638 research outputs found

    Sr isotopic signatures of Portuguese bottled mineral waters, their relationships with the geological setting and potential use for product authentication

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    The Sr isotopic ratios of nine bottled natural mineral waters from Portugal were measured in the Laboratory of Isotope Geology of the University of Aveiro (LGIUA). The results obtained show that the Sr isotopic variability of these waters is strongly correlated with the age and mineralogical composition of the aquifer source rocks. The lowest 87Sr/86Sr ratios are found in water samples from the Monchique aquifer (87Sr/86Sr = 0,70447), located in Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatic rocks of mantle origin. The Vimeiro waters are hosted in carbonate and evaporite formations of Jurassic age and have 87Sr/86Sr values of 0,70808, whereas the waters sourced in Cenozoic siliciclastic sediments tend to exhibit higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios, close to the rainwater value (São Silvestre; 87Sr/86Sr = 0,71078). Finally, the waters coming from granitic and/or metamorphic terrains of the Iberian Variscan basement (Vitalis, Luso, Carvalhelhos, Fastio, Serra da Estrela) display the most radiogenic Sr isotopic signatures (87Sr/86Sr > 0,7136). In the modern commercial context, the differences encountered provide a powerful tool for fingerprinting the mineral water origin and may be used for purposes of mineral water authentication. The use of 87Sr/86Sr ratios may also be extended to studies on the provenance of some foods and beverages, taking into account the influence of the geological / pedological factor on the Sr isotopic composition recorded by the plants

    PRODUCTIVIDAD DE Cynodon plectostachyus K. (Schum) Pilger y Dolichos lablab L. SOLOS Y ASOCIADOS BAJO DIFERENTES FRECUENCIAS DE CORTE

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    The production of biomass from Cynodon plectostachyus K. (Schum) Pilger and Dolichos lablab L., was evaluated as single crop and in association, at different frequencies of cutting, with the aim of presenting schemes for fodder and protein for livestock in the dry tropics. The treatments were the species alone and associated in combination with three frequencies of cutting, distributed as nine treatments in a design of plots divided into random blocks with four repetitions. Morphological and physiological variables of the yield were recorded in order to measure their productivity and response to the association. The data were analyzed statistically with SAS and a means comparison (Tukey p?0.05). The single-crop and associated plants modify their yield components in interaction with the cutting frequencies. The cutting intervals of the species alone or associated induced a higher production of aerial dry matter, as the evaluation period increased. As single crops, C. plectostachyus and D. lablab present low modification in the leaf/stem index as compared to the cutting intervals, except the legume which increased this relation when the cutting interval is more frequent. In association the pulse increased its leaf/stem relation by increasing the cutting time, and it decreased in the legume. The aerial biomass production increased with the association of C. plectostachyus plus D. lablab, and in this way both species expressed their ease in association. It is concluded that the association of both species is positive, although the different morphological and physiological attributes of the species and their contrasting effect in the study with cutting frequencies suggest a differential management that could lead to the persistence of the association.Se evaluó la producción de biomasa de Cynodon plectostachyus K. (Schum) Pilger and Dolichos lablab L., a diferentes frecuencias de corte como monocultivo y en asociación con el fin de presentar fuente de forraje y proteínas a la ganadería del trópico. Los tratamientos fueron las especies solas y asociadas en combinación con tres frecuencias de corte distribuidas como nueve tratamientos en un diseño de parcelas divididas en bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Se registraron variables morfológicas y fisiológicas del rendimiento para medir su productividad y respuesta a la asociación. Las plantas en monocultivo y asociadas modificaron sus componentes del rendimiento en interacción con las frecuencias de corte. Los intervalos de corte en las especies solas o asociadas, indujeron mayor producción de biomasa seca aérea conforme se incrementó el tiempo de evaluación. C. plectostachyus y D. lablab en monocultivo presentaron poca modificación en el índice hoja/tallo con relación a los intervalos de corte, a excepción de la leguminosa, que incrementó dicho índice cuando el intervalo de corte fue más frecuente. En la asociación, la gramínea incrementó su relación hoja/tallo al aumentar el tiempo de corte y se disminuyó en la leguminosa. La producción de biomasa aérea aumentó con la asociación C. plectostachyus más D. lablab y de esta forma, ambas especies expresaron su facilidad de asociación, sin embargo, los diferentes atributos morfológicos y fisiológicos de ambas especies y su efecto contrastante en el estudio con las frecuencias de corte, sugieren un manejo diferencial en la parcela que favorezcan su persistencia

