255 research outputs found

    The Power of Stories: Inspiration to Ethical Behaviour

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    If we want to honour Obiora’s work and the inspiration he has offered and continues to provide we cannot get past his stories. He often uses stories to exemplify ethical behaviour and the impact of unethical behaviour. Reading and retelling stories are effective teaching tools for ethical behaviour. At the same time stories can foster intercultural communication as they promote dialogue and reflection on one’s own culture. They inspire understanding and embracing diversity. This article is an invitation to rediscover the power of stories in teaching ethical behaviour

    Evaluation of Polutan Ceramic Craftsmen Empowerment Program As The Competitive Superiority Improvement Medium in Minahasa

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    This study aims to evaluate empowerment program of Pulutan ceramic craftsmen in Minahasa District. This research was using the evaluation method of CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). The technique of data collection are participant observation, interviews, documentation and focus group discussions,  then analyzed with qualitative technique from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that empowerment program in the form of training, support facilities and infrastructure is relevance with  the needs of craftsmen. The program could increase the income of craftsmen for 4 years (2006 to 2009) but have not been able to encourage either the creation of jobs for the community or to encourage business growth.The implementation of program that supporting by  the availability and adequacy  of human resources, facilities and infrastructure,  financing, allocation of time,  materials and training methods has been able to increase the capacity of craftsmen, but have not been able to make the  craftsman’s self-reliance and  no implications for increasing the knowledge and skills of other craftsmen in Pulutan community. The study recommends to the Department of Industry and Trade in Minahasa district to continue and improve the empowerment program strategy based on entrepreneurial attitude and build up the craftsman’s work group   as a primemover to another craftsmen at Pulutan societies. Keywords: Program Evaluation, Empowerment, self-relianc

    Fungsi Motif Waku Bhulakoi dalam Relasi Hidup Suku Sentani di Kampung Ifale

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    This study aims to discuss the functions contained in motifs or carvings on WB. The theory used in this research is Paul Cobley's theory of semiotic studies. The research method used is ethnographic method and descriptive method. The result of the research is that Waku Bhulakoi functions to accompany traditional ceremonies and traditional dances. The meaning contained in WB is sacred. The symbols in the WB describe the sacrifices in creating traditional objects in culture. The WB shape is like a tube whose center is slightly inward as a barrier between the top and bottom. The top is covered with human skin. Motifs or carvings are formed based on the fact that the characters reveal a certain environment of events with the function of local wisdom relations. The function of motive is as a medium of communication and a medium of expression of life that is lived collectively. In conclusion, Waku Bhulakoi is the name of the traditional Sentani Klen Haesei musical instrument, Ifale Village. Tifa is sacred because the cover is made of human skin. Waku Bhulakoi has a functioning motive that can be interpreted.   Keywords: Motive, Waku Bhulaikoi, Sentan

    Resiliencia en la gestión de las organizaciones.

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    The aim of this paper is to propose resilience as a strategy in the management of organizations highlighting the mostimportant aspects to successfully meet the demands of an increasingly demanding society in this sense organizations are making greatefforts towards improvement total quality by adopting new concepts, valid theoretical schemes, oriented toward formal operationalrestructuring, implementing strategies in the management of material resources, especially the human talent. Given this outlook changesin the management of the organization in order to improve the quality gradually locating the pace of social, economic, scientific andtechnological advances, the final step is to communicate the results, so that they allow to integrate knowledge to practiceEl objetivo del presente artículo es proponer la resiliencia como estrategia en la gestión de las organizaciones destacandolos aspectos más relevantes para responder con éxito a las demandas de una sociedad cada día más exigente, en este sentido lasorganizaciones realizan grandes esfuerzos de mejoramiento hacia el logro de la calidad total, adoptando nuevos conceptos, esquemasteóricos válidos, orientados hacia la reestructuración funcional formal, implementando estrategias en el manejo de los recursosmateriales, muy especialmente el del talento humano. Ante estas perspectivas se producen cambios en el manejo de la organización conla finalidad de elevar la calidad ubicándola progresivamente al ritmo de los avances sociales, económicos, científicos y tecnológicos, laetapa final es comunicar los resultados, de manera que éstos permitan integrar los conocimientos a la práctic

