main objective is to compare efficiency of pre-emptive voriconazole genotyping with routine practice. The primary outcome is serum voriconazole on the fifth day within the therapeutic range. The secondary outcome is the combined variables of therapeutic failure and adverse events within 90 days of first administration, associated with voriconazole. A total of 146 patients at risk of invasive aspergillosis who will potentially receive voriconazole will be recruited, and CYP2C19 will be genotyped. If the patient ultimately receives voriconazole, they will be randomised (1:1 experimental/control). In the experimental arm, patients will receive a dose according to a pharmacogenetic algorithm, including CYP2C19 genotype and clinical and demographic information. In the control arm, patients will receive a dose according to clinical practice guidelines. In addition, a Spanish National Healthcare System (NHS) point-of-view cost-effectiveness evaluation will be performed. Direct cost calculations for each arm will be performed. Conclusion This trial will provide information about the viability and cost-effectiveness of the mplementation of a pre-emptive voriconazole genotyping strategy in the Spanish NHS. Ethics and dissemination A Spanish version of this protocol has been evaluated and approved by the La Paz University Hospital Ethics Committee and the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices. Trial results will be submitted for publication in an open peer-reviewed medical speciality-specific publication. Trial registration number Eudra-CT: 2019-000376-41 and NCT04238884; Pre-results.post-print441 K

    Diagnóstico del trabajo infantil para siete municipios del departamento de Risaralda

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    El Trabajo Infantil en el panorama internacional se encuentra enmarcado en factores que están determinados por una realidad estructural, la cual responde a lógicas y crisis de orden social, político, económico y cultural en las diferentes sociedades del mundo, estando determinado por el aumento del desempleo, la pobreza y la exclusión social producto de las políticas económicas, sociales y culturales propuestas por el consenso de Washington

    e-Learning quality assessment in higher education: A mapping study

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    Quality assessment is today a success factor and a guarantee in the implementation and development of countless initiatives, programs and strategies in a very wide variety of fields. For this reason, in an educational field in a constant transformation, the evaluation of the quality of each process, phase and tool must be understood as an essential and basic part in teaching, betting on the implementation of quality evaluation processes in the virtual environment and also trying to adapt reality to new learning environments. In the present moment, in a society in which everything has to be evaluated, the establishment of evaluation standards for new instruments and the standardization of accepted and validated processes will also make virtual teaching-learning environments more reliable and effective. This research proposes a mapping study with the aim to find out the situation in which the research on quality evaluation in e-Learning in higher education finds itself. The criteria used for the selection of publications are concise and the complete process carried out is reflected in each of its phases. The results allow us to describe the current reality in a temporal perspective and the state of the art, in order to address the potential future lines of research in the field of quality assessment in virtual environments