437 research outputs found

    Semantic and Syntactic Matching of Heterogeneous e-Catalogues

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    In e-procurement, companies use e-catalogues to exchange product infor-mation with business partners. Matching e-catalogues with product requests helps the suppliers to identify the best business opportunities in B2B e-Marketplaces. But various ways to specify products and the large variety of e-catalogue formats used by different business actors makes it difficult. This Ph.D. thesis aims to discover potential syntactic and semantic rela-tionships among product data in procurement documents and exploit it to find similar e-catalogues. Using a Concept-based Vector Space Model, product data and its semantic interpretation is used to find the correlation of product data. In order to identify important terms in procurement documents, standard e-catalogues and e-tenders are used as a resource to train a Product Named Entity Recognizer to find B2B product mentions in e-catalogues. The proposed approach makes it possible to use the benefits of all availa-ble semantic resources and schemas but not to be dependent on any specific as-sumption. The solution can serve as a B2B product search system in e-Procurement platforms and e-Marketplaces

    Microstructural analysis of diffuse axonal injury after traumatic brain injury using diffusion-weighted Magnetic resonance imaging

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    Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) has been considered to be one of the main mechanisms leading to permanent disability in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) leading to disturbance in axonal function and neuronal damage. Conventional neuroimaging techniques such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful in detection of macroscopic lesions. However, due to their lack of sensitivity, they are not sensitive enough to detect DAI. Diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI is a non-invasive imaging method that can be sensitive to subtle white matter (WM) alterations and it is capable of providing information about structural brain connectivity in vivo. The aim of the present research was to study microstructural WM abnormalities following TBI using DW-MRI and advanced analysis techniques e.g. high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI). Patients with mild TBI (mTBI) and orthopedically injured (OI) patients that served as control subjects underwent brain imaging and clinical assessments during the TBICare study. Whole brain global and local WM abnormalities associated with DAI were investigated using diffusion tensor imaging analysis methods and probabilistic tractography. In addition, brain structural connectivity was evaluated following mTBI. Furthermore, the associations of WM alterations and structural network properties with the outcome were assessed. Patients with mTBI showed lower anisotropy and higher diffusivity measures at acute or sub-acute, and chronic stages of mTBI compared with controls. These WM alterations were susceptible to the average fiber orientation. Additionally, structural network connectivity was altered only locally and no differences were found between patients and controls in the global network properties. However, WM alterations and network metrics were significantly associated with the outcome. This study highlighted that novel advanced HARDI methods are promising tools to detect WM alterations already at the early stage after mTBI. Furthermore, we showed that disruptions in structural brain networks are associated with outcome, and suggest that network properties in the acute/subacute stage are promising imaging biomarkers for prognostic purposes.Tapaturmaiseen aivovammaan liittyvän diffuusin aksonivaurion hienorakenneanalyysi diffuusiopainotteisella magneettikuvauksella Diffuusi aksonivaurio on suurin syy pysyvään työkyvyttömyyteen traumaattisen aivovamman jälkeen, ja johtaa häiriöihin aksonien toiminnassa sekä hermostovaurioihin. Tyypilliset aivokuvantamistekniikat kuten tietokonetomografia ja magneettikuvantaminen (MRI) ovat hyödyllisiä makroskooppisten vaurioiden havaitsemisessa, mutta ne eivät ole riittävän herkkiä diffuusin aksonivaurion havaitsemiseen. Diffuusiopainotettu MRI on kajoamaton kuvantamismenetelmä, joka voi olla sensitiivinen hienovaraisillekin valkean aineen muutoksille ja se pystyy antamaan tietoa hermoratojen muodostamista rakenteellisista yhteyksistä in vivo. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tavoite oli tutkia aivojen valkean aineen mikrorakenteellisia muutoksia traumaattisen aivovamman jälkeen käyttäen diffuusiopainotettua MRI:tä sekä edistyneitä analyysimenetelmiä. Potilaat, joilla oli todettu lievä aivovamma sekä verrokkeina toimineet ortopedisesti loukkaantuneet potilaat kuvattiin ja tutkittiin osana TBICare EU-hanketta. Paikallisia sekä koko aivojen valkean aineen mikrorakenteellisia ominaisuuksia tutkittiin käyttäen diffuusiotensorimenetelmää (DTI) sekä probabilistista traktografiaa. Lisäksi aivojen rakenteellista konnektiivisuutta tutkittiin lievän aivovamman jälkeen. Myös valkean aineen muutosten ja rakenteellisten aivoverkostojen ominaisuuksien suhdetta aivovamman jälkeiseen oirekuvaan tutkittiin. Aivovammapotilailla oli alentunut anisotropia ja korkeampi diffusiviteetti sekä akuutissa/subakuutissa vaiheessa että kroonisessa vaiheessa verrattuna verrokkeihin. Nämä valkean aineen muutokset riippuivat myös hermoratojen suunnista. Aivojen rakenteellinen konnektiivisuus oli poikkeava vain lokaalisti eikä koko verkostoja kuvaavissa globaleissa mittareissa havaittu muutoksia. Valkean aineen muutokset ja sekä globaalit että paikalliset verkostomittarit liittyivät kuitenkin selvästi aivovamman jälkeisiin oireisiin. Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että uudet diffuusiomagneettikuvien analyysimenetelmät ovat lupaavia työkaluja diffuusin aksonivaurion havaitsemiseen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa lievän traumaattisen aivovamman jälkeen. Lisäksi havaitsimme, että rakenteellisten aivoverkostojan ominaisuudet liittyivät aivovamman jälkeisiin oireisiin vahvasti ja voivat auttaa jo aikaisessa vaiheessa myöhemmän oirekuvan ennustamisessa

