1,105 research outputs found

    Long-lived heteronuclear spin-singlet states

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    We report observation of long-lived spin-singlet states in a 13C-1H spin pair at zero magnetic field. In 13C-labeled formic acid, we observe spin-singlet lifetimes as long as 37 seconds, about a factor of three longer than the T1 lifetime of dipole polarization in the triplet state. We also observe that the lifetime of the singlet-triplet coherence, T2, is longer than T1. Moreover, we demonstrate that this singlet states formed by spins of a heteronucleus and a 1H nucleus, can exhibit longer lifetimes than the respective triplet states in systems consisting of more than two nuclear spins. Although long-lived homonuclear spin-singlet states have been extensively studied, this is the first experimental observation of analogous spin-singlets consisting of a heteronucleus and a proton.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Pengaruh Status Penguasaan Lahan terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi di Desa Tumani, Kecamatan Maesaan, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine whether there is influence over land tenure status to the income of rice farmers. Data retrieval is done with primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from the farmers through a list of questions that had been prepared, while secondary data obtained from the office of the village or the head of the village. The way of taking samples, to look at the total population of each of the existing land tenure status, then divided by the population over land ownership and divided by 60 as a sample to be taken. The data collection method used is descriptive analysis and ANOVA (analysis of variance) in one direction. The concepts of measuring variables used are over land ownership, production, farming costs, revenue and income. The results of this study indicate that there are significant land ownership to farmers' income, the highest income is income tenants. Different income is the income of farmers own property with tenant farmers' income

    An internally consistent dataset of δ13C-DIC in the North Atlantic Ocean – NAC13v1

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    The stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC) can be used to quantify fluxes within the carbon system. For example, knowing the δ13C signature of the inorganic carbon pool can help in describing the amount of anthropogenic carbon in the water column. The measurements can also be used for evaluating modeled carbon fluxes, for making basin-wide estimates of anthropogenic carbon, and for studying seasonal and interannual variability or decadal trends in interior ocean biogeochemistry. For all these purposes, it is not only important to have a sufficient amount of data, but these data must also be internally consistent and of high quality. In this study, we present a δ13C-DIC dataset for the North Atlantic which has undergone secondary quality control. The data originate from oceanographic research cruises between 1981 and 2014. During a primary quality control step based on simple range tests, obviously bad data were flagged. In a second quality control step, biases between measurements from different cruises were quantified through a crossover analysis using nearby data of the respective cruises, and values of biased cruises were adjusted in the data product. The crossover analysis was possible for 24 of the 32 cruises in our dataset, and adjustments were applied to 11 cruises. The internal accuracy of this dataset is 0.017 ‰

    Aktivitas Antiaflatoksin B1 Ekstrak Daun Rumput Kebar (Biophytum Petersianum) terhadap Aspergillus flAvus

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    Aflatoksin B1 merupakan metabolit sekunder yang dihasilkan oleh Aspergillus flavus yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena bersifat karsinogenik. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mencari bahan antikapang dan antiaflatoksin yang berasal dari bahan alami seperti tumbuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari aktivitas ekstrak daun rumput kebar terhadap pertumbuhan miselium dan produksi aflatoksin B1 dari isolat A. flavus BC F0219 dan A. flavus BIO 2236 pada media model pangan kaya karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Ekstrak daun rumput kebar diekstraksi secara bertingkat dengan pelarut n-heksana-etil asetat-metanol (HEM). Konsentrasi ekstrak yang diuji untuk isolatA. flavus BCC F0219 dan A. flavus BIO 2236 masing-masing adalah 1; 1,5; dan 2 MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). Nilai MIC untuk A. flavus BCC F0219 pada media kaya karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein berturut-turut sebesar 12, 14, dan 14 mg/mL. Sedangkan nilai MIC untuk A. flavus BIO 2236 pada media kaya karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein berturutturut sebesar 12, 16, dan 16 mg/mL. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan bahwa persentase hambatan pertumbuhan isolat A. flavus BCC F0219 dan BIO 2236 pada media kaya karbohidrat, lemak dan protein pada 3 tingkat konsentrasi MIC berkisar antara 90,8 – 100% dan 93,8 – 100%. Hambatan produksi aflatoksin B1 isolat A. flavus BCC F0219 dan BIO 2236pada media kaya karbohidrat, lemak dan protein pada 3 tingkat konsentrasi MIC berkisar antara 70,86 – 100% dan 83,42 – 98,84%

