42 research outputs found

    Implementação de um sistema web-based para classificação automática de mudanças de uso/cobertura de solo

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    In the last decades, many works, demonstrated the efficiency in the use of high resolution images for the classification of land use and covering changes at regional level. However, it became clear that the use of some techniques on great areas demands prohibitive costs, in a financial point of view as also a computational one. Especially, if we consider limited available resources in less developed areas of Brazil and of the world. The project is inserted in the context of an international effort for the development of a web-based system and includes some areas from Brazil. The main objective is to create technologies validated by the system methodologies, in a way the users use it in a decision-making process. It has as another objective a better understanding concerning the impact done on these areas by the changes of the land covering and use. The proposal here is to make a product that joins automatic routines, based on satellite images available without costs, that can be used in different scales of administration of the territory. It doesn't demand highly specialized technicians to manipulate the web application

    Monitoring land use changes around the indigenous lands of the Xingu basin in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    International audienceIndigenous lands represent an efficient way to protect indigenous communities and environment in Brazil. However, these lands are also highly affected y the land use changes occuring in its surroundings. We quantified the land use changes in the Xingu basin based on MODIS EVI data between 2000 and 2006. We estimated the deforested area inside and outside the indigenous lands, the crop expansion and intensification around the protected areas. Our results indicate that, even if indigenous lands are efficient to limit deforestation (97.5% of deforestation is outside the indigenous lands), crop expansion and intensification (double crop systems) are increasing rapidly, what may imply pollution of headwaters of the Xingu river which crosses the protected area

    Electrical conductivity mapping in relation to clay of a Ferralsol under no tillage system

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear e avaliar a variabilidade espacial da condutividade elétrica do solo (CE), obtida por meio de sensor de contato de campo, num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, sob plantio direto de grãos, e relacionar a CE com os teores de argila medidos pelo método do densímetro, em amostras georreferenciadas de solo. As amostras foram coletadas numa área de 13 ha, por meio de uma grade de 40x40 m e de grades de 20x20 m, 10x10 m e 5x5 m. A continuidade espacial da CE e do teor de argila foi modelada com o uso de semivariogramas. A CE variou de 1,9 a 13,7 mS m-1, com valor médio de 5,2 mS m-1 e coeficiente de variação de 48%. O mapa interpolado mostrou tendência de aumento da CE com o aumento dos teores de argila. Os coeficientes de determinação foram de 0,78 e 0,77 entre CE e teor de argila, camadas 0–5 e 5–10 cm, respectivamente. O mapa da CE reflete suficientemente a variação espacial dos teores de argila para uso na delimitação de zonas de manejo.The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the soil electrical conductivity (EC), measured with a contact sensor in a Rhodic Ferralsol under no till grain crops. The values of soil EC were related to soil clay content, measured by the densimetric method in georreferenced samples collected at 0–5 and 5–10 cm, in a 13 ha field. Soil samples were collected using a 40x40 m grid and densed grids of 20, 10 and 5 m spacing. Spatial continuity of EC and of clay content was modeled using semivariograms. Soil EC ranged from 1.9 to 13.7 mS m-1 with an average of 5.2 mS m-1 and coefficient of variation of 48%. The kriged map of soil EC pointed out a tendency of increase where clay levels were higher. Determination coefficients between soil EC and clay content were 0.78 and 0.77, respectively for 0–5 and 5–10 cm depth. The EC map adequatly reflects the spatial variation in soil texture for establishing the limits of management zones

    Détection de situations à risques pour la culture du soja à partir de données satellitaires TRMM et MODIS

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    International audienceThe soybean cultivation has proven for 10 years to be the first economical activity in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The strong spatio-temporal variability of rainfalls acts upon the agricultural calendar and then can cause important yield losses. For instance, the planting dates that occur before the wet season onset can be linked to potential yield losses. The aim of this study is to detect those situations using satellite data. On one hand, multi-temporal data of vegetation index proposed by the MODIS-TERRA satellite (16-days of temporal resolution and 250 metres of spatial resolution) allow analysing phenological cycles. Then, planting dates are estimated through a threshold-based method. On the other hand, rainfall estimates from TRMM at a 0, 25° spatial resolution allow detecting the wet season onset. The TRMM and MODIS data are then crossed in order to detect situations where the planting dates were anticipated as compared to the wet season onset. It appears than 20% of the soybean planted during the year 2005-2006 corresponded to such a situation. It represented 1 400 000 ha over the entire state of Mato Grosso

    Mapping the agricultural frontier in Mato Grosso based on remote sensing data.

