4,455 research outputs found

    Above-ground biomass and productivity in a rain forest of eastern South America

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    Abstract: The dynamics of tropical forest woody plants was studied at the Nouragues Field Station, central French Guiana. Stem density, basal area, above-ground biomass and above-ground net primary productivity, including the contribution of litterfall, were estimated from two large permanent census plots of 12 and 10 ha, established on contrasting soil types, and censused twice, first in 1992Âż1994, then again in 2000Âż2002. Mean stem density was 512 stems haÂż1 and basal area, 30m2 haÂż1. Stem mortality rate ranged between 1.51% and 2.06% yÂż1. In both plots, stem density decreased over the study period. Using a correlation between wood density and wood hardness directly measured by a Pilodyn wood tester,we found that the mean wood densitywas 0.63 g cmÂż3, 12% smaller than the mean of wood density estimated from the literature values for the species occurring in our plot. Above-ground biomass ranged from 356 to 398MghaÂż1 (oven-dry mass), and it increased over the census period. Leaf biomass was 6.47Mg haÂż1. Our total estimate of aboveground net primary productivity was 8.81 MgC haÂż1 yÂż1 (in carbon units), not accounting for loss to herbivory, branchfalls, or biogenic volatile organic compounds, whichmay altogether account for an additional 1MgC haÂż1 yÂż1. Coarse wood productivity (stem growth plus recruitment) contributed to 4.16 MgC haÂż1 yÂż1. Litterfall contributed to 4.65MgC haÂż1 yÂż1 with 3.16 MgC haÂż1 yÂż1 due to leaves, 1.10 MgC haÂż1 yÂż1 to twigs, and 0.39MgC haÂż1 yÂż1 to fruits and flowers. The increase in above-ground biomass for both trees and lianas is consistentwith the hypothesis of a shift in the functioning of Amazonian rain forests driven by environmental changes, although alternative hypotheses such as a recovery from past disturbances cannot be ruled out at our site, as suggested by the observed decrease in stem density. Key Words: above-ground biomass, carbon, French Guiana, net primary productivity, tropical fores

    Potential impacts of genetic use restriction technologies (GURTs) on agrobiodiversity and agricultural production systems

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    Development and application of GURT as an appropriation mechanism may potentially have considerable impact on agriculture, the environment and the food security of rural areas in developing countries. Positive impacts may include increased investments in breeding as a result of increased intellectual property protection. Increased investments may contribute to higher yields and more advanced varieties, and thus to increased food production, a more sustainable production, and better consumer products. Potential negative impacts have been identified as well. These may require further discussion and close attention by regulatory authorities

    Electro-optic techniques for longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics

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    Electro-optic techniques are becoming increasingly important in ultrafast electron bunch longitudinal diagnostics and have been successfully implemented at various accelerator laboratories. The longitudinal bunch shape is directly obtained from a single-shot, non-intrusive measurement of the temporal electric field profile of the bunch. Further- more, the same electro-optic techniques can be used to measure the temporal profile of terahertz / far-infrared opti- cal pulses generated by a CTR screen, at a bending magnet (CSR), or by an FEL. This contribution summarizes the re- sults obtained at FELIX and FLASH

    Regeneration in gap models: priority issues for studying forest responses to climate change

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    Recruitment algorithms in forest gap models are examined with particular regard to their suitability for simulating forest ecosystem responses to a changing climate. The traditional formulation of recruitment is found limiting in three areas. First, the aggregation of different regeneration stages (seed production, dispersal, storage, germination and seedling establishment) is likely to result in less accurate predictions of responses as compared to treating each stage separately. Second, the relatedassumptions that seeds of all species are uniformly available and that environmental conditions are homogeneous, are likely to cause overestimates of future species diversity and forest migration rates. Third, interactions between herbivores (ungulates and insect pests) and forest vegetation are a big unknown with potentially serious impacts in many regions. Possible strategies for developing better gap model representations for the climate-sensitive aspects of each of these key areas are discussed. A working example of a relatively new model that addresses some of these limitations is also presented for each case. We conclude that better models of regeneration processes are desirable for predicting effects of climate change, but that it is presently impossible to determine what improvements can be expected without carrying out rigorous tests for each new formulation

    Benchmarking of electro-optic monitors for femtosecond electron bunches

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    The longitudinal profiles of ultrashort relativistic electron bunches at the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH have been investigated using two single-shot detection schemes: an electro-optic (EO) detector measuring the Coulomb field of the bunch and a radio-frequency structure transforming the charge distribution into a transverse streak. A comparison permits an absolute calibration of the EO technique. EO signals as short as 60 fs (rms) have been observed, which is a new record in the EO detection of single electron bunches and close to the limit given by the EO material properties

    Electro-optic time profile monitors for femtosecond electron bunches at the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH

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    Precise measurements of the temporal proïŹle of ultrashort electron bunches are of high interest for the optimization and operation of ultraviolet and x-ray free-electron lasers. The electro-optic (EO) technique has been applied for a single-shot direct visualization of the time proïŹle of individual electron bunches at FLASH. This paper presents a thorough description of the experimental setup and the results. An absolute calibration of the EO technique has been performed utilizing simultaneous measurements with a transverse-deïŹ‚ecting radio-frequency structure that transforms the longitudinal bunch charge distribution into a transverse streak. EO signals as short as 60 fs (rms) have been observed using a gallium-phosphide (GaP) crystal, which is a new record in the EO detection of single electron bunches and close to the physical limit imposed by the EO material properties. The data are in quantitative agreement with a numerical simulation of the EO detection process

    Single shot longitudinal bunch profile measurements by temporally resolved electro-optical detection

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    For the high gain operation of a SASE FEL, extremely short electron bunches are essential to generate sufficiently high peak currents. At the superconducting linac of FLASH at DESY, we have installed an electro- optic measurement system to probe the time structure of the electric field of single ~100 fs electron bunches. In this technique, the field induced birefringence in an electro-optic crystal is encoded on a chirped picosecond laser pulse. The longitudinal electric field profile of the electron bunch is then obtained from the encoded optical pulse by a single shot cross correlation with a 35 fs laser pulse using a second harmonic crystal (temporal decoding). An electro-optical signal exhibiting a feature with 118 fs FWHM was observed, and this is close to the limit of resolution due to the material properties of the particular electro-optic crystal used. The measured electro-optic signals are compared to bunch shapes simultaneously measured with a transverse deflecting cavity

    A Microstructure-based Graph Neural Network for Accelerating Multiscale Simulations

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    Simulating the mechanical response of advanced materials can be done more accurately using concurrent multiscale models than with single-scale simulations. However, the computational costs stand in the way of the practical application of this approach. The costs originate from microscale Finite Element (FE) models that must be solved at every macroscopic integration point. A plethora of surrogate modeling strategies attempt to alleviate this cost by learning to predict macroscopic stresses from macroscopic strains, completely replacing the microscale models. In this work, we introduce an alternative surrogate modeling strategy that allows for keeping the multiscale nature of the problem, allowing it to be used interchangeably with an FE solver for any time step. Our surrogate provides all microscopic quantities, which are then homogenized to obtain macroscopic quantities of interest. We achieve this for an elasto-plastic material by predicting full-field microscopic strains using a graph neural network (GNN) while retaining the microscopic constitutive material model to obtain the stresses. This hybrid data-physics graph-based approach avoids the high dimensionality originating from predicting full-field responses while allowing non-locality to arise. By training the GNN on a variety of meshes, it learns to generalize to unseen meshes, allowing a single model to be used for a range of microstructures. The embedded microscopic constitutive model in the GNN implicitly tracks history-dependent variables and leads to improved accuracy. We demonstrate for several challenging scenarios that the surrogate can predict complex macroscopic stress-strain paths. As the computation time of our method scales favorably with the number of elements in the microstructure compared to the FE method, our method can significantly accelerate FE2 simulations

    Single-shot longitudinal bunch profile measurements at FLASH using electro-optic detection:experiment, simulation, and validation

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    At the superconducting linac of FLASH at DESY, we have installed an electro-optic (EO) experiment for single- shot, non-destructive measurements of the longitudinal electric charge distribution of individual electron bunches. The time profile of the electric bunch field is electro- optically encoded onto a chirped titanium-sapphire laser pulse. In the decoding step, the profile is retrieved either from a cross-correlation of the encoded pulse with a 30 fs laser pulse, obtained from the same laser (electro- optic temporal decoding, EOTD), or from the spectral intensity of the transmitted probe pulse (electro-optic spectral decoding, EOSD). At FLASH, the longitudinally compressed electron bunches have been measured during FEL operation with a resolution of better than 50 fs. The electro-optic process in gallium phosphide was numerically simulated using as input data the bunch shapes determined with a transverse-deflecting RF structure. In this contribution, we present electro-optically measured bunch profiles and compare them with the simulation

    Optimizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources for boson sampling

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    An important step for photonic quantum technologies is the demonstration of a quantum advantage through boson sampling. In order to prevent classical simulability of boson sampling, the photons need to be almost perfectly identical and almost without losses. These two requirements are connected through spectral filtering, improving one leads to a decrease of the other. A proven method of generating single photons is spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC). We show that an optimal trade-off between indistinguishability and losses can always be found for SPDC. We conclude that a 50-photon scattershot boson-sampling experiment using SPDC sources is possible from a computational complexity point of view. To this end, we numerically optimize SPDC sources under the regime of weak pumping and with a single spatial mode
