297 research outputs found

    Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan (Pkh) Di Kecamatan Palu Selatan Kota Palu

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and provide a clear description of the implementation of the Family Hope Program in South Palu Sub-district. This research also aims at determining the factors that affect the program implementation. The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. The research question is how the implementation of Family Hope Program in South Palu district. The informants were taken by using purposive sampling technique carefully so that they are relevant to the research structures, in which the sample was chosen according to the specific characteristics and particular characteristics, as many as 14 people. The data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The theory used is sourced from George C. Edwards III to determine the factors that influence implementation including communications, resources, executive attitudes (disposition) and bureaucratic structure. The results of this research indicate that the implementation variables (communication, resources, executive attitudes and bureaucratic structure) affect the implementation of the Family Hope Program in South Palu district either partially or simultaneously. There are other factors which affect the implementation of the Program, they are: the role of the companions and operators, coordination among institutions / agencies as well as budget / funding operational support. The research results show that the implementation of the program was implemented well although there were some obstacles due to weak coordination among institutions at the institutional level of Palu and among institutions / agencies in Central Sulawesi province to the central government but in general the Program in Palu Sub-district still runs dynamically and specifically the essence of the implementation namely the provision of health and education services to RTSM / KSM PKH participants carried out well and gone in a good manner

    Status Hukum Hak Milik atas Tanah yang Ditetapkan sebagai Zona Merah: Studi Kasus Kota Palu

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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the legal status and legal protection for land rights owners, which are designated as red zones by the Regional Government of Palu City. This study uses empirical legal research methods. The research was conducted in Palu City, designated a red zone after the tsunami and liquefaction. This study indicates that the community in the affected area can no longer claim their land in the affected area. Juridically, based on Central Sulawesi Governor Regulation Number 10 of 2019 concerning Post-Disaster Rehabilitation and Relocation Plans that affected areas in the red zone are relocated to safer locations, as well as regulating the implementation of house construction for the relocation of liquefaction victims who have legal rights to land and buildings according to law.   Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemilik hak atas tanah yang ditetapkan sebagai zona merah oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kota Palu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris. Penelitian dilakukan di di Kota Palu yang ditetapkan zona merah pasca tsunami dan likuifaksi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pada kawasan terdampak tidak dapat lagi dapat menuntut tanahnya di kawasan terdampak. Secara yuridis, berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Nomor 10 Tahun 2019 tentang Rencana Rehabilitasi dan Relokasi Pascabencana bahwa kawasan terdampak dalam zona merah direlokasi ke lokasi yang lebih aman, sekaligus mengatur pelaksanaan pembangunan rumah untuk relokasi korban likuifaksi yang memiliki hak atas tanah dan bangunan secara sah menurut hukum. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana klausula baku dapat merugikan konsumen karena tidak memiliki pilihan selain menerimanya dan bagaimana klausula baku ini menurut UUPK melarang dengan tegas pencantuman klausula baku pada setiap dokumen dan/atau perjanjian yang tujuannya merugikan konsumen.  Dengan menggunkan metode penelitian yuridis normative disimpulkan: 1. Klausula baku potensial merugikan konsumen karena tidak memiliki pilihan selain menerimanya.  Namun di sisi lain, harus diakui pula klausula baku sangat membantu kelancaran perdagangan.  Sulit membayangkan jika dalam banyak perjanjian atau kontrak sehari-hari kita selalu harus menegosiasikan syarat dan ketentuannya.   Misalnya jika membeli tiket menonton pertunjukan, apakah wajar untuk menegosiasikan akibat hukum jika pertunjukan itu dibatalkan?  Namun demikian, untuk melindungi kepentingan konsumen beberapa jenis klausula baku secara tegas dilarang dalam Undang-Undang Perlidungunan Konsumen.  Sehubungan dengan perlindungan terhadap konsumen, yang perlu mendapat perhatian utama dalam perjanjian baku adalah  mengenai klausula eksonerasi (exoneratie clausule exemption clausule). Yaitu klausula yang  berisi pembebasan atau pembatasan pertanggungjawaban dari pihak pelaku usaha yang lazimnya terdapat dalam jenis perjanjian tersebut.  Konsep itu tidak sesuai lai, sebab sudah tidak selaras dengan nafat hukum yang terus berkembang.  Dalam hal ini, klausula  baku erat kaitannya dengan UUPK.  UUPK secara tegas dan detil  mengatur hak dan kewajiban konsumen, hak dan kewajiban pelaku usaha, serta hal-hal yang dilarang dilakuan oleh pelaku usaha. 2. Khusus mengenai klausula baku ini UUPK melarang dengan tegas pencantuman klausula baku pada setiap dokumen dan/atau perjanjian yang tujuannya merugikan konsumen (vide Pasal 18 UUPK).  Jadi, sudah semestinya kita sebagai konsumn berani untuk  mengutarakan dan berbicara seandainya merasa dirugikan oleh Pelaku Usaha, akan tetapi cara-cara tersebut tentunya harus didasarkan pada perundang-undangan yang berlaku, sehingga k ita tidak terjebak pada keadaan dimana kita akan terkalahkan atau dimentahkan oleh pembelaan pelaku usaha. Kata kunci: Impelmentasi hukum, perlindungan konsumen, klaussula Bak

