24 research outputs found

    Novel epitheliomesenchymal biphasic stomach tumour (gastroblastoma) in a 9-year-old: morphological, usltrastructural and immunohistochemical findings

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    Gastroblastoma is a rare gastric epitheliomesenchymal biphasic tumour composed of spindle and epithelial cells, reported by Miettinen et al in a series of three cases in 2009. All those cases arose in stomachs of young adults. Neither the epithelial nor the mesenchymal component displayed sufficient atypia to diagnose a carcinosarcoma or other malignancy. On immunohistochemistry, the epithelial component expressed cytokeratin, and the mesenchymal component was positive for vimentin and CD10. Miettinen et al designated these neoplasms as gastroblastomas based on their similarities with other childhood blastomas such as pleuropulmonary blastoma and nephroblastoma. This report describes a probable fourth case of this unique type of neoplasm. The present case arose in the gastric antrum of a 9-year-old boy. While similarities were evident with the other cases, there were some differences. The epithelial component was more predominant and showed more mature morphology. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial component showed immunolabelling for c-KIT and CD56. The mesenchymal component was only focally positive for CD10. Ultrastructually, desmosomes and microvilli were found supporting a truly epithelial lesion

    Intrapulmonary Cystic Lymphangioma in a 2-month-old Infant

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    Lymphangioma is an abnormal collection of lymphatics that are developmentally isolated from the normal lymphatic system. Lymphangioma rarely presents as a solitary pulmonary lesion. We report a rare case of intrapulmonary cystic lymphangioma involving the upper lobe of the right lung, which presented with dyspnea in a 2-month-old infant. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest demonstrated a well-circumscribed, multiseptate, cystic lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung, mimicking the feature of type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation. The tumor was removed by bilobectomy of the upper and middle lobes of the right lung, and its pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of an intrapulmonary cystic lymphangioma

    Primary Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma of the Lung

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    Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare epithelial-like soft tissue sarcoma. The two main sites of its occurrence are the lower extremities in adults and the head and neck in children. Primary pulmonary involvement of this sarcoma, without evidence of soft tissue tumor elsewhere, is very exceptional. We present a case of primary ASPS of the lung in a 42-yr-old woman. A computed tomographic scan of the thorax demonstrated a well-circumscribed, solid tumor located in the right upper lobe. The mass was resected by right upper lobectomy. After 5 months, three metastatic lesions, involving lumbar vertebrae and occipital scalp, were found. Histologically, the tumor consisted of alveolar nests of large polygonal tumor cells, the cytoplasm of which frequently revealed periodic acid-Schiff-positive, diastase-resistant intracytoplasmic rod-like structures. On immunohistochemical staining, the tumor cells were positive only for vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin. Ultrastuctural study using electron microscopy revealed characteristic electron-dense, rhomboid intracytoplasmic crystals

    A Case of Severe Acute Kidney Injury by Near-Drowning

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) secondary to near-drowning is rarely described and poorly understood. Only few cases of severe isolated AKI resulting from near-drowning exist in the literature. We report a case of near-drowning who developed to isolated AKI due to acute tubular necrosis (ATN) requiring dialysis. A 21-yr-old man who recovered from near-drowning in freshwater 3 days earlier was admitted to our hospital with anuria and elevated level of serum creatinine. He needed five sessions of hemodialysis and then renal function recovered spontaneously. Renal biopsy confirmed ATN. We review the existing literature on near-drowning-induced AKI and discuss the possible pathogenesis

    Post-treatment Effects of Erythropoietin and Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid on Recovery from Cisplatin-induced Acute Renal Failure in the Rat

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    5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor and human recombinant erythropoietin might accelerate renal recovery in cisplatin-induced acute renal failure rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into four groups: 1) normal controls; 2) Cisplatin group-cisplatin induced acute renal failure (ARF) plus vehicle treatment; 3) Cisplatin+nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) group-cisplatin induced ARF plus 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor treatment; 4) Cisplatin+erythropoietin (EPO) group-cisplatin induced ARF plus erythropoietin treatment. On day 10 (after 7 daily injections of NDGA or EPO), urea nitrogen and serum Cr concentrations were significantly lower in the Cisplatin+NDGA and Cisplatin+EPO groups than in the Cisplatin group, and 24 hr urine Cr clearances were significantly higher in the Cisplatin+EPO group than in the Cisplatin group. Semi-quantitative assessments of histological lesions did not produce any significant differences between the three treatment groups. Numbers of PCNA(+) cells were significantly higher in Cisplatin, Cisplatin+NDGA, and Cisplatin+EPO groups than in normal controls. Those PCNA(+) cells were significantly increased in Cisplatin+NDGA group. These results suggest that EPO and also NDGA accelerate renal function recovery by stimulating tubular epithelial cell regeneration

    Effects of Celecoxib and Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid on Puromycin Aminonucleoside-Induced Nephrosis in the Rat

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    The selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibitors might inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and reduce proteinuria. The present study was designed to investigate the anti-proteinuric effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) as compared with celecoxib in puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) nephrosis rats. Fifty five male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups; A, normal control; B, PAN group; C, PAN+COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) group; and D, PAN+5-LOX inhibitor (NDGA) group. After induction of PAN nephrosis through repeated injections of PAN (7.5 and 15 mg/100 g body weight), rats were treated with celecoxib, NDGA, or vehicle for 2 weeks. Twenty four hour urine protein excretions were significantly lower in PAN+celecoxib and PAN+NDGA groups than in PAN group. Serum creatinine (SCr) concentrations and 24 hr urine creatinine clearances (CCr) were not significantly different in the four groups. Electron microscopy showed that podocyte morphology was changed after the induction of PAN nephrosis and was recovered after celecoxib or NDGA administration. Celecoxib significantly recovered the expressions of nephrin, CD2AP, COX-2, and TGF-β. NDGA also recovered TGF-β expression, but did not alter the expressions of nephrin, CD2AP and COX-2. The present study suggested that celecoxib and NDGA might effectively reduce proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome without impairing renal function