65 research outputs found

    Modelo social cognitivo del rendimiento académico en ingresantes universitarios. La contribución de la autoeficacia social académica

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    La transición de la escuela a la universidad implica una serie de cambios donde muchos adolescentes pierden motivación y confianza en sí mismos, lo que puede llevar a un bajo rendimiento académico o el abandono de los estudios. A pesar de la importancia de esta problemática, en nuestro medio no existe un diagnóstico de las razones de fracaso de los estudiantes en el ingreso universitario. Desde la Teoría Social Cognitiva se han propuesto numerosos constructos para explicar y prevenir el fracaso académico, destacándose especialmente las creencias de autoeficacia para el rendimiento (AR) y para el aprendizaje autorregulado (AA). Sin embargo, no se encontraron estudios que indaguen el papel de la autoeficacia social académica (ASA) a pesar de la importancia que tienen los comportamientos sociales en el ámbito educativo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es elaborar un modelo explicativo que permita verificar la contribución de estas tres dimensiones de la autoeficacia sobre el rendimiento de ingresantes universitarios. Para esto, se llevó a cabo un diseño ex post facto prospectivo con más de un eslabón causal, en el que participaron 582 ingresantes universitarios. Los resultados observados en el path análisis señalan que el modelo especificado presenta un excelente ajuste a los datos (TLI=.97; CFI=.99; GFI=.99 RMSEA=.06). En efecto, se verifica la contribución de la ASA, la cual ejerce un efecto directo sobre la AA (=.35) e indirecto sobre las creencias de AR (=.05). Finamente, se discuten las implicancias prácticas y teóricas acerca de los resultados obtenidos, así como futuras líneas de trabajo.publishedVersionFil: Medrano, Leonardo A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina

    Employee Well-being and Life Satisfaction in Argentina: The Contribution of Psychological Detachment from Work

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    Previous research has demonstrated the impact of various life domains on employee well-being. However, these domains have been commonly examined separately. In addition, most existing studies on this topic stem from North America and Western European countries, particularly Spain and Netherlands. Comparatively, little research has been conducted in Latin American countries. The aim of this research was to develop and test a model of employee well-being in Argentina. One thousand and sixty employees from a national representative sample completed measures of leisure, psychological detachment from work, job resources, work-family conflict, work-related well-being (engagement and burnout), and subjective well-being (life satisfaction). Results from structural equation modeling indicated that the model fit the data well. We discuss practical implications of the findings for employee well-being and suggest future research building upon study limitations that may contribute to a more refined understanding of the results outlined in this study

    Cognitive processes of emotional regulation, burnout and work engagement

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    Workers constantly resort to cognitive processes of emotion regulation to deal with emotions they experience in the workplace. These processes belong either to the 'automatic' (preconscious and fast) or the 'elaborative' (conscious and slow) mode. This study aims to determine the role of these variables in the work setting and to analyze their relationship with positive and negative affect, engagement and burnout. Method: 350 employees (54.8% men and 45.2% women) were presented with several instruments measuring burnout, engagement, affect and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in a prospective study. An explanatory model was tested through structural equation modeling analysis. Results: Acceptable fit indices and a significant explanatory value both for burnout (61%) and engagement (58%) were obtained. The use of 'automatic' cognitive regulation strategies was associated with the presence of negative affect and burnout whereas 'elaborative' processes were associated with positive affect and engagement. Conclusions: Our findings underscore the importance of the role of cognitive emotion regulation in organizational settings

    QM7-X: A comprehensive dataset of quantum-mechanical properties spanning the chemical space of small organic molecules

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    We introduce QM7-X, a comprehensive dataset of 42 physicochemical properties for \approx 4.2 M equilibrium and non-equilibrium structures of small organic molecules with up to seven non-hydrogen (C, N, O, S, Cl) atoms. To span this fundamentally important region of chemical compound space (CCS), QM7-X includes an exhaustive sampling of (meta-)stable equilibrium structures - comprised of constitutional/structural isomers and stereoisomers, e.g., enantiomers and diastereomers (including cis-/trans- and conformational isomers) - as well as 100 non-equilibrium structural variations thereof to reach a total of \approx 4.2 M molecular structures. Computed at the tightly converged quantum-mechanical PBE0+MBD level of theory, QM7-X contains global (molecular) and local (atom-in-a-molecule) properties ranging from ground state quantities (such as atomization energies and dipole moments) to response quantities (such as polarizability tensors and dispersion coefficients). By providing a systematic, extensive, and tightly-converged dataset of quantum-mechanically computed physicochemical properties, we expect that QM7-X will play a critical role in the development of next-generation machine-learning based models for exploring greater swaths of CCS and performing in silico design of molecules with targeted properties

    Uso de rastrojo de maíz mas bovinaza en raciones para novillas de levante.