    Functional promoter testing using a modified lentiviral transfer vector

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    PurposeThe importance of retinal glial cells in the maintenance of retinal health and in retinal degenerations has not been fully explored. Several groups have suggested that secretion of neurotrophic proteins from the retina's primary glial cell type, the Müller cell, holds promise for treating retinal degenerations. Tight regulation of transgene expression in Müller cells is likely to be critical to the efficacy of long-term neuroprotective therapies, due to the genetic heterogeneity and progressive nature of retinal disease. To this end, we developed a modified lentiviral (LV) transfer vector (pFTMGW) to accelerate the testing and evaluation of novel transcriptional regulatory elements. This vector facilitates identification and characterization of regulatory elements in terms of size, cell specificity and ability to control transgene expression levels.MethodsA synthetic multiple cloning site (MCS) which can accept up to five directionally cloned DNA regulatory elements was inserted immediately upstream of an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) reporter. A cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter, required for tat-independent viral packaging, is located around 2 kb upstream of the eGFP reporter and is capable of directing transgene expression. A synthetic transcription blocker (TB) was inserted to insulate the MCS/eGFP from the CMV promoter. We evaluated eGFP expression from pFTMGW and control constructs using flow cytometry and quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We also tested and compared the activity and cell specificity of a computationally identified promoter fragment from the rat vimentin gene (Vim409) in transfection and lentiviral infection experiments using fluorescence microscopy.ResultsTransfection data, quantitative RT-PCR, and flow cytometry show that around 85% of expression from the CMV promoter was blocked by the TB element, allowing direct evaluation of expression from the Vim409 candidate promoter cloned into the MCS. Lentiviruses generated from this construct containing the Vim409 promoter (without the TB element) drove robust eGFP expression in Müller cells in vitro and in vivo.ConclusionsThe TB element efficiently prevented eGFP expression by the upstream CMV promoter and the novel MCS facilitated testing of an evolutionarily conserved regulatory element. Additional sites allow for combinatorial testing of additional promoter, enhancer, and/or repressor elements in various configurations. This modified LV transfer vector is an effective tool for expediting functional analysis of gene regulatory elements in Müller glia, and should prove useful for promoter analyses in other cell types and tissues

    Numerical and experimental investigation of multi-species bacterial co-aggregation

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    This paper deals with the mathematical modeling of bacterial co-aggregation and its numerical implementation in a FEM framework. Since the concept of co-aggregation refers to the physical binding between cells of different microbial species, a system composed of two species is considered in the modeling framework. The extension of the model to an arbitrary number of species is straightforward. In addition to two-species (multi-species growth) dynamics, the transport of a nutritional substance and the extent of co-aggregation are introduced into the model as the third and fourth primary variables. A phase-field modeling approach is employed to describe the co-aggregation between the two species. The mathematical model is three-dimensional and fully based on the continuum description of the problem without any need for discrete agents which are the key elements of the individual-based modeling approach. It is shown that the use of a phase-field-based model is equivalent to a particular form of classical diffusion-reaction systems. Unlike the so-called mixture models, the evolution of each component of the multi-species system is captured thanks to the inherent capability of phase-field modeling in treating systems consisting of distinct multi-phases. The details of numerical implementation in a FEM framework are also presented. Indeed, a new multi-field user element is developed and implemented in ANSYS for this multiphysics problem. Predictions of the model are compared with the experimental observations. By that, the versatility and applicability of the model and the numerical tool are well established

    Edge Phonon Excitations in a Chiral Self-Assembled Supramolecular Nanoribbon

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    By design, coupled mechanical oscillators offer a playground for the study of crystalline topology and related properties. Particularly, non-centrosymmetric, supramolecular nanocrystals feature a complex phonon spectrum where edge modes may evolve. Here we show, employing classical atomistic calculations, that the edges of a chiral supramolecular nanoribbon can host defined edge phonon states. We suggest that the topology of several edge modes in the phonon spectrum is nontrivial and thermally insulated from bulk states. By means of molecular dynamics, we excite a supramolecular bond to launch a directional excitation along the edge without considerable bulk or back-propagation. Our results suggest that supramolecular monolayers can be employed to engineer phonon states that are robust against backscattering, toward supramolecular thermal waveguides, diodes, and logics

