419 research outputs found

    It\u27s All Fun and Games

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    The question that I decided to do for my self-study was: How does the use of play-based activities impact my teaching practice? I had originally decided on the question of: How does the use of play-based activities in math impact my teaching practice? I decided to change my question during the fall semester because in my regular education classroom, math is at the end of the day. It was very difficult for me to get into the classroom to see the end of the day because of the way my classes were scheduled at Susquehanna. I was not able to interact much with my original self-study question because of this. The days that I was able to go into my placement to see math were very slim and I did not feel comfortable taking anything over, as it is a co-taught class, as well. I felt uneasy having a self-study question that I was not really interacting with. All of these reasons helped me to decide to adjust my self-study question. I then decided on a question about how play-based activities, in any subject, can impact my teaching. I wanted to work with my self-study question in the fall as well which is why I decided to change the question. Before I even changed my question, I noticed myself using play-based activities in my placement already in other subjects like reading, spelling, and science. I would find new spelling games for my students to use to practice their spelling words before a spelling test. I was also able to do an Oreo activity in science to help my students understand the different phases of the moon. I also chose this question because I love games and play-based activities myself and I want to be able to incorporate my creativity and passion for games and play into my cooperating classroom to see if that affects my teaching practices. I have interacted with this question during my work in a summer school program as well, so the question seemed to flow naturally with my teaching preferences. I noticed that many times in my observations students get bored in school or say they hate school because it is boring. I wanted to help my students learn to love learning and school. Through the use of play, I wanted to help students learn more and see if it has an impact on my teaching practice as a pre-service teacher. Before I began this study, I believed that play-based activities were a way to help students learn without them realizing they were even learning anything. I also wanted to make school more understandable for students who struggled, and I believed using play-based activities was just another way for me to help reach all students no matter what their struggles may have been. Play-based activities can be differentiated for lower and higher-level learners which is what I strived for in my classroom. My question is aligned with my self-study research because my research is based on play in the classroom. After changing my question, I felt a lot better about what I needed to accomplish, and I found myself interacting with my question a lot more in a more impactful way

    Two units of instruction for the Spanish language : basic vocabulary development in grades four through seven

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    The purpose of this research project was to develop two units of instruction for use with Spanish classes in grades four through seven. The research begins by exploring the different types of elementary and middle level foreign language programs. The research also investigates the different types of thematic units and what they should include. Finally, two units are developed for use in grades four through seven: a project-based unit built around Eric Carle\u27s book, La Oruga Muy Hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), and a knowledge-based unit built around classroom vocabulary. Both units include a wide variety of activities that will keep students interested

    Draft Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Strain 13-13613, Isolated from a Case of Canine Pyoderma

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    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius strain 13-13613, isolated from a case of canine pyoderma. The draft genome contains 2,533,486 bp in 570 contigs

    The mineralogy and crystallography of pyrrhotite from selected nickel and PGE ore deposits and its effect on flotation performance

