21 research outputs found

    Tarımsal Değer Zincirinde Değer Yaratan Faaliyetlerin Belirlenmesi

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    Değer zinciri, bir malın üretimiyle başlar, nihai ürünün tüketimiyle sona erer. Çalışmanın amacı, tarımsal değer zincirini açıklayarak, tarımsal değer zincirinde değer yaratan faaliyetleri ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada literatür taraması yaklaşımından yararlanılmıştır. Tarımsal değer zincirinin yedi aşaması söz konusu olup, bunlar sırasıyla girdi tedariki, üretim, üretici örgütleri, tüccarlar, işleyiciler, toptancılar ve perakendeciler şeklindedir. Değer zincirinde ürün kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, üründe farklılaşma sağlanması ya da sistemin etkinliğinin artırılması yoluyla rakiplere karşı avantaj sağlanması hedeflenmektedir. Tarımsal ürünlerin üretim maliyetlerine, kullanılan girdi miktarından teknoloji transferine kadar birçok unsur etki etmekte iken, organik tarım ve iyi tarım uygulamaları gibi yaklaşımlarla üründe farklılaşma sağlanarak değer yaratılabilmektedir. Tarım sektöründe büyük işletmeler değer zincirini bir bütün olarak ele alabilmelerine rağmen, süreçten erken çıkmak zorunda kalan küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin süreçte kalabildikleri sürece değer yaratan faaliyetlere odaklanmaları gerekmektedir. Değer zinciri analizi yaklaşımıyla tarım sektöründeki bazı temel sorunların çözümüne katkı sağlanması mümkün olabilecektir

    The Impact of Livestock Supports on Production and Income of the Beef Cattle Farms: A Case of Samsun Province, Turkey

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    Although the beef cattle sector has been considerably supported during the last two decades, Turkey could not get its self-sufficiency yet. The objective of this case study was to examine the impacts of livestock supports on production and income of beef cattle farms. The survey data was collected from randomly selected 171 cattle farms in Samsun province of Turkey. The Treatment Effect Model was used to measure the impacts of livestock supports on beef meat production and gross profit of the farms. The results indicate that the farmers, who have larger land and herd, higher education level, keeping farm records, are mechanized and specialized in beef cattle breeding were more likely to benefit from livestock supports than their counterparts. The Treatment Effect Model highlights that livestock support has a statistically significant effect on the amount of beef meat produced whereas it has no statistically significant effect on the gross profits of the farms. The research recommended that the livestock supports are necessary for the sustainability of beef cattle farms. The farms should be encouraged to get records via Farm Accountancy Data Network and the record keeping farms should be supported by higher amounts

    The impact of farm size on sustainability of beef cattle farms: A case study of the Samsun province, Turkey

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    Many global agricultural problems, such as the decline of agricultural land, soil pollution, climate change, water scarcity, and rural poverty threaten the sustainability of agricultural production systems. This study aimed to (i) develop a methodology to measure the sustainability of beef cattle farms, (ii) measure economic, social and environmental sustainability, and (iii) determine the impact of farm size on the sustainability of beef cattle farming. The study data were collected from 155 beef cattle sample farms via face-to-face surveys in Samsun Province, Turkey. A multi-stage process was employed to measure sustainability. The most important factors contributing to sustainability were determined as the debt-asset ratio, beef yield, and production cost for economic sustainability; the adequacy of educational institutions in the village or district and misunderstanding with neighbours for social sustainability; paying attention to meteorological conditions for pesticide use and nature conservation for environmental sustainability. The composite sustainability index was determined as 0.43 in small farms, 0.51 in medium farms and 0.61 in large farms. It has been found that an increase in the farm size had a positive impact on economic, social, and environmental sustainability of beef cattle farming. The methodology and indicators developed can be used to ensure the sustainability of different agricultural sectors

    Analysis of Current Situation of the Hazelnut Agricultural Producer Unions in Samsun Province

