99 research outputs found
Maliye Politikası Aracı Olarak Kamu Harcamaları ile İnsanı Gelişme Endeksi Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye Üzerine Bulgular (1990-2019)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, kamu harcamaları içerisinde yer alan yarı kamusal mallara yönelik yapılan harcamaların insani gelişme endeksi üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Devletin ekonomik yapı içerisinde gelişen ve değişen rolü dolayısıyla önemi gittikçe artan kamu harcamalarının, ekonomik ve sosyal göstergeler üzerindeki etkisini vurgulamakta yarar vardır. Ekonomik büyüme, kalkınma, insani gelişme, gelir dağılımında adalet ve kaynak kullanımında etkinlik bu göstergelerden sadece bazılarıdır. Maliye politikası amaçlarına ulaşabilmek için etkin bir araç olarak kullanılan kamu harcamaları, toplumun genelinin faydasına sunulmasının yanı sıra bazen sadece özel faydayı da sağlayabilmektedir. Sağladıkları fayda dolayısıyla da bu harcamalar niteliklerine göre tam kamusal, yarı kamusal ve özel mallar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Yarı kamusal mal olarak tanımlanan eğitim ve sağlık harcamalarının İnsani gelişme endeksi hesaplamalarında kullanılan temel göstergeler içerisinde yer alması ve bu harcamaların refah maksimizasyonunu sağlama açısından da önemli bir yere sahip olması, kamu harcamaları içerisinde yarı kamusal mal niteliğinde olan eğitim ve sağlık harcamalarının önemini daha da arttırmaktadır. Yarı kamusal malların yaymış oldukları pozitif dışsallıklar dolayısıyla insani gelişme üzerindeki olası etkisinin ölçülmesi çalışmanın ana motivasyon kaynağı olmuştur. Türkiye özelinde yapılan bu çalışmada insani gelişme endeksi ve özellikle eğitim ve sağlık harcamaları başta olmak üzere yarı kamusal mallara yönelik kamu harcamalarının milli gelire oranı değişkenleri kullanılmıştır. İnsani gelişme endeksi verilerinin 1990 yılı ve sonrası mevcut olması nedeniyle çalışmada bu değişkenler arasındaki ilişki 1990-2019 yıllarına ait verilerle zaman serisi teknikleri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişki Gregory-Hansen eşbütünleşme testi ile sınanmış ve aralarında eşbütünleşik ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Uzun dönem katsayıları FMOLS yöntemiyle tahmin edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre uzun dönemde kamu harcamaları insani gelişme düzeyini yükseltmektedir. Nedensellik testine göre ise kamu harcamalarından insani gelişme endeksine doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir
Impact of an educational meeting on knowledge and awareness of general practitioners on upper respiratory tract infections
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate knowledge ofprimary care physicians regarding the use of antibioticsfor the upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) and thespecific outcomes of a health educational meeting in twocities using a self -administered questionnaire.Materials and methods: A standard questionnaire wasfilled by the participants before and after the meeting. Thequestionnaire had seven questions about definition, epidemiology,diagnosis and treatment of URTIs. The knowledgeand approaches of practitioners concern about diagnosisand antibiotic use in URTIs were evaluated. Theproportion of overall satisfied answers before and afterthe meeting was compared.Results: Totally 110 primary care physicians joined intothe study. Before the educational meeting, more than30% of participants stated that the at least 50% of thecausative agents of the URTIs are bacteria. Eighty-eightpercent declared that anaerobes or Neisseria are not theplausible causative agents in URTIs. Only 14% of them indicatedthat procaine penicillin is the primary agent for thetreatment of Streptococcus pyogenes. On the other hand,95% of survey participants considered that penicillin isthe first choice for URTI with Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus.After the educational meeting, most of participants’knowledge showed a significant improvement in knowledge.There were a significantly more correct answers toall questions after the educational meeting compared tobefore the meeting. (27.7% of doctors before vs.92.7%after, p<0.001).Conclusion: As a conclusion, attending the educationalmeetings helps primary care physicians’ to increase theirknowledge and it provides to gain a standard approach intheir professional life
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FTO gene-lifestyle interactions on serum adiponectin concentrations and central obesity in a Turkish population
