353 research outputs found


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    The RIPE@2018 Conference was a milestone for the initiative as the first conference hosted and held in southern Europe. The School of Communication at the University of Navarra was pleased to host the event, and did so in conjunction with CICOM 34, an annual International Communication Conference organised by the School. The RIPE initiative is committed to deepening fruitful relations between academic researchers and educators and the practitioner community in public service media (PSM), especially strategic managers. Our 2018 conference was sponsored by Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (RTVE), Spain’s PSM television company. Conference participants visited the new facilities at RTVE because the conference was conducted in Madrid. The RIPE leadership team and conference participants are grateful for the considerable work and investment from the University of Navarra that made the 2018 conference a success

    The new spanish public service broadcasting model

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo consiste en analizar las causas y consecuencias de la última reforma de RTVE en su desarrollo histórico y estudiar cómo los cambios introducidos y sobre todo, la supresión de la publicidad ha afectado a la compañía; especialmente en su financiación, programación y producción de contenidos. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se han utilizado fuentes primarias procedentes de documentación interna de la corporación y fuentes secundarias como artículos científicos y noticias de prensa. La perspectiva del estudio es principalmente económica

    The Transformation of Public TV Companies into Digital Services at the BBC and RTVE

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    Some authors question the existence of public television companies in the new environment of digitalization, Internet proliferation, growing competition and audience segmentation. However, others believe they should act as a driving force in the process of convergence and even that the new media present an opportunity to redefine the public broadcasting service (PBS) remit. The current challenge for the public media companies is to deliver their content through the maximum number of devices, not only via television sets but also broadband and mobile devices. Over the years, the BBC has adapted to new market situations and has implemented solutions that have been adopted by other public and private broadcasters around the world. The objective of this article is to show how the BBC has taken up the leadership of transforming public TV companies into online services in order to maintain market share; and how it has influenced Spain’s public TV broadcaster, RTVE. The methodology is based on internal and external documents of both corporations, and the findings are complemented by interviews with online service managers at RTVE. We conclude that these public companies have adapted their activities to the new technologies and have developed interactive services to reinforce their public service mission

    Jin DAL YONG. De-convergence of global media industries. Routledge, New York, 2013, 169 pp.

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    Some viable models for digital public-interest journalism

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    The supply of public interest journalism that serves the needs of citizens in a democratic society has always been scarce in the media marketplace when compared with sensationalism, gossip, entertainment, propaganda, and misinformation. This scarce commodity, whose market value lies in its credibility and depends on costly investments of time and money in professional research, has frequently required a subsidy, which for more than a century was provided by advertising. Now that this subsidy has mostly been devoured by technological platforms such as Google and Facebook, the industry and profession are developing new models focused on user needs and wants with a trend toward public service rather than profit. This paper uses deductive and critical methodologies to identify the most promising business models used by media companies to counteract the decline in public-interest journalism. Our proposal is that an appropriate business model can be the best way to revitalize media companies. The research is based on Chesbrough’s business model framework applied to 20 leading digital news publications from 16 countries. In addition, we analyze how Covid-19 has impacted those business models

    Influence of news interest, payment of digital news, and primary news sources in media trust. A moderated mediation model

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    This study investigated the mediating effect of the primary type of news source used by audiences on the relationship between inter-est in news and media trust. In addition, this study explored the moderating role of payments for digital news. Based on 12,252 respondents from six countries (the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Spain, Germany, and Finland), the study confirms that the type of news source chosen by audiences significantly mediates the relationship between interest and media trust. This mediation is not moderated by the payments for digital news. Furthermore, there is no direct association between payment and media trust, although data shows that direct effect of interest in media trust is slightly moderated by payment for digital new

    Testing caffeic acid as a natural antioxidant in functional fish-fibre restructured products

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    7 páginas, 4 figuras, 5 tablasThe antioxidant effectiveness of caffeic acid addition to minced fish muscle with or without wheat dietary fibre added was studied. Wheat dietary fibre showed a significant prooxidant effect on minced fish muscle during chilled storage that was significantly inhibited in presence of 100 mg/kg caffeic acid. In samples containing caffeic acid and wheat dietary fibre, lipid oxidation was completely inhibited after 10 days. Results obtained from the instrumental texture profile analysis showed that the inclusion of wheat dietary fibre with or without caffeic acid lowered the texture profile analysis parameters. Caffeic acid did not render any changes on the water binding capacity. These results prove that caffeic acid can be successfully used as a natural antioxidant in wheat dietary fibre minced fish restructured products.This work was performed within the Integrated Research Project SEAFOODplus, contract No FOOD-CT-2004-506359 and the research project AGL2006-26016-E/GAN. The [partial] financing of this work by the European Union and the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Thirty Years is Really Something

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    The Impact of the Recession on the TV Industry in Mexico and Spain

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    The impact of the recession has been different in media market in America and Europe. In most Latin American countries, advertising revenue has not decreased as dramatically as in Europe. Spain is one of the European countries in which the recession has hit hardest and, as a result, the media market, mainly free to air TV, has been strongly affected. In contrast, the recession has not affected the Mexican market so profoundly, because its television market does not depend exclusively on advertising. Mexico has historically been regarded as a net exporter in the audiovisual market. The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of the recession on the television market of two countries, Mexico and Spain, and to identify some keys to overcome the consequences of the global recession from market and media management points of view. Although they are very different countries, they share a common language and may become competitors in the international markets. A number of microeconomic indicators are compared, such as media advertising investment, the economic performance of media companies and the international sales of television programs, as well as macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the inflation rate from 2005 (two years prior to the beginning of the crisis) to 2010. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El impacto de la recesión ha sido muy diferente en el mercado de los medios en América y en Europa. En los países latinoamericanos, la inversión publicitaria no ha disminuido tanto como en Europa. España ha sido uno de los países europeos en los que la recesión ha sido más fuerte y ha afectado al mercado de la televisión en abierto. Por el contrario, el impacto en México ha sido diferente. La razón principal es que su televisión no depende exclusivamente de los ingresos de publicidad. Las exportaciones a otros países siempre ha sido una importante fuente de ingresos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el alcance de la recesión en el mercado de la televisión en México y en España, e identificar las posibles claves para superar la crisis desde la perspectiva del mercado y de las compañías. A pesar de ser países diferentes, México y España tienen en común el idioma y compiten en la venta internacional de sus productos audiovisuales. Se compararán algunas variables como son la inversión publicitaria, los resultados económicos de las compañías, las ventas internacionales, así como indicadores macroeconómicos que servirán para entender las dimensiones globales de la crisis. El periodo de análisis es de 2005 a 2010

    Advertising self-regulation activity: A Comparison between Spain and US

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    This study evaluates the activity of the Spain’s advertising self-regulatory system, Autocontrol, from 2005-2009. The cases analyzed were coded according to product category, challenger, media, Autocontrol and advertiser response, codes and laws involved and basic principles addressed. Results were compared to the activity developed by Autocontrol during the last nineties and to the US case. Ramos (2001) analyzed the cases attended by AACC from 1996-2000 and Armstrong and Ozanne’s (1983) did something similar with the American Association. The findings point to more active participation of consumer organizations and consumers in Spain, as compared to that in U.S. and the years before