177 research outputs found

    Texture-Based Eyebrow Recognition

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    Recent studies show that eyebrows can be used as a biometric or soft biometric for recognition. In some scenarios such as partially occluded or covered faces, they can be used for recognition. In this paper, we study eyebrow recognition using texture-based features. We apply features which have not been used before for eyebrow recognition such as 3-patch local binary pattern and WLD (Weber local descriptor) features. Also, we use more conventional features such as uniform LBP (Local binary pattern) and HOG (Histograms of oriented gradients). Methods are tested on both small- and large-sized datasets of images taken from FRGC database. Our experiments show that using some of these texture-based features together increases the performance significantly. We achieved more than 95% recognition accuracy for left and right eyebrows.</p

    Rezultati endoskopski asistirane gastropeksije kod pasa

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of endoscopy jointly with gastropexy in dogs as a potential mean to aid prevention and evaluation of the long-term efficiency of this procedure for gastric dilatation-volvulus. The study was performed on ten healthy adult medium- and large-breed dogs. The dogs had no abnormal fi nding upon physical examination and each underwent an endoscopically assisted gastropexy procedure. After surgery all dogs were in good condition. The surgical procedure was followed by x-ray and ultrasonographic examinations. The records included data for gastropexy anatomic location and length, duration of the surgical procedure and complications. The mean ± SD gastropexy length was 3.0 ± 0.25 cm, as determined by ultrasonography, and the mean duration of the surgical procedure was 20 ± 5 minutes. It appears that endoscopically assisted gastropexy is a simple, fast, safe, and reliable method of performing a prophylactic gastropexy in dogs. This procedure maximizes the benefi ts of decreased morbidity and shorter duration of anaesthesia associated with minimally invasive surgeryCilj studije je bio da se ispita istovremena upotreba endoskopije sa gastropeksijom kod pasa, kao potencijalno podesna metoda za prevenciju i evaluaciju gastričke dilatacijevolvulusa, kao i efi kasnost duže primene ove tehnike. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 10 zdravih, odraslih pasa, srednjih i velikih rasa. Svaki pas je podvrgnut endoskopiji zajedno sa procedurom gastropeksije. Obavljeni su radiografski pregledi kao i pregledi ultrazvukom i sve životinje su bile dobrog zdravstvenog stanja. Podaci koji su dobijeni, odnosili su se na anatomsku lokaciju gastropeksije, dužinu trajanja hirurške procedure kao i moguće komplikacije. Srednja vrednost (±SD) dužine gastropeksije, dobijena ultrazvučnim pregledom je bila 3,0 ± 0,25 cm, a srednja vrednost dužine trajanja hirurške procedure je bila 20 ± 5 minuta. Na osnovu rezultata, može se pretpostaviti da je endoskopski asistirana gastropeksija jednostavna, brza, bezbedna i pouzdana metoda prilikom profi laktičke gastropeksije kod pasa. Ovom metodom smanjuje se morbiditet, kratko traje anestezija, uz maksimalnu redukciju invazivne hirurške metode