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    Pyrrhotite (Fe(1-x)S) is one of the most commonly occurring metal sulfide minerals and is recognised in a variety of types of ore deposits. Since the principal nickel ore mineral, pentlandite, almost ubiquitously occurs with pyrrhotite, the understanding of the behaviour of pyrrhotite during flotation is of fundamental interest. For many nickel processing operations, pyrrhotite is rejected to the tailings in order to control circuit throughput and concentrate grade and thereby reduce excess sulfur dioxide smelter emissions. For the platinum group element processing operations however, pyrrhotite recovery is targeted due to its association with the platinum group elements and minerals. Therefore, the ability to be able to manipulate pyrrhotite flotation performance is of importance. It can be best achieved if the mineralogical characteristics of the pyrrhotite being processed are known and their relationship to flotation performance is understood. Pyrrhotite is known to naturally occur in different forms that have varying physical and chemical attributes. These different pyrrhotite forms are commonly known as magnetic (Fe7S8) and non-magnetic pyrrhotite (Fe9S10, Fe10S11, Fe11S12) and as a result of their varying properties are expected to show some difference in their reactivity towards oxidation and flotation performance. Yet the accounts in the literature are inconsistent as to which of the pyrrhotite types is more reactive. Similarly, there appears to be little agreement in the literature as to which of the pyrrhotite types is more floatable. It is probable that this lack of agreement arises from the fact that previous studies have not given due consideration to the effect of the mineralogy of the samples examined. The success of the discipline of process mineralogy as a whole however, has been to gain an understanding of how the mineralogy of an ore affects its processing properties. The objective of this process mineralogy study was to develop the relationship between pyrrhotite mineralogy and flotation performance based on a thorough characterisation of pyrrhotite from selected nickel and platinum group element ore deposits in terms of their crystallography, mineral association, mineral chemistry and mineral reactivity. This was achieved through the characterisation of the mineralogy and mineral reactivity of pyrrhotite samples obtained from the Sudbury ore in Canada, Phoenix ore in Botswana and the Merensky Reef and Nkomati ores in South Africa. Based on the linkage of these characteristics to flotation performance, an understanding of the relationship and mechanisms that cause pyrrhotite mineralogy to influence pyrrhotite flotation performance has been gained. Mineralogical characterisation of the pyrrhotite samples in this study was performed using ore petrography, x-ray diffraction and mineral chemistry analysis. On the basis of these results pyrrhotite samples were classified as: single phase magnetic 4C Fe7S8 pyrrhotite, single phase non-magnetic 5C Fe9S10 pyrrhotite; two phase magnetic 4C Fe7S8 pyrrhotite intergrown with non-magnetic 5C Fe9S10 pyrrhotite and as two phase non-magnetic 6C Fe11S12 pyrrhotite intergrown with 2C FeS troilite. Nickel was identified as the main trace element impurity in the pyrrhotite structure and the amount of solid solution nickel in the pyrrhotite structure was correlated with whether the pyrrhotite was magnetic or non-magnetic, and whether it coexisted with another pyrrhotite phase. All pyrrhotite samples investigated showed a strong association to pentlandite that occurred in both granular and flame pentlandite forms. These key features of pyrrhotite mineralogy were in turn shown to be controlled by the bulk composition and cooling history of the monosulfide solid solution (MSS) from which pyrrhotite is derived. The reactivity of the different pyrrhotite samples towards oxidation was determined using open circuit potential, cyclic voltammetry and oxygen uptake measurements at both pH 7 and 10. Non-magnetic Sudbury Copper Cliff North pyrrhotite was the most unreactive of the samples examined, whereas magnetic Sudbury Gertrude West pyrrhotite was the most reactive. The magnetic Sudbury Gertrude West pyrrhotite was so reactive that open circuit potential and oxygen uptake measurements showed it was already passivated and likely covered with hydrophilic ferric hydroxides. The magnetic Phoenix pyrrhotite was slightly less reactive than the magnetic Sudbury Gertrude West pyrrhotite. The reactivity of the Nkomati Massive Sulfide Body (MSB) mixed pyrrhotite was in between that of the non-magnetic Sudbury Copper Cliff North and magnetic Phoenix pyrrhotite, due to the combined contribution of intergrown magnetic and non-magnetic pyrrhotite to its reactivity. The flotation performance of the different pyrrhotite samples was investigated at both pH 7 and 10 using microflotation tests. A variety of different reagent conditions was also investigated that included the use of different chain length xanthate collectors (sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX), sodium normal propyl xanthate (SNPX)) and the use of copper activation. The collectorless flotation of the non-magnetic Sudbury Copper Cliff North pyrrhotite was the greatest of the samples investigated. Only with the addition of flotation reagents were differences in the floatability of the other pyrrhotite samples identified. Magnetic Phoenix pyrrhotite showed good flotation performance whereas the flotation performance of the magnetic Sudbury Gertrude and Gertrude West pyrrhotite was very poor. The Nkomati MSB mixed pyrrhotite only showed good flotation performance at pH 7. All pyrrhotite samples generally showed improved flotation performance with the use of the longer chain length SIBX collector than the shorter chain length SNPX, whereas the efficiency of copper activation was influenced by pyrrhotite mineralogy, pH and collector chain length. Differences in the flotation performance of the pyrrhotite samples investigated were linked to their reactivity towards oxidation. Although not directly measured, the formation of hydrophilic ferric hydroxides on pyrrhotite surfaces due to oxidation was inferred as the reason for the poor flotation performance of some of the pyrrhotite samples. Key features interpreted to influence both pyrrhotite reactivity and flotation performance were pyrrhotite crystallography, mineral chemistry and mineral association. It has been proposed that differences in the amount of vacancies in the pyrrhotite crystal structure influence the oxidation rate and similarly the greater proportion of ferric iron in the magnetic pyrrhotite structure was argued to account for its greater reactivity relative to non-magnetic pyrrhotite. Differences in the solid solution nickel content and trace oxygen in the pyrrhotite structure were also proposed as additional characteristics influencing pyrrhotite oxidation rate and flotation performance. Depending on the degree of association of pyrrhotite to pentlandite, its flotation performance could be affected by the liberation characteristics and flotation of composite particles containing abundant locked flame pentlandite, although this could be manipulated by changing the grind size. The presence of nickel ions derived from the flame pentlandite in these composite particles could also assist in the activation of pyrrhotite and further improvement of its flotation performance. Some guidelines are also presented as to which simple mineralogical and mineral reactivity measurements have been of the most use in developing the relationship between mineralogy and flotation performance.Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineeringunrestricte

    Stability of Neurocognitive Abilities in Heterogeneous Subgroups of Schizophrenia

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    Considerable work has been devoted to characterizing the latent structure of cognition in schizophrenia (SZ) to understand important clinical outcomes associated with generalized or specific deficits but findings are limited in a number of ways. Previous work has not assessed bifactor and other complex models of cognition in SZ, which might provide a better understanding of the structure of cognitive abilities. It is also unclear whether the latent structure of cognitive abilities is similar between men and women with SZ or whether the latent structure of cognitive abilities is stable over time with repeated assessment. These limitations must be addressed before cognitive tests can be meaningfully interpreted in SZ, applied to investigate sex-based differences, or used longitudinally to judge changes in cognition in response to treatment and disease progression. To address these limitations, this dissertation conducted three studies aimed to: (I) assess a bifactor and other complex models of cognition in SZ, (II) compare the factor structure of men and women with SZ, and (III) examine the stability of the latent structure of cognition in SZ over repeated assessment. Each study used archival data from the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive. The first study included 813 individuals with SZ who were divided into a baseline calibration sample (n = 413) and a cross-validation sample (n = 400). The second study examined whether the factor structure was the same (invariant) between men and women with SZ at a baseline assessment (men n = 612; women n = 201) and then again approximately two months later (men n = 549; women n = 198). The third study examined longitudinal invariance of the factor structure across four repeated assessments (n = 205) that included a baseline assessment and follow up assessments that occurred approximately two, six, and 18 months later. Results of these studies indicated that a bifactor seven-factor model that includes one general factor and seven specific factors (Processing Speed, Phonemic Fluency, Semantic Fluency, Reasoning, Working Memory, Verbal Memory, and Vigilance) best characterized the latent structure of cognition in SZ. The same bifactor seven-factor model was found to be invariant between men and women with SZ at two assessments. Subsequent comparison of the factor scores between men and women showed that women performed higher on Semantic Fluency, Verbal Memory, and General cognition, that men scored higher on Vigilance, and that there were no statistically significant differences between their performance scores on Processing Speed, Phonemic Fluency, Reasoning, and Working Memory. Further, the bifactor seven-factor model was longitudinally invariant across four assessments that spanned approximately 16.5 months. These results contribute to extant literature that has previously characterized cognition in SZ by demonstrating that cognition may be best understood by a morecomplex model that incorporates both general deficit and specific deficit conceptualizations. This model remained invariant between men and women allowing for direct comparisons of cognitive abilities and identification of a pattern of differences that was consistent with some prior literature. Finally, the longitudinal stability of the bifactor model suggests that tests are measuring equivalent latent constructs despite fluctuations in abilities that might be expected because of modifying factors of disorder state (e.g., symptoms, medication, course), and so can be appropriately used to investigate longitudinal changes in cognition