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    En el Centro Nacional de Investigación Palmira se realizó un experimento con el objeto de evaluar el efecto del rastrojo de maíz más bovinaza como componentes de raciones para el levante de novillas. Se usaron 15 novillas Holstein divididas en 3 tratamientos: en el primero (Grupo A), la ración suministrada llevaba 37.5 por ciento de rastrojo de maíz y 9 por ciento de bovinaza, en el segundo (Grupo B), las proporciones de rastrojo y bovinaza en la ración fueron iguales al grupo A más el 2.5 por ciento de urea, el tercero (Grupo C) fue considerado como testigo y se le ofreció una ración comercial. Las raciones fueron suministradas a nivel de 1.5 kg/animal/día, eran isoprotéicas con 14 por ciento de proteína cruda, mientras que los contenidos de energía fueron de 2.3, 2.4 y 2.5 Mcal/Kg de energía metabolizable de alimento para los grupos A, B y C, respectivamente. Luego de 150 días de experimentación se obtuvieron incrementos de peso de 0.700, 0.680 y 0.898 kg/día, para los 3 grupos, respectivamente. La conversión alimenticia fue de 9.17, 9.64 y 7.38 para los mismos grupos. El análisis económico destacó la ventaja de los grupos A y B sobre el testigo, encontrándose tasas de retorno de 1.78, 1.82 y 1.77 para los 3 grupos. Se concluyó que los resultados obtenidos al usar estos componentes en las raciones para levante de novillas fueron nutricionalmente buenos y representaron una gran ventaja económica durante la etapa de levante, además de ofrecer alternativas para el uso de subproductos agrícolas y permitir liberar mayor cantidad de grano para las explotaciones de animales monogástricosMaíz-Zea may

    Concepciones de la felicidad y su relación con el bienestar subjetivo: un estudio mediante redes semánticas naturales

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    La búsqueda de la felicidad es uno de los fines más ansiados por los seres humanos. Así mismo, cada vez son más los estudios dentro de la psicología que buscan hallar cuáles son los factores involucrados en la felicidad. Existen dos grandes enfoques para su estudio, el paradigma hedonista y el paradigma eudaimónico. El paradigma hedónico propone que el bienestar depende principalmente de vivir una vida con experiencias placenteras; mientras que el paradigma eudaimónico refiere que el bienestar no solo se logra mediante el placer, sino principalmente a través de la actualización del potencial humano. En el presente estudio se trabajó con una muestra compuesta por 340 ciudadanos de Córdoba (Argentina) para indagar cuáles son sus concepciones sobre la felicidad mediante la técnica de Redes Semánticas Naturales (RSN). En este sentido, se propusieron dos hipótesis: 1) los participantes concebirán la felicidad tanto en términos hedónicos como eudaimónicos y 2) aquellos participantes con mayores niveles de felicidad tendrán una concepción predominantemente eudaimónica de la felicidad. La primera de las hipótesis pudo corroborarse de manera amplia dado que las definiciones obtenidas, tanto en la muestra total como en los grupos comparados, contenían tanto componentes hedónicos como eudaimónicos. Así mismo, se aporta evidencia a favor de la segunda hipótesis, esto es que los participantes con mayores niveles de felicidad subjetiva presentan una concepción predominantemente eudaimónica de la felicidad

    The association between different domains of quality of life and symptoms in primary care patients with emotional disorders

