92 research outputs found

    Understanding the future of the tsunami-affected coast in a tectonically active coastal region

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    In the early days after the large scale earthquake and tsunami hit Banda\ud Aceh on 26 December 2004, a coastal area on the tip of Sumatra\ud Island, Indonesia, scientists came from all over the world to this coast\ud to witness and investigate the scale of damage that these rare disaster\ud have caused to this broad low-lying coastal area. Many of them\ud researched the direct impact due to the earthquake and tsunami, but\ud mostly without further investigate the extent of the changes of the\ud coastal morphology. A lack of comprehensive study about the coast\ud before the tsunami event was mainly the problem. Without the knowledge\ud of how much the coast has changed the new state of the coastal\ud morphology cannot be determined, thus, forecast of the coastal development\ud may lead to bias result


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    ABSTRAKTaman Wisata Pabrik Cokelat KutacaneOlehAyi Meilianda Harasyid NIM : 1304104010053Provinsi Aceh merupakan salah satu daerah yang mempunyai potensi dibidang perkebunan kakao karena lahannya yang strategis, Fasilitas Taman Wisata Pabrik Cokelat merupakan fasilitas dimana tidak hanya menikmati produk langsung jadi, tetapi melihat dan menikmati bagaimana tahapan proses dari kakao menjadi sebuah produk olahan yaitu cokelat yang akan diangkat menjadi daya tarik wisata. Proses pengolahan buah kakao ini cukup panjang dan rumit. Proses dan tahapan pengolahannya ini membutuhkan seorang tenaga ahli. Dimana, sebagian besar petani tradisional tidak mengetahui proses pengolahan, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan selalu berupa bahan mentah yang telah dikeringkan kemudian langsung diekspor dengan harga yang standar. Oleh karena, itu perlunya peningkatan standar produksi untuk kakao ini.Perencanaan Taman Wisata Pabrik Cokelat Kutacane ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada pengunjung, dan dapat menjadikan kakao sebagai iconnya Aceh Tenggara dengan menyediakan wadah untuk mengolah hasil kakao yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian petani daerah terutama kondisi daerah tapak, iklim dan sektor pariwisata dan pertanian memegang peranan penting dalam meningkatkan perekonomian di berbagai daerah, diharapkan dengan perancangan fasilitas wisata ini perekonomian dan pariwisata Kutacane dapat meningkat.Pendekatan desain pada Perencanaan kawasan Taman Wisata Pabrik Cokelat Kutacene ini menggunakan tema Arsitektur Ekologi. Pemilihan ini bertujuan agar kawasan ini dengan mengedepankan hubungan baik antar manusia dan lingkungan, dengan manusia yang bertanggung jawab atas kondisi serta keberlangsungan lingkungan agar terjaga keindahannya. Kata kunci : kakao, Fasilitas Wisata, Pabrik, Arsitektur Ekolog

    Observations from the EEFIT-TDMRC mission to Banda Aceh, Indonesia to investigate the recovery from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

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    On 26th December 2004 a subduction zone earthquake of magnitude Mw 9.3 struck off the coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. A large area of the Indian Ocean seabed was vertically displaced, and as a result a tsunami wave was generated that went on to affect many countries around the world. One of the worst hit places was the Aceh province of Sumatra where the capital city, Banda Aceh, experienced serious ground shaking and significant sea water inundation. In Indonesia at least 126,732 people were killed, a further 93,652 people were confirmed missing and 533,770 people were displaced. In 2022, nearly 20 years on from the disaster, engineers and scientists from the UK Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) and from the Indonesian Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Centre (TDMRC) conducted a joint longterm recovery mission. This paper reflects on how a society rebuilds after such a devastating loss and what lessons can be learnt as a community for future disaster risk reduction. The scope of the paper includes the rapid assessment of post-disaster housing, community infrastructure and preparedness measures

    Observations from the EEFIT-TDMRC Mission to Sulawesi, Indonesia to Investigate the 28th September 2018 Central Sulawesi Earthquake