    Corneal transplantation

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    Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting or keratoplasty is a procedure during which dysfunctional cornea is removed from a patient’s eye and replaced with healthy clear cornea from a donor. Eduard Zirm performed the first successfully full-thickness corneal transplantation more than 100 years ago (1905). Nowadays the cornea is the most successfully transplanted tissue worldwide and one of the most frequent tissue graftings in the Western world. This is especially possible because the cornea is quite suitable for tissue grafting due to its avascularity and the immunological privilege. The indications for transplantation cover a wide range of diseases. Most of them are obtained from the well-established cornea bank that is capable of preserving the excised donor tissue up to 4 weeks in culture medium. Cadaveric donor tissue is used whereas the recovery of the donor eye tissue takes place within hours of death. Surgical techniques and medical treatment of corneal grafts have changed within the last decades as well as our understanding about the immunological aspects of a corneal transplant has increased. Today we have several surgical and medical options to get a prolonged graft survival, especially in eyes with a high risk for allograft rejection. The success story of corneal transplantation began with the understanding of the immunological aspects and the introduction of topical and systemic immunosuppressive treatment. Furthermore in order to cover undersupplied regionsthe need for donor corneas has initiated efforts to synthesize artificial corneas


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    Efikasi diri bagi pelajar sudah terbukti dapat mempengaruhi peserta didik untuk melakukan strategi kognitif dan metakognitif dalam pembelajaran, kemudian peserta didik menjadi bekerja lebih keras dan menunjukkan lebih banyak ketekunan, potensi dan kepercayaan terhadap kemampuannya sendiri. Meskipun begitu, penelitian tentang konstruk dan indikator yang mempengaruhi efikasi diri masih jarang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil studi lapangan di kelas Multimedia dan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, peserta didik cenderung tidak puas dan tidak percaya diri terhadap kemampuan dan hasil kerja mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan eksplorasi terhadap konstruk yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan efikasi diri dengan menerapkan shared leadership berbasis Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) sebagai media kolaborasi peserta didik dan media penerapan Shared Leadership. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi Smart Learning Environment Establishment Guideline (SLEEG) dan desain penelitian quasi experimental dengan one group post-test only. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Negeri 13 Bandung dengan sampel kelas XI TKJ 1 berjumlah 32 orang. Pada akhir eksperimen, peserta didik diberikan kuesioner dan menghasilkan data yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis PLS-SEM dengan bantuan aplikasi SmartPLS. Kedua konstruk yang diujikan (Shared Leadership dan CSCL) valid dan reliabel sebagai model untuk mempengaruhi kemampuan self-efficacy. Konstruk Shared Leadership dan CSCL dinilai berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap Self-Efficacy. Hasil Observasi kegiatan pembelajaran dan kuesioner terbuka terhadap peserta didik menjelaskan bahwa dengan model Shared Leadership pada lingkungan CSCL dapat mempengaruhi self-efficacy pada indikator emosi, motivasi dan work satisfaction. Self-efficacy for students has been proven to influence students to carry out cognitive and metacognitive strategies in learning, then students work more harder and show more perseverance, potential and confidence in their own abilities. Based on the results of field studies in Multimedia and Computer and Network Engineering classes, students tend to be not satisfied and not confident with their abilities and work results. This study aimed to explore constructs that can affect self-efficacy skills by applying shared leadership based on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) in the form of Learning Management System (LMS) as a medium for student collaboration and media for implementing Shared Leadership. This study used the Smart Learning Environment Establishment Guideline (SLEEG) methodology and a quasi-experimental research design with one group post-test only. The study was conducted at SMK Negeri 13 Bandung with a sample class XI TKJ 1 as many as 32 people. At the end of the experiment, participants were given a questionnaire and generated data that was analyzed using PLS-SEM analysis with the help of the SmartPLS application. The two constructs tested (Shared Leadership and CSCL) are valid and reliable as models to influence self-efficacy abilities. Shared Leadership and CSCL constructs are considered to have a significant positive effect on Self-Efficacy. The results of the observation of learning activities and an open questionnaire to students explained that the Shared Leadership model in the CSCL environment could affect self-efficacy on indicators of emotion, motivation and work satisfaction


