160 research outputs found

    Lessons from Loricrin-Deficient Mice: Compensatory Mechanisms Maintaining Skin Barrier Function in the Absence of a Major Cornified Envelope Protein

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    The epidermal cornified cell envelope (CE) is a complex protein–lipid composite that replaces the plasma membrane of terminally differentiated keratinocytes. This lamellar structure is essential for the barrier function of the skin and has the ability to prevent the loss of water and ions and to protect from environmental hazards. The major protein of the epidermal CE is loricrin, contributing ∼70% by mass. We have generated mice that are deficient for this protein. These mice showed a delay in the formation of the skin barrier in embryonic development. At birth, homozygous mutant mice weighed less than control littermates and showed skin abnormalities, such as congenital erythroderma with a shiny, translucent skin. Tape stripping experiments suggested that the stratum corneum stability was reduced in newborn Lor−/− mice compared with wild-type controls. Isolated mutant CEs were more easily fragmented by sonication in vitro, indicating a greater susceptibility to mechanical stress. Nevertheless, we did not detect impaired epidermal barrier function in these mice. Surprisingly, the skin phenotype disappeared 4–5 d after birth. At least one of the compensatory mechanisms preventing a more severe skin phenotype in newborn Lor−/− mice is an increase in the expression of other CE components, such as SPRRP2D and SPRRP2H, members of the family of “small proline rich proteins”, and repetin, a member of the “fused gene” subgroup of the S100 gene family

    Characterization of human loricrin. Structure and function of a new class of epidermal cell envelope proteins.

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    We have isolated and characterized a full-length cDNA clone encoding human loricrin. Curiously, this protein displays major differences from the recently described mouse loricrin (Mehrel, T., Hohl, D., Nakazawa, H., Rothnagel, J.A., Longley, M.A., Bundman, D., Cheng, C.K., Lichti, U., Bisher, M.E., Steven, A. C., Steinert, P.M., Yuspa, S.H., and Roop, D.R. (1990) Cell 61, 1103-1112). Although both proteins are glycine-serine-cysteine-rich, the sequences have not been conserved. However, analysis of the sequences reveals a common motif of quasi-peptide repeats of an aliphatic or aromatic amino acid residue followed by several glycine and/or serine and cysteine residues. These sequences are interspersed and flanked by short glutamine- or glutamine/lysine-rich peptides. Thus loricrins consist of a family of cell envelope proteins of highly variable sequences that nevertheless retain common structural elements. We show that unlike all other putative protein components of the cell envelope, loricrins are highly insoluble, due at least in part to cross-linking by disulfide bonds. Furthermore, we have isolated four peptides from purified human cell envelopes that contain recognizable loricrin sequences and which are cross-linked by the N epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine isodipeptide bond. The presence of such bonds thus affords an explanation for the extraordinary insolubility of loricrin by cross-linking to the cell envelope and can also explain the low steady-state levels of monomeric loricrin in cytoskeletal extracts of epidermis. This study represents the first report of this isodipeptide cross-link in a protein component of the cornified cell envelope. We propose a model for the structure of loricrin in which (i) the unusual glycine-serine-rich sequences adopt a flexible loop conformation, indexed on the recurrent aliphatic residues; (ii) inter- or intramolecular isodipeptide and disulfide cross-links induce or stabilize folding of loricrin so as to form a more compact rosette-like structure; and (iii) the presence of the flexible glycine-rich loops necessarily will impact a flexible character to the cell envelope and entire epithelium