1,781 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The introduction of new technologies leads to a more and more complex interactive systems design. In order to describe the future interactive system, the human computer interaction domain uses specific models, design processes and tools in order to represent, create, store and manipulate models. The aim of our work is to provide a theoretical conceptual approach to facilitate the work of model designers and project managers by helping them in choosing processes, models and modeling environments adapted to their specific needs. This paper details the use of a service-oriented approach for model management. Our proposals are related to three different abstract levels: the operational level to choose the appropriate modelling tool, the organisational level to select a design process and the intentional level to define modelling goals. Keywords: HCI, model, service, model management, modeling tools, modeling services. Un enfoque basado en servicios para sistemas inform\ub4aticos interactivos RESUMEN Un enfoque basado en servicios para sistemas inform\ue1ticos interactivos La introducci\uf3n de nuevas tecnolog\uedas conduce a un dise\uf1o de sistemas interactivos cada vez m\ue1s complejo. Para describir el futuro sistema interactivo, el dominio de la interacci\uf3n humano-computador usa modelos espec\uedficos, procesos de dise\uf1o y herramientas para representar, crear, almacenar y manipular modelos. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es proporcionar un enfoque te\uf3rico-conceptual para facilitar el trabajo de los dise\uf1adores de modelos y jefes de proyectos, ayud\ue1ndoles en la selecci\uf3n de procesos, modelos y ambientes de modelado adaptados a sus necesidades especificas. Este art\uedculo detalla el empleo de una propuesta a base de servicios para la gesti\uf3n de modelos. Nuestras proposiciones se fundamentan sobre tres niveles de abstracci\uf3n: el nivel operacional para escoger la herramienta de modelaje adecuada, el nivel organizacional para seleccionar un proceso de dise\uf1o y el nivel intencional para los objetivos de modelaje. Palabras claves del Autor: Interacci\uf3n humano-computador, gesti\uf3n de modelos, herramientas de modelaje, servicios de modelaje.<br

    The Itzykson-Zuber Integral for U(m|n)

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    We compute the Itzykson-Zuber (IZ) integral for the superunitary group U(m|n). As a consequence, we are able to find the non-zero correlations of superunitary matricesComment: Latex, 16 page

    Algorithmic Efficiency of Stroke Gesture Recognizers: a Comparative Analysis

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    Gesture interaction is today recognized as a natural, intuitive way to execute commands of an interactive system. For this purpose, several stroke gesture recognizers become more efficient in recognizing end-user gestures from a training set. Although the rate algorithms propose their rates of return there is a deficiency in knowing which is the most recommended algorithm for its use. In the same way, the experiments known by the most successful algorithms have been carried out under different conditions, resulting in non-comparable results. To better understand their respective algorithmic efficiency, this paper compares the recognition rate, the error rate, and the recognition time of five reference stroke gesture recognition algorithms, i.e., 1,1, P, Q,!FTL,andPennyPincher,onthreediversegesturesets,i.e.,NicIcon,HHReco,andUtopianoAlphabet,inauserindependentscenario.Similarconditionswereappliedtoallalgorithms,tobeexecutedunderthesamecharacteristics.Forthealgorithmsstudied,themethodagreedtoevaluatetheerrorrateandperformancerate,aswellastheexecutiontimeofeachofthesealgorithms.AsoftwaretestingenvironmentwasdevelopedinJavaScripttoperformthecomparativeanalysis.Theresultsofthisanalysishelprecommendingarecognizerwhereitturnsouttobethemostefficient.!FTL(NLSD)isthebestrecognitionrateandthemostefficientalgorithmfortheHHrecoandNicIcondatasets.However,PennyPincherwasthefasteralgorithmforHHrecodatasets.Finally,Q, !FTL, and Penny Pincher, on three diverse gesture sets, i.e., NicIcon, HHReco, and Utopiano Alphabet, in a user-independent scenario. Similar conditions were applied to all algorithms, to be executed under the same characteristics. For the algorithms studied, the method agreed to evaluate the error rate and performance rate, as well as the execution time of each of these algorithms. A software testing environment was developed in JavaScript to perform the comparative analysis. The results of this analysis help recommending a recognizer where it turns out to be the most efficient. !FTL (NLSD) is the best recognition rate and the most efficient algorithm for the HHreco and NicIcon datasets. However, Penny Pincher was the faster algorithm for HHreco datasets. Finally, 1 obtained the best recognition rate for the Utopiano Alphabet dataset

    Encuesta como instrumento de gestión del circulante

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    Se muestra cómo las encuestas se han convertido en una herramienta estadística importante en la gestión del circulante porque permiten conocer directamente la percepción del público sobre la calidad y abastecimiento de numerario.


