4,582 research outputs found

    Multi-Magnon Scattering in the Ferromagnetic XXX-Model with Inhomogeneities

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    We determine the transition amplitude for multi-magnon scattering induced through an inhomogeneous distribution of the coupling constant in the ferromagnetic XXX-model. The two and three particle amplitudes are explicitely calculated at small momenta. This suggests a rather plausible conjecture also for a formula of the general n-particle amplitude.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figure

    Multipath-assisted maximum-likelihood indoor positioning using UWB signals

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    Multipath-assisted indoor positioning (using ultrawideband signals) exploits the geometric information contained in deterministic multipath components. With the help of a-priori available floorplan information, robust localization can be achieved, even in absence of a line-of-sight connection between anchor and agent. In a recent work, the Cramér-Rao lower bound has been derived for the position estimation variance using a channel model which explicitly takes into account diffuse multipath as a stochastic noise process in addition to the deterministic multipath components. In this paper, we adapt this model for position estimation via a measurement likelihood function and evaluate the performance for real channel measurements. Performance results confirm the applicability of this approach. A position accuracy better than 2.5 cm has been obtained in 90% of the estimates using only one active anchor at a bandwidth of 2GHz and robustness against non-line-of-sight situations has been demonstrated

    Desenvolvimento de oligonucleotídeos degenerados objetivando a ampla detecção dos vírus associados a murcha do abacaxi.

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    O abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus var. comosus) por ter propagação vegetativa, possui a vantagem da multiplicação clonal do material de plantio, entretanto ela favorece a disseminação de doenças, como o complexo de vírus associado a murcha do abacaxizeiro, causado por três espécies do gênero Ampelovirus: Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-1 (PMWaV-1), PMWaV-2, e PMWaV-3. Além dos danos diretos da infecção viral, os danos indiretos são preocupantes, pois em alguns casos as plantas contaminadas não apresentam sintomas, dificultando seleção de mudas sadias para o plantio e acarretando na disseminação do vírus. Além disso, as empresas que fazem a multiplicação in vitro e a comercialização de mudas necessitam realizar a indexação do material vegetal enfrentam dificuldades devido ao alto custo e de locais para realizar a indexação.Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 fev. 2011

    Carbon cycle dynamics during episodes of rapid climate change

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    Past climate records reveal many instances of rapid climate change that are often coincident with fast changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, suggesting links and positive feedbacks between the carbon cycle and the physical climate system. The carbon reservoirs that might have played an important role during these past episodes of rapid change include near-surface soil and peatland carbon, permafrost, carbon stored in vegetation, methane hydrates in deep-sea sediments, volcanism, and carbon stored in parts of the ocean that are easily ventilated through changes in circulation. To determine whether similar changes might lie in store in our future, we must gain a better understanding of the physics, biogeochemistry, dynamics, and feedbacks involved in such events. Specifically, we need to ascertain the main natural sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane linked to rapid climate events in the paleoclimate record, and understand the mechanisms, triggers, thresholds, and feedbacks that were involved. Our review contributes to this focus issue by synthesizing results from nine studies covering a broad range of past time episodes. Studies are categorized into (a) episodes of massive carbon release millions of years ago; (b) the transition from the last glacial to the current interglacial 19 000–11 000 years ago; and (c) the current era. We conclude with a discussion on major remaining research challenges and implications for future projections and risk assessment.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    This monographic review on a fungus is not addressed to mycologists. None of the authors has been trained or has otherwise acquired a general proficiency in mycology. They are motivated by a common interest in the performances of signal handling exhibited by the sense organs of all organisms and by the desire to attack these as yet totally obscure aspects of molecular biology by the study of a microorganism with certain desirable properties. The sporangiophore of the fungus Phycomyces is a gigantic, single-celled, erect, cylindrical, aerial hypha. It is sensitive to at least four distinct stimuli: light, gravity, stretch, and some unknown stimulus by which it avoids solid objects. These stimuli control a common output, the growth rate, producing either temporal changes in growth rate or tropic responses. We are interested in the output because it gives us information about the reception of the various signals. In the absence of external stimuli, the growth rate is controlled by internal signals keeping the network of biochemical processes in balance. The external stimuli interact with the internal signals. We wish to inquire into the early steps of this interaction. For light, for instance, the cell must have a receptor pigment as the first mediator. What kind of a molecule is this pigment? Which organelle contains it? What chemical reaction happens after a light quantum has been absorbed? And how is the information introduced by this primary photochemical event amplified in a controlled manner and processed in the next step? How do a few quanta or a few molecules trigger macroscopic responses? Will we find ourselves confronted with devices wholly distinct from anything now known in biology