    Stereoselective coordination of optically active amino acids and their derivatives to cobalt (III)

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    The Co(III)N(,3)O(,3) complex, Co(PLASP) (L-Phe) (.) 3H(,2)O, was prepared by the oxidation of Co(II) to Co(III) in the presence of N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-L-aspartate, PLASP(\u272-), and L-phenyl-alaninate, L-Phe(\u27-). An X-ray structure of the complex established that of the four possible isomers, the only one isolated was the facial isomer in which the (beta)-CO(,2)(\u27-) and pyridyl groups of PLASP(\u272-) are mutually trans. The bidentate, L-Phe(\u27-), is coordinated with its amino group trans to the (alpha)-CO(,2)(\u27-) of PLASP(\u272-) and its (alpha)-CO(,2)(\u27-) group trans to the secondary amino group of PLASP(\u272-). This same isomer was the only one isolated for a series of Co(PLASP) (AA) complexes prepared from Co(II) and Co(III) reactants where AA(\u27-) is one of the following amino acidates: glycinate (Gly(\u27-)), L-alaninate (Ala(\u27-)), (alpha)-aminoiso-butyrate ((alpha)-AIBA(\u27-)), L-threoninate (Thr(\u27-)), L-prolinate (Pro(\u27-)), D or L-Phe(\u27-), D or L or D,L-valinate (Val(\u27-)), and D or L-asparaginate (AsN(\u27-)). Two isomers of the Co(N-Cm-L-Pyala)-(D-Thr) complex were prepared by oxidation of Co(II) to Co(III) in the presence of N-carboxymethyl-L-(beta)-(2-pyridyl)-(alpha)-alaninate, N-Cm-L-Pyala(\u272-), and D-Thr(\u27-). The two isomers, one facial and the other meridional, were separated by chromatography. Based upon its visible spectrum the meridional isomer was assigned a structure in which the amino nitrogen of D-Thr(\u27-) is trans to the pyridyl group of N-Cm-L-Pyala(\u272-). This was confirmed by an X-ray structure determination of mer-Co(N-Cm-L-Pyala) (D-Thr) (.) 1/2H(,2)O. It was concluded that the presence of the meridional isomer was due to the flexibility of the N-carboxymethyl chelate ring. A series of Co(N-Cm-L-Pyala) (AA) complexes were prepared by oxidation of Co(II) to Co(III) where AA(\u27-) is one of the following: Gly(\u27-), (alpha)-AIBA(\u27-), D,L-Ala(\u27-), D or L or D,L-Val(\u27-), D-Thr(\u27-) and D-AsN(\u27-). From the distribution of isomers it appeared that if steric factors (interaction of bulky groups) are absent, the facial isomer is structurally preferred, while if steric factors are present, the meridional isomer is preferred. Several mixed ligand complexes of the form Co(N-Cm-L-Hist) (AA), where N-Cm-L-Hist(\u272-) is N-carboxymethyl-L-histidinate and AA(\u27-) is either (alpha)-AIBA(\u27-), D-Thr(\u27-), D-AsN(\u27-) or D or L-Val(\u27-), were prepared by the K(,2)S(,2)O(,8) oxidation of Co(II) to Co(III) in the presence of N-Cm-L-Hist(\u272-) and AA(\u27-). Of the four possible isomers, the only one isolated was the facial isomer in which the N-carboxymethyl CO(,2)(\u27-) group of N-Cm-L-Hist(\u272-) is trans to the imidazole. Structural assignments for the above complexes were based on visible, CD and nmr spectra and/or X-ray structure analyses. CD spectra of the complexes were resolved into a contribution from the AA(\u27-) chelate ring (Y) and one from the rest of the molecule (X). For the complexes above, it was found that the sign of the low energy peak of the Y term is positive for a D-AA(\u27-) and negative for an L-AA(\u27-). The stability of each complex isolated was related to a combination of electronic, structural and steric factors

