32 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kamus Penyakit Manusia Berbasis Android

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    Perkembangan terhadap teknologi mendorong untuk mengembangkan aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia berbasis Android. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia untuk mengetahui tentang istilah-istilah penyakit, yang disertai dengan visualisasi gambar, text to speech, definisi tentang istilah penyakit serta keterangan tentang gejala-gejala penyakit sehingga membuat penggunaan kamus menjadi lebih praktis, karena mudah dibawa kemana. Batasan dari aplikasi ini yaitu hanya memiliki 1000 istilah penyakit, dan tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur update. Metode pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan RUP dan berorientasi objek. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java dengan kakas Eclipse dan juga SQLite untuk penyimpanan data. Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan text to speech, menampilkan gambar hasil pencarian dan keterangan penyakit

    Parents’ experiences of having an excessively crying baby and implications for enhancing support services

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    Evidence suggests that around 20% of healthy babies cry for long periods without apparent reason, causing significant distress to parents and a range of adverse outcomes. This study explored parents' experiences of having an excessively crying baby and their suggestions for improved NHS support. Focus groups and interviews with 20 parents identified three key themes: disrupted expectations and experiences of parenthood; stigma and social isolation; seeking support and validation of experience. Parents experienced shock, anxiety and a sense of failure, leading to self-imposed isolation and a reluctance to seek help. Other people's reactions sometimes reinforced their feelings. Parents need more support, including from health professionals, to cope with excessive crying, and recommendations for this support are given

    Microbial carcinogenic toxins and dietary anti-cancer protectants

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    Assessment of Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Bottom, Cyclone, and Baghouse Ashes from the Combustion of Manure

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    The authors are solely responsible for the content of this technical presentation. The technical presentation does not necessarily reflect the official position of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), and its printing and distribution does not constitute an endorsement of views which may be expressed. Technical presentations are not subject to the formal peer review process by ASABE editorial committees; therefore, they are not to be presented as refereed publications. Citation of this work should state that it i

    Fatigue Fracture Analysis of Composite Plates With an Elliptical Hole

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    In this study, the analysis of fatigue fracture of composite plates with an elliptical hole having a longer axis parallel to the direction of the applied force is performed. The plates were made of glass/epoxy preimpregnate consisting of eight individual layers with the fiber configuration of [ +45° / -45° / +45° / -45° ]S. The mechanical properties and material constants were assessed by performing static tensile tests and analytical calculations. The nominal fiber volume in the composite plates was experimentally determined. The test method of infrared passive thermography was implemented as a non-destructive testing, which provided the determination of the temperature distribution throughout the entire fatigue process. The thermograms were obtained and compared to the real-time photographs of the plates. Moreover, the specific results concerning fatigue phenomena and basic composite failure forms, which usually occur during the fatigue process, are discussed in detail. The theoretically predicted three individual fatigue fracture phases were corroborated the original test results. The first-ply failure (FPF) occurred in the local stress concentration area and propagated in the direction of the corners, along the fibers. The failure forms observed in the static and fatigue tests were nearly the same. Moreover, the comparative analysis of the fatigue fracture of laminates with three various types of holes was performed and presented in the graphical and tabular forms.Проанализировано усталостное разрушение композитных пластин с эллиптическим отверстием, более длинная ось которого параллельна направлению приложенной силы. Пластины изготовлены из стеклоэпоксидного препрега, состоящего из восьми отдельных слоев с ориентацией волокон [ +45° / -45° / +45° / -45° ]S Механические свойства и константы мате риала исследовались и определялись по результатам статических испытаний на растяжение и экспериментальных измерений. Экспериментально определен также номинальный объем волокон в композитных пластинах. Метод экспериментального исследования на основе данных пассивной инфракрасной термографии был реализован как неразрушающий метод. Это позволило определять расположение температур при анализе усталостного разрушения. Полученные термограммы сравнивались с фотографиями пластин в реальном времени. Представлена конкретная информация об усталости и основных видах разрушения композита, что обычно имеет место в процессе усталости. В подтверждение теоретических положений при экспериментальном исследовании установлены три стадии усталостного разрушения. Разрушение первого слоя происходило в локальной зоне концентрации напряжений и распространялось вдоль волокон в направлении углов. Виды разрушения, наблюдаемые при статических и усталостных испытаниях, были почти одинаковыми. Приведены данные сравнения усталостного разрушения многослойного материала с тремя различными типами отверстий