913 research outputs found

    Quantum noise in laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detectors with a heterodyne readout scheme

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    We analyze and discuss the quantum noise in signal-recycled laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors, such as Advanced LIGO, using a heterodyne readout scheme and taking into account the optomechanical dynamics. Contrary to homodyne detection, a heterodyne readout scheme can simultaneously measure more than one quadrature of the output field, providing an additional way of optimizing the interferometer sensitivity, but at the price of additional noise. Our analysis provides the framework needed to evaluate whether a homodyne or heterodyne readout scheme is more optimal for second generation interferometers from an astrophysical point of view. As a more theoretical outcome of our analysis, we show that as a consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle the heterodyne scheme cannot convert conventional interferometers into (broadband) quantum non-demolition interferometers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Phylogenetic analysis to define feline immunodeficiency virus subtypes in 31 domestic cats in South Africa

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    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a lentivirus, is an important pathogen of domestic cats around the world and has many similarities to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A characteristic of these lentiviruses is their extensive genetic diversity which has been an obstacle in the development of successful vaccines. Of the FIV genes, the envelope gene is the most variable and sequence differences in a portion of this gene have been used to define 5 FIV subtypes (A, B, C, D and E). In this study, the proviral DNA sequence of the V3-V5 region of the envelope gene was determined in blood samples from 31 FIV positive cats from 4 different regions of South Africa. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the presence of both subtypes A and C, with subtype A predominating. These findings contribute to the understanding of the genetic diversity of FI

    Observing binary inspiral in gravitational radiation: One interferometer

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    We investigate the sensitivity of individual LIGO/VIRGO-like interferometers and the precision with which they can determine the characteristics of an inspiralling binary system. Since the two interferometers of the LIGO detector share nearly the same orientation, their joint sensitivity is similar to that of a single, more sensitive interferometer. We express our results for a single interferometer of both initial and advanced LIGO design, and also for the LIGO detector in the limit that its two interferometers share exactly the same orientation. We approximate the evolution of a binary system as driven exclusively by leading order quadrupole gravitational radiation. To assess the sensitivity, we calculate the rate at which sources are expected to be observed, the range to which they are observable, and the precision with which characteristic quantities describing the observed binary system can be determined. Assuming a conservative rate density for coalescing neutron star binary systems we expect that the advanced LIGO detector will observe approximately 69~yr1{}^{-1} with an amplitude SNR greater than 8. Of these, approximately 7~yr1{}^{-1} will be from binaries at distances greater than 950~Mpc. We explore the sensitivity of these results to a tunable parameter in the interferometer design (the recycling frequency). The optimum choice of the parameter is dependent on the goal of the observations, e.g., maximizing the rate of detections or maximizing the precision of measurement. We determine the optimum parameter values for these two cases.Comment: 40 pages (plus 7 figures), LaTeX/REVTEX3.0, NU-GR-

    Detection, Measurement and Gravitational Radiation

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    Here I examine how to determine the sensitivity of the LIGO, VIRGO, and LAGOS gravitational wave detectors to sources of gravitational radiation by considering the process by which data are analyzed in a noisy detector. By constructing the probability that the detector output is consistent with the presence of a signal, I show how to (1) quantify the uncertainty that the output contains a signal and is not simply noise, and (2) construct the probability distribution that the signal parameterization has a certain value. From the distribution and its mode I determine volumes V(P)V(P) in parameter space such that actual signal parameters are in V(P)V(P) with probability PP. If we are {\em designing} a detector, or determining the suitability of an existing detector for observing a new source, then we don't have detector output to analyze but are interested in the ``most likely'' response of the detector to a signal. I exploit the techniques just described to determine the ``most likely'' volumes V(P)V(P) for detector output corresponding to the source. Finally, as an example, I apply these techniques to anticipate the sensitivity of the LIGO and LAGOS detectors to the gravitational radiation from a perturbed Kerr black hole.Comment: 37 pages (plus 6 figures), LaTeX/REVTE

    Presence and mobility of arsenic in estuarine wetland soils of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium)

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    We aimed to assess the presence and availability of arsenic (As) in intertidal marshes of the Scheldt estuary. Arsenic content was determined in soils sampled at 4 sampling depths in 11 marshes, together with other physicochemical characteristics. Subsequently, a greenhouse experiment was set up in which pore water arsenic (As) concentrations were measured 4 times in a 298-day period in 4 marsh soils at different sampling depths (10, 30, 60 and 90 cm) upon adjusting the water table level to 0, 40 and 80 cm below the surface of these soils. The As content in the soil varied significantly with sampling depth and location. Clay and organic matter seem to promote As accumulation in the upper soil layer (0–20 cm below the surface), whereas sulfide precipitation plays a significant role at higher sampling depths (20– 100 cm below the surface). The As concentrations in the pore water of the greenhouse experiment often significantly exceeded the Flemish soil sanitation thresholds for groundwater. There were indications that As release is not only affected by the reductive dissolution of Fe/Mn oxides, but also by e.g. a direct reduction of As(V) to As(III). Below the water table, sulfide precipitation seems to lower As mobility when reducing conditions have been sufficiently established. Above the water table, sulfates and bicarbonates induce As release from the solid soil phase to the pore water