The aim of the study was to investigate whether lifestyle factors modify the association fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and obesity in a Turkish population. The study included 400 unrelated individuals, aged 24-50 years recruited in a hospital setting. Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed using 24-hour dietary recall and self-report questionnaire, respectively. A genetic risk score (GRS) was developed using FTO SNPs, rs9939609 and rs10163409. Body mass index and fat mass index were significantly associated with FTO SNP rs9939609 (P=0.001 and P=0.002, respectively) and GRS (P=0.002 and P=0.003, respectively). The interactions between SNP rs9939609 and physical activity on adiponectin concentrations, and SNP rs10163409 and dietary protein intake on increased waist circumference were statistically significant (Pinteraction=0.027 and Pinteraction=0.044, respectively). This study demonstrated that the association between FTO SNPs and central obesity might be modified by lifestyle factors in this Turkish population
Changing Trends in Public Finance: A Content Analysis for Post-2010 Doctoral Theses
Bilim dinamiktir ve evrenseldir. Küreselleşen dünyada cereyan eden güncel gelişmeler akademikçalışmaların seyrini değiştirmektedir. Akademisyenler güncel gelişmelerden geri kalmamak içinçalışmalarını bu minvalde geliştirmek durumunda kalmaktadırlar. Dinamik ve evrensel olan bilim maliyealanında yapılan çalışmaları da bu noktaya sürüklemektedir. Maliye alanındaki çalışmaların erken dönemifarklı konular etrafında yoğunlaşmışken, günümüzde bambaşka bir noktaya gelmiştir. Özellikle finansalkrizler, ticaret savaşları, küresel salgınlar, gelir adaletsizliği gibi dünyayı etkileyen önemli olaylarçalışmaları o noktaya çekmiştir. İlerleyen süreçte de günümüzün en önemli problemlerinden biri olanCOVID-19 salgını ile ilgili çalışmaların sayısının artış göstermesi beklenmektedir. Çünkü biliminsanlarının bu kadar önemli bir olaya duyarsız kalmaları mümkün değildir. Bu çalışmada, kamu maliyesialanında 2010 ve sonrasında yapılan doktora tezleri içerik analizi yöntemine göre analiz edilmiştir.Çalışmada YÖK (Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu) Ulusal Tez Merkezine yüklenmiş ve maliye konusu seçilmiş olantezler incelenmiştir. Çalışma doktora tezlerindeki genel eğilimi ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. 2010-2021 yılları arasında ulusal tez merkezine yüklenen 545 tez analiz edilmiştir. Tezlerin her biri; üniversitetürlerine, üniversitelere, yayın yılı, yayın dili, danışmanların unvanları, anabilim dalları, çalışılan konularve kullanılan yöntemler açısından tek tek incelenmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin analizinde içerik analizikullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ulaşılan bulgular ve beklenen sonuçlar ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışma ileliteratüre katkı sunulması amaçlanmaktadır.Science is dynamic and universal. Current developments in the globalized world change the course of academic studies. Academics have to improve their work in this vein in order to keep up with these developments. The same situation also applies to the studies conducted in the field of public finance. While early studies in the field of public finance focused around different topics, the current focus has changed completely. In particular, important events affecting the world, such as financial crises, trade wars, global outbreaks, income injustice, have shifted this focus. In the future, it is expected that the number of studies focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic, which is one of the most important challenges today, will increase. Because it is impossible for scientists to remain insensitive to such an important thing. This study analyzes the doctoral theses in the field of public finance conducted in 2010 and after according to the content analysis method. The study examined the theses uploaded to the National Thesis Center of the Higher Board of Education (YOKTEZ). The study aims to demonstrate the general trend in doctoral theses. 545 theses that were uploaded to the National Thesis Center between 2010 and 2021, 545 theses were analyzed. Each thesis was examined individually in terms of the type of university, university, year of publication, the language of publication, the title of advisors, departments, subject of study, and methodology. Content analysis was performed to analyze study data. The study achieved findings and expected results. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the literature