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    On the 28th September 2018 at 17:02 local time, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 Mw hit Indonesia, with epicentre located 78km north of the city of Palu on Sulawesi Island. The earthquake ground shaking triggered four substantial landslides and several instances of liquefaction and land subsidence. Furthermore, a localised tsunami was triggered in Palu Bay, likely due to subsea landsliding. These hazards caused damage to over 70,000 properties and the deaths of at least 4,438 people. The UK Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) and Indonesian Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Centre (TDMRC) conducted a joint reconnaissance mission to areas affected by the earthquake. This paper presents their main findings regarding these multiple hazards and their impacts on the built environment


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    Sarangan beach has high biodiversity of macroalgae. Macroalgae has an important role as primary producer for herbivorous marine animals, potentially as biomonitoring, and pollutant bioremediation. As benthic organisms, macroalgae grows attached rocky or reef substrate in intertidal zone. These research aimed to study the macroalgal abundance in Sarangan Beach and influence factors of it. This study is important for local government as a reference to manage and develop the coastal areas of Gunungkidul. Sampling was conducted in 2012-2013 start from determination of the sampling point with line transect then collect data using quadrat plots 100 x 100 cm2 size, seawater nutrient analysis, species identification, and data calculation. The results showed that there were 14 species of Chlorophyta, 4 species of Phaeophyta, and 17 species of Rhodophyta. Enteromorpha intestinalis has a highest abundance, then Ulva fasciata, and Cladophora catenata. Analysis of correlation and regression showed that nutrient levels doesn’t affect the macroalgal abundance in Sarangan Beach. Based on result, the limiting factor of macroalgal abundance in Sarangan Beach is substrate. Keywords: Abundance, Macroalgae, Sarangan Beach, Substrat

    Level of Coastal Protection Damage and Priority of Handling (Case Study of Alue Naga – Neuheun, Aceh Besar, Indonesia)

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    The massive tsunami of December 26, 2004 has had a huge impact on the life of the coastal region. The effects of the tsunami caused damage to occupation settlements, loss of waterside land and destruction of marine biota ecosystems. The coastal region of Aceh Province in Indonesia is the area that has the worst impact followed by the State of Malaysia, Thailand and as a coastal area of India. As a result of a large amount of coastal land experiencing a loss of land mass, erosion is very significant. As a step towards handling coastal areas from greater erosion prevention, the Government of Indonesia in 2005 adopted a policy of handling rehabilitation and reconstruction through the ANTERP (Aceh Nias Tsunami and Earthquake Response Program) program under the BRR (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency) in collaboration with Ministry of Public Work. One of the steps to handling erosion is to protect the coast using the hard structure method such as the construction of a revetment and jetty made from rock armor. This study aims to assess the level of damage and priority of handling of coastal protective structures that have been built in 2009, 2016 and how changes in shoreline occur on the beach location of Alue Naga - Neuheun, which is a coastal area that was greatly affected by the tsunami. Assessments were carried out in three different coastal structures, namely CS-1 locations in the Alue Naga area, CS-2, Lambada Lhok coastal area and CS-3 Neuheun beach area. Guidelines for assessing structure damage and changes in shoreline in the study using the Ministry of Public Work Regulation No. 08/SE/M/2010. The rate of change in shoreline is obtained through computational calculations of the DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) program using the EPR (End Point Rate) method and NSM for change distance (Net Shoreline Movement)


