11 research outputs found

    La competencia metodol贸gica del profesor de Lenguas Extranjeras desde un enfoque configuracional

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    This article shows a proposal of the definition of what is meant by methodological competence for foreign language teaching from a configurational perspective. A definition is given to the term competence and from this definition, the content of methodological competence was determined through the subcompetences that foreign language teachers should have in order to be considered competent from the methodological stand point. The results which are presented in the article might be considered very useful, both from the theoretical and from the practical points of view. They can be used as a guide for the preparation of teachers with the aim of obtaining higher levels of efficiency in the formation and development of the verbal skills in foreign languages in his students. Such a goal is of great importance nowadays all over the world.    Este art铆culo presenta una propuesta de definici贸n de la competencia metodol贸gica del profesor de lenguas extranjeras desde un enfoque configuracional. Se aborda inicialmente la definici贸n del t茅rmino competencia y a partir de esta, se determina el contenido de la competencia metodol贸gica a trav茅s de las subcompetencias que debe poseer el profesor de lenguas extranjeras para considerarse competente en el orden metodol贸gico. Los resultados que se presentan en el art铆culo son de utilidad tanto te贸rica como pr谩ctica, pues sirven de gu铆a para la preparaci贸n de los profesores con el objetivo de lograr mayores niveles de eficiencia en la formaci贸n y desarrollo de las habilidades verbales en lenguas extranjeras en sus alumnos y alumnas, aspecto este de gran relevancia en el mundo contempor谩neo.     &nbsp


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    The authors supported the formation and development of the communicative competence in English with the use of the educative software for Senior High School students which constitutes a tool for all teachers and students because of the advantages that the modern technology offers to the lessons. Communicative competence has a paramount importance for human communication, which is its goal. The content of the article provides the theoretic, basically didactical sustains to the use of the software in the English lessons as a scientific newness. This technology, well used, could help the teaching learning process of this subject. In this article, some key categories are redefined and the treatment to the diagnosis and stimulation of some cognitive elements is also presented. These are of substantive importance for using new technology in the solution of the scientific problem dealt with.  Se abord贸 la formaci贸n y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en ingl茅s con el uso del software educativo  para  los estudiantes de preuniversitario, que se constituye en herramienta al alcance de  los  profesores y  estudiantes por las ventajas que ofrece el uso de medios modernos en el aula.  La competencia comunicativa, reviste importancia capital para la comunicaci贸n humana, que es definitivamente su fin. Su contenido recoge los sustentos te贸ricos, b谩sicamente did谩cticos, para  el uso del software en las clases de ingl茅s como elemento de novedad cient铆fica.  Esta tecnolog铆a, bien utilizada, sirve de soporte al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje de esta lengua. En el art铆culo se redefinen categor铆as clave para el proceso que se modela, as铆 como se le da tratamiento al diagn贸stico y estimulaci贸n de elementos de naturaleza cognitiva, que son de importancia sustantiva para la utilizaci贸n del novedoso medio en funci贸n de dar soluci贸n al problema cient铆fico que se abord贸