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    A construção de materiais curriculares com base no que se conhece atualmente sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem, suportados com ideias cognitivistas e baseados na perspetiva construtivista (ensino por pesquisa) promove a compreensão profunda de conceitos científicos e de estratégias de investigação para abordar as necessidades individuais de cada aluno. A elaboração de materiais curriculares por professores e investigadores, aplicados a problemas ou contextos específicos, é um procedimento relativamente recente, ainda com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento. Este artigo dá conta do processo de conceção, construção e aplicação de materiais curriculares para o desenvolvimento de atividades exteriores à sala de aula, aplicados à Pedreira da Quinta do Moinho (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal). Considera-se a caraterização geológica desenvolvida, bem como os princípios psicopedagógicos apontados, sob a temática “exploração sustentada de recursos geológicos”. Os documentos destinam-se a alunos do 11.º ano de escolaridade, tendo sido aplicados em três escolas das regiões Centro e Norte de Portugal. Na avaliação dos materiais, os professores consideraram que estes permitiram construir uma atividade privilegiada para o alargamento e aprofundamento da literacia científica dos alunos. Os alunos declararam que os materiais associados à atividade de campo lhes promoveram competências associadas ao trabalho colaborativo, à resolução de problemas e ao trabalho laboratorial, além da sensibilização para o papel das Geociências na resolução de problemas ambientais


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    Abstract ∙ Cerro Hoya National Park in Panama (CHNP) is one of the least explored protected areas in southern Mesoamerica. It houses the greatest ecosystem diversity in the degraded Azuero Peninsula, but its inaccessibility hinders expeditions and scientific research. Avian richness in CHNP was previously estimated by combining data from five ornithological expeditions at ca. 225 species. However, the highest altitude areas remained relatively unexplored and some historical records were not verified. We intensively surveyed highlands and foothills of CHNP and identified five new range extensions. One of these included a Selasphorus sp., of which we collected three male (two adults, one immature) and one female specimens. We compared morphology and plumage color patterns of these with closely related species in detail and confirm their likely classification with the endangered Glow-throated Hummingbird (Selasphorus ardens). This species is rare, with few documented sightings, confirmed specimens, and no unambiguous female museum specimen until now. We also confirmed historical records and provide 26 unlisted species (one by an external source) to CHNP. Our results confirm that Cerro Hoya is a highly biodiverse skyisland of Mesoamerica. We urge improved enforcement of its protection in combination with further studies of the ecology and evolutionary processes in this unique region. Resumen · Censos ornitológicos en ambientes de altura en el Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya (Azuero, Panamá) revelan nuevas extensiones de distribución, incluyendo un inusual colibrí (Selasphorus sp.) El Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya (PNCH) es una de las áreas protegidas menos exploradas de Panamá y el sur de Mesoamérica. Este alberga la mayor diversidad de ecosistemas en la degradada península de Azuero, pero su inaccesibilidad dificulta la investigación científica. Combinando datos de cinco expediciones ornitológicas, se estimó una riqueza aviar de alrededor de 225 especies. No obstante, las áreas de mayor altitud permanecieron relativamente inexploradas y algunos registros históricos no fueron verificados. Exploramos intensivamente las tierras altas y estribaciones del PNCH e identificamos cinco nuevas extensiones de distribución. Uno de estos incluye Selasphorus sp., del cual colectamos tres especímenes machos (dos adultos, un juvenil) y una hembra. Comparamos detalladamente la morfología y los patrones de coloración del plumaje con especímenes de especies relacionadas estrechamente. Confirmamos que estos individuos podrían pertenecer al amenazado Colibrí Ardiente (Selasphorus ardens). Esta especie es rara, con pocos avistamientos y especímenes de museo con información inconsistente, principalmente en hembras. También confirmamos los registros históricos y agregamos 26 especies no listadas para el PNCH (una obtenida por fuente externa). Nuestros resultados confirman que Cerro Hoya es una isla-cielo de gran biodiversidad en Mesoamérica. Es urgente mejorar la aplicación de su protección, así como estudiar la ecología y los procesos evolutivos en esta región única

