388 research outputs found

    PAC-Bayesian Domain Adaptation Bounds for Multi-view learning

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    This paper presents a series of new results for domain adaptation in the multi-view learning setting. The incorporation of multiple views in the domain adaptation was paid little attention in the previous studies. In this way, we propose an analysis of generalization bounds with Pac-Bayesian theory to consolidate the two paradigms, which are currently treated separately. Firstly, building on previous work by Germain et al., we adapt the distance between distribution proposed by Germain et al. for domain adaptation with the concept of multi-view learning. Thus, we introduce a novel distance that is tailored for the multi-view domain adaptation setting. Then, we give Pac-Bayesian bounds for estimating the introduced divergence. Finally, we compare the different new bounds with the previous studies.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2004.11829 by other author

    Cancer développé sur dilatation kystique de la voie biliaire: à propos d’un cas

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    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de dilatation kystique du cholédoque intra- pancréatique découvert chez une femme de 46 ans et compliqué d'un carcinome tubulo-papillaire n'envahissant pas le pancréas. Le traitement a consisté en une duodénopancréatectomie céphalique avec un curage ganglionnaire et anastomose hépatico-jéjunale; la survie était de 30 mois; les auteurs abordent les aspects radiologiques, anatomopathologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques de ces cancers développé sur dilatation kystique de la voie biliaire et discutent la place d'une radiothérapie complémentaire de la chirurgie susceptible d'améliorer la survie

    Rôle De La Fracturation Dans La Circulation Des Eaux Souterraines Et La Répartition Des Sources : Cas Du Bassin Hydrogéologique De Sefrou (Moyen Atlas Septentrional, Maroc)

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    The formation of the basin of Sefrou is related to the normal successive movements of the faults N130, N80, N30 and N170 which follow one another since the upper Miocene until the recent medium-Quaternary. Seeing the dynamic of groundwater in the carbonated lands (Liasic dolomites) is primarily guided by the fractures and the cracks; we propose to study the influence of brittle tectonics on the spatial organization of the flows and the relation of the groundwater circulation with the fracturing. The analysis of the fracturing (affecting the Flavio-lake and travertines deposits of plio-quaternary age and their Miocene and Jurassic substratum) and the structural cuts as well as the correlation of the piezometric map established from the piezometric reports with that of the fracturing, allowed us to note that the fractures play a very important part in the geometry of the Liasic aquifer and the mode of the circulation of groundwater. This circulation is dependent on the zones of weaknesses along the faults and fractures. Water emergences are very variable and controlled by the paramount influence of the nature of the lithological formations and the tectonic structure on underground circulations. Indeed, the sources of water located in the basin of Sefrou are indexed, according to their origin, inside two types: sources of emergence and sources of discharge

    Tuberculome cérébral révélé par une épilepsie, exérèse chirurgicale complète et bonne évolution (à propos d’un cas)

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    Epilepsy may be one of clinical presentations of any space occupying lesions of brain so that the later must be taken in consideration in any patient present with new convulsion crises. Tuberculosis has been an important public health problem in developing nations. Tuberculosis of the central nervous system (CNS) is rare; tuberculosis meningitis and tuberculoma are the two most important manifestations of tuberculosis in the CNS. Intracranial tuberculomas may be solitary or multiple. Solitary tuberculomas may be indistinguishable from cranial abscess or primary brain tumor. It is necessary to rule out tuberculoma in patients with intracranial mass lesions especially in endemic area. We present her a case of tuberculoma mimicking a high grade glial tumor on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a 10-year-old child presented with six-month history of epilepsy and two-month history of gradual left hemiparesis. Cranial CTscan and MRI showed a right fronto-parietal peripheral ring-enhanced lesion with central necrosis. There was a strong suspicion of glial tumor. The lesion was totally excised with right fronto-parietal craniotomy. Histological examination of mass revealed a tuberculoma. Epilepsy disappeared just after surgery and the patient treated with antituberculous chemotherapy with good evolution after 10 months of follow up.L’épilepsie peut être l’une des présentations cliniques de n’importe quelle lésion cérébrale occupant de l’espace. Cette dernière doit être évoquée chez tout patient présentant des crises convulsives de novo. La tuberculose est l’un des problèmes de santé publique dans les pays en voie de développement. La tuberculose du système nerveux central (SNC) est une affection rare. La méningite tuberculeuse et les tuberculomes en sont les deux principales manifestations. Les tuberculomes intracrâniens peuvent être solitaire ou multiples. Les tuberculomes solitaires posent le problème du diagnostic différentiel avec les abcès intracrâniens et les tumeurs cérébrales primitives. Il est important d’évoquant ce diagnostic devant toute masse intracrânienne notamment dans les régions endémiques. Nous présentons un cas de tuberculome prêtant confusion avec un gliome de haut grade à l’IRM encéphalique, chez un enfant de 10 ans présentant des crises épileptiques évoluant depuis 6 mois, avec une hémiparésie gauche évoluant depuis 2 mois. La TDM et l’IRM cérébrales ont montré une lésion périphérique fronto-pariétale droite se rehaussant à l’injection du produit de contraste avec une nécrose centrale. Il y avait une forte suspicion de tumeur gliale. La lésion a été totalement réséquée avec une craniotomie droite fronto-pariétale. L’étude histologique a révélé un tuberculome. Les crises convulsives ont disparu juste après la chirurgie, et le patient a reçu un traitement anti bacillaire avec une bonne évolution après 10 mois de suivi

