95 research outputs found

    Diskurse – Medien – Dispositive oder Die Situationen des Diskurses. Anmerkungen zur postfoucaultschen Diskussion um die Medialität von Diskurse

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    This paper turns Post-Foucauldian discourse linguistics upside down to explore the situatedness of discourses as their material possibility condition. In order to do so I firstly clarify Foucault's notion of discourse oscillating between the poles of macro (knowledge order) and micro (material event). In a second step recent media discourse analysis is discussed as an attempt to understand "la matérialité de l'énoncé" (Foucault 1969: 135) as a possibility condition of discourses. In a third step I propose an approach that conceptualizes the possibility conditions of communicational acting systematically between media technologies and communicative genres. The media linguistic notion of Forms of Communication (cf. Domke 2010a; Holly 2011a; Meiler 2013a) promisingly conceptualizes these conditions as enabling communication, hence discourse in situ. Following this, in a fourth step three generic examples are analyzed from the related position of semiological pragmatics (cf. Jäger 2008; Rehbein 2001). By these three examples (taken from a corpus of communication in public space) the paper demonstrates how different Forms of Communication shape specific possibilities to communicate different types of discursive knowledge (and vice versa): verified, temporarily relevant, and contested knowledge. It is also worked out in which way the production conditions of each Form of Communication determine how accessible a discourse is. In this respect, public space and mass media appear to be remarkably opposed to one another


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    Today, knowledge communication is no longer conceivable without multimodality, if it has ever been truly monomodal. Nevertheless, research on multimodal knowledge communication has not yet progressed very far. This article therefore attempts a methodological inventory and reflection on the appropriate means of investigating this phenomenon. In a media-cultural-historical perspective on knowledge mediation processes, the article explores what their determining conditions are and how they can be made methodologically explorable in their interconnectedness. The centuries-old practice of botanizing (i. e., the identification of plant species) will be examined as a subject matter of knowledge communication, both in its historical development and in a recent example

    Wissenschaftliches Twittern.: Linguistische Bestandsaufnahme und method(olog)ische Auslotung, insbesondere mit Fokus auf Konferenztweets

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    The article deals with the use of the platform Twitter for internal scholarly communication from the perspective of contrastive linguistics of academic language. Since such a genuinely linguis­tic perspective on the scholarly use of Twitter is largely new, it is merely possible to take stock of the interdisciplinary dicussion of the phenomenon on the one hand and to methodologi­cally/ methodically explore a linguistic approach to it on the other. The perspective presented here combines a genuinely pragmatic approach to the analysis of scholarly language with media linguistic principles and terms that make it possible to compare recent and historical develop­ments in scientific communication

    Eristisches Handeln in wissenschaftlichen Weblogs: Medienlinguistische Grundlagen und Analysen