    Investigation and modelling of the progression of zinc leaching from large sphalerite ore particles

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    X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) was used to follow the progression of Zn leaching in a number of individual sphalerite ore particles, which were subjected to a long-term simulated heap bioleaching environment. The ore was prepared by two different modes of comminution – HPGR at 90 bar and cone crusher – and individual particles were selected from three different size fractions. Investigation of the reacted fraction of Zn vs distance from the centre of each particle indicated that leaching from large particles leads to near complete conversion near the surface, but only partial conversion in the zones that are closer to the centre of particles. The cores of the cone-crushed particles show hardly any conversion at all, especially in the larger particle sizes. Mathematical analysis shows that leaching from the large particle does not follow the shrinking core model. It is shown that the progression can rather be described by a combined reaction-diffusion process progressing through the network of cracks and pores closer to the particle surface. Extent and depth of this network are a function of particle size and comminution method. A simplified rate model is proposed that describes the extent of leaching as a function of time in terms of a set of parameters that can all be related to just particle size and crushing mode


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate kinematics and kinetics of the shot put when participants warmup using standard, overweight, or underweight implements. Ten collegiate shot putters warmed up using regulation, heavy, or light implements then completed six maximal effort competition throws. Whole body kinematics and ground reaction forces were recorded on each throw. Consistent with the literature, throw distance was significantly further after warming up with the heavy implement (p = .002). However, there were no differences in critical kinematic factors or ground reaction forces between conditions. While using overweight implements during warmup improves shot put performance, the mechanism by which this occurs is not through altering the critical factors or forces produced during the throw

    Head trauma: A significant public health concern among young men in Botswana. Etiology referral patterns and opportunities for interventions

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    This study aims to present and discuss acute Head Injury (HI) presentations including etiology, referral patterns and disposition in patients presenting to a major referral hospital in Gaborone, Botswana. Cross-sectional, retrospective data collection from July 2015 through September 2015 extracted descriptions of patient demographics, mechanism of injury, comorbidities, diagnosis and disposition from Emergency Centre (EC) records. 360 HI patients presented in three months, averaging four per day and increasing on weekends and end of the month. HI disproportionately impacted young adult males, with motor vehicle accidents accounting for 38%, violence implicated in 39% and 80% recorded as blunt trauma. HIV status was unknown for 84% of patients at the time of presentation and 10% of patients were recorded as HIV positive. Patients referred from external hospitals had a higher admission rate. HI in young males is a significant trauma burden in this hospital, similar to the known regional trauma patterns. More studies regarding trauma, alcohol, and violence related to paydays should be considered to investigate and reduce the burden of HI in Botswana

    Investigation of particles with high crack density produced by HPGR and its effect on the redistribution of the particle size fraction in heaps

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    The application of comminution technology such as the High-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), which is able to generate a high density of cracks in the ore particles, is favourable for leaching processes. Extraction of metallic values by the heap leach process, can take place on the particles with partial exposure of mineral grains, if it can provide sufficient surface front for chemical attack by leaching solution. The aim of this study was to assess the benefits of high crack density in the ore particles produced using the HPGR and how it could diminish due to inadequate percolation of the leaching agent. A zinc ore was comminuted using HPGR at three different pressure settings and with a cone crusher for the control experiment. Subsamples from the (+23/-25, +14/-16, +5.25/-6.75 mm) size fractions were characterized and packed into leach reactors. The reactors were stopped from time to time to investigate the progress of crack and micro-crack growth and its effect on metal extraction using the X-ray computed tomography (CT). The results are validated with those obtained using traditional techniques such as SEM and QEMSCAN. Investigation of the leach reactors residue indicated significant changes in the particle size distribution (PSD) of initial feed toward the fine size fraction. The residues from the reactors leaching the material prepared using the HPGR product contained more fine particles than the reactors, which were fed by cone crusher product. These differences were up to 10.3%
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