    PRODUCTIVIDAD DE Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) y Clitoria ternatea L. CON BIOFERTILIZANTES

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    Se evaluaron los microorganismos Azospirillum brasilense y Rhizophagus intraradices en un suelo cambisol de la región del Itsmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, inoculados a Brachiaria brizantha y Clitoria ternatea con el fin de contar con alternativas de forrajes para la ganadería tropical. Se registró la efectividad de R. intraradices y Azospirillum brasilense con la promoción del desarrollo vegetal y el aumento en las cantidades de nitrógeno y fósforo en Brachiaria brizantha y Clitoria ternatea en condiciones de alta población de otros hongos micorrízicos


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    The influence of Rhizophagus intraradices in interaction with mineral fertilization on the growth of two oil palm hybrids, Deli X Ghana and Deli X Nigeria, was evaluated in Huehuetán, Chiapas. To develop the research, the experiment was established in a random block design with eight treatments and 16 repetitions. The treatments used with both hybrids were: 1) Rhizophagus intraradices, 2) 80N-60P-80K-10Ca-10Mg+B, 3) R. intraradices + 80N-60P-80K-10Ca-10Mg + B, and 4) Regional control 18N-46P-00K and 17N-17P-17K. The study variables were: length of stem, diameter of stem, number of leaves, aerial and root biomass, and foliage health. The data were analyzed statistically by applying the STATGRAPHICSCenturion XVI package, and the multiple-range Tukey test (P?0.05) was used to compare means. Results indicate that the Deli x Ghana hybrid presents greater plant development in comparison to Deli x Nigeria. The treatment with R. intraradices plus mineral fertilization was better for the growth variables and aerial biomass, and decrease of root biomass, and it presented less damage from pests and disease.Se evaluó la influencia de Rhizophagus intraradices en interacción con la fertilización mineral en el crecimiento de dos híbridos de palma de aceite Deli´+Ghana y Deli+Nigeria en Huehuetán, Chiapas. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se estableció el experimento en un diseño bloques al azar con ocho tratamientos y 16 repeticiones. Los tratamientos en ambos híbridos fueron, 1) Rhizophagus intraradices, 2) 80N-60P-80K-10Ca-10Mg+B, 3) R. intraradices + 80N-60P-80K-10Ca-10Mg+B, y 4) Testigo regional 18N-46P-00K y 17N-17P-17K. Las variables de estudio fueron: longitud de tallo, diámetro de tallo, númerode hojas, biomasa aérea y radical, y sanidad de follaje. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente aplicando el paquete estadístico STATGRAPHICS Centurión XVI y se utilizó la prueba de rango múltiple de Tukey (P?0.05) para la comparación de medias. Los resultados indican que el híbrido Deli+Ghana presenta mayor desarrollo vegetal en comparación a Deli+Nigeria. El tratamiento R. intraradices más fertilización mineral fue superior en las variables de crecimiento y biomasa aérea y disminución de biomasa radical, así mismo presentó menor daño por plagas y enfermedades

    RELACIONES HÍDRICAS EN EXPLANTES FOLIARES DE Coffea canephora (Pierre) ex Froehner

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    The demand for Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) has increased, for the elaboration of soluble coffee, because it contains 2-3 % more caffeine. Genotypes with higher yield have been identified and their massive reproduction is sought through somatic embryogenesis and by identifying their physiological response to different disinfectants through the determination of the capacity for osmotic adjustment. A study was developed to determine the degree of osmotic adjustment of foliar explants of Robusta coffee in the aseptic in vitro establishment. Foliar explants were used of the following genotypes of C. canephora: INIFAP 95-8, 95-9, 97-10, 97-15, 97-18 and 97-20, disinfected with NaClO (0.1, 0.5,1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 %), and Ca(ClO)2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 %), as well as the combination of both. The hydric, osmotic potential, turgidity, and concentration of Cl-, Na+ and Ca++ ions was determined. The results indicated that the genotypes present different capacity of tolerance to disinfectants alone or combined, and in their response to the accumulation of osmotically active substances, with INIFAP 95-9 and 97-20 standing out, with an osmotic adjustment from accumulation of Cl-, Na+ and Ca++ , while when combining NaClO and Ca(ClO)2, the INIFAP 95-8 genotype showed the osmotic adjustment.El café robusta (Coffea canephora) ha incrementado su demanda para elaboración de café soluble por contener entre 2-3% más de cafeína. Se han identificado genotipos con mayor rendimiento y se busca su reproducción masiva por medio de embriogénesis somática e identificar su respuesta fisiológica a diferentes desinfectantes mediante la determinación de la capacidad de ajuste osmótico. Se desarrolló un estudio para determinar el grado de ajuste osmótico de explantes foliares de café robusta en el establecimiento aséptico in vitro. Se utilizaron explantes foliares de los genotipos de C. canephora: INIFAP 95-8, 95-9, 97-10, 97-15, 97-18 y 97-20, desinfectados con NaClO (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 y 4.0 %), y Ca(ClO)2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10%), así como, la combinación de ambos. Se determinó el potencial hídrico, osmótico, turgencia, y concentración de iones Cl-, Na+ y Ca++. Los resultados indicaron que los genotipos presentan diferente capacidad de tolerancia a los desinfectantes solos o combinados y en su respuesta a la acumulación de sustancias osmóticamente activas, sobresaliendo INIFAP 95-9 y 97-20 con ajuste osmótico por acumulación de Cl-, Na+ y Ca++ mientras que al combinar NaClO y Ca(ClO)2, el genotipo INIFAP 95-8, disminuyó el ajuste osmótico al incrementar la concentración de los desinfectante


