7 research outputs found

    Unreliable Physical Places and Memories as Posthuman Narration in Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

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    In this paper, I argue that Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go is best understood through analysis of its unstable places and the narrator’s unstable memory.  Through these devices, Ishiguro constructs a panoptic state of surveillance, transforming an otherwise non-urban space into a pseudo-cityscape.  It is through the narrator’s interactions and memories of her interactions with these urbanized and controlled spaces that the reader can truly understand and engage with this posthuman narrative. Without fully understanding the ways in which rural places function as cityscapes for the clone characters of this novel, the reader is unable to meaningfully understand the experiences of the clones. This paper employs theories of Edward W. Soja in order to advance discussion of this novel beyond its application of the panoptic mechanism. It also looks closely at the ways the memories of the displaced are used to manipulate the concept of place and its function throughout the novel

    MCDI Rebranding Project and Strategic Marketing Plan

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    In this interdisciplinary, collaborative project, senior students from management and graphic arts worked with stakeholders in Mount Carmel, PA, to develop a strategic marketing plan and rebranding campaign for Mount Carmel Downtown Inc. (MCDI). This report describes that plan and includes a page by page review of the newly developed website and brand to accompany the campaign. This project was developed by Maeve Greeley and Emily Turchin, Managing for Sustainability student researchers in a senior capstone independent study MSUS 310 taught by Prof. Eric Martin and Megan Cannella, a senior in ARST 336 Advanced Work in the Studio taught by Prof. Eddy Lopez

    Margaret Atwood's _The Testaments_: Responses to _The Handmaid's Tale_ Sequel

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    This document contains brief statements about the approaches that the 7 roundtable panelists will take in responding to _The Testaments_, Margaret Atwood's highly anticipated sequel to _The Handmaid's Tale_