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    Drini Beach is one of beaches in Gunungkidul, D.I. Yogyakarta with dead-coral reefs as the landform. Dead-coral reef is a good habitat for macroalgae. Based on the pigment content, the macroalgae are divided into Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta with their specific pigments chlorophyta, carotenoid and phycobiliprotein, respectively. These pigments are potentially used as a marker for identification and classification. The research aimed to identify and quantify pigments content of macroalgae in Drini Beach, Gunungkidul, DIY. Samples collection was done in June, 2013. Pigment extractions were done for polar and nonpolar pigments and then the extracts were analyzed using spectrophotometry UV-VIS Shimadzu Genesys 10. The result showed that nonpolar extraction of Chaetomorpha had a maximum absorption peak between 320-380, 400-500, and 670 nm ; Borgesenia has maximum peak of 340, 440, and 670 nm; Cladophora in wavelenght of 340, 415, 435, 470, and 665 nm ; and Dictyosphaeria in wavelenght between 330-370, 415, 435, 470, and 665 nm of macroalgae samples; Padina in wavelenght of 340, 380, 440, 665 ; Gelidiella between 305-345 nm ; Gracilaria in wavelenght 330 nm ; Laurencia in wavelength between 310-340, 500, 550, 625, and 680 nm ; and Amphiroa in wavelenght 330 dan 400 nm. Besides, polar extraction using distilled water of Rhodhophyta showed maximum absorption peak of genus Gelidiella between 330-340, 410, and 665 nm; Gracilaria between 330-345, 410, 565, 665 nm ; Laurencia between 330-345, 435, and 665 nm ; and Amphiroa in wavelenght 335, 415, and 665 nm. Based on the results, it could be concluded that Chlorophyta has chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid; Phaeophyta has chlorophyll a, b, and, c; and Rhodophyta has chlorophyll a, carotenoid, and phycoeritrine.Keywords :, macroalgae, Gunung Kidul, pigment, spectrophotometr

    Assessment of post-tsunami disaster land use/land cover change and potential impact of future sea-level rise to low-lying coastal areas: A case study of Banda Aceh coast of Indonesia

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    © 2019 The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the projected sea-level rise to the coastal land use/land cover (LULC) at a disaster-prone coastal area, encompassing an engineering time-scale, based on a couple of sea-level rise scenarios. We investigate the Banda Aceh coast, a low-lying coastal area vulnerable to multiple hazards such as tsunamis and co-seismic land subsidence, which is typical along the Indonesian coastlines. Three sets of multi-temporal Google Earth Engine images acquired in 2004 (pre-tsunami December 2004), 2011 and 2017 were utilized to obtain the areal coverage of various types of LULC. The scenarios of coastal inundation were pre-determined at elevation +1.0 m and +1.5 m projecting the sea-level rise in the next couple centuries. Aquaculture ponds, buildings and bare land are the top three most pre-dominant land covers in Banda Aceh coast. The finding of this study reveals that the aquaculture ponds are at the highest risk to the future sea-level rise, and potentially contribute to the unproductive seawater inundated area. The bare land which has a huge potential to be converted into settlement area (buildings, housing, etc.), experienced remarkable loss due to both future inundation scenarios. The coastal area of Banda Aceh in the next couple of centuries, thus, will be highly vulnerable to the projected sea-level rise, providing the fast-growing and ever-expanding built environment very close to the coastline. A sustainable coastal management taking into account the disaster risk should, therefore, be incorporated within the decision making for the protection of the coastal area

    Linking Global Context of Sustainable Recovery with a Local Context Post-tsunami Recovery at Banda Aceh city, Indonesia

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    The present study examines the recovery progress that has been achieved so far a decade after the tsunami disaster occurred in Banda Aceh city of Indonesia. Assessment of the recovery progress for several activities at the local context associated with the long-term disaster recovery phase include the hazard source control and area protection, land-use practices, mental health recovery, and economic development were conducted to identify windows of opportunities in different sectors to build back better. The findings subsequently situated within the framework of global context, by setting up a global framework linking the common targets between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Among investigated sectors, the hazard source control, area protection and land-use practices seemed to miss the opportunity of changing the coastal areas to become more resilient to tsunami disaster, due to unsynchronized city masterplan with housing development towards the coastline. While this practice rather discouraging for promoting the idea of ‘build back better’, the other sectors such as community economic revitalization and mental health programs were rather successful in seizing the opportunities at different levels. It requires high commitment from different actors during the recovery to identify and grab the opportunities at the earliest phase of the recovery and to be able to coordinate and formulate the appropriate recovery programs that linked to the targets for sustainable development in the global context
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