454 research outputs found

    Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Hybrid Trapezoidal Box Girders Using Ordinary and Highly Strength Concrete

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    تم في هذا البحث دراسة التصرف العام للروافد الخرسانية المسلحة ذات المقطع الصندوقي والمصنوعة من الخرسانة الهجينة (نوعين مختلفين من الخرسانة تصب ككتلة واحدة) عمليا ونظريا. تضمن الجزء العملي انشاء وفحص خمسة نماذج من الروافد الصندوقية مع مقطع شبه منحرف تحث تأثير فحص نقطي ثنائي التحميل. نموذجان من المقاطع الصندوقية تم صبهما من الخرسانة المتجانسة (احدهما من خرسانة عادية المقاومة (35 MPa) والاخر من خرسانة عالية المقاومة ( MPa55)) وثلاثة نماذج من الخرسانة الهجينة (خرسانة عالية المقاومة في: الشفة العليا فقط, الشفة العليا ونصف عمق الوترة, و الشفة السفلى والعمق الكلي للوترة). بينت نتائج الدراسة العملية وجود تأثيرات مهمة لتهجين الخرسانة على التصرف الإنشائي لنماذج الروافد الصندوقية من حيث: احمال التشقق, نمط التشقق, المقاومات القصوى, و اشكال الفشل. المقاومة القصوى للروافد الصندوقية ذات الخرسانة الهجينة ازدادت  بنسبة حوالي  23% كمعدل بالمقارنة مع الروافد الصندوقية ذات الخرسانة  المتجانسة (خرسانة عادية المقاومة) وقلت بنسبة حوالي 9% فقط. في الجزء النظري من الدراسة تم تمثيل وتحليل النماذج المفحوصة بشكل رقمي باستخدام طريقة العناصر المحددة. النماذج الرقمية تم تكوينها بثلاثة أبعاد باستخدام برنامج إلكتروني  (ANSYS الإصدار 16.1). أظهرت النتائج النظرية (التحليلية) توافقا معقولا مع النتائج العملية بنسبة اختلاف (3.12% و 9.588%) كمعدل بالنسبة للحمل الاقصى والهطول, على التوالي.In this paper, the general behavior of reinforced concrete hybrid box girders is studied by experimental and numerical investigation. Experimental work is included casting monolithically five specimens of box girders with trapezoidal cross section and testing it as simply supported under two point loading. Two specimens were cast as homogenous box girders (full normal strength concrete (NSC) (about 35 MPa) and full high strength concrete (HSC) (about 55 MPa)) and three specimens were cast as hybrid box girders (HSC in upper flange only, HSC in upper flange and half depth of webs, and HSC in bottom flange and total depth of webs). Experimental results showed significant effects of concrete hybridization on the structural behavior of box girders specimens such as: cracking loads, cracking patterns, ultimate strengths, and failure modes. The ultimate strength of Hybrid box girders increased by 23% as average when compared with the homogenous box girder (full NSC) and decreased by 9% as average when compared with homogenous box girder (full HSC). In numerical investigation, the tested specimens were modeled and analyzed using three dimensional non-linear finite element analysis. The analysis was carried out by using a computer program (ANSYS V16.1). The numerical results showed an acceptable agreement with the experimental work with difference about (3.12% and 9.588%) as average for ultimate load and deflection, respectively

    Recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen and anionic phospholipids share a binding region in the fifth domain of β2-glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H)

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    AbstractHuman β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) binds to recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (rHBsAg), but the location of the binding domain on β2GPI is unknown. It has been suggested that the lipid rather than the protein moiety of rHBsAg binds to β2GPI. Since β2GPI binds to anionic phospholipids (PL) through its lipid-binding region in the fifth domain of β2GPI, we predicted that this lipid-binding region may also be involved in binding rHBsAg. In this study, we examined rHBsAg binding to two naturally occurring mutants of β2GPI, Cys306Gly and Trp316Ser, or evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic amino acid sequence, Leu313-Ala314-Phe315 in the fifth domain of β2GPI. The two naturally occurring mutations and two mutagenized amino acids, Leu313Gly or Phe315Ser, disrupted the binding of recombinant β2GPI (rβ2GPI) to both rHBsAg and cardiolipin (CL), an anionic PL. These results suggest that rHBsAg and CL share the same region in the fifth domain of β2GPI. Credence to this conclusion was further provided by competitive ELISA, where CL-bound rβ2GPI was incubated with increasing amounts of rHBsAg. As expected, pre-incubation of rβ2GPI with CL precluded binding to rHBsAg, indicating that CL and rHBsAg bind to the same region on β2GPI. Our data provide evidence that the lipid (PL) rather than the protein moiety of rHBsAg binds to β2GPI and that this binding region is located in the fifth domain of β2GPI, which also binds to anionic PL

    A Factorial Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Durable Goods With Reference To Urban Working Women

