10 research outputs found

    Education (Bildung) for Values

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    The article develops the thesis that a universal value basis for holistic education (Bildung) is provided by a plural moral system in which various ethical discourses are constructively interwoven. This is more successful for education and allows the individual a broader evaluation of alternatives in moral action. The plurality of a moral system supposes the presence of various ethical discourses, including the ethics of human rights (liberal discourse), the ethics of the common good (communitarian discourse) and the ethics of interpersonal relations (the ethics of care). In interweaving all three of these discourses in education, the teacher should use common sense, which we define as the power of judgement and a sense of community. This is followed by views on how to model organise educational practices that stimulate the creation of an ethically plural educational environment in open communication, where the learner develops the ability to make judicious decisions with regard to moral action without having to submit passively to common norms

    Poklicno izobraževanje v kognitivni ali informacijski družbi

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    V zadnjih treh letih, torej po tem, ko je bila  sprejeta nova šolska zakonodaja, so slovenski dnevniki pretežno pisali o šolskih novostih v osnovni šoli ali kvečjemu še na prehodu s srednje šole na univerzo, torej v zvezi z maturo. Po takšnem pisanju bi lahko sklepali, da je oko javnosti in tudi stroke obrnjena predvsem k obveznemu ali splošnemu izobraževanju in da ostaja pri nas poklicno in strokovno izobraževanje še vedno nekako na robu civilnega interesa. V svetu se to že dolgo obrača v drugačno smer. Bolj ali manj je jasno, da je splošno izobraževanje razmeroma zadovoljivo  strukturirano, čeprav je splošno priznano, da so konceptualne rešitve na ravni obveznega izobraževanja še dokaj nedorečene

    The Bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue - different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    The bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    Upoštevanje drugačnosti - korak k šoli enakih možnosti

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    Osnovna šola

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    Za nadaljnji razvoj slovenske osnovne šole je ključnega pomena, da prihodnjim generacijam zagotavlja ustrezno splošno izobrazbo ter trajno in kakovostno znanje. Kakovost znanja je kompleksen pojem, ki z imperativom doseganja postavljenih ciljev in standardov znanja vključuje med drugim tudi oblikovanje osebnosti, oblikovanje nacionalne in kulturne identitete, razvijanje učnih navad, vzgojno delovanje itd

    Osnovna šola

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    Za nadaljnji razvoj slovenske osnovne šole je ključnega pomena, da prihodnjim generacijam zagotavlja ustrezno splošno izobrazbo ter trajno in kakovostno znanje. Kakovost znanja je kompleksen pojem, ki z imperativom doseganja postavljenih ciljev in standardov znanja vključuje med drugim tudi oblikovanje osebnosti, oblikovanje nacionalne in kulturne identitete, razvijanje učnih navad, vzgojno delovanje itd