43 research outputs found

    Lynn White revisited: religious and cultural backgrounds for technological development

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    Since the beginning of the awareness of the environmental crisis, studies have tried to trace back the historical and ideological roots of industrial evolution. Many of these studies indicated elements of the Judeo-Christian tradition as at least co-responsible. Some 40 years later, this chapter overviews some strands of the discussions these studies have provoked, especially concerning the alleged anthro-pocentrism of Judaism and Christianity, and their disenchanting attitude towards nature. These traditional ideas are confronted with insights from Marcel Gauchet’s philosophy of religion, with inputs from other religions, and with empirical data from recent surveys

    On the Normativity of Professionalism

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    Why should engineers behave ethically? Often, this question is answered by qualifying engineering as a “profession”, and professional organizations have codes of ethics that members should comply with. In many countries however, engineering is organized differently. The present chapter explores conceptions of “professionalism”, inspired by evolutions in different occupational areas. A second part questions the idea that professionalism encompasses ethical responsibilities “beyond ordinary morality”. The thesis will be defended that, although there may be specific rules for “professionals”, the philosophical foundation of professional ethics yet rests on ordinary morality.status: publishe

    High Resolution In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging for the Study of Bacterial Tumour Targeting

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    The ability to track microbes in real time in vivo is of enormous value for preclinical investigations in infectious disease or gene therapy research. Bacteria present an attractive class of vector for cancer therapy, possessing a natural ability to grow preferentially within tumours following systemic administration. Bioluminescent Imaging (BLI) represents a powerful tool for use with bacteria engineered to express reporter genes such as lux. BLI is traditionally used as a 2D modality resulting in images that are limited in their ability to anatomically locate cell populations. Use of 3D diffuse optical tomography can localize the signals but still need to be combined with an anatomical imaging modality like micro-Computed Tomography (ÎĽCT) for interpretation

    Medicinal plants – prophylactic and therapeutic options for gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets? A systematic review

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    From Boy Scouts and Missionaries to Development Partners

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    In the 1980s and 1990s, Belgian engineering associations launched initiatives enabling engineers to engage as volunteers in projects of development cooperation. Since then, these organizations have observed a noticeable evolution, both conceptually (in the way development aid or development cooperation is understood) and operationally (in the way projects are managed and executed). This article discusses the status of these organizations, interprets evolutions and differences, and concludes with initiatives in which 'humanitarian engineering' © 2010 IEEE.De Belgische ingenieursverenigingen hebben deelorganisaties die ingenieurs als vrijwilligers uitsturen voor ontwikkelingswerk. Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van deze organisaties, en beschrijft de evolutie in de ideologie waardoor ze gedreven zijn. In de beginjaren was hun missionair elan gedreven door de vanzelfsprekende overtuiging dat techniek vooruitgang betekende. Vandaag hebben ze meer aandacht voor de autonomie en de eigen cultuur van de partners in het Zuiden.status: publishe

    Engineering Ethics in Evolution: from the Image Building of a Profession to a Dialogue among Stakeholders

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    The chapter lines out an evolution in the development of the "Engineering Ethics" discipline. In early years, the profiling of engineering as a "learned profession" seemed to be the first interest. With World War II, and with the later emerging of environmental issues, the focus was shifted to the ethics of technology. Finally, the ethical implications of different streams of philosophy of technology are indicated.status: publishe

    Techniekfilosofie: waar komen wij vandaan?

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    Lynn White Revisited: Religious and Cultural Backgrounds for Technological Development

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    Since the beginning of the awareness of the environmental crisis, studies have tried to trace back the historical and ideological roots of industrial evolution. Many of these studies indicated elements of the Judeo-Christian tradition as at least co-responsible. Some 40 years later, this chapter overviews some strands of the discussions these studies have provoked, especially concerning the alleged anthropocentrism of Judaism and Christianity, and their disenchanting attitude towards nature. These traditional ideas are confronted with insights from Marcel Gauchet’s philosophy of religion, with inputs from other religions, and with empirical data from recent surveys.status: publishe

    Engineering between Professionalisms

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    Are all professions conspiracies against laity, like George Bernard Shaw indidated in his The Doctor's Dilemma (1911)? Professions are given authority to put their knowledge and skills to the service of the community: knowledge and skills that are supposed to be exclusive to the profession, and necessary for public well-being. Good professional practice must rely on trust, as a way to bridge the asymmetry which results from the difference in knowledge and power. The discussion of whether engineering should be considered as a profession had had a large impact on the development of the engineering ethics discipline. The difficulty of defining what engineering exactly is, makes it difficult to apply to it the indicators of professionalism which function well elsewhere. Finally a new kind of professionalism seems to emerge in the development of formalised procedures for improving and guaranteeint the quality of professional services. On the one hand, these procedures seem to infringe on professional autonomy, which would be specifically visible in circumstances of uncertainty (and hence: difficult to seize in procedures). On the other hand, keeping up with these procedures requires a level of specialisation comparable with how traditionsal professions work.status: publishe

    MĂ©Ă©r dan een mes. Over argumenten in het debat rond wetenschap, techniek en ethiek

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    Naar aanleiding van het gekloonde schaap "Dolly" wordt een overzicht gegeven van de soorten argumenten die vaak gebruikt worden in discussies rond wetenschap, techniek en ethiek. Er wordt gerefereerd naar gevolgen- en plichtenethiek, en naar visies op techniekfilosofie.status: publishe