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    http://www.dsr.inpe.br/sbsr2011/files/p0948.pdfInternational audienceAn active agricultural frontier is moving forward in the Brazilian Amazon area, especially in the State of Mato Grosso where crop expansion has been considered as a main driver of deforestation for more than 30 years. Geographical concepts of the agricultural frontier assume that its progress is carried out through five stages (pre-settlement, occupation, consolidation, intensification and intensive stages), corresponding to the evolution of three frontiers (deforestation, economic and intensification frontiers). This paper aims at proposing a remote sensing-based methodology to map the spatio-temporal evolution of these frontiers and the evolution stages of the agricultural frontier in Mato Grosso. The method is based on the definition of an agrarian locality scale and on land-use based indices. The quality of the method is then dependent on the accuracy of the input data used. Here deforestation (provided by INPE and SEMA-MT) and classification maps (computed on MODIS EVI time series) are used. The results allow to visualize the evolution of three important phenomena in Mato Grosso during the 2000-2006 period: increase in deforestation, crop expansion and agricultural intensification. Final maps highlight the fact that few areas have reached the final intensive stage of the agricultural frontier, reminding that Mato Grosso is still experiencing a very active colonization process

    Analise da intensificação da agricultura no Mato Grosso à partir de dados TRMM 3B42 e de series temporais MODIS/EVI

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    http://sbsr.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2008/ audienceThe Brazilian state of Mato Grosso (southern Amazonia) is one of the main national producer ofagricultural products such as soybean, cotton and corn. After having based its development on the expansion ofarable lands through deforestation for thrity years, the agricultural sector is now increasing its productivepotential through the adoption of new agricultural management practices such as double cropping systems.Remote sensing tehcniques such as classification of MODIS/TERRA EVI times series are efficient tools formonitoring this phenomena. It appears that double cropping systems with wo comercial crops (soybean and cornor soybean and cotton) improved from 6% to 26% of the total cultivated area in Mato Grosso between 2000-2001 and 2006-2007 harvests. However, when studying at a county level, those rates vary from 1 to more than50%, attesting that it exists a strong spatial variability concerning the application of this agricultural managementpractice. It is argued that this rate is in part drove by the importance of total agricultural areas in a place and bypluviometric conditions. This hypothesis is confirmed by crossing MODIS data with rainfall data. These data areissue from the TRMM 3B42 products, which are computed into parameters such as duration, onset, end of therain season and total annual rainfalls. Those parameters are found to explain 42% of the spatial variability of theapplication of double cropping systems in Mato Grosso

    Extração de dados de modelos espacializados visando o cálculo de indicadores para a avaliação do potencial de sustentabilidade hidrica da cultura canavieira.

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    International audienceThis article aimed to present the methodological procedures and geoprocessing techniques used for data extraction of thematic cartographic bases or spatial models for the calculation of indices for the evaluation of water sustainability of sugarcane cultivation, applied to the analytical description of four microregions of Goiás State, Brazil: Sudoeste de Goiás, Vale do Rio dos Bois, Quirinópolis and Meia Ponte. The various spatial data in shape format, acquired in secondary sources or elaborate models were introduced in a Geographical Information System (GIS) from computational ArcGIS 10ESRI package. Where by means of simple geoprocessing techniques were done tweaking and/or crossings of spatial data (shapes) in order to obtain data (IUPAP) concerning territorial units of analysis adopted (UTAs microregions) for calculating dimensionless index proposed by System of Indicators for Assessment of the Potential for Water Sustainability and Monitoring of the Sugarcane Cultivation -SISH-Cana (FERRAZ, 2012). The results demonstrate the appropriateness of the techniques used and the level of precision and accuracy of spatial models adopted, whereas the proposed indexes apply to the characterization of the UTAs in strategic planning process, territorial and/or sectoral (water resources; agriculture).O presente artigo objetivou apresentar os procedimentos metodológicos e as técnicas de geoprocessamento utilizadas para a extração de dados de bases cartográficas temáticas e de modelos hídricos espacializados requeridos para o cálculo de indicadores de sustentabilidade hídrica da cultura canavieira em quatro Microrregiões do Estado de Goiás: Sudoeste de Goiás, Vale do Rio dos Bois, Quirinópolis e Meia Ponte. Os diversos dados espaciais em formato shape, adquiridos de fontes secundárias e de modelos especificamente elaborados para este fim foram introduzidos em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), no qual, por meio de técnicas simples de geoprocessamento, foram ajustados e integrados para a obtenção dos dados (grandezas físicas) utilizados para a determinação de indicadores (índices) propostos pelo Sistema de Indicadores para a Avaliação do Potencial de Sustentabilidade Hídrica da Atividade Canavieira - SISH-Cana (FERRAZ, 2012). Os resultados demonstram a pertinência das técnicas utilizadas e do nível de precisão e detalhamento dos modelos espaciais adotados, considerando que os índices aplicam-se para a avaliação de unidades territoriais de analise em nível de microrregião com vistas a planejamentos territoriais e/ou setoriais em nível estratégico