594 research outputs found

    The development of gullies in a Mediterranean environment: The example of the Corgo gully (central Portugal)

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    ICEER2019 - 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research: “Energy and environment: challenges towards circular economy”, 22 -25 July 2019, Aveiro, PortugalGullies are the most energy-efficient way to transport excess runoff from the watershed after a landscape disturbance. The diversity of physical factors that are associated with gully formation makes straightforward interpretation difficult and requires well-founded analysis based on local observations. Some gullies have developed in the Alva river basin and some of them reach a spectacular size, especially in areas where forest fires have recurred with greater severity. In this paper, we identify the most important factors in the formation and development of the River Corgo’s gully, located in the Alva river valley in central Portugal. The evolution of this gully in the last 4 years is also examined, based on a study of the modification of its morphological characteristics. The analysis was based on the Spearman-Rho correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression to estimate the correlation between the quantitative characteristics, geomorphological processes and biophysical variables. The results show that the main factors that seem to control the spatial variation of soil erosion are the soil penetration resistance, slope, slope shape and vegetation cover.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reprogramming of lysosomal gene expression by interleukin-4 and Stat6.

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    BACKGROUND: Lysosomes play important roles in multiple aspects of physiology, but the problem of how the transcription of lysosomal genes is coordinated remains incompletely understood. The goal of this study was to illuminate the physiological contexts in which lysosomal genes are coordinately regulated and to identify transcription factors involved in this control. RESULTS: As transcription factors and their target genes are often co-regulated, we performed meta-analyses of array-based expression data to identify regulators whose mRNA profiles are highly correlated with those of a core set of lysosomal genes. Among the ~50 transcription factors that rank highest by this measure, 65% are involved in differentiation or development, and 22% have been implicated in interferon signaling. The most strongly correlated candidate was Stat6, a factor commonly activated by interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-13. Publicly available chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) data from alternatively activated mouse macrophages show that lysosomal genes are overrepresented among Stat6-bound targets. Quantification of RNA from wild-type and Stat6-deficient cells indicates that Stat6 promotes the expression of over 100 lysosomal genes, including hydrolases, subunits of the vacuolar H⁺ ATPase and trafficking factors. While IL-4 inhibits and activates different sets of lysosomal genes, Stat6 mediates only the activating effects of IL-4, by promoting increased expression and by neutralizing undefined inhibitory signals induced by IL-4. CONCLUSIONS: The current data establish Stat6 as a broadly acting regulator of lysosomal gene expression in mouse macrophages. Other regulators whose expression correlates with lysosomal genes suggest that lysosome function is frequently re-programmed during differentiation, development and interferon signaling

    Organização estratégica de plataforma para caracterização espacial de riscos no setor agropecuário e agroflorestal.

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    Plataforma de logística.

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    Synergistic interactions between XPC and p53 mutations in double-mutant mice: neural tube abnormalities and accelerated UV radiation-induced skin cancer

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    AbstractThe significance of DNA repair to human health has been well documented by studies on xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients, who suffer a dramatically increased risk of cancer in sun-exposed areas of their skin [1,2]. This autosomal recessive disorder has been directly associated with a defect in nucleotide excision–repair (NER) [1,2]. Like human XP individuals, mice carrying homozygous mutations in XP genes manifest a predisposition to skin carcinogenesis following exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation [3–5]. Recent studies have suggested that, in addition to roles in apoptosis [6] and cell-cycle checkpoint control [7] in response to DNA damage, p53 protein may modulate NER [8]. Mutations in the p53 gene have been observed in 50% of all human tumors [9] and have been implicated in both the early [10] and late [11] stages of skin cancer. To examine the consequences of a combined deficiency of the XPC and the p53 proteins in mice, we generated double-mutant animals. We document a spectrum of neural tube defects in XPC p53 mutant embryos. Additionally, we show that, following exposure to UV-B radiation, XPC p53 mutant mice have more severe solar keratosis and suffer accelerated skin cancer compared with XPC mutant mice that are wild-type with respect to p53

    Banco de dados e wiki integrados para análise de risco de pragas.

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    RESUMO: A Análise de Risco de Pragas - ARP é um instrumento reconhecido pela Organização Mundial do Comércio para estabelecer as medidas fitossanitárias necessárias para o comércio de produtos vegetais entre os países. O crescimento do comércio exterior do agronegócio brasileiro gerou um grande aumento da demanda por processos de ARP sobre a Organização Nacional de Proteção Fitossanitária do país. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema desenvolvido para gerenciar os dados e agilizar a elaboração de ARPs, composto de um módulo de gerenciamento de banco de dados relacional e de um módulo wiki. A integração desses módulos atendeu muito bem aos requisitos de uso do sistema e pode servir de referência para uma grande gama de aplicações.SBIAgro 2011

    Coherent states of non-relativistic electron in magnetic-solenoid field

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    We construct coherent states of a nonrelativistic electron in the magnetic-solenoid field, which is a superposition of the Aharonov-Bohm field and a collinear uniform magnetic field. In the problem under consideration there are two kind of coherent states, the first kind corresponds to classical trajectories which embrace the solenoid and the second one to trajectories which do not. Mean coordinates in the constructed coherent states are moving along classical trajectories, the coherent states maintain their form under the time evolution, and represent a complete set of functions, which can be useful in semi classical calculations. In the absence of the Aharonov-Bohm filed these states are reduced to the well-known in the case of uniform magnetic field Malkin-Man'ko coherent states.Comment: 11 pages, version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A, 3 figures adde

    Preparação de dados e extração de padrões para aplicação em alertas fitossanitários para a cultura do café.

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    O monitoramento e análise da influ~encia de fatores climáticos em uma cultura agrícola são de fundamental importância, pois contribuem para reduçaõ dos prejuízos causados por doençãs, como a queda na produtividade e na qualidade dos produtos.T0829. PIBIC 2006

    Processo de descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados aplicado a sistema de alerta da ferrugem do cafeeiro: preparação de dados e modelagem.

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    A duração do período de molhamento foliar na planta é uma variável importante em sistemas de alerta, pois o risco de epidemias de muitas doenças foliares está relacionado com a duração dos períodos em que a água livre encontra-se na superfície da folha. Finalizada a fase de entendimento dos dados, foi realizada a fase de preparação destes onde foi obtido um conjunto de dados para estimativa de molhamento foliar o qual foi explorado com a ferramenta SAS® (Statistical Analysis System) Enterprise Miner TM para analisar sua importância com relação ao alerta da ferrugem do cafeeiro. Foi estudada a relação entre as variáveis com os nós de exploração e utilizada a árvore de decisão para descobrir informações úteis que ajude no entendimento do modelo de sistemas de alerta. Observou-se que quando se tem umidade relativa acima de 90% e precipitação em torno de 1,5 mm, há cerca de 17% de molhamento foliar com valor acima de quatro, ou seja, caracteriza uma superfície mais úmida. Questões como essas, obtidas com a exploração dos dados através do SAS Enterprise Miner, contribuem para analisar a influência dos parâmetros climáticos na evolução da ferrugem do cafeeiro.T0827