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    The authors supported the process of reading comprehension as a communicative skill of relevance in the education of future professors for Elementary Education in the Republic of Ecuador. As a basis, the authors determined the theoretical frame of this skill taking into consideration the communicative approach as the general methodological conception for the development of this skill, as well as its relation with other categories and basic concepts from the perspective of the pedagogical sciences. The ones considered were: communication, comprehension, text, and communicative skills. As the main theoretical consideration, the authors determined that it can be said that someone has comprehended a text when he is able to carry out a critical evaluation of its contents form his individual cosmovision. Then, as the main results, the authors offered didactic suggestions which they considered useful for the development of this skill. These are related to: the communicative approach and its practical implications, the process of comprehension mainly from a psychological perspective, the consideration of the text as a mediator in the process of comprehension and not as an end in itself, reading strategies as an essential factor during the development of this communicative skill, the necessity to assume a critical position towards the contents of the reading texts, and the importance of contextualizing the reading process and exploiting in its learning the facilities of the technologies of information and communication.Se abord贸 el proceso de comprensi贸n lectora como habilidad comunicativa de relevancia en la formaci贸n de docentes para la Educaci贸n Primaria en la Rep煤blica de Ecuador. Se parti贸 de los fundamentos te贸ricos de esta habilidad desde la consideraci贸n del enfoque comunicativo como concepci贸n metodol贸gica general para el desarrollo de esta habilidad comunicativa, as铆 como la relaci贸n de esta con otras importantes categor铆as y conceptos b谩sicos desde las mirada de las ciencias pedag贸gicas, a saber, comunicaci贸n, comprensi贸n, texto y habilidad comunicativa. Como consideraci贸n central se asumi贸 que se ha comprendido un texto escrito cuando el estudiante es capaz de realizar valoraciones cr铆ticas desde su cosmovisi贸n individual. Como colof贸n se ofrecieron sugerencias did谩cticas que se consideraron 煤tiles para el desarrollo de esta habilidad. Estas se centraron en: el enfoque comunicativo y sus implicaciones pr谩cticas, el proceso de comprensi贸n b谩sicamente desde una perspectiva psicol贸gica, la consideraci贸n del texto como mediador en el proceso de comprensi贸n y no como fin en s铆 mismo, las estrategias lectoras como factor esencial a formar durante el aprendizaje de esta habilidad comunicativa, la necesidad de asumir una posici贸n cr铆tica ante el contenido del texto y la importancia de contextualizar la lectura y explotar en su aprendizaje las facilidades de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y las comunicaciones

    The backwash effect in the English oral expression formation and development at senior high education

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    En el presente art铆culo se fundamentan las implicaciones del efecto de rebote de la evaluaci贸n sistem谩tica en la formaci贸n y desarrollo de la expresi贸n oral en ingl茅s. Ello es el resultado de un proceso investigativo que se ha realizado en el contexto de la Educaci贸n Preuniversitaria de la Provincia de Holgu铆n. Se revela el car谩cter rector de la habilidad expresi贸n oral en el proceso de comunicaci贸n y su v铆nculo sist茅mico con el resto de las habilidades comunicativas. Tambi茅n se asume que el aprendizaje de la misma se da en la relaci贸n dial茅ctica entre la formaci贸n de h谩bitos ling眉铆sticos orales y el desarrollo de la referida habilidad. En este proceso, se aprovechan las facilidades de la evaluaci贸n sistem谩tica y su efecto de rebote para dinamizar los estadios de formaci贸n y desarrollo de la expresi贸n oral en ingl茅s. Como resultado, se incrementan los niveles de competencia comunicativa oral en el aprendizaje de esta lengua extranjera.This article accounts for the systematic evaluation backwash effect implications in the process of formation and development of the English oral expression. It has been the result of a research accomplished at Senior High Education in Holgu铆n Province. The rectorial character of the oral expression in the communicative process is considered. Likewise, its systemic linkage with the rest of the communicative skills is also regarded. Furthermore, it is assumed that the learning of this skill befalls in the dialectical relationship between linguistic habits formation and the development of the English oral expression. It is relevant to highlight that the systematic evaluation backwash effect is used to dynamize the stages of formation and development. Accordingly, the oral communicative competence levels are improved in the foreign language learning

    Considerations About Pedagogical and Professional Oral Communicative Competence in English

