104 research outputs found

    Investigation of the leading and subleading high-energy behavior of hadron-hadron total cross sections using a best-fit analysis of hadronic scattering data

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    FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPIn the present investigation we study the leading and subleading high-energy behavior of hadron-hadron total cross sections using a best-fit analysis of hadronic scattering data. The parametrization used for the hadron-hadron total cross sections at high energy is inspired by recent results obtained by Giordano and Meggiolaro [J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2014) 002] using a nonperturbative approach in the framework of QCD, and it reads sigma(tot) similar to Bln(2)s + Cln s ln ln s. We critically investigate if B and C can be obtained by means of best-fits to data for proton-proton and antiproton-proton scattering, including recent data obtained at the LHC, and also to data for other meson-baryon and baryon-baryon scattering processes. In particular, following the above-mentioned nonperturbative QCD approach, we also consider fits where the parameters B and C are set to B = kappa B-th and C = kappa C-th, where B-th and C-th are universal quantities related to the QCD stable spectrum, while kappa (treated as an extra free parameter) is related to the asymptotic value of the ratio sigma(el)/sigma(tot). Different possible scenarios are then considered and compared.963116FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/27060-32015/21855-

    Wilson-loop formalism for Reggeon exchange in soft high-energy scattering

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    We derive a nonperturbative expression for the non-vacuum, qqbar-Reggeon-exchange contribution to the meson-meson elastic scattering amplitude at high energy and low momentum transfer, in the framework of QCD. Describing the mesons in terms of colourless qqbar dipoles, the problem is reduced to the two-fermion-exchange contribution to the dipole-dipole scattering amplitudes, which is expressed as a path integral, over the trajectories of the exchanged fermions, of the expectation value of a certain Wilson loop. We also show how the resulting expression can be reconstructed from a corresponding quantity in the Euclidean theory, by means of analytic continuation. Finally, we make contact with previous work on Reggeon exchange in the gauge/gravity duality approach.Comment: A few misprints in the expressions for the relevant Wilson loops have been corrected. 55 pages, 7 figure

    High Energy Bounds on Soft N=4 SYM Amplitudes from AdS/CFT

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study the high-energy behavior of colorless dipole elastic scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM gauge theory through the Wilson loop correlator formalism and Euclidean to Minkowskian analytic continuation. The purely elastic behavior obtained at large impact-parameter L, through duality from disconnected AdS_5 minimal surfaces beyond the Gross-Ooguri transition point, is combined with unitarity and analyticity constraints in the central region. In this way we obtain an absolute bound on the high-energy behavior of the forward scattering amplitude due to the graviton interaction between minimal surfaces in the bulk. The dominant "Pomeron" intercept is bounded by alpha less than or equal to 11/7 using the AdS/CFT constraint of a weak gravitational field in the bulk. Assuming the elastic eikonal approximation in a larger impact-parameter range gives alpha between 4/3 and 11/7. The actual intercept becomes 4/3 if one assumes the elastic eikonal approximation within its maximally allowed range L larger than exp{Y/3}, where Y is the total rapidity. Subleading AdS/CFT contributions at large impact-parameter due to the other d=10 supergravity fields are obtained. A divergence in the real part of the tachyonic KK scalar is cured by analyticity but signals the need for a theoretical completion of the AdS/CFT scheme.Comment: 25 pages, 3 eps figure

    Possibility of spontaneous parity violation in hot QCD

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    We suggest that for QCD in the limit of a large number of colors, N, the axial U(1) symmetry of massless quarks is effectively restored at the deconfining=chiral phase transition. If the deconfining transition is of second order, then the chiral transition is weakly first order. In this case, metastable states in which parity is spontaneously broken appear at temperatures below the phase transition. The production of these metastable states would have dramatic signatures, including enhanced production of eta and eta' mesons, which can decay through parity violating decay processes such as eta -> pi^0 pi^0, and global parity odd asymmetries for charged pions. Using a nonlinear sigma model, in QCD these metastable states only appear rather near the phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Worldline Casting of the Stochastic Vacuum Model and Non-Perturbative Properties of QCD: General Formalism and Applications