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    Die Arbeit untersucht im Rahmen einer kulturanalytischen Medienlinguistik mit vier Einzelfallstudien exemplarisch das wissenschaftliche Bloggen deutschsprechender Soziolog_innen. Dafür sind zwei Leitfragen zentral: (1) Welche Konturen der Praktik innerwissenschaftlichen Bloggens lassen sich aktuell nachzeichnen? (2) Wie konkretisiert sich eristisches Handeln als wesentliches Strukturkennzeichen der Praxis interner Wissenschaftskommunikation im Rahmen dieser Praktik? Den Ausgangspunkt bilden theoretische, begriffliche und methodologische Klärungen. Mit einem konsequent medienlinguistischen Ansatz wird deshalb zunächst ein erkenntnistheoretischer Standpunkt herausgearbeitet. Für die empirische Analyse wird dann der Forschungsstand zu historischen und rezenten Entwicklungen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation sowie zu ihrer Konzeptualisierung gesichtet und diskutiert: Dabei kommt es zu einer grundlegenden Problematisierung und prozessbezogenen Rekonzeptualisierung des medienlinguistischen Kommunikationsformenbegriffs ebenso wie des Eristikbegriffs der Wissenschaftssprachenforschung. Die Ergebnisse der vier Einzelfallstudien erhellen das Bloggen der deutschsprachigen Soziologie in seinen infrastrukturellen, sozialisatorischen, ethnotheoretischen und nicht zuletzt sprachlich-kommunikativen Dimensionen umfangreich. Sie zeichnen das Bild einer im Interim befindlichen Praktik. Diese entwickelt sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen den Normen interner Wissenschaftskommunikation und der medialen Spezifik von Weblogs. Dies führt unweigerlich zu Konflikten. Die unterschiedlichen Strategien ihrer Bewältigung führen im Effekt zu je unterschiedlichen Verortungen des Bloggens im kommunikativen Haushalt der Wissenschaft.This study examines a relatively recent phenomenon, the practice of scholarly blogging, with regards to its eristic dimension which is conceived as an overarching characteristic of all scholarly communication. In order to do so, the practice of scholarly blogging itself has to be explored first: What are the essential characteristics of scholarly blogging? What linguistic means are used to serve the eristic purposes in said practice? To answer these key questions, the scholarly blogging of German-speaking sociologists is examined in four case studies. Theoretical, conceptual, and methodological considerations situate this study in culture-analytical media linguistics: An according epistemological perspective is developed. In preparation of the empirical analyses, the stand of research regarding historical and recent developments as well as the common conceptualizations of scholarly communication are then examined and discussed. The notion of communication form, central to German media linguistics, is consequently scrutinized and re-conceptualized as process rather than structure, as well as the notion of eristics, central to German linguistics of scholarly communications. The findings of the four case studies shed light upon blogging of German-speaking sociologists in the following dimensions: regarding media infrastructure, processes of socialization, conflicting ethnotheories, and, most importantly, linguistic means for eristic purposes. The case studies show a practice currently evolving, in tension between the norms of scholarly communication and the specific mediality of the communication form weblog. Which inevitably prompts conflicts: The different strategies of coping with these conflicts effectively place blogs on different positions in the communicative household of academia

    Die Interjektion boah in Alltagserzählungen: : Eine Annäherung anhand von Face-to-Face- und Instant-Messaging-Kommunikation

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    This paper examines conversational data of German everyday narratives in audiovisual footage of face-to-face encounters and in log files of Facebook’s instant messenger. The qualitative analysis is focused on the interjection boah as a means of narrative activity, paying special attention to its multimodal form and its media dependent functionality. The preliminary findings show that boah is used to signal to the communication partner the utterer’s noticing of something unexpected: be it an observed object or event, a communicative action, or a recalled memory. On a phonetical level, it is possible to distinguish two forms of boah: a marked form and an unmarked form. Which of these two forms is instantiated in interaction depends on the intensity of unexpectedness (or the enactment of unexpectedness). In everyday narratives, the marked form is often found to be expressed by the recipient. In contrast to the face-to-face data, our instant messenger data shows that, here, almost without exception boah is only used by the storyteller. This conspicuous finding can be explained by the specific temporality of instant messaging which results from the structural media conditions that instant messengers or e. g. internet relay chats similarly impose on the use of communicative means like interjections. We finally discuss how this dialectic relation between communicative function and mediality prompts further analyses of other communicative means, for example, the pattern of everyday narratives itself

    Medien der Kooperation

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    Die digital-vernetzten Medien erfordern neue Analysen, Theorien und Geschichten. Sie verändern unseren Blick auf die Geschichte von Infrastrukturen, Öffentlichkeiten und Medienpraktiken. Was wären Ansätze für eine Medientheorie, die praktischen „skills“ des Mediengebrauchs,seiner soziotechnischen Materialität und den bürokratischen wie epistemischen Qualitäten der Medien gerecht wird? Die vorliegende Ausgabe 1/2015 der Navigationen widmet sich Medien als kooperativ bewerkstelligten Kooperationsbedingungen. Sie erbringen, so die These, konstitutive Vermittlungsleistungen zwischen der Organisation von Arbeit, Praktiken des Infrastrukturierens und der Genese von Öffentlichkeiten in wechselseitiger Interaktion