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    "Many things that were considered as luxuries till about ten years ago have become necessities for more peo ple today" .And in case of durable goods consumption it has happened also as which were luxury at once becomes necessity now. Consumer centric marketing style is predominant in durables which in turn revolves round the consumer purchase attitude. Today wom ens are chief purchase officer controlling 85% of all purchase decision .In India women hold more than 25% of the white collar jobs in sector like IT, ITES, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology , market research, financial services ,advertising, marketing and med ia. The new Indian women is a hard working professional women. The research paper deals with the study of urban working women purchase attitude with special reference to consumer durables. This has been evaluated on the basis of a comparative study of facets with special reference to consumer durable with sample frame of middle class working women families of Lucknow

    Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted Device-to-Device Communication

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    Outage and Success performances of an amplify-and-forward relay-assisted D2D communication system over a κ-μ shadowed fading wireless link are presented here. Co-channel interference (CCI) is assumed to affect the D2D signals at relay and destination nodes. The system is analyzed with two scenarios, namely, with diversity combining and without diversity combining. Selection combining (SC) based diversity scheme is incorporated at the D2D receiver to combat fading conditions. The expressions for success and outage probabilities are presented by using the characteristic function approach. The expressions are functions of path-loss exponents, wireless link length between relay and D2D source node, wireless link length between the receiver node and relay, distances between interferers and the relay node, CCI distances from various devices of the system, fading channel. The numerical analysis for various scenarios is presented and analyzed

    Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): physiology to pathophysiology and therapeutics including herbal medicines

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    COVID-19 emerged as a public health emergency of international concern in 2019 and spread globally. The spectrum of the diseases varied from asymptomatic to severe, even resulting in mortality. Gender and pre-existing co-morbidities were identifiable risk factors. Diabetes, hypertension, and chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases pose a risk of severe infections and manifestations. The vulnerability was due to ACE 2 receptors, thereby enhancing the entry and subsequent multiplication of the virus. Immune responses acted as the two-way sword, with cytokine storms posing a risk of severe complications. COVID-19 is also associated with long-term effects varying from neuropsychiatric to other complications. Mutations are expected to pose a challenge in the future. The second wave was also related to fungal infections due to varied causes like side effects of treatment and opportunistic infection due to immune suppression from using steroids. Naturopathy is also expected to work wonders. However, scientific and evidence-based results are required. COVID combat requires a multi-level approach. Nutrition and strict adherence to health and hygiene are essential preventive strategies

    Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in an Adult Dentate Najaf /Iraqi Population by Using Digital Panoramic Radiographs

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    مقدمه: أجريت دراسات مختلفة عبر مجموعات سكانية مختلفة وأظهرت درجات متفاوتة من انتشار تشوهات الأسنان. كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقييم انتشار تشوهات الأسنان بين سكان النجف / العراق. طرق العمل:    تم إجراء دراسه للاشعات البانوراميه الاساسيه لـ 750 شخصًا تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 و 40 عامًا ، وتم فحص أسنان وفكين المرضى بالأشعة من حيث العدد والحجم والتركيب والموقع وشكل الأسنان . بالإضافة إلى  ذلك جود حجر فى اللب والتشوهات غير الشفافة في الفك تمت دراستها. تم تحليل النتائج باستعمال اختبار كاى سكوير   النتائج: وأظهرت النتائج أن نسبة انتشار تشوهات الأسنان كانت (32.8٪). والتشوهات في عدد الأسنان كانت (4.19٪) ، الحجم (10٪) ، التركيب (0٪) ، الموقع (50.33٪) ، الشكل (27.74٪) ، حجر فى اللب (5.48٪) ، والتشوهات الفكيه غير الشفافة شكلت (2.26٪).  كان أكثر أنواع التشوهات السنية شيوعًا هو تشوهات موقع الأسنان ، و 55.48٪ من الحالات الشاذة للأسنان كانت مرتبطة بأسنان الفك العلوي ، و 44.52٪ كانت مرتبطة بأسنان الفك السفلي.     كانت الأسنان الزائدة ، والأسنان الخلقية المفقودة ، والتبديل بالموقع ، والتخدد الداخلى والخارجى  كانت مرتبطة في الغالب بالقواطع العلوية ، بينما لوحظ الإزاحة بالموقع في الغالب مرتبطة بالأنياب العلوية. ارتبطت الأضراس العلوية في الغالب بحجر اللب والجذور المندمجة وصغر الحجم السنى ارتبطت الجذور الزائدة في الغالب مع الضواحك السفلية ، في حين أن الانقلاب ، والانحشار ، والتقوس ، وأسنان الثور ، ولآلئ المينا ترتبط في الغالب بالأضراس السفلية. شوهدت جميع التشوهات الفكيه غير الشفافة مصاحبة للفك السفلي فقط. الاستنتاجات: يعد التشخيص المبكر وتحديد مدى انتشار تشوهات الأسنان أمرًا مهمًا في تخطيط العلاج للمرضى.Background:    Studies were done across different populations showed a varying degrees of prevalence of dental anomalies. The present study was aimed to evalu­ate the dental anomalies prevalence for Najaf/Iraq population.  Methods:    Analysis was done for the standard Orthopantomograph of 750 subjects with ages ranging between 18 and 40 years. The teeth and jaws were examined radiographically for number, size, structure, position, and shape of the teeth. In addition, the presence of pulp stone and radio-opaque dental anomalies in the jaw was also studied. Chi-squared test was carried for the data analysis. Results:   The prevalence of dental anomalies was (32.8%).  Anomalies in number of teeth was (4.19%), size (10%), structure (0%), position (50.33%), shape (27.74%), pulp stone (5.48%), and the jaws radio-opaque anomalies constitutes (2.26%). The most common type of dental anomalies was anomalies of tooth position, and 55.48% of dental anomalies were associated with the maxillary teeth, and 44.52% were associated with the mandibular teeth.     The supernumerary teeth, congenital missing teeth, transposition, dens evaginatus, and dens invaginatus were mostly associated with the upper incisors, while the displacement was mostly seen associated with the upper canines.  Upper molars were mostly associated with pulp stone, fused roots and microdontia.    The supernumerary roots were mostly associated with lower premolars, while inversion, impaction, dilaceration, taurodontism, and enamel pearls are mostly associated with lower molars. All radio-opaque jaws anomalies were seen associated with the lower jaw only. Conclusion:   The determination of prevalence of dental anomalies is important for the early diagnosis and treatment planning of patients