    On the Nature of Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    A genuine notion of black holes can only be obtained in the fundamental framework of quantum gravity resolving the curvature singularities and giving an account of the statistical mechanical, microscopic degrees of freedom able to explain the black hole thermodynamical properties. As for all quantum systems, a quantum realization of black holes requires an operator algebra of the fundamental observables of the theory which is introduced in this study based on aspects of loop quantum gravity. From the eigenvalue spectra of the quantum operators for the black hole area, charge and angular momentum, it is demonstrated that a strict bound on the extensive parameters, different from the relation arising in classical general relativity, holds, implying that the extremal black hole state can neither be measured nor can its existence be proven. This is, as turns out, a result of the specific form of the chosen angular momentum operator and the corresponding eigenvalue spectrum, or rather the quantum measurement process of angular momentum. Quantum mechanical considerations and the lowest, non-zero eigenvalue of the loop quantum gravity black hole mass spectrum indicate, on the one hand, a physical Planck scale cutoff of the Hawking temperature law and, on the other hand, give upper and lower bounds on the numerical value of the Immirzi parameter. This analysis provides an approximative description of the behavior and the nature of quantum black holes

    Phytoplankton calcifiers control nitrate cycling and the pace of transition in warming icehouse and cooling greenhouse climates

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    Phytoplankton calcifiers contribute to global carbon cycling through their dual formation of calcium carbonate and particulate organic carbon (POC). The carbonate might provide an efficient export pathway for the associated POC to the deep ocean, reducing the particles' exposure to biological degradation in the upper ocean and increasing the particle settling rate. Previous work has suggested ballasting of POC by carbonate might increase in a warming climate, in spite of increasing carbonate dissolution rates, because calcifiers benefit from the widespread nutrient limitation arising from stratification. We compare the biogeochemical responses of three models containing (1) a single mixed phytoplankton class, (2) additional explicit small phytoplankton and calcifiers, and (3) additional explicit small phytoplankton and calcifiers with a prognostic carbonate ballast model, to two rapid changes in atmospheric CO2. The first CO2 scenario represents a rapid (151-year) transition from a stable icehouse climate (283.9&thinsp;ppm) into a greenhouse climate (1263&thinsp;ppm); the second represents a symmetric rapid transition from a stable greenhouse climate into an icehouse climate. We identify a slope change in the global net primary production response with a transition point at about 3.5&thinsp;∘C global mean sea surface temperature change in all models, driven by a combination of physical and biological changes. We also find that in both warming and cooling scenarios, the application of a prognostic carbonate ballast model moderates changes in carbon export production, suboxic volume, and nitrate sources and sinks, reducing the long-term model response to about one-third that of the calcifier model without ballast. Explicit small phytoplankton and calcifiers, and carbonate ballasting, increase the physical separation of nitrate sources and sinks through a combination of phytoplankton competition and lengthened remineralization profile, resulting in a significantly higher global nitrate inventory in this model compared to the single phytoplankton type model (15&thinsp;% and 32&thinsp;% higher for icehouse and greenhouse climates). Higher nitrate inventory alleviates nitrate limitation, increasing phytoplankton sensitivity to changes in physical limitation factors (light and temperature). This larger sensitivity to physical forcing produces stronger shifts in ocean phosphate storage between icehouse and greenhouse climates. The greenhouse climate is found to hold phosphate and nitrate deeper in the ocean, despite a shorter remineralization length scale than the icehouse climate, because of the longer residence times of the deep water masses. We conclude the global biogeochemical impact of calcifiers extends beyond their role in global carbon cycling, and that the ecological composition of the global ocean can affect how ocean biogeochemistry responds to climate forcing.</p

    The electric dipole moment of the neutron from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD

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    We compute the electric dipole moment d_n of the neutron from a fully dynamical simulation of lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors of clover fermions and nonvanishing theta term. The latter is rotated into the pseudoscalar density in the fermionic action using the axial anomaly. To make the action real, the vacuum angle theta is taken to be purely imaginary. The physical value of d_n is obtained by analytic continuation. We find d_n = -3.8(2)(9) x 10^{-16} [theta e cm], which, when combined with the experimental limit on d_n, leads to the upper bound theta < 7.6 x 10^{-11}.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, matches PRL published versio