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    En el art铆culo se abord贸 uno de los problemas m谩s importantes y actuales para el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje del ingl茅s como lengua extranjera: la formaci贸n y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral profesional pedag贸gica. Para ello, los autores realizaron una sistematizaci贸n de los elementos esenciales que han dado tratamiento al tema. Investigaci贸n descriptiva, desde una posici贸n cr铆tica y dial茅ctica permite revelar faltantes a resolver por v铆a cient铆fica que dieron lugar a los resultados de un proyecto de investigaci贸n orientado a la did谩ctica espec铆fica del Ingl茅s como segunda lengua. Para la fase de diagn贸stico-f谩ctico: observaci贸n cient铆fica, se encuestaron a 70 estudiantes seleccionados desde un muestreo aleatorio estratificado de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educaci贸n, especialidad Lengua Inglesa, que representa un 35,2% de la poblaci贸n. Una segunda encuesta, se aplic贸 a 10 profesores de Pr谩ctica Integral de la Lengua Ingles y se entrevistaron 20 docentes con experiencia en la Educaci贸n Superior Pedag贸gica El objetivo fundamental radica en el an谩lisis de fundamentos te贸ricometodol贸gicos sobre las principales categor铆as pedag贸gicas de la competencia comunicativa oral profesional pedag贸gica en ingl茅s, con un enfoque sist茅mico-comunicativo. Todo lo anterior conforma la novedad de una investigaci贸n terminada en la Universidad de Ciencias Pedag贸gicas de Holgu铆n, en especial en los profesores en formaci贸n de ingl茅s.Abstract: The article dealt with one of the most important and updated problems of the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language: the formation and development of the pedagogical and professional oral communicative competence. To do so, the authors carried out an analysis of different sources which have to do with this theme. Descriptive research, from a position critical and dialectic to reveal missing to resolve through the science that gave rise to the results of a research project aimed at the specific teaching of English as a second language. For the diagnostic - factice phase: scientific observation, surveyed 70 students selected from a random stratified sampling of the Bachelor鈥檚 degree in education, English language specialty race, representing 35.2% of the population. A second survey was applied to 10 teachers of comprehensive practice of the English language and interviewed 20 teachers with experience in teaching higher education.The main objective is aimed at the analysis of theoretic-methodological foundations about the main pedagogical categories of the pedagogical and professional oral communicative competence in English, with a systemic-communicative approach. Everything previously stated constitutes the novelty of an investigation concluded in the University of Pedagogical Sciences in Holgu铆n, especially in teachers-to-be of English

    The methodological competence of the teacher of foreign languages from a configurational approach

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    This article shows a proposal of the definition of what is meant by methodological competence for foreign language teaching from a configurational perspective. A definition is given to the term competence and from this definition, the content of methodological competence was determined through the subcompetences that foreign language teachers should have in order to be considered competent from the methodological stand point. The results which are presented in the article might be considered very useful, both from the theoretical and from the practical points of view. They can be used as a guide for the preparation of teachers with the aim of obtaining higher levels of efficiency in the formation and development of the verbal skills in foreign languages in his students. Such a goal is of great importance nowadays all over the world.聽聽</p

    Competencia comunicativa en Ingl茅s con el uso del software educativo

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    The authors supported the formation and development of the communicative competence in English with the use of the educative software for Senior High School students which constitutes a tool for all teachers and students because of the advantages that the modern technology offers to the lessons. Communicative competence has a paramount importance for human communication, which is its goal. The content of the article provides the theoretic, basically didactical sustains to the use of the software in the English lessons as a scientific newness. This technology, well used, could help the teaching learning process of this subject. In this article, some key categories are redefined and the treatment to the diagnosis and stimulation of some cognitive elements is also presented. These are of substantive importance for using new technology in the solution of the scientific problem dealt with.Se abord贸 la formaci贸n y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en ingl茅s con el uso del software educativo para los estudiantes de preuniversitario, que se constituye en herramienta al alcance de los profesores y estudiantes por las ventajas que ofrece el uso de medios modernos en el aula. La competencia comunicativa, reviste importancia capital para la comunicaci贸n humana, que es definitivamente su fin. Su contenido recoge los sustentos te贸ricos, b谩sicamente did谩cticos, para el uso del software en las clases de ingl茅s como elemento de novedad cient铆fica. Esta tecnolog铆a, bien utilizada, sirve de soporte al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje de esta lengua. En el art铆culo se redefinen categor铆as clave para el proceso que se modela, as铆 como se le da tratamiento al diagn贸stico y estimulaci贸n de elementos de naturaleza cognitiva, que son de importancia sustantiva para la utilizaci贸n del novedoso medio en funci贸n de dar soluci贸n al problema cient铆fico que se abord贸