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    The influence of three auxins with different concentrations in the rooting of Jatropha curcas L. pine nut cuttings was evaluated. Cuttings were collected with a length of 30±3 cm and a diameter of 20±3 mm. After the cut, they were placed in containers with the cut facing down, and they remained there for three days. Before planting, they were immersed in auxins for 1 h and planted in polyethylene bags of 5 kg capacity, and later 66 ml of each treatment were applied to each pot. The substrate was a mixture of soil and sand. There were 13 resulting treatments with four concentrations (10, 250, 500 and 1000 mg kg-1) of indole-acetic acid (IAA), indole-butyric acid (IBA), naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) and a control, distributed in a completely random design with eight repetitions. The number of roots, dry weight of radical and aerial biomass was recorded, and analyzed statistically considering differences between treatments (Tukey 5 %). The results indicated that auxins promoted the root and plant development of J. curcas in a differential manner, depending on the concentration applied. The NAA promoted the highest response, while IBA showed an intermediate response, and IAA was the lowest. The greatest aerial and radical biomass was quantified with the application of naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA), and in terms of greater increase in structures and biomass, it was seen with indole-butyric acid (IBA) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) with the lowest dose applied, respectively.Se evaluó la influencia de tres auxinas con diferentes concentraciones en el enraizamiento de estacas de piñón Jatropha curcas L. Se colectaron estacas con una longitud de 30±3 cm y un diámetro de 20±3 mm. Después de cortadas, se depositaron en recipientes con el corte hacia abajo donde permanecieron tres días. Antes de la siembra, se sumergieron en las auxinas durante 1 h y se sembraron en bolsas de polietileno de 5 kg de capacidad y posteriormente se aplicaron 66 ml de cada tratamiento por maceta. El sustrato fue mezcla de suelo y arena. Se tuvieron 13 tratamientos resultantes de cuatro concentraciones (10, 250, 500 y 1000 mg kg-1) de ácido indolacético (AIA), ácido indolbutírico (AIB), ácido naftalenacético (ANA) y un testigo, distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar con ocho repeticiones. Se registró el número de raíces, peso seco de raíces y biomasa aérea, analizados estadísticamente considerando diferencias entre tratamientos (Tukey 5%). Los resultados indicaron que las auxinas promovieron el desarrollo radical y vegetal de J. curcas de forma diferencial de acuerdo a la concentración aplicada. El ANA promovió la mayor respuesta, mientras que AIB registró una intermedia y AIA fue la menor. La mayor biomasa aérea y radical se cuantificó con aplicación de ácido naftalenacético (ANA), y en cuanto a mayor incremento en estructuras y biomasa se registró con el ácido indolbutírico (AIB) y ácido indolacético (AIA) con la menor dosis aplicada respectivamente