    Serum immunoglobulins and biomarkers of dementia:a population-based study

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    Background: Inflammation plays a key role in the development of dementia, but its link to early biomarkers, particularly those in plasma or neuroimaging, remains elusive. This study aimed to investigate the association between serum immunoglobulins and biomarkers of dementia. Methods: Between 1997 and 2009, serum immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG and IgM) were measured in dementia-free participants of the population-based Rotterdam Study. A random subset of participants had assessment of biomarkers in plasma (total tau (t-tau), neurofilament light chain (NfL), amyloid-β40 (Aβ-40), amyloid-β42 (Aβ-42), while another subset of participants underwent neuroimaging to quantify brain volume, white matter structural integrity and markers of cerebral small vessel disease. Linear regression models were constructed to determine cross-sectional associations between IgA, IgG, IgM and biomarkers of dementia, with adjustment for potential confounders. Multiple testing correction was applied using the false discovery rate. As a sensitivity analysis, we re-ran the models for participants within the reference range of immunoglobulins, excluding those using immunomodulating drugs, and conducted a stratified analysis by APOE-ε4 carriership and sex. Results: Of 8,768 participants with serum immunoglobulins, 3,455 participants (65.8 years [interquartile range (IQR): 61.5–72.0], 57.2% female) had plasma biomarkers available and 3,139 participants (57.4 years [IQR: 52.7–60.7], 54.4% female) had neuroimaging data. Overall, no associations between serum immunoglobulins and biomarkers of dementia remained significant after correction for multiple testing. However, several suggestive associations were noted: higher serum IgA levels concurred with lower plasma levels of Aβ-42 (standardized adjusted mean difference: -0.015 [95% confidence interval (CI): -0.029−-0.002], p = 2.8 × 10–2), and a lower total brain volume, mainly driven by less gray matter (-0.027 [-0.046−-0.008], p = 6.0 × 10–3) and more white matter hyperintensities (0.047 [0.016 – 0.077], p = 3.0 × 10–3). In sensitivity analyses, higher IgM was linked to lower t-tau, Aβ-40, and Aβ-42, but also a loss of white matter microstructural integrity. Stratified analyses indicate that these associations potentially differ between carriers and non-carriers of the APOE-ε4 allele and men and women. Conclusions: While associations between serum immunoglobulins and early markers of dementia could not be established in this population-based sample, it may be valuable to consider factors such as APOE-ε4 allele carriership and sex in future investigations.</p

    Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) on cancer in laboratory animal studies

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    Background: The carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) has been evaluated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2011. Based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and in animals, RF EMF were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). In 2018, based on a survey amongst RF experts, WHO prioritized six major topics of potential RF EMF related human health effects for systematic reviews. In the current manuscript, we present the protocol for the systematic review of experimental laboratory animal studies (cancer bioassays) on exposure to RF fields on the outcome of cancer in laboratory animals. Objective: In the framework of WHO's Radiation Program, the aim of this work is to systematically evaluate effects of RF EMF exposure on cancer in laboratory animals. Study eligibility and criteria: WHO's Handbook (2014) for guideline development will be followed with appropriate adaptation. The selection of eligible studies will be based on Population, Exposures, Comparators, and Outcomes (PECO) criteria. We will include peer-reviewed articles and publicly available reports from government agencies reporting original data about animal cancer bioassays on exposure to RF EMF. The studies are identified by searching the following databases: MEDLINE (PubMed), Science Citation Index Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Indes (Web of Science), Scopus, and the EMF Portal. No language or year-of-publication restrictions are applied. The methods and results of eligible studies will be presented in accordance with the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. Study appraisal method: Study evaluation of individual studies will be assessed using a risk of bias (RoB) tool developed by the Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) with appropriate considerations including sensitivity for evaluating RF EMF exposure in animal cancer bioassays. The final evaluation on the certainty of the evidence on a carcinogenic risk of RF EMF exposure in experimental animals will be performed using the OHAT Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach with appropriate considerations. The protocol has been registered in an open-source repository (PROSPERO)

    Application of an Imaging-Based Sum Score for Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy to the General Population: Risk of Major Neurological Diseases and Mortality

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    Objective: To assess the relation between a sum score of imaging markers indicative of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and cognitive impairment, stroke, dementia, and mortality in a general population. Methods: One thousand six hundred twenty-two stroke-free and dementia-free participants of the population-based Rotterdam Study (mean age 73.1 years, 54.3% women) underwent brain MRI (1.5 tesla) in 2005–2011 and were followed for stroke, dementia and death until 2016–2017. Four MRI markers (strictly lobar cerebral microbleeds, cortical superficial siderosis, centrum semiovale perivascular spaces, and white matter hyperintensities) were combined to construct the CAA sum score, ranging from 0 to 4. Neuropsychological testing measured during the research visit closest to scan date were used to assess general cognitive function and cognitive domains. The associations of the CAA sum score with cognition cross-sectionally and with stroke, dementia, and mortality longitudinally were determined using linear regression and Cox proportional hazard modeling adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, cholesterol, lipid lowering medication, atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic medication and APOE-ε2/ε4 carriership. Additionally, we accounted for competing risks of death due to other causes for stroke and dementia, and calculated absolute risk estimates. Results: During a mean follow-up of 7.2 years, 62 participants suffered a stroke, 77 developed dementia and 298 died. Participants with a CAA score of 1 showed a lower Mini-Mental-State-Exam (fully-adjusted mean difference −0.21, 9
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