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    Türkiye’de fındık, sağladığı üretim değeri, istihdam ve ihracat geliriyle stratejik bir öneme sahiptir.Türkiye’nin fındık üretiminin %14’ü ise Samsun İlinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Fındık piyasalarının etkin olarakişleyebilmesi için üreticilerin yaygın ve etkili bir şekilde örgütlenmelerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Araştırmanıntemel amacı, Samsun İlindeki Fındık Tarımsal Üretici Birliklerinin mevcut durumu ve sorunlarının ortayakonulmasıdır. Araştırmanın ana materyalini, Samsun İlinde faaliyet gösteren 3 Organik Fındık Tarımsal ÜreticiBirliği yöneticilerinden ve bu birliklerin üyeleri arasından Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme yöntemlerine göre seçilen 92çiftçiyle yapılan anketlerden elde edilen veriler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada fındık üreticilerinin birlik şeklindeörgütlenmelerinin yaygın olmadığı, birliklerin gelirleri ve kârlarının çok düşük olduğu, birliklerin ’sinin üstörgütlenmesinin olmadığı, birlik yöneticilerinin genelinin eğitim seviyelerinin düşük olduğu, birlik üyelerininsorumluluklarını yaygın olarak yerine getirmedikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Bununla birlikte, birliklerin ürünpazarlama, girdi temini ve ihracatta üyelerine sadece aracı oldukları, herhangi bir dış kaynaklı proje yürütmedikleribelirlenmiştir. Fındık Tarımsal Üretici Birliklerinin geliştirilebilmesi için kendilerine projeye dayalı finansal veteknik yardımların sağlanarak rekabet güçlerinin artırılması gerekli görülmektedir.Hazelnut has a strategic importance in Turkey with its production value, employment and exportrevenue. Samsun Province produced 14% of Turkey’s hazelnut production. In order to establish competitioncondition in hazelnut markets, producers should be organized effectively. The main aim of this research was toexpose the current situation and problems of the Hazelnut Agricultural Producer Unions (APU) in Samsun province.The data of this study were collected through surveys from both the board members of 3 unions and 92 members ofthe unions which were randomly selected. The research results showed that the hazelnut producers were not widelyorganized under the unions, incomes and profits of the unions were very low, of the unions were a member ofupper organization, education level of union’s board members were very low, the members did not effectively fulfilltheir responsibilities. However, it was found that the unions just mediate to supply inputs and to market members’crops and they did not carry out a project. In order to develop the unions’ competitiveness, the unions should beprovided project-based financial and technical assistance

    Economic thresholds of Avena spp., and Alopecurus myosuroides in winter wheat fields

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    Avena spp. and Alopecurus myosuroides are noxious weeds in many cereal-growing regions of Turkey. The aim of the study was to estimate economic thresholds of wild oat and black grass in terms of costs and returns in different wheat fields. The trials were conducted in 2000-2002 in two different wheat fields, which were selected to be a representative for Samsun province. hi these fields, the plots each 2 m in size had different weed densities of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 plant m(2) maintained after wheat emergence. In addition, weed-free control plots were set up in the same fields. After harvest, the effect of different densities was calculated as % yield losses compared to control plots. The % yield losses were correlated to the weed density using a linear regression model for both weed species. The economic thresholds of wild oat and black grass were determined in terms of the herbicides registered against them. Economic threshold for wild oat was between 11.77-14.70 plants/m(2) and for black grass 15.70-32.56 plants/m(2)

    Literature Review on Farmers’ Agricultural Credit Access in Ethiopia

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    Agriculture is one of the important sectors that contribute to the economy of a country. It contributes the largest portion of the Ethiopian Gross Domestic Product, followed by the industry and service sectors, respectively. Farmers’ access to credit is essential to increase agricultural productivity and modernize agriculture. The purpose of this study was to review the recent literature related to the access to credit of farmers in Ethiopia. The reviewed literatures were obtained from Google Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, FAO, and World Bank. According to reviewed literature, the variables of age, gender, education level, family size, land size, number of livestock owned, years of membership to a lending ınstitution, distance from the credit center, and income level of farmers were determined as affecting factors for farmers’ access to credit. The impact of access to credit on farm productivity was found to be positive and significant. The literature revealed that most of the farmers were credit constrained and had loan demand. If the constraints were removed and farmers could access enough credit, agricultural productivity would be increased and agricultural income would be improved. Therefore, the government has to support microfinance institutions in order to provide credit to farmers, and women empowerment should be ensured for fair credit access.Agriculture is one of the important sectors that contribute to the economy of a country. It contributes the largest portion of the Ethiopian Gross Domestic Product, followed by the industry and service sectors, respectively. Farmers’ access to credit is essential to increase agricultural productivity and modernize agriculture. The purpose of this study was to review the recent literature related to the access to credit of farmers in Ethiopia. The reviewed literatures were obtained from Google Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, FAO, and World Bank. According to reviewed literature, the variables of age, gender, education level, family size, land size, number of livestock owned, years of membership to a lending ınstitution, distance from the credit center, and income level of farmers were determined as affecting factors for farmers’ access to credit. The impact of access to credit on farm productivity was found to be positive and significant. The literature revealed that most of the farmers were credit constrained and had loan demand. If the constraints were removed and farmers could access enough credit, agricultural productivity would be increased and agricultural income would be improved. Therefore, the government has to support microfinance institutions in order to provide credit to farmers, and women empowerment should be ensured for fair credit access.A

