238 research outputs found

    Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment. Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Co-operation

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    Reforms to improve poor people’s access to justice and to promote their legal empowerment comprise the latest trend in legal development cooperation. This volume answers a number of basic questions about this new trend, such as access to justice and legal empowerment entail and its importance; the obstacles the poor and marginalised face in seeking justice and empowerment through the legal system; and the reforms proposed by these approaches to legal development co-operation. Furthermore, it outlines important considerations for policy-makers concerning access to justice and legal empowerment reforms

    Impactos ambientais do turismo ecológico no Brasil

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    A avaliação dos impactos ambientais do turismo ecológico apresenta-se como base para a determinação de medidas preventivas e corretivas, que visam conservar a atratividade e a originalidade das áreas com recursos naturais consideráveis. Neste estudo, avaliam-se os impactos da atividade no Brasil e sugere-se um planejamento intersetorial, que promova o desenvolvimento sustentável do turismo ecológico, baseado na determinação da capacidade de carga ("carrying capacity") dos recursos naturais. Esse planejamento visa a preservação dos ecossistemas, para o atendimento das expectativas dos novos segmentos do mercado turístico, que buscam turismo de aventura e o encontro com a natureza.The evaluation of ecological tourism environmental impact seems as a base to determine preventive and corrective actions, which are taken to maintain the atractivity and the originality of areas with large natural resources. ln this Study the activity impacts are devaluated in Brazil and a intersectorial plan issuggested which can promote the continuos ecological tourism development, based on the natural resources carryng capacity. This plan intends the preservations of a the Echo Sistems, to complay with the expectations of new segments of the touristical market which tend towards the adventure tourism and encounter with the nature

    Turismo sustentado para preservação do patrimônio ambiental

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    The interrelation between tourism and natural environment is incontestable; and from its favorable evolution depends the future of activity. The conscientization of tourists, executives, public service-men, of environmentalists and of the receptive community is fundamental for development of "sustainable tourism" - regarded by specialists as the only way to preserve the natural tourist resources for future generation.A interrelação entre o turismo e o meio ambiente natural é incontestável, e da sua evolução favorável depende o futuro da atividade. A conscientização dos turistas, dos empresários, dos órgãos públicos, dos ambientalistas e das comunidades receptoras é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do turismo sustentado - apontado pelos especialistas como a única forma de preservar os recursos turísticos naturais para as gerações futuras

    Tendências para o desenvolvimento do Turismo no Brasil até o ano 2002

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    Pesquisa desenvolvida com o objetivo de detectar as tendências do desenvolvimento do turismo no Brasil até o ano 2002, através da técnica de pesquisa Delphi. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a opinião de renomados especialistas do setor no Brasil sobre a evolução futura de vários aspectos do desenvolvimento da atividade no país que servirão de base para os órgãos públicos e empresas privadas do turismo na determinação das suas políticas o ações de investimento e de promoção.Research carried out by the Tourism Program of the Communications and Arts School of the University of São Paulo with the purpose of detecting the trends for the development of Tourism in Brazil up to year 2002, using the Delphi research technique. The results obtained reveal the opinion of well-known tourism experts in Brazil about the future evolution of various aspects of the development of this activity in the country; these results will be used by public bureaus and private companies connected with the Tourism industry for the establishment of their investment and promotion policies and actions

    Planejamento e organização territorial do Turismo

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    Touristic planning is presented as a fundamental activity for the balanced development of receptive tourist regions and in harmony with their physical, cultural and social resources. We approached the main focalization of the planning of tourism, the phases of the process and the importance of the hierarchization of the natural resources, having in view their adequate utilization and specially, their preservatian.Apresenta-se o planejamento turístico como atividade fundamental para o desenvolvimento equilibrado de regiões receptoras do turismo e em harmonia com os seus recursos físicos, culturais e sociais. Abordam-se os principais enfoques do planejamento turístico, as fases do processo e a importância da hierarquização dos recursos naturais, visando o seu aproveitamento adequado e, principalmente, a sua preservação

    Managing tourism

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    Access to justice and legal empowerment : making the poor central in legal development co-operation

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    How law can aid development has been the focus of much recent discussion among development workers, scholars and policy makers. Indeed, reforms to improve poor people's access to justice and to promote their legal empowerment comprise the latest trend in legal development cooperation. This volume answers a number of basic questions about this new trend, such as access to justice and legal empowerment entail and its importance; the obstacles the poor and marginalised face in seeking justice and empowerment through the legal system; and the reforms proposed by these approaches to legal development co-operation. Furthermore, it outlines important considerations for policymakers concerning access to justice and legal empowerment reform