    Rezultati endoskopski asistirane gastropeksije kod pasa

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of endoscopy jointly with gastropexy in dogs as a potential mean to aid prevention and evaluation of the long-term efficiency of this procedure for gastric dilatation-volvulus. The study was performed on ten healthy adult medium- and large-breed dogs. The dogs had no abnormal fi nding upon physical examination and each underwent an endoscopically assisted gastropexy procedure. After surgery all dogs were in good condition. The surgical procedure was followed by x-ray and ultrasonographic examinations. The records included data for gastropexy anatomic location and length, duration of the surgical procedure and complications. The mean ± SD gastropexy length was 3.0 ± 0.25 cm, as determined by ultrasonography, and the mean duration of the surgical procedure was 20 ± 5 minutes. It appears that endoscopically assisted gastropexy is a simple, fast, safe, and reliable method of performing a prophylactic gastropexy in dogs. This procedure maximizes the benefi ts of decreased morbidity and shorter duration of anaesthesia associated with minimally invasive surgeryCilj studije je bio da se ispita istovremena upotreba endoskopije sa gastropeksijom kod pasa, kao potencijalno podesna metoda za prevenciju i evaluaciju gastričke dilatacijevolvulusa, kao i efi kasnost duže primene ove tehnike. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 10 zdravih, odraslih pasa, srednjih i velikih rasa. Svaki pas je podvrgnut endoskopiji zajedno sa procedurom gastropeksije. Obavljeni su radiografski pregledi kao i pregledi ultrazvukom i sve životinje su bile dobrog zdravstvenog stanja. Podaci koji su dobijeni, odnosili su se na anatomsku lokaciju gastropeksije, dužinu trajanja hirurške procedure kao i moguće komplikacije. Srednja vrednost (±SD) dužine gastropeksije, dobijena ultrazvučnim pregledom je bila 3,0 ± 0,25 cm, a srednja vrednost dužine trajanja hirurške procedure je bila 20 ± 5 minuta. Na osnovu rezultata, može se pretpostaviti da je endoskopski asistirana gastropeksija jednostavna, brza, bezbedna i pouzdana metoda prilikom profi laktičke gastropeksije kod pasa. Ovom metodom smanjuje se morbiditet, kratko traje anestezija, uz maksimalnu redukciju invazivne hirurške metode

    Police detention : a comparative analysis of the effects of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984 and the Turkish Procedure Act

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    The Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), 1984, in England and Wales and amendments to the Turkish Criminal Procedure Act (TCPA) in 1992 Turkey are regarded as fundamental law reforms in the field of police powers and rights of suspects. Both legislations aimed to set up a balance between police powers and the rights of the individual, whilst regulating police procedures. Furthermore, both Acts were intended to end police malpractices, with the larger aim of preventing miscarriages of justice.;The thesis attempts to measure the impact of these legislative reforms on police practices with particular reference to detention and interrogation procedures. In doing so, it tries to reveal how far the rule changes under PACE and TCPA have affected police practices. In addition, the question is raised of how far policing can be shaped and controlled through the policy derived from the law. The study finds that in some police procedures there is a great deal of difference between the rhetoric of law and the actual police practice. It is therefore argued that the extensively-designed legal provisions regulating detention and questioning may not always constitute an effective restraint against the police applying the law to suit their own objectives.;Consequently, it is apparent that there is a need to support legal regulation with other procedures and measures if any legislative reform of the police and policing is to be effective. For successful reform, on the one hand the rules must not be ambiguous and confusing, and on the other hand they must be endorsed by effective legal sanctions and administrative supervision. Moreover, improved adherence to the law will require a better calibre of police recruit, while design of the organisation in which the police operate should be enhanced. Finally, ensuring that the general public know about their legal rights will also be an important element in compelling the police to act within the boundaries of the law

    A Pregnant Woman with Multi-Fragmented Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath A Rare Anatomical Location

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    Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) in the foot is a rare pathology and is involved in the differential diagnosis of soft-tissue tumors of the foot and ankle. Although it can affect any age group, GCTTS mainly occurs at the 3rd and 5th decade and is more common in females. Histopathologic examination is a major definitive method for diagnosis, although physical examination and radiologic imaging are helpful in reaching a diagnosis preoperatively. Many treatment options exist but marginal excision is the most commonly used treatment. We describe the case of a 26-year-old pregnant woman with a multi-fragmented mass extending from the first web space to the plantar aspect of the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) of the left great toe associated with flexor hallucis longus tendon after trauma. She had pain that worsened with activity and wearing shoes. After pregnancy, a marginal excision with dorsal longitudinal incision in the first web space was performed under spinal anesthesia. The lesion was diagnosed as a localized type tenosynovial giant cell tumor. At the last follow-up appointment in the 23rd month, the patient was doing well and there was no recurrence of the lesion. GCSST should be considered in the differential diagnosis of plantar masses of foot. Although, GCTTS is frequently seen in females, it has not been previously reported in a pregnant woman with an extremely rare condition after trauma.WOS:0006419733000182-s2.0-8508912698

    Predicting Breakups

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    SPSP 2022 - Poste