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    The authors supported the formation and development of the communicative competence in English with the use of the educative software for Senior High School students which constitutes a tool for all teachers and students because of the advantages that the modern technology offers to the lessons. Communicative competence has a paramount importance for human communication, which is its goal. The content of the article provides the theoretic, basically didactical sustains to the use of the software in the English lessons as a scientific newness. This technology, well used, could help the teaching learning process of this subject. In this article, some key categories are redefined and the treatment to the diagnosis and stimulation of some cognitive elements is also presented. These are of substantive importance for using new technology in the solution of the scientific problem dealt with. RESUMEN Se abord贸 la formaci贸n y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en ingl茅s con el uso del software educativo para los estudiantes de preuniversitario, que se constituye en herramienta al alcance de los profesores y estudiantes por las ventajas que ofrece el uso de medios modernos en el aula. La competencia comunicativa, reviste importancia capital para la comunicaci贸n humana, que es definitivamente su fin. Su contenido recoge los sustentos te贸ricos, b谩sicamente did谩cticos, para el uso del software en las clases de ingl茅s como elemento de novedad cient铆fica. Esta tecnolog铆a, bien utilizada, sirve de soporte al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje de esta lengua. En el art铆culo se redefinen categor铆as clave para el proceso que se modela, as铆 como se le da tratamiento al diagn贸stico y estimulaci贸n de elementos de naturaleza cognitiva, que son de importancia sustantiva para la utilizaci贸n del novedoso medio en funci贸n de dar soluci贸n al problema cient铆fico que se abord贸

    Did谩ctica para la comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes de la carrera de Educaci贸n B谩sica del Ecuador desde una perspectiva cr铆tica

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    The authors supported the process of reading comprehension as a communicative skill of relevance in the education of future professors for Elementary Education in the Republic of Ecuador. As a basis, the authors determined the theoretical frame of this skill taking into consideration the communicative approach as the general methodological conception for the development of this skill, as well as its relation with other categories and basic concepts from the perspective of the pedagogical sciences. The ones considered were: communication, comprehension, text, and communicative skills. As the main theoretical consideration, the authors determined that it can be said that someone has comprehended a text when he is able to carry out a critical evaluation of its contents form his individual cosmovision. Then, as the main results, the authors offered didactic suggestions which they considered useful for the development of this skill. These are related to: the communicative approach and its practical implications, the process of comprehension mainly from a psychological perspective, the consideration of the text as a mediator in the process of comprehension and not as an end in itself, reading strategies as an essential factor during the development of this communicative skill, the necessity to assume a critical position towards the contents of the reading texts, and the importance of contextualizing the reading process and exploiting in its learning the facilities of the technologies of information and communication.Se abord贸 el proceso de comprensi贸n lectora como habilidad comunicativa de relevancia en la formaci贸n de docentes para la Educaci贸n Primaria en la Rep煤blica de Ecuador. Se parti贸 de los fundamentos te贸ricos de esta habilidad desde la consideraci贸n del enfoque comunicativo como concepci贸n metodol贸gica general para el desarrollo de esta habilidad comunicativa, as铆 como la relaci贸n de esta con otras importantes categor铆as y conceptos b谩sicos desde las mirada de las ciencias pedag贸gicas, a saber, comunicaci贸n, comprensi贸n, texto y habilidad comunicativa. Como consideraci贸n central se asumi贸 que se ha comprendido un texto escrito cuando el estudiante es capaz de realizar valoraciones cr铆ticas desde su cosmovisi贸n individual. Como colof贸n se ofrecieron sugerencias did谩cticas que se consideraron 煤tiles para el desarrollo de esta habilidad. Estas se centraron en: el enfoque comunicativo y sus implicaciones pr谩cticas, el proceso de comprensi贸n b谩sicamente desde una perspectiva psicol贸gica, la consideraci贸n del texto como mediador en el proceso de comprensi贸n y no como fin en s铆 mismo, las estrategias lectoras como factor esencial a formar durante el aprendizaje de esta habilidad comunicativa, la necesidad de asumir una posici贸n cr铆tica ante el contenido del texto y la importancia de contextualizar la lectura y explotar en su aprendizaje las facilidades de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y las comunicaciones