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    The Stochastic Vacuum Model for QCD, proposed by Dosch and Simonov, is fused with a Worldline casting of the underlying theory, i.e. QCD. Important, non-perturbative features of the model are studied. In particular, contributions associated with the spin-field interaction are calculated and both the validity of the loop equations and of the Bianchi identity are explicitly demonstrated. As an application, a simulated meson-meson scattering problem is studied in the Regge kinematical regime. The process is modeled in terms of the "helicoidal" Wilson contour along the lines introduced by Janik and Peschanski in a related study based on a AdS/CFT-type approach. Working strictly in the framework of the Stochastic Vacuum Model and in a semiclassical approximation scheme the Regge behavior for the Scattering amplitude is demonstrated. Going beyond this approximation, the contribution resulting from boundary fluctuation of the Wilson loop contour is also estimated.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Gauge-invariant quark-antiquark nonlocal condensates in lattice QCD

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    We study, by numerical simulations on a lattice, the behaviour of the gauge-invariant quark-antiquark nonlocal condensates in the QCD vacuum with dynamical fermions. A determination is also done in the quenched approximation and the results are compared with the full-QCD case. The fermionic correlation length is extracted and compared with the analogous gluonic quantity.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX file, + 6 PS figure

    Evolution of high-mass diffraction from the light quark valence component of the pomeron

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    We analyze the contribution from excitation of the (qqˉ)(ffˉ),(qqˉ)g1...gn(ffˉ)(q\bar q)(f\bar f),(q\bar q)g_1...g_n(f\bar f) Fock states of the photon to high mass diffraction in DIS. We show that the large Q2Q^2 behavior of this contribution can be described by the DLLA evolution from the non-perturbative ffˉf\bar f valence state of the pomeron. Although of higher order in pQCD, the new contribution to high-mass diffraction is comparable to that from the excitation of the qqˉgq\bar q g Fock state of the photon.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, the oublished version. The slight numerical errors corrected, all conclusions are retaine

    Topological susceptibility in Yang-Mills theory in the vacuum correlator method

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    We calculate the topological susceptibility of the Yang-Mills vacuum using the field correlator method. Our estimate for the SU(3) gauge group, \chi^{1/4} = 196(7) MeV, is in a very good agreement with the results of recent numerical simulations of the Yang-Mills theory on the lattice.Comment: 5 pages (JETP Letters style

    On the rise of proton-proton cross-sections at high energies

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    The rise of the total, elastic and inelastic hadronic cross sections at high energies is investigated by means of an analytical parametrization, with the exponent of the leading logarithm contribution as a free fit parameter. Using derivative dispersion relations with one subtraction, two different fits to proton-proton and antiproton-proton total cross section and rho parameter data are developed, reproducing well the experimental information in the energy region 5 GeV - 7 TeV. The parametrization for the total cross sections is then extended to fit the elastic (integrated) cross section data in the same energy region, with satisfactory results. From these empirical results we extract the energy dependence of several physical quantities: inelastic cross section, ratios elastic/total, inelastic/total cross sections, ratio total-cross-section/elastic-slope, elastic slope and optical point. All data, fitted and predicted, are quite well described. We find a statistically consistent solution indicating: (1) an increase of the hadronic cross sections with the energy faster than the log-squared bound by Froissart and Martin; (2) asymptotic limits 1/3 and 2/3 for the ratios elastic/total and inelastic/total cross sections, respectively, a result in agreement with unitarity. These indications corroborate recent theoretical arguments by Ya. I. Azimov on the rise of the total cross section.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, discussions improved with further clarifications, references added and updated, one note added, results and conclusions unchanged. Version to be published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Dynamics of quark-gluon plasma from Field correlators

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    It is argued that strong dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma and bound states of quarks and gluons is mostly due to nonperturbative effects described by field correlators. The emphasis in the paper is made on two explicit calculations of these effects from the first principles: one analytic using gluelump Green's functions and another using independent lattice data on correlators. The resulting hadron spectra are investigated in the range T_c < T < 2T_c. The spectra of charmonia, bottomonia, light s-sbar mesons, glueballs and quark-gluon states calculated numerically are in general agreement with lattice MEM data. The possible role of these bound states in the thermodynamics of quark-gluon plasma is discussed.Comment: Revised version with new comments and references and corrected tables VII-IX; 34 pages + 6 figure