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    The study was carried out in the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences School Campus IV (UNACH) with the objective of determining the effect of two traditional growth regulators and one homobrassinolide (brassinosteroid) added in two concentrations to the MS medium for the in vitro growth of Gran Enano banana (Musa sp.). It was established on two growth media based on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) (1962), and three growth regulators, BAP, AIA and Br in two concentrations of 2 mg L-1 and 4 mg L-1, at pH of 5.6. The explants were incubated at 26±1 °C, 60% H.R., I.L: 45 mE.m-2 s-1 and a light period of 16 hours light and 8 darkness; in total, 14 treatments with 10 repetitions in a completely random design. The number of buds, leaves, roots and height were measured. The results indicated differential effect between growth media and concentrations of growth regulators. In the radical induction, the MS medium at 50 % in interaction with AIA and brassinosteroid increased the number of roots in the explants, while the number of leaves increased with BAP and brassinosteroid and decreased with AIA.La investigación se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biotecnología de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas Campus IV (UNACH) con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de dos reguladores del crecimiento tradicionales y un homobrasinólido (brasinoesteroide) adicionados en dos concentraciones al medio MS en el crecimiento in vitro del clon de banano gran enano (Musa sp.). Se estableció en dos medios de cultivo con base a Murashige y Skoog (MS) (1962) modificado, y tres reguladores del crecimiento BAP, AIA y Br en dos concentraciones de 2 mg L-1 y 4 mg L-1, a pH de 5.6. Los explantes se incubaron a 26±1°C, 60% H.R., I.L: 45 mE.m-2 s-1 y un fotoperiodo de 16 horas luz y 8 de oscuridad. En total 14 tratamientos con 10 repeticiones en un diseño completamente al azar. Se midieron, número de brotes, hojas, raíces y altura. Los resultados indicaron efecto diferencial entre medios de cultivo y concentraciones de reguladores del crecimiento. En la inducción radical el medio MS al 50% en interacción con AIA y Brasinoesteroide aumentaron el número de raíces en los explantes, mientras que el número de hojas lo aumentó BAP y Brasinoesteroide y disminuyó con AIA

    Cholangiocyte anion exchange and biliary bicarbonate excretion

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    Primary canalicular bile undergoes a process of fluidization and alkalinization along the biliary tract that is influenced by several factors including hormones, innervation/neuropeptides, and biliary constituents. The excretion of bicarbonate at both the canaliculi and the bile ducts is an important contributor to the generation of the so-called bile-salt independent flow. Bicarbonate is secreted from hepatocytes and cholangiocytes through parallel mechanisms which involve chloride efflux through activation of Cl- channels, and further bicarbonate secretion via AE2/SLC4A2-mediated Cl-/HCO3- exchange. Glucagon and secretin are two relevant hormones which seem to act very similarly in their target cells (hepatocytes for the former and cholangiocytes for the latter). These hormones interact with their specific G protein-coupled receptors, causing increases in intracellular levels of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent Cl- and HCO3- secretory mechanisms. Both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes appear to have cAMP-responsive intracellular vesicles in which AE2/SLC4A2 colocalizes with cell specific Cl- channels (CFTR in cholangiocytes and not yet determined in hepatocytes) and aquaporins (AQP8 in hepatocytes and AQP1 in cholangiocytes). cAMP-induced coordinated trafficking of these vesicles to either canalicular or cholangiocyte lumenal membranes and further exocytosis results in increased osmotic forces and passive movement of water with net bicarbonate-rich hydrocholeresis

    Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Tertiary Granitoids from Eastern Iran

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    Os granitóides sub-vulcânicos da zona de Chah-Shaljami fazem parte da faixa vulcânico-plutónica cenozóica do Bloco de Lut (Irão central-oriental). Tratam-se de quartzo-monzonitos, granodioritos e monzodioritos que, de acordo com a geoquímica de elementos maiores e vestigiais, são co-genéticos e têm características de rochas calco-alcalinas ricas de potássio a shoshoníticas, de ambiente de arco vulcânico. Numa amostra de quartzo-monzonito foi obtida uma idade Rb-Sr (rocha total - minerais) de 33.6±1 Ma; visto que esta amostra está praticamente livre de efeitos de alteração e que o arrefecimento foi provavelmente rápido, a idade de ~34 Ma deve corresponder à instalação magmática. Excepto em duas amostras, os valores iniciais de 87Sr/86Sr e εNd nos granitóides estudados estão concentrados nos intervalos de 0.7047 a 0.7051 e de +1.9 a +2.7, respectivamente, o que é consistente com uma fonte em cunha mantélica supra-subducção e indica que não houve contribuição crustal significativa na diversificação magmática; contudo, uma amostra tem (87Sr/86Sr)i superior e εNdt inferior, revelando que, ocasionalmente, a assimilação de rochas crustais também contribuiu para a variação geoquímica; uma outra amostra, fortemente afectada por alteração hidrotermal, afasta-se do grupo principal somente pelo relativamente elevado valor de (87Sr/86Sr)i, sugerindo que o processo hidrotermal envolveu fluidos crustais.Chah-Shaljami sub-volcanic granitoids belong to the Cenozoic volcanic-plutonic belt within the Lut Block (central eastern Iran). These intrusive rocks are mostly quartz monzonites, granodiorites and monzodiorites. Major and trace element geochemical evidence reveals that they are co-genetic and that they have features typical of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks from a volcanic arc setting. A Rb-Sr whole rock-mineral age of 33.6±1 Ma was obtained in a quartz monzonite sample; taking into account that this sample was almost unaffected by alteration and that cooling was probably fast, the ~34 Ma date is interpreted as the intrusion age. With the exception of two samples, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd values of the studied granitoids are clustered in the restricted ranges from 0.7047 to 0.7051 and from +1.9 to +2.7, respectively, which fits into a supra-subduction mantle wedge source for the parental melts and indicates that, in general, crustal contribution for magma diversification was not relevant; however, one sample shows higher (87Sr/86Sr)i and lower εNdt, revealing that, occasionally, crustal rock assimilation also contributed to the geochemical variation; one other sample, strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, departs from the main group only by higher (87Sr/86Sr)i, suggesting that its alteration involved crustal fluids

