35 research outputs found

    Çardak-Tokça, Burdur ve İncesu alanlarındaki eosen-miyosen tortullarının palinolojik incelemeleri ve foraminifer içerikleri, Batı Anadolu

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    Bu tez, Orta-Geç Eosen Başçeşme (Çardak-Tokça Alanı) ve Varsakyayla (Burdur Alanı) formasyonları, Erken-“Orta†Oligosen Tokça (Çardak-Tokça Alanı) ve İncesu (İncesu Alanı) formasyonları ve Erken Miyosen Kavak ve Aksu (Burdur Alanı) formasyonlarının stratigrafik, paleontolojik, paleoortamsal ve paleoiklimsel önemini açıklar. Çardak-Tokça, Burdur ve İncesu alanlarından çok sayıda farklı kalınlıklara sahip ölçülü kesitler alınmıştır. Çardak-Tokça ve Burdur alanlarından kömürlü Eosen tortulları stratigrafik olarak Likya napları üstler. Çalışılan istifler, stratigrafik kesiklik olmaksızın, sığ deniz, kıyı ortamında çökelmiş Başçeşme ve Varsakyayla formasyonlarından yüzlekledir. İyi korunmuş çeşitli palinomorf ve foraminifer toplulukları Başçeşme ve Varsakyayla formasyonlarının yaşını Orta-Geç Eosen olarak vermektedir. Batı Anadolu'da mangrove elementleri olan Spinizonocolpites (Nypa) ve Psilatricolporites crassus Van Der Hammen & Wymstra (Pelliciera) ilk kez bu formasyonlardan kaydedilmiştir. Mercan, bivalvia ve gastropodlu iyi korunmuş foraminifer verileri, tortulaşmanın sığ denizel ortamda son bulduğunu göstermektedir. Erken-“Orta†Oligosen palinomorf ve foraminifer toplulukları Tokça ve İncesu formasyonlarından elde edilmiştir Palinolojik veriler, stratigrafik açıdan önemli olan Leiotriletes maxoides Krutszsch ssp. maximus (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug) Krutszsch, Magnolipollis neogenicus ssp. minor Krutszsch, Boehlensipollis hohli Krutszsch, Slowakipollis hippophaëoides Krutszsch, Triatriopollenites excelsus (Potonié) Thomson & Pflug, Plicapollis pseudoexcelsus Krutszsch, Plicatopollis hungaricus Kedves, Mediocolpopollis compactus Krutszsch ssp. ellenhausensis Krutszsch, ve Caryapollenites simplex (Potonié) Raatz ex Potonié gibi türlerin bolluğu ve varlığı dayanarak Erken-“Orta†Oligosen yaşını belirtmektedir. Örneklerdeki dinoflagelatların varlığı, denizel bir ortama yakınlığı tanımlamaktadır. Erken-“Orta†Oligosen yaşı, Üçtepeler resif üyesi (Tokça Formasyonu) ve Delikarkası Formasyonundan elde edilmiş olan bentik foraminifer topluluklarından da ispatlanmıştır. Çardak-Tokça and İncesu alanlarının tortulları, Erken-“Orta†Oligosen süresince çökelmiştir. Bu yüzden, Geç Oligosen-Erken Miyosen süresince çökelmiş olan Trakya ve güneybatı Anadolu molas havzalarından (Kale-Tavas ve Denizli molasları) daha yaşlıdır. Erken Miyosen palinomorf toplulukları Kavak ve Aksu formasyonlarından elde edilmiştir. Leiotriletes maxoides Krutszsch ssp. maximus (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug) Krutszsch, Dicolpopollis kockelii Pflanzl, Plicatopollis plicatus (Potonié) Krutszsch, P. hungaricus Kedves ve Longapertites retipiliatus Kar formlarının varlığı Akitaniyen (Erken Miyosen) yaşını tanımlamaktadır. Bu yaş aynı zamanda denizel foraminiferlerden de elde edilmiştir. Bu tez kapsamında palinolojik ve foraminifer verilerine dayanarak Orta-Geç Eosen, Erken-“Orta†Oligosen ve Erken Miyosen için paleoortamsal yorumlamalar yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu mikropaleontolojik verilere dayalı yukarıda belirtilen her bir yaş için denizel transgresyon ve regresyonlar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Paleoiklimsel açıdan, Orta-Geç Eosen süresince, kıyıdan dağ ortamını belirten ılıman ve tropikal taksanın karışımı ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Ilık Tetis sularının varlığı Orta-Geç Eosen süresince mangrov gelişimine izin vermiştir. Erken-“Orta†Oligosen karasal iklimsel değişimleri, Tokça Formasyonu (Çardak-Tokça Alanı) ve İncesu Formasyonu (İncesu Alanı) elde edilmiştir ve palinolojik verilere ve dünyada farklı yazarlar tarafından yapılmış izotop çalışmalarına dayalı olarak bir soğumayı belirtmektedir. Paleoiklimsel değişimler ve paleotropik/aktotersiyer oranındaki artışa başlı olarak, Orta Oligosen'den Erken Miyosen'e doğru bir sıcaklık artışı açıktır. Paleoiklimsel veriler izotop çalışmalarıyla da tutarlıdır. This thesis explains the stratigraphical, palaeontological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological significance of the Middle-Late Eocene Başçeşme (Çardak-Tokça Area) and Varsakyayla (Burdur Area) formations, the Early-“Middle†Oligocene Tokça (Çardak-Tokça Area) and İncesu (İncesu Area) formations and the Early Miocene Kavak and Aksu formations (Burdur Area). Many stratigraphical sections with various total thicknesses were measured from the Çardak-Tokça, Burdur and İncesu areas. The coal-bearing Eocene sediments of the Çardak-Tokça and Burdur areas stratigraphically overlie the Lycian Nappes. The studied sequences are outcrops from the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations, which deposited in shallow marine to coastal environment without any stratigraphical break. Diverse well-preserved palynomorph and foraminifer assemblages yield the Middle-Late Eocene age for the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations. In western Anatolia, mangrove elements Spinizonocolpites (Nypa) and Psilatricolporites crassus Van Der Hammen & Wymstra (Pelliciera) have been first recorded from these formations. The well-preserved foraminiferal data, along with corals, bivalves and gastropods, indicate that sedimentation ceased in the shallow-marine environment. The Early-“Middle†Oligocene palynomorph and foraminifer assemblages have been obtained from the Tokça and İncesu formations. Palynological data indicate an Early-“Middle†Oligocene age for the Tokça and İncesu formations on the basis of abundance and presence stratigraphical marker species such as Leiotriletes maxoides Krutszsch ssp. maximus (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug) Krutszsch, Magnolipollis neogenicus ssp. minor Krutszsch, Boehlensipollis hohli Krutszsch, Slowakipollis hippophaëoides Krutszsch, Triatriopollenites excelsus (Potonié) Thomson & Pflug, Plicapollis pseudoexcelsus Krutszsch, Plicatopollis hungaricus Kedves, Mediocolpopollis compactus Krutszsch ssp. ellenhausensis Krutszsch, and Caryapollenites simplex (Potonié) Raatz ex Potonié. The presence of the dinoflagellate cysts in the samples indicates close proximity to a marine environment. The Early-“Middle†Oligocene age has also been proofed from benthic foraminifer assamblages obtained from the Üçtepeler reef member (Tokça Formation) and Delikarkası Formation (İncesu Area). The sediments of the Çardak-Tokça and İncesu areas were deposited during the Early-“Middle†Oligocene. Because of this, these sediments are older than the Thrace Basin and southwest Anatolian molasse basins (Kale-Tavas and Denizli molasse) which were deposited during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. The Early Miocene palynomorph assemblages have been obtained from the Kavak and Aksu formations of the Burdur Area. The presence of Leiotriletes maxoides Krutszsch ssp. maximus (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug) Krutszsch, Dicolpopollis kockelii Pflanzl, Plicatopollis plicatus (Potonié) Krutszsch, P. hungaricus Kedves and Longapertites retipiliatus Kar indicates an Aquitanian (Early Miocene) age. This age has been obtained from the marine foraminifers as well. Within the scope of this thesis, on the basis of palynological and foraminifer data, palaeoenvironmental interpretations were made for the Middle-Late Eocene, Early-“Middle†Oligocene and Early Miocene. As a result, relying on these micropalaeontological data, marine regression and transgression for each age mentioned above were determined. From the palaeoclimatic point of view, the mixture of temperate and tropical taxa indicating environments from the coast to the montane has been prevailed during the Middle-Late Eocene. The presence of warm Tethys waters permitted growing of the mangroves on western Anatolia during the Middle-Late Eocene. The Early-“Middle†Oligocene continental temperature changes are documented by the record of the Tokça Formation (Çardak-Tokça Area) and İncesu Formation (İncesu Area) and indicate a cooling on the basis of palynological data and also isotopic works made by variours authors in the world. An increase in the temperatures from the “Middle†Oligocene to Early Miocene is clear relying on the change of palaeoclimatic variations and increase in palaeotropical/arctotertiary ratio. The paleoclimatic data are consistent with isotopic works, too

    Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Lower-"middle" Oligocene units in the northern part of the Western Taurides (Incesu area, Isparta, Turkey)

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    This study describes the stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of the Lower-"middle" Oligocene sediments based on the fauna from the Delikarkasi Formation and the microflora from the Incesu Formation of the Incesu area (northern part of the western Taurides, Isparta province, Turkey). In the area, the Oligocene sediments show a regressive succession, which begins with the limestones of the Delikarkasi Formation indicating marine conditions followed by conglomerates, sandstones and coaly mud-stones of alluvial and fluvial (shallow marine-continental) origin. A well preserved foraminiferal assemblage including Nummulites intermedius, Nummulites vascus and Halkyardia maxima proves an Early Oligocene age for the Delikarkasi Formation. Due to palynological markers such as Boehlensipollis hohli, Slowakipollis hippophaeoides, Dicolpopollis kockelii, Magnolipollis neogenicus ssp. minor, Plicapollis pseudoexcelsus, Caryapollenites simplex and Intratriporopollenites instructus the Incesu Formation, which concordantly rests on the Delikarkasi Formation, may be assigned to the Early-"middle" Oligocene. From the palynomorph assemblage, three zones have been recognised according to abundance of species. Zone 1 is characterized by predominance of C. simplex and Momipites punctatus and rarely presence of tricolpate and tricolporate pollen. Zone 2 consists mainly of Inaperturopollenites dubius, Leiotriletes maxoides ssp. maximus, Verrucatosporites favus, Verrucatosporites alien us and infrequently marine dinoflagellate cysts. Zone 3 is characterized by a high percentage of ferns such as Echinatisporis? chattensis and Polypodiaceoisporites saxonicus. The presence of marine dinoflagellate cysts like Apectodinium sp. and Cleistosphaeridium sp., back-mangrove elements such as Acrostichum aureum and lepidocaryoid palms (e.g. Longapertites discord is, Longapertites punctatus and Longapertites psilatus) in the sediments of the Incesu Formation imply coastal or near-coastal conditions. Terrestrial palynomorphs in more inland settings were transported by running water towards the sea. Conifers are represented by poorly preserved and rare pollen grains of Pityosporites, Cathayapollis and Piceapollis which may have been transported by wind. In this study, the terrestrial climate of the Incesu Formation is also discussed on the basis of the Coexistence Approach method. The climate was warm at the coast (over 20 degrees C), as evidenced by A. aureum and lepidocaryoid palms, whereas there was a mean annual temperature of 17.2-17.4 degrees C must be assumed for the upland environment(s). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Neogene palaeoclimate reconstructions in Anatolia (Turkey)

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    Neogene basins are widespread in Turkey and contain important lignite deposits. In this study, we reconstruct quantitatively the Late Oligocene-Miocene climate evolution in western and central Anatolia by applying the Coexistence Approach to the palynoflora. The obtained results are compared with the data derived from the published and ongoing studies in western and central Anatolia palynofloras by application of the Coexistence Approach. The Coexistence Approach results show that the sedimentation mainly developed on terrestrial environment under the warm subtropical climatic conditions and marine influence during the Chattian and Aquitanian period in western Anatolia (16.5-21.3°C of mean annual temperature (MAT) and 5.5-13.3°C of mean temperature of coldest month (CMT)). After the regression of the sea during the Burdigalian period, the vegetation developed under the terrestrial conditions, which had started in the Burdigalian time in western and central Anatolia and continued in the early-middle Serravallian period. Warm subtropical climate is suggested during the Chattian and Aquitanian period in western Anatolia and becomes cooler in subtropical conditions because of decreasing of the P/A-ratio during the latest Burdigalian–Langhian. The climate was subtropical in western and central Anatolia during the Early-Late Serravalian due to the increasing of the subtropical elements (17.2 to 20.8°C of MAT and 9.6 to13.1°C of CMT). Besides, decreasing of the CMT and MAT values in western and central Anatolia supports the latest Chattian-earliest Aquitanian warming and middle Miocene climatic optimum that is also globally observed. Warm temperate climatic conditions are observed in the Late Miocene. During the early-middle Tortonian, the values are 15.6 to 20.8°C for the MAT, 5.5 to 13.3°C for the CMT and 823 and 1520 mm for the mean annual precipitation (MAP). They had also dry seasons due to lower boundary of MAP lying at 823mm during the middle-Late Tortonian. The palaeotopography of central Anatolia was higher when compared to that of western Anatolia because dominance of the mountain forests was present during the Middle-Late Miocene in central Anatolia. This study provides the first quantitative model for Late Oligocene-Miocene palaeoclimatic evolution in western and central Anatolia

    Palaeoecology of coal-bearing eocene sediments in central Anatolia (Turkey) based on quantitative palynological data

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    In this study, the lignite-bearing Yoncali formation between Yozgat and Sorgun, in central Anatolia has been palynologically examined. Based on 37 outcrop samples, quantitative palynological studies recognized 64 genera and 136 palynoflora species in the palynological assemblage, which indicated a Middle-?Late Eocene age. This paper also presents a quantitative palaeovegetation and palaeodimate reconstruction for the Middle-?Upper Eocene coal occurrences of Central Anatolia on the basis of palynomorph assemblages. The diversified floral and ecological characteristics of the pollen taxa indicates that the Middle-?Upper Eocene formations in central Anatolia were characterized by the presence of a complex mangrove swamp with contributions by Nypa, Pelliciera, Avicennia, Diporites tszkaszentgydrgyi and dinoflagellate cysts which reflect warm climatic conditions. Behind the mangrove zone, pollen of Restionaceae, Ephedraceae, Mauritia, Proxapertites (Araceae) and Longapertites (Arecaceae) as well as the fern Acrostichum aureum occur. Lowland-riparian and montane elements are characterized by the dominance of Myricaceae, Symplocaceae, Icacinaceae, Quercus, Pinus and Castanea. Swamp-freshwater elements are represented by Sparganjaceae, Nymphaceae, Taxodjaceae, Cupressaceae and Nyssa as well as fern spores such as Osmundaceae and Gleicheniaceae