    Military strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran against American military threats

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to examine the military threats of the United States and present the military strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran against them.Method: The type of research is applied, and the necessary information is obtained from the study of documents, interviews with experts and questionnaires, and a descriptive method with a mixed approach has been used. The overall statistical population of the research is 70 people and the sample size is consistent with the statistical population and all the numbers have been determined. In order to collect and analyze data, in addition to taking samples from library studies and conducting expert interviews, using document analysis and elite analysis methods, descriptive and inferential statistics methods have also been used.Results: The number of 7 main strategies was calculated based on 73 selected research factors (19 strength factors, 9 weakness factors, 10 opportunity factors and 35 threat factors) relying on the provided partial strategies.Conclusion: The result of the vector on the axis of Cartesian coordinates indicates that the competition of the Islamic Republic of Iran is more focused on strengths than opportunities

    Observations and Modeling of the Mars Low‐Altitude Ionospheric Response to the 10 September 2017 X‐Class Solar Flare

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    Solar extreme ultraviolet and X‐ray photons are the main sources of ionization in the Martian ionosphere and can be enhanced significantly during a solar flare. On 10 September 2017, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN orbiter observed an X8.2 solar flare, the largest it has encountered to date. Here we investigate the ionospheric response before, during, and after this event with the SuperThermal Electron Transport model. We find good agreement between modeled and measured photoelectron spectra. In addition, the high photoelectron fluxes during the flare provide adequate statistics to allow us to clearly and repeatedly identify the carbon Auger peak in the ionospheric photoelectron energy spectra at Mars for the first time. By applying photochemical equilibrium, O2+ and CO2+ densities are obtained and compared with Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN observations. The variations in ion densities during this event due to the solar irradiance enhancement and the neutral atmosphere expansion are discussed.Plain Language SummarySolar extreme ultraviolet and X‐ray photons are the main source of ionization in the Martian ionosphere, photoionizing the neutral particles and producing photoelectrons and ions. These short‐wavelength photon fluxes can be enhanced by a factor of a few to orders of magnitudes during a solar flare (the result of the rapid conversion of magnetic energy to kinetic energy in the solar corona). On 10 September 2017, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN mission encountered the largest solar flare (X8.2) to date. The comprehensive measurements from Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN provide us with an opportunity to evaluate the ionospheric response to this flare event in detail with models. In particular, we investigate the photoelectron flux and ion density response to the flare with an electron transport model. The modeled and measured photoelectron fluxes are in a good agreement. Ion density enhancement at a fixed altitude is from tens of percent to 1500% due to a combination of intensified solar photon fluxes and the heated and then expanded neutral atmosphere during this flare event.Key PointsThe modeled and measured photoelectron spectra are in good agreement during an X8.2 solar flare eventThe carbon Auger peak is clearly and repeatedly identified in electron energy spectra of the Martian ionosphere for the first timeThe ion density enhancement due to the flare at a fixed altitude is from tens to 1,500%Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145576/1/grl57692.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145576/2/grl57692_am.pd

    Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat characteristics of a roughened solar air heater with novel v-shaped ribs

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    Solar air heaters convert clean solar energy into useful heat and have a wide range of applications. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can aid in the design and development of solar air heaters with optimized thermal efficiency. A detailed numerical study was conducted to investigate the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of a roughened solar air heater with novel V-shaped ribs having staggered elements. Three dimensional steady-state numerical simulations were performed using the k– RNG turbulence model, and results were found in excellent agreement with experimental data. The effect of ribs spacing were studied through varying the rib pitch to rib height ratio P/e= 6 to 14, for Reynolds numbers (Re) in the range of 4000-14,000. A significant enhancement in the ribs-roughened solar air heater’s thermal performance was observed. It was also established that an increment in P/e from 6 to 10 increases the Nusselt number (Nu) for all Re values investigated. About 72.6% Nu enhancement was predicted for P/e=10 at Re = 12,000. It was further observed that an increment in p/e from 10 to 14 decreases Nu for all Re values considered