    Quantitative determination of amino acids in earthworm meal (Eisenia andrei) by a Surveyor HPLC system in conjunction with pre-column 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate derivatization

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate the integration of the AccQ•Tag derivatization system with the Finnigan Surveyor Plus HPLC system to determine the amino acids (aa) composition of earthworm meal protein post-hydrolysis. Materials and Methods: In lab cultivated earthworms (Eisenia andrei) were reduced to flour which was then hydrolyzed with 6M HCl at 110 °C for 24 hours in a closed system. The hydrolysis product was neutralized and their aa were derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (AQC). The derivatized-aa were separated by RP-HPLC and detected by fluorescence. Results and Conclusion: The proposed integration makes optimal use of both the modular design of the Surveyor Plus HPLC for versatility and flexibility and the main features of the AccQ•Tag derivatization system in terms of stability and reproducibility. Analytical validation parameters were studied both before and after derivatization with AQC. The resulting data were within acceptable ranges for this type of analysis. Pre-column derivatization with AQC yielded appropriate sensitivities within the low pmol range per injection. Earthworm meal generated the following aa; the most abundant (w/w) being: Glu, Asp, Arg, Leu, and Lys (4 % - 10 %), whereas the lowest content corresponded to Met (< 1. 5%), which is comparable to fishmeal. The analytical proposal can be used with confidence in earthworm meal quality control to guarantee the appropriate aa content to create an optimum fish diet.Objetivo. Evaluar la integración del sistema de derivatización AccQ•Tag en conjunción con el sistema de cromatografía CLAR Finnigan Surveyor Plus en la determinación de la composición de aminoácidos (aa) de las proteínas de harina de lombriz posterior a la hidrólisis. Material y Método. Las lombrices de tierra (Eisenia andrei) fueron criadas en condiciones de laboratorio, reducidas a harina e hidrolizadas con HCl 6 M a 110ºC por 24 horas en un sistema cerrado. El producto de la hidrólisis se neutralizó y los aa se derivatizaron con 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (AQC). Los aminoácidos derivatizados se separaron por cromatografía liquida de alta resolución (CLAR) en FR y se detectaron por fluorescencia. Resultados y Conclusiones. La integración propuesta conformada por el diseño modular del sistema CLAR Surveyor Plus (versatilidad y flexibilidad) y las principales características del sistema de derivación AccQ•Tag (estabilidad y reproducibilidad) resultó óptima. Los parámetros analíticos de validación fueron estudiados antes y después de la derivatización con AQC originando datos dentro de los intervalos aceptables, incluyendo un límite de cuantificación en el orden de pmol por inyección. Los aminoacidos más abundantes (m/m) en la harina de lombriz fueron: Glu, Asp, Arg, Leu y Lys (4 % - 10 %), mientras que el contenido más bajo correspondió a Met (< 1,5 %), pero comparable a la harina de pescado. La propuesta de análisis se puede utilizar con seguridad en el control de calidad de la harina de lombriz de tierra con el fin de garantizar el contenido apropiado de aa para crear una dieta óptima para peces.1.- Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (FONACIT) del MCT de Venezuela. Proyectos: G2005000869, G2008001102 y G-2014000010.2.- El Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico, Tecnológico y de las Artes (CDCHTA), de la Universidad de Los Andes. Mérida, Venezuela, Proyecto Nº FA-434-08-03-ED, FA-492-11-08-A y FA-511-12-08-B