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    Anak dengan autisme meiliki hambatan yang cukup kompleks salah satunya yaitu hambatan perkembangan bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak autisme dalam menigkatkan kemampuan perkembangan bahasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (RnD) dengan desain pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation), sedangkan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan analisis data Single Subject Research (SSR). Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu anak autisme berusia 10 tahun yang mengalami hambatan bahasa. Berdasarkan hasil asesmen yang dilakukan ditemukan data dan menghasilkan profil anak, sehinggaa dirancanglah media berbentuk website yang bernama Media Language Augmentative. Media ini memiliki fitur seperti materi video, permainan dan projek akhir berupa video presentasi. Berdasarkan hasil imlementasi ditemukan bahwa kemampuan anak bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif subjek meningkat, dilihat dari hasil kuis dan hasil video projek yang telah dibuat subjek. Menggunakan teknologi memudahkan dan membuat motivasi anak meningkat ketika belajar, teknologi membuat media yang digunakan lebih menarik. Orang tua dapat mengembangkan materi dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak, selain itu peneliti dapat membuat program media yang lebih relevan pada anak dengan hambatan lainnya. Kata kunci : Language Augmentative; Media Video, Kemampuan Bahasa Reseptif dan Ekspresif; Autisme ABSTRACT Children with autism have quite complex barriers, one of which is language development barriers. This study aims to help autistic children improve language development skills. The method used in this research is Research and Development (RnD) with ADDIE development design (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation), while to analyze the data using Single Subject Research (SSR) data analysis. The subjects in this study were 10-year-old autistic children who had language barriers. Based on the results of the assessment carried out, data was found and produced a child profile, so that a website-shaped media was designed called Media Language Augmentative. This media has features such as video material, games and final projects in the form of video presentations. Based on the results of the implementation, it was found that the subject's receptive and expressive language skills increased, seen from the results of the quizzes and the results of the video projects that the subject had made. Using technology makes it easier and makes children's motivation to increase when learning, technology makes the media used more interesting. Parents can develop materials and adapt them to their children's needs, besides that researchers can create media programs that are more relevant to children with other barriers. Keywords: Augmentative Language; Video Media, Receptive and Expressive Language Skills; autis

    Corneal transplantation

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    Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting or keratoplasty is a procedure during which dysfunctional cornea is removed from a patient’s eye and replaced with healthy clear cornea from a donor. Eduard Zirm performed the first successfully full-thickness corneal transplantation more than 100 years ago (1905). Nowadays the cornea is the most successfully transplanted tissue worldwide and one of the most frequent tissue graftings in the Western world. This is especially possible because the cornea is quite suitable for tissue grafting due to its avascularity and the immunological privilege. The indications for transplantation cover a wide range of diseases. Most of them are obtained from the well-established cornea bank that is capable of preserving the excised donor tissue up to 4 weeks in culture medium. Cadaveric donor tissue is used whereas the recovery of the donor eye tissue takes place within hours of death. Surgical techniques and medical treatment of corneal grafts have changed within the last decades as well as our understanding about the immunological aspects of a corneal transplant has increased. Today we have several surgical and medical options to get a prolonged graft survival, especially in eyes with a high risk for allograft rejection. The success story of corneal transplantation began with the understanding of the immunological aspects and the introduction of topical and systemic immunosuppressive treatment. Furthermore in order to cover undersupplied regionsthe need for donor corneas has initiated efforts to synthesize artificial corneas

    Corneal transplantation

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    Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting or keratoplasty is a procedure during which dysfunctional cornea is removed from a patient’s eye and replaced with healthy clear cornea from a donor. Eduard Zirm performed the first successfully full-thickness corneal transplantation more than 100 years ago (1905). Nowadays the cornea is the most successfully transplanted tissue worldwide and one of the most frequent tissue graftings in the Western world. This is especially possible because the cornea is quite suitable for tissue grafting due to its avascularity and the immunological privilege. The indications for transplantation cover a wide range of diseases. Most of them are obtained from the well-established cornea bank that is capable of preserving the excised donor tissue up to 4 weeks in culture medium. Cadaveric donor tissue is used whereas the recovery of the donor eye tissue takes place within hours of death. Surgical techniques and medical treatment of corneal grafts have changed within the last decades as well as our understanding about the immunological aspects of a corneal transplant has increased. Today we have several surgical and medical options to get a prolonged graft survival, especially in eyes with a high risk for allograft rejection. The success story of corneal transplantation began with the understanding of the immunological aspects and the introduction of topical and systemic immunosuppressive treatment. Furthermore in order to cover undersupplied regionsthe need for donor corneas has initiated efforts to synthesize artificial corneas