    Sagnac Interferometer as a Speed-Meter-Type, Quantum-Nondemolition Gravitational-Wave Detector

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    According to quantum measurement theory, "speed meters" -- devices that measure the momentum, or speed, of free test masses -- are immune to the standard quantum limit (SQL). It is shown that a Sagnac-interferometer gravitational-wave detector is a speed meter and therefore in principle it can beat the SQL by large amounts over a wide band of frequencies. It is shown, further, that, when one ignores optical losses, a signal-recycled Sagnac interferometer with Fabry-Perot arm cavities has precisely the same performance, for the same circulating light power, as the Michelson speed-meter interferometer recently invented and studied by P. Purdue and the author. The influence of optical losses is not studied, but it is plausible that they be fairly unimportant for the Sagnac, as for other speed meters. With squeezed vacuum (squeeze factor e2R=0.1e^{-2R} = 0.1) injected into its dark port, the recycled Sagnac can beat the SQL by a factor 103 \sqrt{10} \simeq 3 over the frequency band 10 {\rm Hz} \alt f \alt 150 {\rm Hz} using the same circulating power Ic820I_c\sim 820 kW as is used by the (quantum limited) second-generation Advanced LIGO interferometers -- if other noise sources are made sufficiently small. It is concluded that the Sagnac optical configuration, with signal recycling and squeezed-vacuum injection, is an attractive candidate for third-generation interferometric gravitational-wave detectors (LIGO-III and EURO).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Conserve Epitopes of Influenza Virus Induce Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses to Produce Specific Antibody Against M2e Protein

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    The existing vaccines against influenza are based onthe generation of neutralizing antibody primarilydirected against surface protein, haemagglutinin(HA) and neuraminidase (NA). However, antigenicdrift and occasional shift of these two membraneglycoproteins, HA and NA, make vaccine productioncumbersome and necessitate yearly revision ofthe vaccine seed strains by the World HealthOrganization. For these reasons, many investigatorshave often tried to look at the possibility of generatinga universal vaccine useful against more than oneinfluenza strain. The objective of research was toobtain an alternative antigen as vaccine candidatefor universal flu vaccination, instead of HA and NAcomponents. In this study, we use conserved epitopeM2e which is consist of three major componentsuch as N-terminal M2e2-24 (24 amino acids),transmembrane(59 amino acids) and C-terminal (19amino acids). We design two components of antigen,linier and branched structures. The antigens thenformulated with aluminium hydroxide gel comparedto FCA/IFA adjuvant. These vaccines were testedtheir immunogenicity, and the potency to mature thedendritic cells for stimulating either CD8+ T cell orantibody-mediated immune responses. The antibodytitre and the maturity of dendritic cell indicated bycytokines concentration such as; IFN-ã, IL2 and IL4were measured by ELISA test.The result of researchshowed that the conserved epitope of Me2 2-16 whenincorporated with P25 protein from canine distempervirus (linear structure) in alhydrogel adjuvant hasgreater potential to produce anti-M2e antibodiesthan in Freund adjuvant. Alhydrogel adjuvant hada stronger effect than Freund adjuvant. Alhydrogelalso stimulate the release of IL-2 and IL-4

    Squeezed Light for the Interferometric Detection of High Frequency Gravitational Waves

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    The quantum noise of the light field is a fundamental noise source in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. Injected squeezed light is capable of reducing the quantum noise contribution to the detector noise floor to values that surpass the so-called Standard-Quantum-Limit (SQL). In particular, squeezed light is useful for the detection of gravitational waves at high frequencies where interferometers are typically shot-noise limited, although the SQL might not be beaten in this case. We theoretically analyze the quantum noise of the signal-recycled laser interferometric gravitational-wave detector GEO600 with additional input and output optics, namely frequency-dependent squeezing of the vacuum state of light entering the dark port and frequency-dependent homodyne detection. We focus on the frequency range between 1 kHz and 10 kHz, where, although signal recycled, the detector is still shot-noise limited. It is found that the GEO600 detector with present design parameters will benefit from frequency dependent squeezed light. Assuming a squeezing strength of -6 dB in quantum noise variance, the interferometer will become thermal noise limited up to 4 kHz without further reduction of bandwidth. At higher frequencies the linear noise spectral density of GEO600 will still be dominated by shot-noise and improved by a factor of 10^{6dB/20dB}~2 according to the squeezing strength assumed. The interferometer might reach a strain sensitivity of 6x10^{-23} above 1 kHz (tunable) with a bandwidth of around 350 Hz. We propose a scheme to implement the desired frequency dependent squeezing by introducing an additional optical component to GEO600s signal-recycling cavity.Comment: Presentation at AMALDI Conference 2003 in Pis