    Economic thresholds of Avena spp. and Alopecurus myosuroides HUDS. in winter wheat

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    Avena spp. and Alopecurus myosuroides L. are noxious weed species of many cereal growing regions of Turkey. Aim of the study was to estimate economic thresholds of Avena spp. and A. myosuroides in terms of costs and returns at different wheat fields. The trials were conducted on four different wheat fields, which were selected to be representative for Samsun province in 2000-2001. After wheat emergence different weed densities were established. In addition weed-free control plots were set up in the same fields. After harvest the effect of different densities was calculated as % yield losses compared to control plots. The % yield losses were correlated to the weed density using a non-linear regression model for both weed species. The determined economic thresholds of Avena spp. and A. myosuroides were based on the costs of herbicides registered against these weeds. Economic threshold for Avena spp. was between 11-20 plants/m(2) and for A. myosuroides between 23-39 plants/m(2)


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    Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki yaşanan hızlı gelişmeler iş dünyasında da köklü değişimlere yol açmaktadır. Günümüz firmaları rekabet edebilmek amacıyla hızlı bir biçimde değişen ve gelişen veri kaynaklarını takip etmek, veri toplama ve depolama teknolojilerini güncellemek, veriyi her geçen gün daha etkin yönetmek ve veriden faydalı bilgiler elde edip bu bilgileri değere dönüştürmek zorundadır. Firmalar, İş Analitiği sayesinde sahip oldukları verilerden yararlı bilgiler elde edip bu bilgilerle karar verme süreçlerini destekleyip rekabet avantajı sağlamakta ve stratejik değer elde etmektedir. Bu derleme çalışmasında İş Analitiği konusu sistematik bir biçimde ayrıntılı olarak incelenecek ayrıca Değer Zinciri Analizi ile bağlantısı kurulacaktır. Bu sayede İş Analitiğinden faydalanan firmaların ne tür değerler geliştirdikleri Değer Zinciri Analizi perspektifinden ortaya konacaktır.The rapid developments in information and communication technologies have triggered radical changes in the business world. In order to remain competitive, current firms must pursue the transforming and developing data sources; update the data collection and storage technologies; manage the data effectively and acquire useful knowledge from databases to transform it into the value. Firms that use Business Analytics obtain beneficial insights from the data and use these data to support their decision-making processes which eventually create competitive advantage and strategic value for firms. In this review, the concept of Business Analytics will be examined thoroughly, and it will be linked with the Value Chain Model. By this means, what sort of values are created by the firms those use Business Analytics will be demonstrated from the Value Chain perspective

    Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Safety Labeled Dairy Products in the Black Sea Region of Turkey

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    About half of raw milk production in Turkey is sold under unsanitary conditions in open-air markets or by street vendors without following appropriate food safety standards and the consumers face a very high risk of consuming potentially unsafe dairy products. This research aims to assess consumers’ awareness and attitudes about food safety, and to assess the market potential of certified labeled dairy products by determining consumers’ purchase intention toward such products. The data was collected from a survey of 423 urban households by using the method of simple random sampling in Trabzon and Samsun provinces. In order to assess the market potential of certified labeled dairy products, an ordered probit model was specified and estimated to determine factors that may affect respondents’ purchase decision. The study reveals that a vast majority of the respondents was not aware of food safety standards and they often purchased unsafe dairy products from farmers or open-air markets. The estimated model results show that factors such as food safety attribute, food poisoning experience, looking for food safety assurance, having information about food safety standards, college education and income have significant positive effects on consumers’ purchase intention toward safety labeled dairy products, while concern for food poisoning has a significant negative effect