78 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de Plataforma Computacional para Gestão e Otimização de Especificações Técnicas para Condutores Aéreos

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    Desenvolvimento de uma Plataforma Informática, denominada "BdoisB", que servirá de apoio à elaboração e consulta de fichas técnicas relativamente a condutores aéreos. Trata-se, essencialmente, de uma base de dados, cuja organização permite rentabilizar a produção de cabos elétricos, principal atividade desenvolvida pela empresa SOLIDAL - Condutores Elétricos, S.A. Para tal, o trabalho que desenvolvo consiste na programação da plataforma, recorrendo às fórmulas matemáticas necessárias para o cálculo das grandezas físicas e elétricas dos cabos e a toda a informação relativa às normas técnicas de construção dos mesmos

    Indústria 4.0 : o impacto do Big Data e internet of things

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisA tecnologia possuí um papel cada vez mais importante, na economia, e por consequência nas organizações. O impacto está patente na quarta revolução industrial e nas consequências que esta tem nas organizações. É por isso considerado que a sua análise é de importante relevo. A Indústria 4.0 é considerada como um conjunto de tecnologias que estão a emergir na atualidade, estando ainda pouco estudadas, sendo estas balizadas por um conjunto de características que as definem como integrantes da quarta revolução industrial. Assim, o presente estudo procura estudar, através da análise de artigos científicos e de investigação, quais os impactos que as tecnologias Big Data e Internet of Things têm na Indústria 4.0. A revisão de literatura permitiu estabelecer seis critérios essenciais da a Indústria 4.0: interoperabilidade, virtualização, descentralização, capacidade em tempo real, orientação para o serviço e modularização. Para a análise do impacto das duas tecnologias referidas foi constituída uma amostra de vinte artigos muito citados, utilizando a métrica h-index, onde foram aplicados os seis critérios e efetuada uma análise de clusters hierárquicos. As conclusões deste estudo indicam que existe uma clara tendência de utilização de três dos critérios: virtualização, análise em tempo real e orientação para o serviço nas referidas tecnologias. Deste modo, o impacto do Big Data e da Internet of Things na definição da Indústria 4.0 é maioritariamente constituída por metade dos critérios que definem a quarta revolução industrial.Technology in the economy, and consequently in organizations, plays an increasingly role. The impact is evident in the fourth industrial revolution and the consequences it has on organizations. In this way, it is considered that its analysis is important. Industry 4.0 being a set of technologies that are emerging today, being still little studied, these are marked out in a set of characteristics that define them as part of the fourth industrial revolution. Therefore, the present study seeks to analyze, through scientific and research articles, the impacts that Big Data and Internet of Things technologies have on Industry 4.0. The literature review allowed us to classify six characteristics: interoperability, virtualization, decentralization, real-time capability, service orientation and modularization. For the analysis of the impact of the two technologies a sample of twenty articles was constituted using the h-index metric where the six criteria were applied and a hierarchical clusters analysis was performed. The conclusions of this study indicate that there is a clear tendency to use three criteria: virtualization, real-time analysis and service orientation in these technologies. Furthermore, the impact of Big data and Internet of Things on the definition of Industry 4.0 is mostly constituted by half of the criteria that define the fourth industrial revolution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Significance of cell number on the bulk elastic properties of auxetic reentrant lattices

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    Auxetics are characterized by a negative Poisson’s ratio, expanding/contracting in tension/compression. Given this behavior, they are expected topossess high shear, fracture and indentation resistance, and superior damping. The lack of natural isotropic auxetics promoted an effort to designstructures that mimic this behavior, e.g. reentrant model. This last is based on honeycombs with inverted protruding ribs. Commonly, this modelis employed in lattices and has been thoroughly studied in terms of mechanical properties and deformation behavior. Given that the amount ofcells has an influence in the overall internal structural behavior, there seems to be an absence of data that determines the minimum number of cellsfor such structure to present internal static bulk properties. Recurring to FEA, this study determines the minimum number of cells to obtain anoverall face constrained auxetic lattice with internal bulk elastic behavior, namely in terms of normalized Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Itis shown that adding reentrant cells increases the Poisson’s ratio on an exponential rise to maximum function, reducing the normalized Young’smodulus on an exponential decay function. Fundamentally, a minimum number of 13 cells per row to obtain an internal bulk behavior in latticeswith constrained faces.Supported by the project iRAIL Innovation in Railway Systems and Technologies Doctoral Programme funds and by national funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and was developed on the aim of the Doctoral grant PD/BD/114096/2015

    Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes AND Consequences in Forest Development

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    Presently the world faces what most likely will be the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. Climate change is a phenomenon, or rather a set of phenomena, that directly influences the daily lives of human populations all over the planet. However, this influence normally negative also affects ecosystems, with emphasis on agroforestry systems, of which human populations are directly dependent on food and in a large number of primary raw materials. It is with this premise as a starting point that this work makes an analysis on the current state of climate change in Portugal, since, being a country of Mediterranean climate influence, it should be one of the territories where changes will be felt with more intensity and severity. In this work, the current position on energy production in Portugal regarding Green House Gases (GHGs) emissions and the evolution prospects for the near future, namely in the perspective of the impacts caused on forest resources, are discussed

    Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species

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    Portugal is a country with a territorial dimension of approximately 90,000 km2. However, the forest occupies a prominent position, since it represents about 35% of the total area of the country. Portuguese people always had a very close connection with the forest, which has provided the necessaryresourcesforthedevelopmentofitscommunities. Thegeologicalsubstratumofcontinental Portugal is very old and may therefore have witnessed the evolution of its plants, from the early beginning to the present time, as well as all sort of historical and environmental landmarks such as glacial periods or mass extinctions. Also, from the perspective of human occupation, Portuguese territory was crossed by hunter-gatherer populations who, initially, were constantly moving and looking for sustenance, but at a later stage, chose to settle. This relationship between human populations and the forest is, thus, very old and demonstrates the interdependence between the subsistence of the populations and the resources exploitation. Currently, the main national economic groupsarebasedonforestindustries,whichdependdirectlyontheexploitationofthethreedominant species, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Pinus pinaster Aiton and Quercus suber L., demonstrating the human role in the development of the forest, motivated by the satisfaction of its needs. This work reviews the historical development of the forest in mainland Portugal, from geological times to the present, including the arrival of exotic species that later acquired invasive behaviors and now occupy significant areas of the national territory

    Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource

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    Portuguese forests have always played an essential role in the socioeconomic development of national rural areas, but also in several forest-based industrial sectors, such as the cork, pulp and paper, and wood panels industries. In addition to these dominant sectors, there are also several other usesforforesttimber,suchasbeingthemajorrawmaterialstotheproductionoffurnitureordevoted to the growing biomass pellets production industry. This review article presents the evolution of the forest industrial sector throughout the recent past, and its impact on the development of the rural environment, from a socioeconomic perspective, namely concerning the jobs and value-added creation, as well as the importance of the forest in national industrial development. It shows the importance of sustainable forest management for the development of the rural environment, as an essential sector for the creation of wealth and for the establishment of populations in the interior regions of the country

    Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion Facilitators

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    The globalization of the planet allowed plant species to emerge from their traditional habitats and spread to other territories. This dispersion, sometimes occasional, sometimes by the influence of man, reaches proportions today that, in some cases, affect the development of natural ecosystems and their sustainability. Thus, becomes imperative to know seeds dispersion occur, since only after can be taken measures to mitigate these processes. In the same way that natural communication paths, such as rivers, are responsible for the natural dispersal of seeds, man-made communication paths, such as road systems, can allow very rapid dispersion. This review article addresses this issue, raising a problem that can be observed in Portugal, but which can easily be transposed to other territories of the Mediterranean basin, given the similarities in these territories. The dispersion model described here, called Highway Flow Model, intends to show the mechanisms of seed dispersion through road systems, mainly due to the configuration of the road profiles, but also by the processes associated with the cleaning of the roadsides. This demonstrates the need to take measures, such as cleaning and inspecting the equipment used to clean roadside berths before moving them to a new service elsewhere

    Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources

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    With climate change being a certainty, which today is probably the biggest challenge humanity is facing, and also accepting that greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause accelerating climate change, there is an urgent need to find solutions that lead to the mitigation of the already intense, and in some cases, even violent, effects. Forests can most easily work as carbon sinks. However,itisconvenienttoanalyzetheresidencetimeofthiscarboninforests,asthisresidencetime will depend on the type of forest management used. This paper aims to analyze forest management models from a perspective of carbon residence time in forests, dividing the models into three types: carbon conservation, carbon storage, and carbon substitution. Carbon conservation models are those models in which the amounts of carbon stored only replace the carbon released, mainly by the industrial use of raw materials. Carbon storage models are models that foster the growth of forest areas to ensure that the amount of carbon stored grows, and where the ratio clearly leans towards sequestrationandstorage. Carbonsubstitutionmodelsaremodelsthatmovetowardsthesubstitution of fossil carbon by renewable carbon, thus contributing to the creation of a neutral flo

    Acacia dealbata Link. Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk

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    Invasive species are an environmental problem affecting worldwide ecosystems. In the case of Acacia dealbata Link., the negative impacts affect the productivity of the forests due to the competition established with native species while contributing to a significant increment in the available fuel load, increasing the risk of fire. In Portugal, chemical and mechanical methods are mostly used in the control of these species. However, the costs are often unsustainable in the medium term, being abandoned before completing the tasks, allowing the recovery of the invasive species. The establishment of value chains for the biomass resulting from these actions was pointed out by several authors as a solution for the sustainability of the control process, as it contributes to reducing costs. However, the problems in quantifying the biomass availability make it challenging to organize and optimize these actions. This work, which started from a dendrometrical analysis carried out in stands of A. dealbata, created a model to assess woody biomass availability. The model proved to be statistically significant for stands with trees younger than 20 years old. However, the amount of data collected and the configuration of the settlements analyzed do not allow extrapolation of the model presented to older settlements