The Correlation Between Public Expenditures and Human Development Index as a Fiscal Policy Tool: Findings on Turkey (1990-2019)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, kamu harcamaları içerisinde yer alan yarı kamusalmallara yönelik yapılan harcamaların insani gelişme endeksi üzerindekietkisini ortaya koymaktır. Devletin ekonomik yapı içerisinde gelişen vedeğişen rolü dolayısıyla önemi gittikçe artan kamu harcamalarının,ekonomik ve sosyal göstergeler üzerindeki etkisini vurgulamakta yararvardır. Ekonomik büyüme, kalkınma, insani gelişme, gelir dağılımındaadalet ve kaynak kullanımında etkinlik bu göstergelerden sadece bazılarıdır.Maliye politikası amaçlarına ulaşabilmek için etkin bir araç olarak kullanılankamu harcamaları, toplumun genelinin faydasına sunulmasının yanı sırabazen sadece özel faydayı da sağlayabilmektedir. Sağladıkları faydadolayısıyla da bu harcamalar niteliklerine göre tam kamusal, yarı kamusalve özel mallar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Yarı kamusal mal olaraktanımlanan eğitim ve sağlık harcamalarının İnsani gelişme endeksihesaplamalarında kullanılan temel göstergeler içerisinde yer alması ve buharcamaların refah maksimizasyonunu sağlama açısından da önemli biryere sahip olması, kamu harcamaları içerisinde yarı kamusal mal niteliğindeolan eğitim ve sağlık harcamalarının önemini daha da arttırmaktadır. Yarıkamusal malların yaymış oldukları pozitif dışsallıklar dolayısıyla insanigelişme üzerindeki olası etkisinin ölçülmesi çalışmanın ana motivasyonkaynağı olmuştur. Türkiye özelinde yapılan bu çalışmada insani gelişmeendeksi ve özellikle eğitim ve sağlık harcamaları başta olmak üzere yarıkamusal mallara yönelik kamu harcamalarının milli gelire oranı değişkenlerikullanılmıştır. İnsani gelişme endeksi verilerinin 1990 yılı ve sonrası mevcutolması nedeniyle çalışmada bu değişkenler arasındaki ilişki 1990-2019yıllarına ait verilerle zaman serisi teknikleri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır.Değişkenler arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişki Gregory-Hansen eşbütünleşmetesti ile sınanmış ve aralarında eşbütünleşik ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Uzundönem katsayıları FMOLS yöntemiyle tahmin edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göreuzun dönemde kamu harcamaları insani gelişme düzeyini yükseltmektedir.Nedensellik testine göre ise kamu harcamalarından insani gelişmeendeksine doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the impact of expenditures on semi-public goods in public expenditures on the human development index. Due to the evolving and changing role of the state in the economic structure, it is worth emphasizing the impact of public expenditures, which are becoming increasingly important, on economic and social indicators. Economic growth, development, human development, fairness in income distribution, and efficiency in resource use are some of these indicators. Public expenditures, which are used as an effective tool to achieve fiscal policy objectives, can provide the benefit of the general public as well as sometimes only private benefit. Because of the benefit they provide according to their characteristics, these expenditures fall under three categories: public, semi-public and private goods. The fact that education and health expenditures, which are defined as semi-public goods, are among the basic indicators used in human development index calculations and that these expenditures have an important place in terms of providing welfare maximization further increases the importance of education and health expenditures, which are semi-public goods among public expenditures. Measuring the possible impact of semii-public goods on human development due to their positive externalities was the main driver for the study. Due to the availability of human development index data for 1990 and after, in this study conducted in Turkey, the human development index and the ratio of public expenditures to national income for semi-public goods were used. The correlation between these variables was investigated using time-series techniques with data from 1990-2019. The long-term correlation between the variables was tested using the Gregory-Hansen cointegration test and a cointegration correlation was identified between them. Long-term coefficients were estimated using the FMOLS method. According to the results, public spending increases the level of human development in the long term. According to the causality test, a one-way causality correlation was identified from public expenditures to the human development index
Current Approach To Chronic Hepatitis B Therapy
Kronik hepatit B (KHB) karaciğer sirozu, karaciğer yetmezliği ve hepatosellüler kanser gibi hayatı tehdit eden komplikasyonlara neden olabilen ciddi bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. KHB tedavisinin ana hedefi bu komplikasyonların önlenmesi ve viral yükün azaltılmasıdır çünkü mevcut antiviral tedaviler, Hepatit B virüs enfeksiyonunu tamamen temizlemekte yetersizdir. Bu makalede KHBde uygulanan antiviral tedavinin güncel durumu ve antiviral ilaçlar özetlenmiştir.Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is a serious infectious diseases, leading to life threatening complications such as liver cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation and hepatocelluler carcinoma. The main goal for treatment of CHB is to prevent these complications, and to reduce the viral load, because current antiviral therapies are inadequate to eradicate Hepatitis B virus infection. In this article, current state of antiviral therapy of CHB and antiviral drugs were summarized
