12 research outputs found

    Distribución vertical de los caprélidos (Crustacea: Amphipoda) asociados a hidrozoos, con la primera cita de Pseudoprotella inermis para Marruecos

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    The vertical distribution of caprellids associated to hydroids was studied from 5 to 30 m deep in Agadir, Morocco. The highest caprellid densities were measured between 5 and 10 m. Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 and Pseudoprotella phasma Montagu, 1804 were the most abundant species distributed along the whole depth gradient. Caprella liparotensis Haller, 1879 and Caprella acanthifera Leach, 1814 were restricted to shallow waters, while Pseudoprotella inermis Chevreux, 1927 was found only from 15 to 30 m, being the dominant species in deeper areas. P. inermis had been previously collected only in Cádiz and Ceuta (Spain) and this study represents the first record of this species for Morocco, enlarging its distribution range ca. 1000 km to the south.Se estudió la distribución de los caprélidos asociados a hidrozoos desde los 5 a los 30 metros de profundidad en Agadir, Marruecos. Las densidades mayores de caprélidos se registraron entre los 5 y los 10 metros. Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 y Pseudoprotella phasma Montagu, 1804 fueron las especies más abundantes, distribuidas en todas las profundidades. Caprella liparotensis Haller, 1879 y Caprella acanthifera Leach, 1814 estuvieron restringidas a aguas más superficiales, mientras que Pseudoprotella inermis Chevreux, 1927 se registró sólo en el intervalo de 15 a 30 metros, siendo la especie dominante en las áreas más profundas. P. inermis había sido citada previamente en Cádiz y Ceuta. Este estudio representa la primera cita en Marruecos e incrementa el rango de distribución de la especie unos 1000 km hacia el sur

    Shallow water caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Azores and Madeira

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    The species composition and vertical distribution of caprellids associated to hard bottoms (mainly hydroids and algae) were studied from 0 to 41 m deep in Azores and Madeira. The highest caprellid densities were measured between 0 and 10 m. Caprella acanthifera ‘sensu lato’ and Caprella equilibra Say, 1818 were the dominant species in Azores, while Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 and Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu, 1804) were more abundant in Madeira. Lateral view figures and taxonomical remarks are provided for each species. Although Macaronesian islands seem to share most of the caprellid species, a detailed morphological and molecular study is necessary to clarify the taxonomical status of some species. Probably, the global diversity of amphipods from Macaronesia is still underestimated.Se estudió la composición de especies y la distribución vertical de los caprélidos asociados a sustrato duro (principalmente hidrozoos y algas) desde los 0 a los 41 m de profundidad en Azores y Madeira. Las mayores densidades de caprélidos se registraron en los primeros 10 m. Caprella acanthifera ‘sensu lato’ y Caprella equilibra Say, 1818 fueron las especies dominantes en Azores, mientras que Ca- prella penantis Leach, 1814 y Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu, 1804) fueron más abundantes en Madeira. Se incluyen vistas laterales y notas taxonómicas de cada una de las especies. Aunque las islas macaronésicas parecen compartir la mayoría de las especies de caprélidos, se requiere un estudio morfológico y molecular detallado para clarificar el estatus taxonómico de algunas especies. Probablemen- te, la diversidad global de los anfípodos de Macaronesia está aún subestimada.Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía P05-RNM-369Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) Egyptian Government Project No. 5562/201

    Human pressures on two estuaries of the Iberian Peninsula are reflected in food web structure

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    As a result of the increased urban and agricultural development in coastal environments, estuaries are among the most modified and threatened aquatic ecosystems. This study used stable isotopes to examine the effects of human impacts by contrasting the food web structures of two Iberian estuaries exposed to different degrees of human pressure. More complex feeding pathways were found in the more altered estuary (Guadalquivir). Greater spread among species along the carbon axis suggests that the primary consumers exploit organic matter with various origins, whereas different nitrogen signals of the secondary consumers suggest that they feed on different suites of prey. In contrast, the similar isotopic signals of secondary consumers in the relatively little influenced estuary (Guadiana) suggests similarity in diet composition and feeding on the same organic matter sources. Understanding trophic interactions in estuaries is vital for defining proper management and conservation, and the preliminary data provided here are one step in this direction