    Correcta aplicación de la normativa sobre inimputabilidad de los delitos cometidos por adolescentes, tramitados en el Juzgado penal unipersonal supraprovincial de la provincia de Chepén, durante el año 2015

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivoprincipal: analizar las distorsiones, deficiencias, carencias y empirismos normativos en la aplicación de la normatividad en los procesos sobre inimputabilidad de los delitos cometidos por adolescentes, tramitados en el juzgado penal unipersonal supraprovincial de la provincia de Chepén, durante el año 2015, mediante un análisis predominantemente cualitativo, como base para proponer recomendaciones que contribuyan a una correcta aplicación de la normativa vigente. La metodología aplicada fue el enfoque cualitativo, con el tipo de investigación descriptivo, los métodos usados fueron el hermenéutico y el exegético, en tanto que los métodos auxiliares fueron el analítico-sintético, el hipotético-deductivo. La técnica de recopilación de datos que se empleo fue la encuestas y el análisis documental, recopilando conceptos básicos de la doctrina interna y externa. La estadística aplicada es una estadística básica descriptiva sustentada en el uso de tablas y porcentajes Este estudio ha permitido concluir que la aplicación de la normativa sobre inimputabilidad de los delitos cometidos por adolescentes, se ve afectada por la presencia de empirismos normativos y aplicativos, deficiencias y distorsiones que inciden en una inadecuada aplicación de la normatividad en los procesos sobre inimputabilidad de los delitos cometidos por adolescentes, tramitados en el juzgado penal unipersonal supraprovincial de la provincia de Chepén, durante el año 2015.Tesi

    A Characterization of Ultrasonic Full Angle Spatial Compounding as a Possible Alternative for Breast Cancer Screening

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    10 páginas, 10 figuras, 1 tabla.Breast cancer screening is based on X-ray mammography, while ultrasound is considered a comple- mentary technique with improved detection in dense tissue. However, breast cancer screening requires a technique that provides repeatable results at the inspection interval which cannot be achieved with manual breast exploration. During the last years there have appeared several approaches to overcome this limitation by means of automated ultrasonic tomography performed with motorized probes or with a large set of array trans- ducers. This work addresses these problems by considering a quite simple and low-cost arrangement, formed with a ring of conventional medical-grade array probes which are multiplexed to the electronics to build Full Angle Spatially Compounded (FASC) images. The work analyzes the performance of such arrange- ment in terms of resolution and isotropy, showing by numerical modelling and experimentally that it provides high resolution and homogeneity in the whole imaged region. The implementation of this technique would provide more than one circular FASC per second and a whole breast volume image in 1–2 minutes with conventional technology, a process fast enough to be clinically useful. Moreover, the automated technique is repeatable and can be used by the clinician to perform immediately the diagnosis without requiring additional data processingThis work has been supported by the project DPI2013-42236-R founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the project S2013/MIT-3024 funded by the Madrid Community and the EUPeer reviewe

    A service-oriented approach for model management

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    International audienceIn the Software Engineering (SE) domain, the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm focuses on using models as main software artifacts to provide a full description of software systems and on automating model manipulation with tools. Model management concerns a set of features allowing representing, creating, storing and manipulating models. Nowadays, the needs of models designers in terms of management process and products are diverse. Modeling tools are not complete because there is no consensus about models needs and uses. To remedy the heterogeneity and the functional limitations of models management tools, we propose a service-oriented approach for model management for the creation of modeling environments adapted to the needs of designers. The considered needs are related in two abstract levels: the operational and the organizational level