Mastoiditin komplikasyonu sonucu gelişen proteus mirabilis menenjitine ba?li beyin absesi: Olgu sunumu
Meningitis and intracranial abscess due to Proteus mirabilis is seen especially in the neonatal period and among the patients with immune deficiency. It was learned that 35 years old male patient who applied to the emergency room with ongoing fever, nausea and vomiting for three days have had their upper left jaw tooth out 10 days ago. As clinical and laboratory to patients with acute bacterial meningitis empirical ceftriaxone 2x2 gr/day parenteral was started. The cranial MR of the patient, that has P. mirabilis producing in their blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, was taken at the seventh day of hospitalization as his complaints started again. In the MR, abscess was detected in the left temporal brain of the patient and a surgical treatment was applied. Complete healing was seen eight week treatment with antibiotics after surgery. During application it was though that meningitis has occurred due to the dental surgery, however after the temporal BT, mastoiditis was detected. It was thought that meningitis and brain abscess developed on the patient was caused by mastoiditis. Even with sensitive antibiotics if no recovery is observed in patients with meningitis, intracranial abscess should be considered, also it should not be forgotten that in adults and patients with no immune deficiency meningitis due to P. mirabilis may develop. © 2010 Düzce Medical Journal
Brain abscess due to proteus mirabilis meningitis as a complication of mastoiditis: case report
Proteus mirabilis’e bağlı menenjit ve intrakraniyal apse gelişimi, özellikle neonatal dönemde ve immün yetmezliği olan bireylerde görülmektedir. Acil servise; üç gündür devam eden ateş, bulantı ve kusma yakınmalarıyla başvuran 35 yaşında erkek hastanın, 10 gün önce sol üst çeneden diş çektirdiği öğrenildi. Klinik ve laboratuar olarak akut bakteriyel menenjit ile uyumlu olan hastaya ampirik seftriakson 2x2 gr/gün parenteral başlandı. Kan ve beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS)’nda P. mirabilis üreyen hastanın; yatışın yedinci gününde yakınmalarının tekrar başlaması üzerine, kranial MR çekildi. MR’da sol temporalde beyin apsesi saptanan hastaya cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Cerrahi sonrası sekiz haftalık antibiyotik tedavisi ile tamamen iyileşme görüldü. Başvuru sırasında menenjitin dental cerrahiye bağlı oluştuğu düşünülen hastada, daha sonra çekilen temporal BT sonrası mastoidit tespit edildi. Olguda gelişen menenjit ve beyin absesinin mastoidite bağlı olduğu düşünüldü. Menenjit olgularında, duyarlı antibiyotiğe rağmen düzelme saptanmaması durumunda intrakranial apse düşünülmeli, erişkin ve immün yetmezliği olmayan olgularda da P. mirabilis’e bağlı menenjit gelişebileceği unutulmamalıdır.Meningitis and intracranial abscess due to Proteus mirabilis is seen especially in the neonatal period and among the patients with immune deficiency. It was learned that 35 years old male patient who applied to the emergency room with ongoing fever, nausea and vomiting for three days have had their upper left jaw tooth out 10 days ago. As clinical and laboratory to patients with acute bacterial meningitis empirical ceftriaxone 2x2 gr/day parenteral was started. The cranial MR of the patient, that has P. mirabilis producing in their blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, was taken at the seventh day of hospitalization as his complaints started again. In the MR, abscess was detected in the left temporal brain of the patient and a surgical treatment was applied. Complete healing was seen eight week treatment with antibiotics after surgery. During application it was though that meningitis has occurred due to the dental surgery, however after the temporal BT, mastoiditis was detected. It was thought that meningitis and brain abscess developed on the patient was caused by mastoiditis. Even with sensitive antibiotics if no recovery is observed in patients with meningitis, intracranial abscess should be considered, also it should not be forgotten that in adults and patients with no immune deficiency meningitis due to P. mirabilis may develop
Ekonometride Güncel Yöntemler ve Uygulamalar