    Sex-related seasonal differences in the foraging strategy of the Kentish Plover

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    In species of birds with biparental care, each sex may have its own energy requirements and/or schedule for feeding, possibly leading the sexes to differ in foraging strategy. In estuaries, shorebirds such as the Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus) may forage on intertidal mudflats and in adjacent su- pratidal habitats during winter as well as during the breeding season. In this study, we analyzed the diet, use of foraging habitat, food-intake rate (biomass ingested per unit time), and time allocated to foraging by male and female Kentish Plovers at both seasons in an estuary near Cádiz, Spain, where intertidal mudflats and adjacent salt works are the main habitats for foraging. The plovers’ main prey was the ragworm (Nereis diversicolor), an intertidal polychaete that supplied more than 80% of the biomass consumed at each season. During the breeding season, both sexes increased their intake rate and decreased their daylight foraging time. By increasing the diurnal intake rate during the breeding season, the birds minimized their time spent foraging on the intertidal mudflats, allowing them to maximize the time for activities associated with breeding in the adjacent salt works. Therefore, the plovers solved the conflict between foraging on the mudflats and breeding in the salt works by shortening the foraging time on the mudflats, minimizing time away from the nesting areas. The sexes differed in the daylight time allocated to foraging, with females spending 2 hr less on foraging and concentrating their feeding activity into the central hours of low tideEn especies de aves con cuidado biparental, cada sexo puede tener sus propios requerimientos de energía y/o esquema de tiempo para la alimentación, lo cual podría conducir a diferencias en las estrategias de alimentación entre ambos sexos. En los estuarios, las especies de playeros como Charadrius alexandrinus pueden forrajear en fangos intermareales y en hábitats supramareales adyacentes tanto durante el invierno así como du- rante la época reproductiva. Aquí, analizamos la dieta, el uso de hábitat de forrajeo, la tasa de ingestión (biomasa ingerida por unidad de tiempo) y el tiempo dedicado al forrajeo por el macho y la hembra de C. alexandrinus du- rante ambas temporadas en una zona estuarina donde los fangos intermareales y las salinas adyacentes son las principales áreas de alimentación. La principal presa para C. alexandrinus fue un poliqueto (Nereis diversicolor), una presa intermareal que suplió más del 80% de la biomasa consumida en cada estación. Ambos sexos incremen- taron sus tasas de alimentación durante la época reproductiva, y disminuyeron sus tiempos diurnos de forrajeo. Por el incremento de la tasa de ingestión durante la época reproductiva, las aves minimizaron el tiempo que pasaron en los fangos intermareales, lo que les permitió maximizar el tiempo dedicado a las actividades de reproducción en las salinas adyacentes. Por lo tanto, el conflicto entre alimentarse en los fangos versus el desarrollo de las ac- tividades de reproducción (en las salinas), fue resuelto acortando el tiempo en los fangos, minimizando el tiempo fuera de las zonas de nidada. Hubo diferencias relacionadas con el sexo en el tiempo diurno dedicado al forrajeo: las hembras dedicaron dos horas menos a la alimentación y concentraron su actividad de alimentación en las horas centrales de la marea baja

    Effects of maintenance dredging on the macrofauna of the water column in a turbid estuary

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    Many human activities in or near aquatic habitats generate alterations in their environmental conditions, which could affect the organisms that inhabit them. Maintenance dredging of navigation channels in order to allow large ships access to inland ports is one such source of disturbance. In this study, by taking multiple approaches (immediate-, short- and medium term), we analysed the effects of a maintenance dredging operation on physiochemical variables and the early life stages of fish and other macrofauna groups present in two zones of the Guadalquivir estuary with different salinity ranges (poly- and mesohaline). Most physiochemical variables were homogenized in the water column immediately after the water mass passed by the dredger, including sediment resuspension. However, this process seemed to be transient as no significant increments in the depth-averaged levels of turbidity were observed in the short- and medium-terms. Instead, metal concentrations of Cr, Fe and Zn increased in the polyhaline station. Even so, these perturbations did not appear to be severe enough to influence the macrofauna. Still, organisms can suffer direct mechanical impacts of the trailer suction. Hyperbenthic species, like Pomatoshcistus spp. or decapods, tended to decrease slightly, while pelagic species such as Engraulis encrasicolus or mysids did not, indicating that benthic organisms are usually more susceptible to high entrainment. Nonetheless, the possible effects of this disturbance were of the same order or less than those of natural ones; therefore, organisms of the macrofauna could be well adapted to cope with them.Plan Propio Universidad de Sevill

    Thread-like tentacles in the Mediterranean corals Paramuricea clavata and Corallium rubrum

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    The occurrence of modified tentacles (i.e. thread-like tentacles) in the Mediterranean octocorals Paramuricea clavata and Corallium rubrum is reported. Colonies of four species of Mediterranean gorgonians were maintained in aquarium conditions for more than 5 months. The development of thread-like tentacles has been observed only in two of the four species. The presence of modified tentacles in other cnidarians has been usually associated with defensive/aggressive behavior. Our observations showed that thread-like tentacles in P. clavata and C. rubrum can also be used for feeding