    On the Significance of Microtubule Flexural Behavior in Cytoskeletal Mechanics

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    Quantitative description of cell mechanics has challenged biological scientists for the past two decades. Various structural models have been attempted to analyze the structure of the cytoskeleton. One important aspect that has been largely ignored in all these modeling approaches is related to the flexural and buckling behavior of microtubular filaments. The objective of this paper is to explore the influence of this flexural and buckling behavior in cytoskeletal mechanics

    A hybrid solution approach for a multi-objective closed-loop logistics network under uncertainty

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    The design of closed-loop logistics (forward and reverse logistics) has attracted growing attention with the stringent pressures of customer expectations, environmental concerns and economic factors. This paper considers a multi-product, multi-period and multi-objective closed-loop logistics network model with regard to facility expansion as a facility location-allocation problem, which more closely approximates real-world conditions. A multiobjective mixed integer nonlinear programming formulation is linearized by defining new variables and adding new constraints to the model. By considering the aforementioned model under uncertainty, this paper develops a hybrid solution approach by combining an interactive fuzzy goal programming approach and robust counterpart optimization based on three well-known robust counterpart optimization formulations. Finally, this paper compares the results of the three formulations using different test scenarios and parameter-sensitive analysis in terms of the quality of the final solution, CPU time, the level of conservatism, the degree of closeness to the ideal solution, the degree of balance involved in developing a compromise solution, and satisfaction degree


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    Given the increasing demand for dimension stones, mining operations in quarries have always been an important branch of mining engineering. Among different techniques, diamond wire cutting is one of the most common methods of dimension stone mining. A reliable assessment and accurate prediction of diamond wire cutting performance are essential for feasibility analysis and operational planning in this area. This performance depends on factors such as physical, mechanical, and textural properties of the rock and the characteristics of cutting operations which can be evaluated by criteria such as specific energy, production rate, efficiency, and diamond bead wear rate. This study aims to develop a method for predicting the specific energy of diamond wire cutting in dimension stones based on rock properties. For this purpose, the specific energy of diamond wire cutting in 11 different igneous rock samples was measured. Given the high strength and abrasivity of igneous rocks, cutting operations in these rocks generally requires a great amount of energy. In a series of tests performed on the samples, rock properties such as uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), Brazilian tensile strength (BTS), Young’s modulus, density, textural properties, abrasivity and operating factors such as pullback amperage were measured. The measured parameters were divided into four groups of physical, mechanical, textural, and operating parameters. After determining the specific cutting energy of each sample, the relationship of the energy with each individual property was investigated. This investigation showed that density, abrasivity, and p-wave velocity respectively had the highest correlation with specific energy. Using the correlation results, four input parameters (one from each of the four considered parameter groups) were selected for inclusion in the prediction model. These parameters were density, abrasivity, wave velocity, and amperage. Multivariate linear regression was then used to analyse the effect of rock properties and operating parameters on specific energy. The developed regression model showed that once the rock properties are known, the specific energy can be predicted with an accuracy of 85.8%. The proposed model can be used to estimate the specific energy of diamond wire cutting operations in dimension stone quarries in advance, and predict the amount of energy consumption, the required energy source, and the optimal cutting machine accordingly.Povećana potreba za arhitektonsko-građevnim kamenom stavlja naglasak na različite rudarske zahvate u kamenolomima. Od nekoliko tehnika rezanje dijamantnom žicom jedan je od najčešćih načina vađenja arhitektonsko-građevnoga kamena. Pouzdana i točna procjena svojstava takva rezanja nužna je za analizu isplativosti i osjetljivosti. Svojstva rezača ovise o nizu čimbenika poput fizičkih, mehaničkih i teksturnih svojstava stijena te samoga rezanja, a mogu biti procijenjena iz varijabli poput specifične energije, iznosa proizvodnje, efikasnosti i habanja. U studiji je razvijena metoda za predviđanje specifične energije rezanja dijamantnom žicom uzoraka 11 različitih magmatskih stijena. Zbog njihove velike čvrstoće i abrazivnosti rezanje takvih uzoraka zahtijeva znatnu energiju. Testirano je niz svojstava kao što su jednoosna tlačna čvrstoća, vlačna čvrstoća određena brazilskim testom, Youngov modul, svojstva tekstura, abrazivnost i faktori poput potrebne struje. Nakon određivanja specifične energije rezanja svakoga uzorka analiziran je odnos energije i svakoga nabrojanog svojstva. Rezultati su pokazali kako su gustoća, abrazivnost te brzina p-valova u najvećoj korelaciji sa specifičnom energijom. Odabrane su, temeljem korelacije, četiri ulazne varijable koje su uključene u model predviđanja (gustoća, abrazivnost, brzina širenja valova, jakost struje). Utjecaji svojstava stijena i radnih parametara na specifičnu energiju analizirani su višestrukom linearnom regresijom. Regresijski model pokazao je kako se na temelju svojstava stijena iznos specifične energije može predvidjeti točnošću od 85,8 %. Takav model može se koristiti kod predviđanja specifične energije potrebne za rezanje arhitektonsko-građevnoga kamena u kamenolomima, tj. predviđanje utroška i izvora energije te optimiziranje rezaćega stroja


