1,131 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton Detection of Hot Gas in the Eskimo Nebula: Shocked Stellar Wind or Collimated Outflows?

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    The Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392) is a double-shell planetary nebula (PN) known for the exceptionally large expansion velocity of its inner shell, ~90 km/s, and the existence of a fast bipolar outflow with a line-of-sight expansion velocity approaching 200 km/s. We have obtained XMM-Newton observations of the Eskimo and detected diffuse X-ray emission within its inner shell. The X-ray spectra suggest thin plasma emission with a temperature of ~2x10^6 K and an X-ray luminosity of L_X = (2.6+/-1.0)x10^31 (d/1150 pc)^2 ergs/s, where d is the distance in parsecs. The diffuse X-ray emission shows noticeably different spatial distributions between the 0.2-0.65 keV and 0.65-2.0 keV bands. High-resolution X-ray images of the Eskimo are needed to determine whether its diffuse X-ray emission originates from shocked fast wind or bipolar outflows.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Morphological Properties of PPNs: Mid-IR and HST Imaging Surveys

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    We will review our mid-infrared and HST imaging surveys of the circumstellar dust shells of proto-planetary nebulae. While optical imaging indirectly probes the dust distribution via dust-scattered starlight, mid-IR imaging directly maps the distribution of warm dust grains. Both imaging surveys revealed preferencially axisymmetric nature of PPN dust shells, suggesting that axisymmetry in planetary nebulae sets in by the end of the asymptotic giant branch phase, most likely by axisymmetric superwind mass loss. Moreover, both surveys yielded two morphological classes which have one-to-one correspondence between the two surveys, indicating that the optical depth of circumstellar dust shells plays an equally important role as the inclination angle in determining the morphology of the PPN shells.Comment: 6 pages + 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference, "Post-AGB Objects (proto-planetary nebulae) as a Phase of Stellar Evolution", Torun, Poland, July 5-7, 2000, eds. R. Szczerba, R. Tylenda, and S.K. Gorny. Figures have been degraded to minimize the total file siz

    Polarized Spectroscopy Studies of Single Molecules of Porphycenes

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    Using ambient atmosphere instead of pure nitrogen environment enabled efficient recording of room temperature fluorescence from single molecules of porphycenes, chromophores with a high triplet formation efficiency. Double hydrogen transfer between two chemically identical trans tautomers has been demonstrated for parent porphycene and three alkyl derivatives by the analysis of spatial patterns of the emission obtained after raster scanning the sample excited with an appropriately polarized laser beam. Because of tautomerization, fluorescence in porphycenes is due to two nearly orthogonal transition dipole moments. This property allows the spatial orientation of the single molecule chromophores to be determined using radially and azimuthally polarized laser beams as excitation sources

    Highly efficient, tunable single photon source based on single molecules

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    The authors studied spatially isolated terrylene molecules immobilized in a quasiplanar optical λ/2-microresonator using confocal microscopy and spectroscopy at variable temperatures. At T = 1.8 K, they observed individual molecules relaxing into microresonator-allowed vibronic levels of their electronic ground state by emission of single fluorescence photons. Coupling the purely electronic transition of embedded molecules to the longitudinal photonic mode of the microresonator resulted in an ultimate spectral narrowing and an increased collection efficiency of the emitted single photon wave trains

    Renormalized SO(5) symmetry in ladders with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    We study the occurrence of SO(5) symmetry in the low-energy sector of two-chain Hubbard-like systems by analyzing the flow of the running couplings (gg-ology) under renormalization group in the weak-interaction limit. It is shown that SO(5) is asymptotically restored for low energies for rather general parameters of the bare Hamiltonian. This holds also with inclusion of a next-nearest-neighbor hopping which explicitly breaks particle-hole symmetry provided one accounts for a different single-particle weight for the quasiparticles of the two bands of the system. The physical significance of this renormalized SO(5) symmetry is discussed.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., sched. Mar. 9

    Is the pi-particle responsible for the 41 meV peak in YBa_2Cu_3O_7?

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    It is argued that there is no low-energy resonance associated with the pi-operators introduced by Demler and Zhang. This implies that the Hubbard model does not possess an approximate SO(5) symmetry generated by these operators. Recent finite-size studies are re-interpreted accordingly.Comment: 3 pages, latex (revtex

    Silicon carbide absorption features: dust formation in the outflows of extreme carbon stars

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    Infrared carbon stars without visible counterparts are generally known as extreme carbon stars. We have selected a subset of these stars with absorption features in the 10-13 μ\mum range, which has been tentatively attributed to silicon carbide (SiC). We add three new objects meeting these criterion to the seven previously known, bringing our total sample to ten sources. We also present the result of radiative transfer modeling for these stars, comparing these results to those of previous studies. In order to constrain model parameters, we use published mass-loss rates, expansion velocities and theoretical dust condensation models to determine the dust condensation temperature. These show that the inner dust temperatures of the dust shells for these sources are significantly higher than previously assumed. This also implies that the dominant dust species should be graphite instead of amorphous carbon. In combination with the higher condensation temperature we show that this results in a much higher acceleration of the dust grains than would be expected from previous work. Our model results suggest that the very optically thick stage of evolution does not coincide with the timescales for the superwind, but rather, that this is a very short-lived phase. Additionally, we compare model and observational parameters in an attempt to find any correlations. Finally, we show that the spectrum of one source, IRAS 17534-3030, strongly implies that the 10-13 μ\mum feature is due to a solid state rather than a molecular species.Comment: 13 Figure