    Monitoring Extreme Impacts of Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) in El Estrecho Natural Park (Biosphere Reserve). Showing Radical Changes in the Underwater Seascape

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    The invasive macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae represents an unprecedented case of bioinvasion by marine macroalgae facing the European coasts. Since the first apparition of the species in the Strait of Gibraltar in 2015, its fast dispersion along the introduced habitats constitutes a real challenge to develop monitoring strategies that ahead of its impacts. The present study uses three different approaches to address impacts on the benthic ecosystems, at the same time offers relevant data for future management actions in El Estrecho Natural Park (PNE). Information obtained by monitoring permanent sentinel stations revealed a significant loss in resident species coverage after the moment of maximum growth in 2017. Thus, despite coverage of R. okamurae did not strongly varied in the latter years, impacts generated remain high in the habitats studied. Estimations of the invasive species coverage by combining cartographic image analysis and in situ data predicted a major occupation (over 85% coverage) between 10 and 30 m, coinciding with the maximum rocky surface areas (m2) mapped on the PNE. Furthermore, a Citizen Science research collaboration evidenced impacts on the benthic seascape through an ad hoc exploration of images that allowed a “before” and “after” comparison of the invasion process in the same geographic locations. This has made it possible to graphically demonstrate severe changes in the underwater seascape and, therefore, the general impact of this new biological invasion. The spatial colonization estimations combined with the impacts reported by both scientific [Sessile Bioindicators in Permanent Quadrats (SBPQ) sentinel stations] and civilian (Citizen Science) monitoring methodologies claim the urgent development of further studies that allow the design of monitoring strategies against R. okamurae expansion across the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters

    The Invasive Macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae: Substrata Plasticity and Spatial Colonization Pressure on Resident Macroalgae

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    The present study constitutes the first evaluation of the space colonization strategies performed by Rugulopteryx okamurae when co-occurring with the resident macroalgal community in the introduced areas. Since the first apparition of the nonindigenous macroalga in the Strait of Gibraltar, its high propagation capacity together with its colonization ability has enhanced the establishment success of the species in detriment of the resident biota. In this study, we carried out observational surveys during 2017–2020 in order to assess the coverage levels of R. okamurae on different lighting conditions, surface orientations, and substrata types (artificial and natural). Results revealed that, beyond the high percent coverages already reported at illuminated and semi-illuminated natural rocky habitats, R. okamurae is able to settle on a wide variety of artificial substrata. The settlement performance of the species was also investigated and different mechanisms underlying the space colonization were proposed. Thus, R. okamurae was observed interacting with 43 resident macroalgal species at generally illuminated rocky habitats of the northern Strait coasts. Six colonization mechanisms were proposed for spatial growth scenarios. Overall, results pointed out that, in most of the cases where the invasive species co-occur with the resident community, R. okamurae would be favored as regards spatial growth success. Competitive interactions and environmental factors which influence results obtained must be addressed in order to fully predict impacts on resident communities. Moreover, together with previous scientific works, overall data provided in this study highlight the need to urgent implement management measures focused on habitats susceptible to be invaded, as well as studies on the ecology and dispersal vectors of R. okamurae in the Strait of Gibraltar and adjacent areas

    Barriers to accessing internet-based home Care for Older Patients: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Due to the increasingly ageing society and the shortage of nursing human resources in China, the imbalance between the home care needs of older patients and the inadequate supply of nursing services is increasing. Based on this medical situation, China is implementing internet-based home care (with the nurses who provide this care called online nurses or sharing nurses) based on the concept of the sharing economy, internet technology and knowledge from the home care experience in other countries. Internet-based home care follows an online application/offline service model. Patients place orders through an app, nurses grab orders instantly, and managers dispatch orders through a web platform based on various factors such as nurses’ qualifications, professionalism and distance from the patient. In this way, home care is provided for patients with limited mobility, such as older or disabled patients, patients in rehabilitation and terminal patients. Only by fully understanding the barriers to accessing internet-based home care can we provide quality nursing services to older patients and achieve the sustainable development of internet-based home care. Objective The goal of this study was to use qualitative methods to explore barriers to accessing internet-based home care for older patients. Methods Based on Levesque’s access to health care framework, semi-structured personal interviews were conducted with 19 older patients in a descriptive qualitative study using directed content analysis. Results We identified four barriers to accessing internet-based home care for older patients: barriers to perceiving, seeking, paying for, and engaging in internet-based home care. Specific barriers included traditional perceptions, barriers to internet use, high payment costs, uneven quality of services, and concerns about privacy and patient safety. Conclusions Internet-based home care brings new risks and challenges. In order to enable older patients to better enjoy it, it is necessary to strengthen publicity, optimize the network application process, improve the health insurance system, formulate unified nursing service standards, and address safety risks