    Essays on status and conflict behavior

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    This research discussing the finance self-support problem by using intensification of collection and extensification of PAD source at the government of West Seram District and Aru Island District, Maluku Province. The objective of research is to test and analyzing the factors establishing the intensification of collection and extensification of PAD source, to test and analyzing  the effect of intensification of collection and extensification of PAD source on local finance self-support, and recommending a strategy to the government of West Seram District and Aru Island District in pursuance of the local finance self-support. Population this research is civil servants on the government office at West Seram District and Aru Island District who runs the function as assigned to manage and to produce  PAD amounts 744 civil servants in the scope of the government office at West Seram District and Aru Island District. This research use factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Result of research indicates that the implementation of intensification of collection and extensification of PAD source in the government at West Seram District and Aru Island District have significantly influenced the improvement of local finance self-support


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    The population in this research is all of the permanent lecturers employed at University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). The respondents are taken from 4 academic ranks, which are represented by Asisten Ahli (Instructor), Lektor (Assistant Professor), Lektor Kepala (Associate Professor), and Guru Besar (Professor). One hundred and thirty samples were collected by using a proportional-stratified random sampling method. A Partial Least Square (PLS) method was used to analyze the data. The results showed that lecturers with a positive perception of the organizational support available to them feel more satisfied with their job, which in turn encourages the creation of a high organizational commitment and results in the emergence of positive organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). These study’s results showed us the application of social exchange theory and organizational support theory in a higher educational institution. The findings of this study are considered to be important, as they provide additional empirical evidence regarding the importance of organizational support as a basis for improving the ULM lecturers' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and OCB. The implications and further research are also discussed

    Analisis Proses Pembelajaran pada Peserta Didik di TK Frater Don Bosco Tomohon

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    Guru perlu memperhatikan setiap proses perkembangan peserta didik demi meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran dan membantu peserta didik untuk mencapai setiap tahap perkembangannya dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis analisis proses pembelajaran pada peserta didik di TK Frater Don Bosco Tomohon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui serangkaian observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa TK Frater Don Bosco menawarkan lingkungan strategis dengan fasilitas dan pendidikan yang mendukung anak-anak. Pendidikan agama, moralitas, rangsangan fisik-motorik, kognitif, bahasa, sosial-emosional, dan seni ditekankan dalam pendekatan holistik pada anak-anak di TK ini. Stimulus kognitif, bahasa, serta perkembangan sosial-emosional anak menjadi fokus utama dalam pengembangan mereka

    The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study of the Permanent Lecturers at University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin)

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    The population in this research is all of the permanent lecturers employed at University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). The respondents are taken from 4 academic ranks, which are represented by Asisten Ahli (Instructor), Lektor (Assistant Professor), Lektor Kepala (Associate Professor), and Guru Besar (Professor). One hundred and thirty samples were collected by using a proportional-stratified random sampling method. A Partial Least Square (PLS) method was used to analyze the data. The results showed that lecturers with a positive perception of the organizational support available to them feel more satisfied with their job, which in turn encourages the creation of a high organizational commitment and results in the emergence of positive organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). These study\u27s results showed us the application of social exchange theory and organizational support theory in a higher educational institution. The findings of this study are considered to be important, as they provide additional empirical evidence regarding the importance of organizational support as a basis for improving the ULM lecturers\u27 job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and OCB. The implications and further research are also discussed

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Poso

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    Pajak merupakan peralihan kekayaan dari sektor swasta ke sektor publik berdasarkan undang-undang yang dapat dipaksakan dengan tidak mendapat imbalan yang secara langsung dapat ditunjukkan. Hal ini sangat penting bagi pelaksanaan dan peningkatan pembangunan nasional sebagai kewajiban pemerintah dalam rangka meningkatkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Oleh karena itu perlu dikelola dengan baik dari segi pemungutan maupun dari segi administrasi pengelolaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Penerimaan Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Poso. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam penerimaan Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan di Kabupaten Poso pada tahun 2016-2018 masuk dalam kategori cukup efektif. Dalam realisasi PAD tahun 2016-2018 masuk dalam kategori efektif. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Poso sebaiknya memperhatikan dan memberikan informasi kepada wajib pajak tentang pentingnya membayar pajak serta tetap semangat dalam melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat sekitar agar masyarakat bisa mengetahui dan mengerti lebih dalam tentang pentingnya membayar pajak khususnya pada Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan
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