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    One of the most hazardous fields of engineering is mining operations and accordingly, it requires extra consideration on risk evaluation. Decorative stone quarrying is one of the main branches of the mining industry in Iran. Currently, Iran, China and Italy are known as the three main producers of decorative stones in the world. Subsequently, risk assessment is one of the main steps of quarrying organization. One of the main steps of risk assessment is Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). In order to achieve this goal, a comprehensive structure of dimensional stone quarrying is modelled in this research and divided into 17 main levels. One of the most useful procedures of risk ranking is Multi attribute decision-making methods which state that they have numerous affecting parameters. In the next step of this study, the main hazards of main decorative stone quarrying are assessed by implementing the ‘Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation’ (PROMETHEE) technique. As a final point, Economical, Management, and Schedule risks are determined as the most intimidating hazards in this field.Jedna od najopasnijih inženjerskih aktivnosti jesu rudarske operacije koje stoga zahtijevaju dodatne procjene rizika. Vađenje ukrasnoga kamena jedna je od glavnih rudarskih grana u Iranu. Trenutačno su Iran, Kina i Italija tri glavna proizvođača takva kamena u svijetu. Procjena rizika među temeljnim je aktivnostima kamenoloma. Jedan od glavnih postupaka toga procesa jest procjena rizika loma strukture (RLS). S tim ciljem modelirane su makrostrukure arhitektonsko-građevnoga kamena te su podijeljene u 17 razina. Jedan od najboljih postupaka za rangiranje rizika jest višeatributna metoda donošenja odluka koja povezuje brojne zavisne parametre. Nadalje, ocijenjeni su glavni rizici u najvećim kamenolomima uporabom metode preferirajućega rangiranja za poboljšanu procjenu (MPRPP). Na kraju su izračunani ekonomski rizik te rizici upravljanja i planiranja, koji ujedno imaju najveći utjecaj na opisane aktivnosti

    Zoroastrian Ritual and Exegetical Traditions: The Case of the Iranian Pahlavi Yasna

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    The manuscripts of the Iranian Pahlavi Yasna contain two consecutive colophons, the second of which relates the story of how their common ancestor manuscript, which combines the Avestan text of the Yasna with its Pahlavi version, was created. It is argued that Rōstahm Dād-Ohrmazd produced the first Pahlavi Yasna manuscript by taking the Avestan text from one manuscript and the Pahlavi text of a manuscript by Farrbay Srōšayār. Furthermore, it is argued that Rōstahm Dād-Ohrmazd wrote this manuscript both for himself and for Mahayār Farroxzād, who was from the province of Bīšāpuhr. The manuscript of Rōstahm Dād-Ohrmazd was then copied by Māhwindād Narmāhān, who composed the second colophon. This article also discusses the first colophon as it appears in the Iranian Pahlavi Yasna manuscript T54, which differs from other manuscripts of this group as it includes a passage written by a scribe called Kāyūs. It is argued that T54 was produced by Kāyūs, who added this passage to its first colophon. Furthermore, variant readings of these two colophons in two manuscripts of the Iranian Pahlavi Yasna, which also include Kāyūs's passage, are discussed. Unlike T54, Kāyūs's passage forms a separate colophon in these two manuscripts. It is suggested the two colophons are corrected according to the mindset of their respective scribes