1,945 research outputs found

    A Study of the Changing Process of Knowledge-Sharing Habits

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    In this research, we explore the impacts encountered by teachers with respect to sharing their teaching material and knowledge as a college implements the “Faculty-Student Knowledge Sharing Platform (FSKSP).” In addition, we report the experience and progress they acquire when choosing to change their traditional, habitual teaching and sharing modes. The case study focuses on a college of technology well-renowned among universities in Taiwan for its total and integral electronization of teaching. The study shows that sharing knowledge with students through the FSKSP is very different in nature from the long-established verbal knowledge sharing in classroom lectures. In choosing to use the FSKSP and making changes to the interaction between faculty and students, the teachers go through the stages of: Protection of professional dignity and expertise, panic with regard to whether or not to make changes, compromise with respect to the trends in information technology, and hesitation about whether to march forward or turn back. The research findings serve as a good reference for college administrators as they advocate the introduction of information technology to construct the FSKSP

    Sources of Acute Stress and Psychological Skill Training Methods among Czech Elite Soccer Players

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    The purpose ofthis research was twofold: first, to identify the sources ofacute stress among Czech Elite Soccer Players (CESPs) by investigating their perceived intensity and appraisal direction and second, to investigate the psychological skill training (PST) methods used by Czech elite soccer players. "Stress Intensities, Appraisals and PST methods Questionnaire" was created under the conceptual framework of stress process concluded from literature review to serve the purpose. Total 83 players from 5 teams competing át Czech premier soccer league (Gambrinus liga) completed the questionnaire. The main findings from the questionnaire were: 1) All the pre-competition stressors which were perceived with high intensity were all appraised strongly positive; 2) Cheers from spectators was the major facilitative in- competition stressor while making a goal-relevant game error was the major debilitative one; 3) "Team dynamics" has profound influence on the appraisal direction of stressors; 4) Defenders tend to be more aroused by negative stressors while Forwarders by positive ones; 5) Teams with higher performance level use PST methods more frequently and team's strategies such as "Team's goal setting", "Coach's pep talk" are more frequently used than individua} ones. The results of the research were...Cílem této práce bylo za prvé identifikovat zdroje akutního stresu u českých elitních fotbalových hráčů, vnímanou intenzitu a směr subjektivního hodnocení u těchto stresorů. Za druhé práce popisuje metody psychologické přípravy používané těmito hráči. Na základě studia literatury z oblasti Yýzkumu procesů stresu byl vytvořen dotazník "Stress Intensities, Appraisals and PST methods Questionnaire," který zjišťuje intenzitu stresu, jeho subjektivní hodnocení a použití metod psychologické přípravy. Dotazník vyplnilo celkem 83 hráčů z 5 týmů české Gambrinus extraligy. Hlavními závěry dotazníkového průzkumu jsou: 1) Všechny předsoutěžní stresory vnímané jako vysoce intenzivní byly zároveň hodnoceny v)·razně pozitivně. 2) Povzbuzování fanoušků bylo hlavním facilitativním soutěžním stresorem, zatímco udělat chybu, která vede ke gólu, hlavním negativně hodnoceným stresorem. 3) Týmová dynamika má velký vliv na směr hodnocení stresorů. 4) Obránci mají tendenci být více aktivováni negativními stresory zatímco útočníci pozitivními. 5) Týmy vyšší výkonnostní úrovně používají častěji metody psychologické přípravy, t) mové metody jako např. plánování t)mových cílů a promluva trenéra jsou používány častěji než individuální metody. Výsledky práce byly prezentovány a diskutovány s trenéry, na jejich základě byly...Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktikaFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Molecular research on a hypotensive herb formula and PPARα activation

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    Surflex-dock method was explored to study interactions between Qingxuanjiangya decoction (QXJYD in abbreviation, a famous hypotensive herb formula from Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription) and Peroxisome proliferators activated receptor-alpha (PPARα) for detecting its pharmacological effects as well as to screen out PPARα agonists. First, 28 compounds with values of PPARα EC50 from reported were introduced as a test set to evaluate the docking accuracy according to the good validation between experimental values and surflex-dock scores (correlation coefficient R = 0.866, RMSD = 1.169 Å, similarity = 0.804). And then, 739 molecules from QXJYD were docked to PPARα by the validated way. The result showed 200 compounds from QXJYD had activity with PPARα and discovered that a flavones compound (moralbanone, extracted from folium mori) with an excellent docking score might be considered as a guide to design a new scaffold of PPARα agonists in the further study.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    A Keyword-based Monolingual Sentence Aligner in Text Simplification

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    Density Backbone Clustering Algorithm Based on Adaptive Threshold

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    The existing clustering algorithms are inaccurate to identify arbitrary clusters, sensitive to density changes within clusters, sensitive to outliers and difficult to determine the threshold. An adaptive threshold-constrained density cluster backbone clustering algorithm (DCBAT) is proposed to solve the problems. Firstly, the adaptive reachability density threshold is defined in combination with the skewness coefficient and points density mean. Under the constraint of the threshold, the core points with higher local densities and higher relative distances are grouped according to the reachability, and the initial clusters backbones are obtained. The non-core points are then assigned into the cluster which their nearest neighbors with higher density belong to. Finally, the adaptive density D-value threshold is proposed in combination with D-value mean and scale factor. According to the threshold, the initial cluster is separated at the point where the density varies sharply, and the final clusters are obtained. DCBAT fully considers the internal structure and distribution of the data when clustering, thereby improving the clustering performance. The performance of this algorithm is demonstrated compared with five excellent algorithms k-means,DBSCAN, OPTICS, CFDP and MulSim on eight datasets with various dimensions and types. DCBAT algorithm has the advantages of good recognition of arbitrary clusters, insensitivity to density changes within clusters, insensitivity to outliers and stable clustering result. Its overall performance is superior to comparison algorithms


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    Past research has proven that employee experience has a positive impact on employee engagement. Based on the conceptual framework of Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) model, this study regards efficient employee experience as a job resource to explore the impact of "employee experience" and” job demands” on employee engagement in organizations. Work requirements are further divided into challenge demand and hindrance demand. This study adopts the experimental design of the scenario method and uses two two-factor independent sample designs, namely 2x2(employee experience is high / employee experience is low x challenging job demands is high / challenging job demands is low) and 2x2(employee experience is high / employee experience is low x hindering job demands is high / hindering job demands is low).A total of 176 valid questionnaires were collected. The research results found that when employee experience is high, employee engagement is higher than when employee experience is low. Employee experience and job demands have an interactive effect on employee engagement. When employee experience is high, employee engagement will be higher when challenging job demands are added than when hindering job demands are added. It is expected that the results of this study can help in theoretical and practical application