452 research outputs found

    Gender-specific aspects of epidemiology, molecular genetics and outcome: lung cancer.

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    Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide in women and men. In incidence, lung cancer ranks second, surpassed by breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. However, the historical differences in mortality and incidence rate between both sexes have changed in the last years. In the last decades, we have also witnessed an increased number of lung cancer in female never-smokers. These disparities have grown our interest in studying the impact of the gender and sex in the presentation of lung cancer. The aetiology is yet to be fully elucidated, but the data are clear so far: there is a growing divide between lung cancer presentation in women and men that will change our management and study of lung cancer. This article aims to review the sex and gender differences in lung cancer

    Reconstruction of noisy signals by minimization of non-convex functionals

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    Non-convex functionals have shown sharper results in signal reconstruction as compared to convex ones, although the existence of a minimum has not been established in general. This paper addresses the study of a general class of either convex or non-convex functionals for denoising signals which combines two general terms for fitting and smoothing purposes, respectively. The first one measures how close a signal is to the original noisy signal. The second term aims at removing noise while preserving some expected characteristics in the true signal such as edges and fine details. A theoretical proof of the existence of a minimum for functionals of this class is presented. The main merit of this result is to show the existence of minimizer for a large family of non-convex functionals.The rst author gratefully acknowledges many helpful discussion with Professor H. Frid from IMPA. Also thanks the Promeps Project that support this work. The second author is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the grant TIN2013-46522-P, and to the Generalitat Valenciana for the grant PROMETEOII/2014/062

    Density-functional study of defects in two-dimensional circular nematic nanocavities

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    We use density--functional theory to study the structure of two-dimensional defects inside a circular nematic nanocavity. The density, nematic order parameter, and director fields, as well as the defect core energy and core radius, are obtained in a thermodynamically consistent way for defects with topological charge k=+1k=+1 (with radial and tangential symmetries) and k=+1/2k=+1/2. An independent calculation of the fluid elastic constants, within the same theory, allows us to connect with the local free--energy density predicted by elastic theory, which in turn provides a criterion to define a defect core boundary and a defect core free energy for the two types of defects. The radial and tangential defects turn out to have very different properties, a feature that a previous Maier--Saupe theory could not account for due to the simplified nature of the interactions --which caused all elastic constants to be equal. In the case with two k=+1/2k=+1/2 defects in the cavity, the elastic r\'egime cannot be reached due to the small radii of the cavities considered, but some trends can already be obtained.Comment: 9 figures. Accepted for publication in liquid crystal

    Context based configuration management system

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    A computer-based system for configuring and displaying information on changes in, and present status of, a collection of events associated with a project. Classes of icons for decision events, configurations and feedback mechanisms, and time lines (sequential and/or simultaneous) for related events are displayed. Metadata for each icon in each class is displayed by choosing and activating the corresponding icon. Access control (viewing, reading, writing, editing, deleting, etc.) is optionally imposed for metadata and other displayed information

    Effect of Stocking Rate and Grazing System on Fine and Superfine Merino Wool Production and Quality on Native Swards of Uruguay

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    Modern textile tendencies show that consumers prefer light, soft, resistant, natural, and comfortable clothes, for which fine and superfine wools are in great demand, particularly at the high value markets (Whiteley, 2003). The main objective of the present study was to define sustainable stocking rates and grazing systems on native swards for fine and superfine wool production in the Basaltic region of Uruguay

    An Automat for the Semantic Processing of Structured Information

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    Using the database of the PuertoTerm project, an indexing system based on the cognitive model of Brigitte Enders was built. By analyzing the cognitive strategies of three abstractors, we built an automat that serves to simulate human indexing processes. The automat allows the texts integrated in the system to be assessed, evaluated and grouped by means of the bipartite spectral graph partitioning algorithm, which also permits visualization of the terms and the documents. The system features an ontology and a database to enhance its operativity. As a result of the application, we achieved better rates of exhaustivity in the indexing of documents, as well as greater precision and retrieval of information, with high levels of efficiency.Comment: IEEE Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009. ISDA '09. Ninth International Conference on Date of Conference: Nov. 30 2009-Dec. 2 2009, Page(s): 85 - 8

    Gait recognition from corrupted silhouettes: a robust statistical approach

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    This paper introduces a method based on robust statistics to build reliable gait signatures from averaging silhouette descriptions, mainly when gait sequences are affected by severe and persistent defects. The term robust refers to the ability of reducing the impact of silhouette defects (outliers) on the average gait pattern, while taking advantage of clean silhouette regions. An extensive experimental framework was defined based on injecting three types of realistic defects (salt and pepper noise, static occlusion, and dynamic occlusion) to clean gait sequences, both separately in an easy setting and jointly in a hard setting. The robust approach was compared against two other operation modes: (1) simple mean (weak baseline) and (2) defect exclusion (strong benchmark). Three gait representation methods based on silhouette averaging were used: Gait Energy Image (GEI), Gradient Histogram Energy Image (GHEI), and the joint use of GEI and HOG descriptors. Quality of gait signatures was assessed by their discriminant power in a large number of gait recognition tasks. Nonparametric statistical tests were applied on recognition results, searching for significant differences between operation modes.This work has been supported by the grants P1-1B2012-22 and PREDOC/2012/05 from Universitat Jaume I, PROMETEOII/2014/062 from Generalitat Valenciana, and TIN2013-46522-P from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Direct determination of Pb isotope ratios in archaeological materials by coupling liquid chromatography to multicollector ICP-MS

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    A procedure for the determination of Pb isotope ratios by coupling liquid chromatography to a multicollector ICP-MS has been developed. The procedure allows the direct injection of samples after dissolution without resorting to time-consuming off-line separation procedures. The separation of Pb from concomitant elements is carried out by anionic exchange as ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelates using EDTA and ammonium nitrate as a mobile phase. A flow injection system allows the injection of NIST 981 Pb isotopic standard, before and after the Pb peak from the sample, and the on-line addition of Tl for mass bias correction and bracketing. The procedure was validated by injecting NIST 981 into the chromatographic system and by comparing the results for real samples with the classical off-line separation procedure using Pb spec resins. The optimised procedure was applied to archaeological samples containing different concentrations of Pb. It was observed that the only limitation to the accuracy of the procedure was the concentration of Pb in the samples as no preconcentration is performed. Solid archaeological samples containing at least 500 μg g−1 of Pb can be studied using the proposed procedure