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of an HIV Infection Model with Delay in Immune Response Activation

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    We propose and analyse an human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection model with spatial diffusion and delay in the immune response activation. In the proposed model, the immune response is presented by the cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) cells. We first prove that the model is well-posed by showing the global existence, positivity, and boundedness of solutions. The model has three equilibria, namely, the free-infection equilibrium, the immune-free infection equilibrium, and the chronic infection equilibrium. The global stability of the first two equilibria is fully characterized by two threshold parameters that are the basic reproduction number R0 and the CTL immune response reproduction number R1. The stability of the last equilibrium depends on R0 and R1 as well as time delay Ď„ in the CTL activation. We prove that the chronic infection equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable when the time delay is sufficiently small, while it loses its stability and a Hopf bifurcation occurs when Ď„ passes through a certain critical value

    Recharge characterization by geoelectrical imaging and the GIS of the Plio-Quaternary aquifer (a case study of Central Haouz- Marrakesh)

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    Groundwater resources in Morocco are increasingly scarce. The study area which is Central Haouz belonging to the Marrakech plain is not immune to this phenomenon. This is due to the semi-arid climate on the one hand, and on the other hand, due to accelerated population growth and the economic development implications. The Plio-Quaternary aquifer of the Central Haouz has been the subject of several studies, but its Hydrogeological characterization has been classically carried out using geological and pumping test studies. Our study is in this sense to show the importance of the contribution of GIS and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). The first GIS approach determined the Runoff coefficient, which helps to locate low runoff areas corresponding to recharge zones of the water table. These areas are chosen as the site for geophysical surveys. The second method consists to detect the effect of the recharge to increase the water table in the study area and the characterization of the aquifer. Four ERT surveys were performed showed on the aquifer the positive effect of the recharge dike recently built at the Wadi and dismantle the reliability of the GIS results concerning the infiltration zones founded

    Anti-counterfeit technologies

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      Corresponding arrangement that covers and safeguards the unit dose of drug is called packaging .One of main reason of deaths , treatment failure , un cure cases and failure of health care set up is counterfeit drugs. Renowned medicines brands in addition to sky-scraping cost of medicine make pharmaceutical ideal for counterfeit medicines and in top of list include medicine for most commonly use disease and high price like medicine use in dyslipidemia, anticancer antihypertensive and other antidiabetic agents. This review article focus on the perfect ways and features present existing anti counterfeit technologies and various other parameters in upcoming and how to remove draw backs in existing technologies during packaging in pharmaceutical industry

    La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire primitive de la sphère ORL: à propos de 15 cas

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    Les localisations ORL extra ganglionnaires de la tuberculose sont rares. La symptomatologie clinique ainsi que les examens paracliniques sont souvent  trompeurs,posant ainsi le problème de diagnostic différentiel avec la pathologie tumorale. Nous rapportons 15 cas de localisations extra ganglionnaires de  tuberculose, colligés au service ORL et CCF de l’Hopital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech colligés entre 2009 et 2013. L'âge moyen de nos patients est de 33 ans. L'étude topographique a montré 6 cas au niveau du cavum, un cas de miliaire  tuberculeuse pharyngée, 4 cas laryngés; 2 localisations auriculaires ; 1 parotidienne et 1 localisation sous maxillaire. Le diagnostic était anatomopathologiquedans tous les cas. Tous nos patients ont reçu un  traitement antituberculeux avec une bonne évolution.Mots-clés : Tuberculose, amygdale, rhinopharynx,  larynx, glandes salivaires,Oreille moyenne
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