This study provides a short introduction and an overview of the basics of genetic programming (GP) and its applications in the context of econometrics. In other words, the aim of this study is to gain a deep insight into the relationship between GP and econometrics. Accordingly, first, the basic definition and development of GP are introduced. After the literature review, GP applications in the areas of engineering, electronics, image processing, signal processing, business, economics, financial time series, medicine, biology, entertainment, and computer games are presented. In this part, we aim to highlight the results of GP applications that produce human-competitive results and new inventions, followed by working principles of GP (the basic representation schemes, initialization, and operators used in GP). Then, we discuss how econometric problems can be handled as a GP problem. We showed that GP can successfully solve several econometric problems by producing new inventions and human-competitive results.GP is a family of searching tools in which the basic aim is to generate mathematical expressions or computer programs between the inputs fed and output. In other words, GP explores the rules in terms of computer programs using given input and output data via evolutionary optimization. GP starts with a population of randomly chosen mathematical expressions or computer programs. The quality of an expression is measured by the fitness or cost, which indicates the difference between the generated and real outputs. Then, the best solutions are recombined to generate offspring. An offspring is a cut and paste copy of the two best candidate solutions. A good offspring is expected by recombining two fittest parents. After generating new candidates, mutations are applied on the constants or functions with small probabilities. Mutations result in small and significant changes depending on the location of the mutated elements in expressions. Small changes perform a local search, whereas significant changes are essential for searching other sides of the search space in terms of optimization. After several steps, generated expressions form a new population. The search process terminates after the meeting the stopping criteria.GP develops computer programs by optimization, whereas genetic algorithms are generally used for problems in which the main objective is to find a global extremum of a function. Genetic algorithms encode decision variables using binary, integer, permutation, or floatingpoint encoding–decoding schemes, whereas GP generally uses abstract syntax trees, postfix and prefix representations, Java bytecodes, or assembly language opcodes. Because GP develops mathematical expressions and programs, GP tasks are computer-aided, and an interpreter is always needed to evaluate generated offspring for calculating fitness values in runtime.In econometrics; the tasks of estimating model parameters, testing the significanceofparameters, and performing forecasts are nontrivial. In numerous cases, researchers face difficulties in selecting the best model, functional structure, correct combination of lagged values or independent variables, etc. The problems of model and variable selections are handled separately or together in the literature. When the number of independent variables in variable-pool increases, selecting the k correct variables among K variables results in a combinatorial problem, where k ≤ K. Furthermore, when the functional form is undefined by theory, nothing can be done, except trying all possible forms with unknown variables. This is a “searching the needle in the haystack” type of problem. GP is broadly used in such problems under the title of symbolic regression. In general terms, the main question of symbolic regression is: “what is the correct functional form with correct independent variables that explains a dependent variable well?”. Besides the estimation process and techniques used, numerous model suggestions can satisfy a model selection criteria used in the classic econometric literature.Econometric models are generally represented by mathematical expressions. In programming languages, mathematical expressions are also computer programs. For example, piecewise functions are basically represented using if-then-else statements or expressions in several programming languages. Similarly, piecewise regressions, nonlinear time-series models, as well as buy and hold strategies in finance are combinations of mathematical expressions including decisions as computer programs. Developing the best strategy and determining the best time for buying a stock is a well-studied topic in the GP literature.GP is neither the end of the whole story nor the magic that solves problems. First, GP tends to generate more than sufficient expressions as solutions; several researchers have tried deciphering this phenomenon. Second, an automatic process can almost always find an overfitted set of solutions describing the relations between variables. As in other econometric studies, researchers should be attentive to select interpretable solutions to the concerned problem. In other words, the model that minimizes selection criteria may not be the proper model. Moreover, GP is successful in model and variable selections, rule detection, discovering new location-comparison tests, and inventing patentable things in a human-competitive way
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