    Severe COVID-19 pneumonia: Perfusion analysis in correlation with pulmonary embolism and vessel enlargement using dual-energy CT data

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    Background Gas exchange in COVID-19 pneumonia is impaired and vessel obstruction has been suspected to cause ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Dual-energy CT (DECT) can depict pulmonary perfusion by regional assessment of iodine uptake. Objective The purpose of this study was the analysis of pulmonary perfusion using dual-energy CT in a cohort of 27 consecutive patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Method We retrospectively analyzed pulmonary perfusion with DECT in 27 consecutive patients (mean age 57 years, range 21–73; 19 men and 8 women) with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Iodine uptake (IU) in regions-of-interest placed into normally aerated lung, ground-glass opacifications (GGO) and consolidations was measured using a dedicated postprocessing software. Vessel enlargement (VE) within opacifications and presence of pulmonary embolism (PE) was assessed by subjective analysis. Linear mixed models were used for statistical analyses. Results Compared to normally aerated lung 106/151 (70.2%) opacifications without upstream PE demonstrated an increased IU, 9/151 (6.0%) an equal IU and 36/151 (23.8%) a decreased IU. The estimated mean iodine uptake (EMIU) in opacifications without upstream PE (GGO 1.77 mg/mL; 95%-CI: 1.52–2.02; p = 0.011, consolidations 1.82 mg/mL; 95%-CI: 1.56–2.08, p = 0.006) was significantly higher compared to normal lung (1.22 mg/mL; 95%-CI: 0.95–1.49). In case of upstream PE, EMIU of opacifications (combined GGO and consolidations) was significantly decreased compared to normal lung (0.52 mg/mL; 95%-CI: -0.07–1.12; p = 0.043). The presence of VE in opacifications correlated significantly with iodine uptake (p<0.001). Conclusions DECT revealed the opacifications in a subset of patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia to be perfused non-uniformly with some being hypo- and others being hyperperfused. Mean iodine uptake in opacifications (both ground-glass and consolidation) was higher compared to normally aerated lung except for areas with upstream pulmonary embolism. Vessel enlargement correlated with iodine uptake: In summary, in a cohort of 27 consecutive patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia, dual-energy CT demonstrated a wide range of iodine uptake in pulmonary ground-glass opacifications and consolidations as a surrogate marker for hypo- and hyperperfusion compared to normally aerated lung. Applying DECT to determine which pathophysiology is predominant might help to tailor therapy to the individual patient´s needs

    Vom Feld zum Labor und zurĂĽck

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter ist Herausgeber der Reihe und die Herausgeber der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler und -innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Mitglieder des Siegener DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Locating Media betrachten das Verhältnis "Labor" und "Feld" aus der Sicht ihrer jeweiligen Dissertations- bzw. Habilitationsprojekte auf je verschiedene Weise: manchmal eng angelehnt an konkrete Feld- und Laborforschung, manchmal durch metaphorische Wendung der Grundfrage "Vom Feld zum Labor und zurück"

    Ăśber die Gefahr, Zustimmung zu bekommen

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    Auf Umwegen erreichte mich gerade ein Hinweis auf eine Podcast-Folge, in der Moritz Klenk performativ darüber reflektiert (hier zu finden, bitte hören), wie unterschiedliche, v.a. auch neue Formen des wissenschaftlichen Denkens und Sprechens Einfluss auf das Gedachte selbst haben und die Folgen, die der dann für das Umgehen mit Gelesenem und den sich daraus ergebenden Ideen hat. Irritierend interessant war zunächst für mich die Thematisierung der Gefahr, in der WWW-Öffentlichkeit Zustimm..
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