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    Despite the importance of quality of life (QoL) in primary care patients with emotional disorders, the specific influence of the symptoms of these disorders and the sociodemographic characteristics of patients on the various QoL domains has received scant attention. The aim of the present study of primary care patients with emotional disorders was to analyse the associations between four different QoL domains and the most prevalent clinical symptoms (i.e., depression, anxiety and somatization), while controlling for sociodemographic variables. A total of 1241 participants from 28 primary care centres in Spain were assessed with the following instruments: the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 to evaluate depression; the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD)-7 for anxiety; PHQ-15 for somatization; and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Short Form (WHOQOL- Bref) to assess four broad QoL domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. The associations between the symptoms and QoL domains were examined using hierarchical regression analyses. Adjusted QoL mean values as a function of the number of overlapping diagnoses were calculated. The contribution of sociodemographic variables to most QoL domains was modest, explaining anywhere from 2% to 11% of the variance. However, adding the clinical variables increased the variance explained by 12% to 40% depending on the specific QoL domain. Depression was the strongest predictor for all domains. The number of overlapping diagnoses adversely affected all QoL domains, with each additional diagnosis reducing the main QoL subscales by 5 to 10 points. In primary care patients with a diagnostic impression of an emotional disorders as identified by their treating GP, clinical symptoms explained more of the variance in QoL than sociodemographic factors such as age, sex, level of education, marital status, work status, and income. Given the strong relationship between depressive symptoms and QoL, treatment of depression may constitute a key therapeutic target to improve QoL in people with emotional disorders in primary care

    Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of the treatment of emotional disorders in primary care: psicap clinical trial. description of the sub-study design

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    In the primary care (PC) setting in Spain, the prevalence of emotional disorders (EDs) such as anxiety, depression and somatoform disorder is high. In PC patients, these disorders are not always managed in accordance with the recommendations provided by clinical practice guidelines, resulting in major direct and indirect economic costs and suboptimal treatment outcomes. The aim is to analyze and compare the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of group-based psychological therapy versus treatment as usual (TAU). Methods: Multicenter, randomized controlled trial involving 300 patients recruited from PC centers in Madrid, Spain, with symptoms or possible diagnosis of anxiety, mood (mild or moderate), or somatoform disorders. Patients will be randomized to one of two groups: an experimental group, which will receive group-based transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy (TD-CBT); and a control group, which will receive TAU (mainly pharmacological interventions) prescribed by their general practitioner (GP). Clinical assessment will be performed with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Direct and indirect costs will be calculated and relevant socio-demographic variables will be registered. The Spanish version of the EuroQol 5D-5L will be administered. Patients will be assessed at baseline, immediately after treatment finalization, and at 6 and 12 months post-treatment. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare TD-CBT to TAU in the PC setting in Spain. This is the first comparative economic evaluation of these two treatment approaches in PC. The strength of the study is that it is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of psychotherapy and TAU for EDs in PC

    Mapping bridges between anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms in primary care patients: a network perspective

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    In primary care centers, emotional disorders (EDs; depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders) frequently appear to be associated. However, there is no previous information on the key (bridge) symptoms that maintain comorbidity. The current study aimed to identify symptoms that may play a linking role in bridging comorbidity among EDs from a network analysis perspective. A sample of adult primary care patients (N = 1704) with symptoms of EDs was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Network analysis was applied to examine the network structure, communities, expected influence, and bridge symptoms between depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. Sad mood and low energy were the most central symptoms. Furthermore, low energy, fainting spells, sad mood, and restlessness were detected as prominent bridge symptoms between anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms. These bridge symptoms could be therapeutic targets for early intervention and prevent the development of comorbidity among EDs. The results of this research highlight the importance of symptom-specific functional properties for the activation of communities within EDs, providing new insights on a complex phenomenon such as comorbidity

    Depresión, discapacidad y sus costes. Propuestas de mejora de asistencia en Atención Primaria

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    Los trastornos emocionales y en especial, la depresión, son los trastornos más prevalentes tanto a nivel global como en España. Estos trastornos ocasionan grandes costes a nivel personal como social, generando una elevada discapacidad y dependencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar el estado de la cuestión en cuanto al impacto de la depresión a nivel económico, así como de otros trastornos mentales comunes. Se esclarecerá la situación actual de los costes asociados a los trastornos del cerebro (trastornos neurológicos y trastornos mentales), específicamente los asociados a los trastornos emocionales del rango de la depresión, ansiedad y las somatizaciones. Además, se relacionarán con algunos factores que podrían estar condicionando la asistencia recibida en el sistema de salud español, describiendo algunas posibles deficiencias que de ser corregidas mejorarían la atención de los pacientes que presentan alguno de estos trastornos mentales comunes, mejorando así la gestión de los recursos disponibles con lo que repercutiría en un decremento de los costes asociados